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王泽宇  李智  徐鹏 《统计研究》2016,(8):106-112
非整数值时间序列单位根检验研究已趋成熟,而整数值时间序列单位根检验则刚起步.本文主要采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法对INAR(1)模型单位根检验中的DF统计量和∑Tt=1=1I{△Xt<0}统计量进行了研究.研究发现:DF统计量渐近服从标准正态分布,有限样本情形下,该统计量的实际分布会受到样本容量与扰动项均值的影响;DF统计量不存在水平扭曲现象,能很好控制犯第一类错误的概率,由于数据生成特点,∑Tt=1I{△Xt<0}统计量犯第一类错误的概率始终为0;DF统计量和∑Tt=1I{△Xt<0}统计量的检验功效受到样本容量、自回归系数和扰动项均值的影响,多数情形下,∑Tt=1=1I{ △Xt<0}统计量的检验功效高于DF统计量.  相似文献   

对于包含近单整时间序列的预测模型,在进行Scheffe检验时由于内生性问题的影响,导致参数统计量的检验水平过于保守,由此也相应降低了检验功效。通过加入解释变量的超前项与滞后项差分项的动态方法进行修正,并对修正前后的统计量有限样本性质进行仿真比较,结果显示这一修正方法可以有效降低内生性问题对Scheffe检验结果的影响。在小样本条件下,经过修正的Scheffe检验不仅提高了统计量的检验功效,同时明显减少了检验水平的扭曲现象。  相似文献   

谭祥勇等 《统计研究》2021,38(2):135-145
部分函数型线性变系数模型(PFLVCM)是近几年出现的一个比较灵活、应用广泛的新模型。在实际应用中,搜集到的经济和金融数据往往存在序列相关性。如果不考虑数据间的相关性直接对其进行建模,会影响模型中参数估计的精度和有效性。本文主要研究了PFLVCM中误差的序列相关性的检验问题,基于经验似然,把标量时间序列数据相关性检验的方法拓展到函数型数据中,提出了经验对数似然比检验统计量,并在零假设下得到了检验统计量的近似分布。通过蒙特卡洛数值模拟说明该统计量在有限样本下有良好的水平和功效。最后,把该方法用于检验美国商业用电消费数据是否有序列相关性,证明该统计量的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

空间误差分量模型(Spatial Error Components,SEC)传统的空间相关性LM检验存在严重的水平扭曲和较低的检验功效,导致检验统计量失效.文章将Bootstrap方法应用于SEC模型的空间相关性LM检验,提高检验统计量的有效性.Monte Carlo模拟实验表明,Bootstrap LM检验的水平受误差项分布、空间权重矩阵和样本量影响较小,并且远优于渐近LM检验,具有理想的检验水平;渐近LM检验和Bootstrap LM检验的功效均随着空间相关性的增强,及样本量的增大而增大,但Bootstrap LM检验在各种情形下均具有更高的检验功效,尤其是样本量较小时.简言之,Bootstrap LM检验是SEC模型更为优越的空间相关性检验方法.  相似文献   

线性回归模型Bootstrap LM-Lag检验有效性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于OLS估计残差,将Bootstrap方法用于空间滞后相关LM-Lag检验。在不同的误差结构和空间权重矩阵条件下,比较Bootstrap LM-Lag检验和渐近检验的水平扭曲和功效。通过Monte Carlo实验表明,当误差项不服从经典正态分布假设时,LM-Lag渐近检验存在严重的水平扭曲,Bootstrap检验能够有效地校正水平扭曲,并且Bootstrap LM-Lag检验的功效与渐近检验近似;无论误差项是否服从正态分布,从水平扭曲和功效角度看,线性回归模型Bootstrap LM-Lag检验有效。  相似文献   

在推导ADF检验模式下趋势项和漂移项伪t检验量极限分布基础上,提出修正的系数检验量。研究表明,它们与DF检验模式下检验量具有相同的极限分布;构造漂移项和趋势项检验的Bootstrap实现方法并证明了有效性。将蒙特卡洛模拟技术与临界值检验方法进行对比,结果表明Bootstrap方法能够明显降低检验的水平扭曲,在检验功效方面也有一定优势。模拟也显示临界值检验的局限性和Bootstrap方法的稳健性。  相似文献   

针对强混合重尾序列结构变点的检测问题,为避免因序列重尾性导致最小二乘估计产生偏差,文章提出了基于M估计的比值型检验统计量,用于检测重尾序列位置结构变点。在一般约束条件下证明了原假设下统计量的极限分布是布朗运动的泛函,并得到备择假设下的一致性。针对因序列相依性导致的经验水平扭曲现象,采用Block Bootstrap抽样方法获得了更为准确的临界值,有效提高了检验功效。数值模拟结果显示,在Block Bootstrap抽样方法下基于M估计的比值型检验在强混合重尾序列结构变点检测中能较好地控制经验水平,经验势也较合理。最后,通过一组汇率数据验证了所提检验方法的可行性。  相似文献   

赵梦楠  周德群 《统计研究》2010,27(4):96-102
在进行非平稳面板数据的协整分析时,使用动态最小二乘法(DOLS)可以有效消除内生性问题,从而得到具有渐进正态分布的统计量。但在小样本条件下,由于可使用解释变量差分项的阶数有限,导致模型中均衡误差项的序列相关,使得DOLS统计量出现严重的检验水平畸变。为此,本文将单一时间序列的动态广义最小二乘法(DGLS)应用于非平稳的同质面板数据模型。在序贯极限分布的条件下,DGLS统计量仍具有正态的条件极限分布。而仿真实验表明,对于非平稳的同质面板数据模型,即使在均衡误差项存在高序列相关的条件下,DGLS统计量仍具有较好的小样本性质。  相似文献   

非对称单位根检验已成为时间序列分析中重要研究领域之一。而当随机干扰项之间具有一般性的自相关时,非对称单位根检验式中,由于不同的滞后阶会对统计量检验势产生至关重要的影响,因此采用残差块形自助法(RBB)对非对称单位根EG检验进行有效的改进研究,并对RBB法的适用性进行了模拟。结果表明:RBB法不仅在一定程度上降低了检验水平扭曲,而且大大提高了EG法的检验势。  相似文献   

考虑随机误差项存在异方差的情形,文章建立了STAR模型框架下的wild bootstrap单位根检验策略.Monte Carlo模拟研究的结果表明,若时间序列存在GARCH异方差,KSS非线性单位根检验统计量的检验水平扭曲程度要远高于线性ADF统计量,且GARCH特征越明显,扭曲程度越高.无论GARCH特征明显与否,wild bootstrap单位根检验方法都不存在检验水平扭曲,且具有理想的检验势.  相似文献   

Screening procedures play an important role in data analysis, especially in high-throughput biological studies where the datasets consist of more covariates than independent subjects. In this article, a Bayesian screening procedure is introduced for the binary response models with logit and probit links. In contrast to many screening rules based on marginal information involving one or a few covariates, the proposed Bayesian procedure simultaneously models all covariates and uses closed-form screening statistics. Specifically, we use the posterior means of the regression coefficients as screening statistics; by imposing a generalized g-prior on the regression coefficients, we derive the analytical form of their posterior means and compute the screening statistics without Markov chain Monte Carlo implementation. We evaluate the utility of the proposed Bayesian screening method using simulations and real data analysis. When the sample size is small, the simulation results suggest improved performance with comparable computational cost.  相似文献   

This article considered several test statistics for testing the population signal-to-noise ratio based on parametric, nonparametric, and modified methods. To compare the performance of the proposed test statistics, a simulation study has been conducted under both symmetric and skewed distributions. The performance of the test statistics is compared based on the empirical size and power of the test. It is evident for large sample that some of our proposed test statistics are performing better in the sense of high power and have been recommended for the researchers.  相似文献   

We propose two test statistics for testing serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models. The proposed test statistics are not only for testing zero first-order serial correlation, but also for testing higher-order serial correlations. Under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, the test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-square distributions. By using R, some Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine the finite sample performances of the proposed tests. Simulation results show that the estimated size and power of the proposed tests behave well.  相似文献   

张华节  黎实 《统计研究》2015,32(4):85-90
本文采用似然比类检验统计量进行面板单位根检验(简称为LR检验)研究,在局部备择假设成立的条件下,推导了其在无确定项、仅含截距项以及存在线性时间趋势项三种模型下所对应的渐近分布与局部渐近势函数。Monte Carlo模拟结果显示,当面板数据中含确定项(截距项或时间趋势项)时,LR检验水平比LLC和IPS检验水平更接近于给定的显著性检验水平;此外,当面板数据中包含发散个体时,经水平修正后的LR检验势要远远高于经水平修正后的LLC与IPS检验势,其中,经水平修正后的LLC与IPS检验势接近于零。  相似文献   

In a cocaine dependence treatment study, we use linear and nonlinear regression models to model posttreatment cocaine craving scores and first cocaine relapse time. A subset of the covariates are summary statistics derived from baseline daily cocaine use trajectories, such as baseline cocaine use frequency and average daily use amount. These summary statistics are subject to estimation error and can therefore cause biased estimators for the regression coefficients. Unlike classical measurement error problems, the error we encounter here is heteroscedastic with an unknown distribution, and there are no replicates for the error-prone variables or instrumental variables. We propose two robust methods to correct for the bias: a computationally efficient method-of-moments-based method for linear regression models and a subsampling extrapolation method that is generally applicable to both linear and nonlinear regression models. Simulations and an application to the cocaine dependence treatment data are used to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed methods. Asymptotic theory and variance estimation for the proposed subsampling extrapolation method and some additional simulation results are described in the online supplementary material.  相似文献   


Handling data with the nonignorably missing mechanism is still a challenging problem in statistics. In this paper, we develop a fully Bayesian adaptive Lasso approach for quantile regression models with nonignorably missing response data, where the nonignorable missingness mechanism is specified by a logistic regression model. The proposed method extends the Bayesian Lasso by allowing different penalization parameters for different regression coefficients. Furthermore, a hybrid algorithm that combined the Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is implemented to simulate the parameters from posterior distributions, mainly including regression coefficients, shrinkage coefficients, parameters in the non-ignorable missing models. Finally, some simulation studies and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

We consider hypothesis testing problems for low‐dimensional coefficients in a high dimensional additive hazard model. A variance reduced partial profiling estimator (VRPPE) is proposed and its asymptotic normality is established, which enables us to test the significance of each single coefficient when the data dimension is much larger than the sample size. Based on the p‐values obtained from the proposed test statistics, we then apply a multiple testing procedure to identify significant coefficients and show that the false discovery rate can be controlled at the desired level. The proposed method is also extended to testing a low‐dimensional sub‐vector of coefficients. The finite sample performance of the proposed testing procedure is evaluated by simulation studies. We also apply it to two real data sets, with one focusing on testing low‐dimensional coefficients and the other focusing on identifying significant coefficients through the proposed multiple testing procedure.  相似文献   


When analyzing categorical data using loglinear models in sparse contingency tables, asymptotic results may fail. In this paper the empirical properties of three commonly used asymptotic tests of independence, based on the uniform association model for ordinal data, are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulation. Five different bootstrapped tests of independence are presented and compared to the asymptotic tests. The comparisons are made with respect to both size and power properties of the tests. Results indicate that the asymptotic tests have poor size control. The test based on the estimated association parameter is severely conservative and the two chi-squared tests (Pearson, likelihood-ratio) are both liberal. The bootstrap tests that either use a parametric assumption or are based on non-pivotal test statistics do not perform better than the asymptotic tests in all situations. The bootstrap tests that are based on approximately pivotal statistics provide both adjustment of size and enhancement of power. These tests are therefore recommended for use in situations similar to those included in the simulation study.  相似文献   

基于辅助回归模型的空间Hausman检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 基于面板数据空间误差分量模型,提出空间Hausman检验,并通过数理推导,构造辅助回归模型的空间Hausman检验,进而通过Monte Carlo模拟实验,研究空间Hausman检验,以及辅助回归空间Hausman检验的有限样本性质。研究结果表明,空间Hausman检验能有效矫正空间面板数据下经典Hausman检验的水平扭曲,但随着空间相关性和样本量增大,其水平扭曲偏离理想值;辅助回归空间Hausman检验始终保持理想的水平扭曲。此外,二者均具有优越的检验功效。  相似文献   

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