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今年以来,莱芜市按照国家、省加强服务业统计工作的文件精神,将加强部门服务业统计工作作为全年创新目标,强化三个机制,推动四个创新,充分发挥服务业主管部门和统计部门各自的优势,利用网上直报等先进手段,加强对行业统计工作的指导力度,初步建立起了覆盖全行业的部门服务业统计调查体系。强化三个机制:一是联席会议机制。莱芜市政府办公室专门下发了《关于加强部门服务业统计工作的通知》,建立了由25个部门组成的全市服务业统计工作领导小组,  相似文献   

一、近年来服务业统计工作的简要回顾 (一)逐步完善服务业统计体系 一是建立服务业统计调查制度。省统计局在深入调查研究,广泛征求各地、各部门意见的基础上,结合国家现有服务业统计调查制度和浙江实际,于2007年建立了符合我省服务业发展要求的统计调查制度,各市也陆续建立了相应的制度。出台了鼓励工业企业分离发展服务业的政策措施,及时将重点分离服务业单位纳入服务业统计调查制度并开展监测。  相似文献   

服务业统计越来越受到国家和统计部门的重视,按照盟县两级政府及盟统计局的部署,突泉县统计局就服务业统计工作作了有益的探索.现就突泉县服务业统计调查工作探索开展的情况,从中发现的问题,提出建立和完善县级服务业统计的思考、对策.……  相似文献   

一、2010年浙江省省级部门统计工作简要回顾1.积极配合全省生产总值核算工作。在我省GDP核算中,与部门统计相关的数据占30%左右,其中服务业增加值与部门统计相关的数据占近三分之二,所以在服务业增加值核算中,部门数据非常重要。目前GDP核算特别是第三产业  相似文献   

经省政府同意,省统计局于6月28日在宁召开了江苏省部门统计工作会议,近80个部门的统计负责人参加了会议。会议由省政府办公厅副主任王志忠主持,汤以伦局长代表省统计局在会上作了《适应形势,发挥作用,认真做好部门统计工作》的报告。省政府副秘书长张大强同志出席会议并作了重要讲话。会议结束时,王志忠副主任提出了四点要求:一要及时向主要领导汇报会议精神。部门统计工作很重要,是政府统计工作的重要组成部分。各有关部门、单位负责同志要高度重视统计工作。采取行之有效的措施,把对统计工作的重视和支持落实到行动上;二要认真开展服务业统计工作,做到机构、人员、经费三落实;三要根据省统计局的《江苏省服务业统计报表制度》的要求,抓紧制定本部门的实施方案和基础调查制度,做好调查制度的布置、培训等工作,保证服务业统计工作的顺利推进,要按时报送有关资料,确保资料质量;四要认真做好部门统计调查项目清理的有关准备工作。现将张大强副秘书长和汤以伦局长讲话刊载如下。  相似文献   

经省政府同意,省统计局于6月28日在宁召开了江苏省部门统计工作会议,近80个部门的统计负责人参加了会议。会议由省政府办公厅副主任王志忠主持,汤以伦局长代表省统计局在会上作了《适应形势,发挥作用,认真做好部门统计工作》的报告。省政府副秘书长张大强同志出席会议并作了重要讲话。会议结束时,王志忠副主任提出了四点要求:一要及时向主要领导汇报会议精神。部门统计工作很重要,是政府统计工作的重要组成部分。各有关部门、单位负责同志要高度重视统计工作。采取行之有效的措施,把对统计工作的重视和支持落实到行动上;二要认真开展服务业统计工作,做到机构、人员、经费三落实;三要根据省统计局的《江苏省服务业统计报表制度》的要求,抓紧制定本部门的实施方案和基础调查制度,做好调查制度的布置、培训等工作,保证服务业统计工作的顺利推进,要按时报送有关资料,确保资料质量;四要认真做好部门统计调查项目清理的有关准备工作。现将张大强副秘书长和汤以伦局长讲话刊载如下。  相似文献   

统计部门今后一个时期四项重点工作: 一是全力做好第二次全国经济普查的各项工作。 二是认真落实好重点统计改革措施,加快推进滨海新区统计、在地统计、服务业统计、社科统计改革步伐。  相似文献   

黄微分  高勇 《统计研究》2009,26(11):16-21
 服务业统计调查是我国统计调查体系中的一个薄弱环节,加快建立规范统一的服务业统计调查制度是促进服务业统计工作进一步发展、提高国民经济核算水平的迫切需要。本文在比较综合的基础上,对我国服务业统计调查工作的基本情况进行了归纳,对各级统计部门实施的服务业统计调查制度进行了对比分析,提出了规范我国服务业统计调查制度需要重点关注和解决的问题,并就进一步完善我国服务业统计调查制度提出了一些参考意见。  相似文献   

推动服务业大发展,是"十二五时期的重要战略部署,是加快转变经济发展方式的重要战略措施。推动服务业大发展,需要统计部门提供全面高质量的服务业统计数据。随着服务业发展规模的迅速扩张,作为政府综合统计重点攻坚方向的服务业统计工作,越来越受到政府和社会各界的重视。服务业统计已成为制定加快发展服务业政策措施、提高服务业管理水平与促进服务业快速健康发展的重要基础。现行的服务业统计不能满足国民经济核算的需要。因此,国家统计局于2012年2月在全国范围内开展服务业重点企业统计调查工作,调查对象为交通运输、仓储和邮政业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,租赁和商  相似文献   

中国服务业统计的现状及其改革与发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
一、服务业统计的现状我国现行的服务业统计主要采取常规性统计(年报、月报等 )和周期性普查两种形式 ,其中以常规性统计为主。常规性统计以部门统计为主 ,除部分服务业和某些统计指标由国家统计局负责外 ,其余的服务业常规性统计基本上都由有关行业管理部门和行业协会以及综合  相似文献   

This article describes our experience in, and recommendations for, teaching introductory statistics service courses to graduate students. Drawing on the student's research orientation, the instructor can present statistics as a valuable component of the scientific method, using examples from the student's particular discipline(s). Statistically qualified course instructors may be affiliated with statistics or other departments, and the course may be offered within any department. Course goals can range from training students to function independently as statistical analysts in future research to training students to consult a qualified statistician about design and analysis issues.  相似文献   

凌国平 《统计研究》2000,17(3):30-35
In the recent 20 years, the world service trade is developing at a fantastic speed, with its trade value taking more and more shares from the whole value of the global trade value. In this situation, service trade becomes a focus of the countries all over the world. And the developed countries, esp. USA, have changed their attention towards service trade from the goods trade and strengthened the statistics of the international service trade. This article, starting from the U.S. relevant definitions of the statistics on service, made a deep research on its classification, statistics facilities, statistical process and methodologies on “Selective service trade”, “Specialized service trade” and “Transportation”. In the second part, taking the development of world statistics on service trade as preference, the article made a comment on the US service trade statistics. In the rear part, as a conclusion of this article, what our country can learn from US is talked about.  相似文献   

In this department The American Statistician publishes articles, reviews, and notes of interest to teachers of the first mathematical statistics course and of applied statistics courses. The department includes the Accent on Teaching Materials section; suitable contents for the section are described under the section heading. Articles and notes for the department, but not intended specifically for the section, should be useful to a substantial number of teachers of the indicated types of courses or should have the potential for fundamentally affecting the way in which a course is taught.  相似文献   

李群 《统计教育》2003,(6):10-12
加入WTO后我国统计调查面临新的机遇和挑战。近年,统计调查的无限制在一些地方成了一种公害,其中各地政府部门统计也出现了“多、乱、陋、杂”现象,规范统计调查势在必行。规范统计调查,就是要完善统计系统,提高透明度,加速与国际经济制度接轨,在宏观经济统计上实行国际通行的标准。  相似文献   

An account of the life of the second Commonwealth Statistician, Charles Henry Wickens (1872–1939), has been given. After a primary school education in a Victorian country centre, Wickens became Associate of the Institute of Actuaries. Having joined the public service of Western Australia in 1897, he was appointed Compiler in the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics in 1906; he served as Commonwealth Statistician and Actuary, 1922 to 1932, giving outstanding service as government adviser and head of an important government department. He was a leader among theoretical and practical economists. His contributions to the study of Australian demography, especially life tables and vital statistics, were of the highest quality and permanent value. He made also scholarly contributions to actuarial theory and to the popularization of the work of the Bureau.  相似文献   


Longstanding concerns with the role and interpretation of p-values in statistical practice prompted the American Statistical Association (ASA) to make a statement on p-values. The ASA statement spurred a flurry of responses and discussions by statisticians, with many wondering about the steps necessary to expand the adoption of these principles. Introductory statistics classrooms are key locations to introduce and emphasize the nuance related to p-values; in part because they engrain appropriate analysis choices at the earliest stages of statistics education, and also because they reach the broadest group of students. We propose a framework for statistics departments to conduct a content audit for p-value principles in their introductory curriculum. We then discuss the process and results from applying this course audit framework within our own statistics department. We also recommend meeting with client departments as a complement to the course audit. Discussions about analyses and practices common to particular fields can help to evaluate if our service courses are meeting the needs of client departments and to identify what is needed in our introductory courses to combat the misunderstanding and future misuse of p-values.  相似文献   

Deciding what to include in this paper has been very difficult since there is so much that one could discuss concerning the development of statistics at Virginia Tech. I would like to acknowledge the report written by Boyd Harshbarger in 1972 after stepping down as department head. The report is an unpublished monograph titled STATISTICS and PERSONAL REMINISCENCES, VPI & SU, 1927-72. I have borrowed considerably from this report for early facts and incidents related to the early years of the department. These early years give, I believe, a good picture of how the department developed.

Though the department is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, statistics activities at VIRGINIA TECH that are related to Boyd Harshbarger actually started much earlier. We will therefore begin our review of the history in 1935, fourteen years before the formal beginning of the department.

The presentation will be broken into three time periods consisting of the EARLY YEARS (1935- 1972), the MIDDLE YEARS (1973-1999), and the FUTURE ERA (1999-infinity).  相似文献   

国际服务贸易统计方法制度研究(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际服务贸易是广义国际贸易的重要内容。国际服务贸易统计是社会经济统计的一个新的分支 ,在我国还处于起步阶段 ,尚无健全的方法制度。此文是对我国国际服务贸易统计方法制度的探索性研究 ,对国际服务贸易统计的重要意义、国际服务贸易的概念和统计原则、国际服务贸易的分类方法、指标体系、统计模式和实施步骤等问题提出了建设性的意见  相似文献   

Although the importance of statistics in many phases of university activities is well-known, many universities have not given serious thought to the optimum organizational structure for statistics. This article addresses this problem in two parts: 1. Principles and/or goals of optimum administrative structures for statistics, and 2. Discussion of the most popular organizational structures now in existence together with comments on the advantages and disadvantages of each. The article concludes that a central statistics unit (department) appears the most optimal structure, although it is not without certain disadvantages and/or dangers.  相似文献   

万寿桥  徐健 《统计研究》2001,18(8):49-51
一、对企业统计和企业统计改革的反思  近年来 ,为了满足企业对市场信息的需求 ,学术界及统计工作人员对企业统计的改革提出了很多建设性意见 ,其共同点都是在维护企业统计的前提下 ,对企业统计提出了越来越高的要求。但笔者认为 ,目前企业统计人员面临的局面越来越尴尬 ,企业统计有不断削弱的趋势。因此 ,不能不对企业统计和企业统计改革有关问题提出反思。(一 )企业统计不应该是行政记录统计的原始定义应该是社会经济总体现象数量方面的调查研究活动。西方发达国家在市场经济条件下形成的关于统计的概念与我国长期以来在高度集中的计划…  相似文献   

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