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This paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment in which probability weighting functions for risky gains were elicited non-parametrically in over 500 incentivized subjects. I compared probability weights for monetary rewards to two less fungible domains involving vouchers for different types of consumption, inducing stronger or weaker (positive) emotions. The level of stakes was also manipulated. I found that the probability to win monetary rewards was weighted almost linearly in the high stakes condition, the probability to win vouchers associated with stronger positive affect was underweighted and the probability to win affect-poor vouchers was strongly underweighted. Substantial underweighting also prevailed in all three domains in the low stakes condition.  相似文献   



This study investigated the relationship between risk-taking behavior and academic self-efficacy and problematic internet use in adolescent university students and whether problematic internet use varies according to the variables of gender, possession of a computer and living with the family.


The study was performed with 556 students from the Karadeniz Technical University Fatih Faculty of Education in Turkey. The Problematic Internet Use Scale, the Adolescent Risk-Taking Questionnaire, the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale and Personal Information Collection Form were used in the collection of data.


Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between problematic internet use and risk-taking behavior (r = .37, p < .01) and a significant negative correlation between problematic internet use and academic self-efficacy (r = − .12, p < .05). Multiple regression analysis revealed that risk-taking behavior and academic self-efficacy accounted for 14% of total problematic internet use variance (F(2,553) = 46.11, p < .05). The individual contribution to the model of risk-taking (β = .37) and academic self-efficacy (β = − .09) is significant. Our results also showed that university adolescents' problematic internet use scores vary by gender (t = − 4.90, p < .05) and possession or otherwise of a computer (t = 3.10, p < .05), but not on the basis of whether they live with their families (t = − .13, p > .05).


Risk-taking behavior and academic self-efficacy emerged as significant predictors of problematic internet use.  相似文献   

74 entrepreneurs, graduates and non-graduates, are tested at two time points in a matched group design. Data are obtained on a wide range of personal and environmental characteristics and uncertainty. Role of time and education in performance is analyzed. Uncertainty is predicted by using characteristics in the personal and perceived environment domain as predictors. Analysis does not support the hypothesis of relationship between change in time and performance of entrepreneurs. Differences in level of education are found to be related to variations in performance. Entrepreneur's uncertainty is found to be best predicted by combining the predictors in the personal and perceived environment categories, rather than each taken separately.  相似文献   

Based on the growing evidence on caring and enduring relationships displayed by species across the evolutionary ladder, the ubiquity and importance of environmental uncertainty faced by all organisms, and the adaptational principle that learning may involve preference learning besides instrumental reinforcement learning, this paper proposes a novel information theoretic model of affective bonding, focusing on humans. A special case of the proposed “informational affective tie mechanism” (iATM) turns out to be the model of Bault, Fahrenfort, Pelloux, Ridderinkhof, and van Winden: An affective social tie mechanism, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2017, 61, 152–175. In further contrast to the latter model, the iATM model allows for the role of multiple contexts and distributed attention. Moreover, it provides a dynamic, context related, endogenous representation of the well-known social value orientation construct, facilitating the propagation of caring as observed in the literature. Empirical support is provided along different dimensions. Although the model is not estimated in full detail, a necessary condition regarding its parameters is shown to be fulfilled. Furthermore, experimental findings concerning various well-known games can be tracked under plausible calibration. In addition, the mechanism can be linked to neurobiological evidence concerning maternal (and paternal) care – as the presumed primordial caregiving system – and the signaling role of oxytocin. Finally, the evidence concerning non-human species is addressed, as well as the role of norms and reciprocity.  相似文献   


Objective: To investigate associations between risk in family environments and health-relevant outcomes in college and the role of loneliness. Participants: College students at a state university (N?=?360). Methods: We utilized linear regression to examine relationships between risk in family environments and loneliness, perceived stress, affect, and self-rated health. We tested for indirect effects of risk in family environments on outcomes through loneliness Results: Analyses showed that risk in family environments associated with loneliness (β?=?0.12 t[358]?=?2.22, p = .03, R2 change = .02), perceived social stress (β?=?0.20, t[357]?=?3.88, p?<?0.001, R2 change = .04), negative and positive affect (β?=?2.44, t[357]?=?3.95, p < .001, R2 change = .04), and (β = –0.18 t[357]= –3.44, p = .001, R2 change = .03 respectively), and self-rated health (β?=?0.19, t[359]?=?4.57, p < .001, R2 change = .10). Significant indirect effects were observed for risk in early family on all outcomes through loneliness. Conclusion: These findings provide initial evidence that risk in childhood family environments may negatively affect health by increasing loneliness in college students.  相似文献   

This paper examines the affective dimensions of new forms of informal entrepreneurial work carried out in spaces of unemployment. Situating the analysis within contemporary scholarship on deservingness and on affect and labour, I shed light on the forms of entrepreneurial labour that rely upon affect‐driven economies of exchange underpinned by moral judgements of deservingness, value and worth. In particular, this paper draws on a multi‐city (Melbourne, London, San Francisco) study of homeless street press sellers (The Big Issue and Street Sheet) to explore the ways in which contemporary practices of charity and care are carried out through individualized market‐place exchanges. Sellers’ accounts of their work reveal how smiling and being (or looking) happy is a performative expectation that must be managed in the face of poverty and precarity.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to investigate the relation between Non-Profit Organizations (NP) and immigration. In particular, we examine the services offered to immigrants in Italy and Spain, both noted for their similar patterns of migration. In these countries immigration is characterised by a lack of the so-called “real” (not just legislative) measures that take the needs of immigrants into consideration. Even though emergency policies exist to meet various contingencies, lack of awareness of population movements is probably behind the “absence” of the state.The hypothetic and causal connection between the NP sector and immigration will be studied using selected data. The positive results of the analysis are the first stage in considering the possible substitution of state institutions by the NP sector, with regard to immigrants.  相似文献   

There is a growing literature examining the way service users make choices in the context of complex and frequently changing forms of welfare provision and increasingly personalised services in England. Despite criticisms of the individualistic, consumerist assumptions underpinning these policies, little is known about the relational contexts of individuals’ lives and the role of professional support in choice-making. Drawing on interviews with ‘key professionals’, identified by service users as having played a crucial role in recent important choices, this paper explores how these choices are made with the support of those who are trusted to provide assistance. Placing ‘key professionals’ at the centre of the analysis, the distinct experiences of people with fluctuating and sudden-onset health conditions are examined. The analysis highlights the particular value of relationships that pay close attention to transitional health identities and the co-production of health-related decisions.  相似文献   

The disproportionate out-of-school suspension of Black students is a persistent racial and social justice issue nationwide. We approached this issue sensitized by social construction and critical race theories. Thirty-one youth, 28 caregivers and 19 educators participated in in-depth, semi-structured audio recorded interviews. Most participants viewed racial bias and cultural differences as responsible for the disproportionate suspension of Black youth. Many highlighted educators' negative attitudes toward Black students. Students and caregivers argued that Black students are treated more harshly than White students and are targeted as disciplinary problems. These perspectives suggest that racial bias results in a school culture that pathologizes Black students and their families. Educators also described challenges to responding to student misbehavior including the cultural diversity of the Black student population and their disproportionate exposure to social problems such as poverty that impact school engagement. We discuss implications for how social workers may support the partnering of caregivers, educators and community members to reduce racial bias in schools.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine the moderating effects of subjective sleep quality (SSQ) and sleep duration on the relationships between mindfulness and health behaviors (i.e. nutrition and exercise) among undergraduate students. The unique influence of the five facets (i.e. factors) of mindfulness (i.e. observing, describing, acting with awareness, nonreactivity to inner experience and nonjudging of inner experience) on students’ health behaviors was also explored. Participants: Three hundred fifty seven undergraduate students enrolled in U.S. colleges. Methods: Students completed an online survey. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine whether SSQ moderated the relationship between mindfulness and nutrition behavior. Results: SSQ moderated the relationship between mindfulness and nutrition behavior. The observe facet of mindfulness was the most predictive of nutrition behavior, whereas the observe and describe facets were the most predictive of exercise behavior. Conclusions: Interventions that target mindfulness and sleep quality may help promote healthy eating and increased exercise engagement in college students.  相似文献   

In contemporary societies, adolescents' individuation is largely staged within the educational system, and is defined by several schooling options. This is particularly true when young people reach upper secondary education, as this transition implies the definition of a personal project. In the Portuguese context, authenticity is linked to the ‘obligation’ of choosing – by means of a compulsory vocational choice. To define a personal project that gives studies a meaning becomes a problem pupils have to deal with. Supported on empirical data based on in‐depth interviews to pupils attending 10th and 12th years of upper secondary education in Portuguese public schools, this article discusses some of these issues. Specially, we intend to explore pupils' obligation to exhibit their autonomy by choosing a school path with the awareness of risks that may emerge along with their options.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to examine the mediating relationship of proactive coping on self-blame and stress among US undergraduate college students. Participants: The sample of undergraduate college students (n?=?261) were recruited through their Introduction to Psychology course and registered for the study through a research-based computer program utilized at the university in the fall 2010 and spring 2011 semesters. Methods: Participants voluntarily completed a battery of self-report questionnaires that measured self-blame, proactive coping, and stress. Correlation and regression-based mediation analyses were utilized to address the study objectives. Demographic differences were explored using comparative analyses. Results: Proactive coping was identified as a mediator between self-blame and stress. Correlation analyses revealed self-blame, proactive coping, and stress were interrelated with one another. Ethnicity differences were observed on proactive coping. Conclusions: Proactive coping mediated the relationship between self-blame and stress and was negatively related to the other included behavioral constructs.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to observe the influence of autonomic arousal on subsequent gambling behavior. Thirty-seven male and 32 female regular Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) players were recruited through newspaper advertisements. Participants were randomly assigned to either: (1) a control condition, or (2) an experimental condition that introduced a loud white-noise event (80 db) at fixed 120 s intervals throughout the 5-min EGM gambling session. Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) measurements showed that the manipulation was successful in elevating autonomic arousal. The results showed differences in behavioral response to the manipulation based on prior experience with gambling problems. Persons with many gambling problems had lower average bet-sizes in the white-noise condition compared to the control, while those with few or no problems had higher average bet-sizes. The results suggest that arousal may provide different signals to gamblers with few versus many problems. Gamblers with many problems may interpret their arousal as a sign that they will soon lose money, while gamblers with few or no problems may associate feelings of arousal exclusively with winning.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the current study was to explore the role of apathy and personal insecurity in risk-taking behavior among university students. Furthermore, it examined the influence of socio-economic factors (such as age, gender, and education) on risk-taking behavior. For this purpose, 882 university students elicited their responses through self-structured questionnaire. Factor analysis and reliability analysis were applied to test the reliability, validity, and robustness of scales. Bivariate analysis was used to test hypothesis, independent T-test was used to examine the differences in categories of risk-taking behavior, and multiple linear regression was used to scrutinize model fit. There was association between apathy, personal insecurity, socio-economic characteristics (such as gender, education, and father education) and risk-taking behavior of the university students. The current study would add to empirical foundation to build a theoretical framework of risk-taking behavior based on education, age, income, and residential background. This study contributes to the academic scholarship by explaining individual differences based on socio-economic status in prediction of risk-taking behavior. Furthermore, it provides a different theoretical insight and logical explanation of risk-taking propensity for constructs of apathy and personal insecurity. To the best knowledge of the researchers, it is first study to explain the association apathy, personal insecurity and risk-taking behavior through quantification of data among resourceful group of youth.  相似文献   

This paper addresses gender differences in the social capital of entrepreneurs in a developing country. Social networks are often an important asset for accessing resources; however, they may also be a liability in developing countries, since entrepreneurs are often expected to support their contacts. Using a recent survey among urban and rural Ugandan entrepreneurs, we focus on the financial resources that entrepreneurs can obtain from their contacts on the one hand, and requests for financial support made to the entrepreneurs from these contacts on the other hand. Our results show that there are gender differences associated with access to, and requests for, financial resources.  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing (MI), an evidence-based approach with empathy as a key principle, effectively addresses client concerns found in the child welfare population. Training social workers in MI, and to be empathic, would increase the likelihood of better service delivery. Live supervision (LS) is a form of training that provides real-time feedback by clinical supervisors. This randomized comparison trial compared the effectiveness of LS or Teaching as Usual (TAU) on empathy in 54 MSW and BSW social work students. TAU involved students receiving online modules and assigned readings. Data were collected at baseline, after the interventions, and at five months follow-up. Differences in perceived empathy and empathic behaviors were measured by the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) and Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ). The study also assessed whether demographic variables or perceived empathy (TEQ) predicted empathic behaviors (MITI). Results indicate that, while both groups improved on empathy as measured by the MITI and TEQ, the LS group demonstrated more improvement. Demographic variables had no impact on empathy. The TEQ and MITI also did not demonstrate predictability suggesting the complexity of measuring empathy. The implications for social work education and future training are discussed.  相似文献   

Diane Stone 《Globalizations》2019,16(7):1128-1144

The ‘policy entrepreneur’ concept arises from the Multiple Streams’ theory of agenda setting in Policy Studies. Through conceptual stretching’, the concept is extended to global policy dynamics. Unlike ‘advocacy networks’ and ‘norm entrepreneurs’, the discussion addresses the strategies of ‘insider’ or ‘near-governmental’ non-state actors. The analysis advances the policy entrepreneur concept in three directions. First, the discussion develops the transnational dimensions of this activity through a case study of International Crisis Group. Second, rather than focusing on charismatic individuals, the discussion emphasizes the importance of organizational resources and reputations for policy entrepreneurship and access into international policy communities. Organizations maintain momentum behind policy solutions and pressures for change over the long term when individuals retire or depart for other positions. Third, the discussion outlines four distinct entrepreneur strategies and techniques that both individuals and organizations cultivate and deploy to enhance their power and persuasion in global policy processes and politics.  相似文献   

We examined which type of social account (denying responsibility versus apologizing) following an unfair offer makes recipients more likely to accept the offer in ultimatum bargaining. We identified stress responses to uncertainty as an individual difference factor that should moderate the relative effectiveness of these social accounts. A denial should make acceptance of an unfair offer more likely among recipients who respond to uncertainty with low stress. An apology should make such acceptance more likely among recipients who respond with high stress. Further, we argued that this cross-over interaction should be observed particularly among recipients interacting with a high power allocator. Two ultimatum bargaining experiments supported these ideas. Employing the perspective of victims of unfairness, the present research identifies a relevant individual difference moderator of the effectiveness of social accounts in bargaining situations and identifies power as a situational variable that promotes the expression of this factor.  相似文献   

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