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Prediction models for time-to-event data play a prominent role in assessing the individual risk of a disease, such as cancer. Accurate disease prediction models provide an efficient tool for identifying individuals at high risk, and provide the groundwork for estimating the population burden and cost of disease and for developing patient care guidelines. We focus on risk prediction of a disease in which family history is an important risk factor that reflects inherited genetic susceptibility, shared environment, and common behavior patterns. In this work family history is accommodated using frailty models, with the main novel feature being allowing for competing risks, such as other diseases or mortality. We show through a simulation study that naively treating competing risks as independent right censoring events results in non-calibrated predictions, with the expected number of events overestimated. Discrimination performance is not affected by ignoring competing risks. Our proposed prediction methodologies correctly account for competing events, are very well calibrated, and easy to implement.  相似文献   

This paper revisits two bivariate Pareto models for fitting competing risks data. The first model is the Frank copula model, and the second one is a bivariate Pareto model introduced by Sankaran and Nair (1993 Sankaran, P. G., and N. U. Nair. 1993. A bivariate Pareto model and its applications to reliability. Naval Research Logistics 40 (7):10131020. doi:10.1002/1520-6750(199312)40:7%3c1013::AID-NAV3220400711%3e3.0.CO;2-7.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We discuss the identifiability issues of these models and develop the maximum likelihood estimation procedures including their computational algorithms and model-diagnostic procedures. Simulations are conducted to examine the performance of the maximum likelihood estimation. Real data are analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

A popular model for competing risks postulates the existence of a latent unobserved failure time for each risk. Assuming that these underlying failure times are independent is attractive since it allows standard statistical tools for right-censored lifetime data to be used in the analysis. This paper proposes simple independence score tests for the validity of this assumption when the individual risks are modeled using semiparametric proportional hazards regressions. It assumes that covariates are available, making the model identifiable. The score tests are derived for alternatives that specify that copulas are responsible for a possible dependency between the competing risks. The test statistics are constructed by adding to the partial likelihoods for the individual risks an explanatory variable for the dependency between the risks. A variance estimator is derived by writing the score function and the Fisher information matrix for the marginal models as stochastic integrals. Pitman efficiencies are used to compare test statistics. A simulation study and a numerical example illustrate the methodology proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

Using the methods of asymptotic decision theory asymptotically optimal for translation and scale families as well as for certian nonparmetric families. Moreover, two new classes of nonlinear rank tests are introduced. These tests are designed for detecting either “ omnibus alternatives ” or “ one sided alternatives of trend ”. Under the null hypothesis of randomness all tests are distribution - free. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived under contiguous alternatives.  相似文献   

For regression on state and transition probabilities in multi-state models Andersen et al. (Biometrika 90:15–27, 2003) propose a technique based on jackknife pseudo-values. In this article we analyze the pseudo-values suggested for competing risks models and prove some conjectures regarding their asymptotics (Klein and Andersen, Biometrics 61:223–229, 2005). The key is a second order von Mises expansion of the Aalen-Johansen estimator which yields an appropriate representation of the pseudo-values. The method is illustrated with data from a clinical study on total joint replacement. In the application we consider for comparison the estimates obtained with the Fine and Gray approach (J Am Stat Assoc 94:496–509, 1999) and also time-dependent solutions of pseudo-value regression equations.  相似文献   

We present a flexible class of marginal models for the cumulative incidence function. The semiparametric transformation model is utilized in a decomposition for the marginal failure probabilities which extends previous work on Farewell's cure model. Novel estimation, inference and prediction procedures are developed, with large sample properties derived from the theory of martingales and U-statistics. A small simulation study demonstrates that the methods are appropriate for practical use. The methods are illustrated with a thorough analysis of a prostate cancer clinical trial. Simple graphical displays are used to check for the goodness of fit.  相似文献   

In the competing risks set up with two dependent competing risks, the joint distribution of (X1,X2), the latent lifetimes of the system under the two risks, is not identifiable on the basis of the distribution of the actual observation (T, δ) where T = min(X1, X2) and δ = I(T=X1), Using Peterson's (1976) bounds, we have obtained conservative pointwise as well as simultaneous confidence bounds for the unidentifiable joint survival function. In an example we evaluate the confidence bounds and Indicate where the estimated joint survival function in the independent case, lies within them.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider some problems of estimation and prediction when progressive Type-I interval censored competing risks data are from the proportional hazards family. The maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained. Based on gamma priors, the Lindely's approximation and importance sampling methods are applied to obtain Bayesian estimators under squared error and linear–exponential loss functions. Several classical and Bayesian point predictors of censored units are provided. Also, based on given producer's and consumer's risks accepting sampling plans are considered. Finally, the simulation study is given by Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the performances of the different methods.  相似文献   

Competing risks are common in clinical cancer research, as patients are subject to multiple potential failure outcomes, such as death from the cancer itself or from complications arising from the disease. In the analysis of competing risks, several regression methods are available for the evaluation of the relationship between covariates and cause-specific failures, many of which are based on Cox’s proportional hazards model. Although a great deal of research has been conducted on estimating competing risks, less attention has been devoted to linear regression modeling, which is often referred to as the accelerated failure time (AFT) model in survival literature. In this article, we address the use and interpretation of linear regression analysis with regard to the competing risks problem. We introduce two types of AFT modeling framework, where the influence of a covariate can be evaluated in relation to either a cause-specific hazard function, referred to as cause-specific AFT (CS-AFT) modeling in this study, or the cumulative incidence function of a particular failure type, referred to as crude-risk AFT (CR-AFT) modeling. Simulation studies illustrate that, as in hazard-based competing risks analysis, these two models can produce substantially different effects, depending on the relationship between the covariates and both the failure type of principal interest and competing failure types. We apply the AFT methods to data from non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients, where the dataset is characterized by two competing events, disease relapse and death without relapse, and non-proportionality. We demonstrate how the data can be analyzed and interpreted, using linear competing risks regression models.  相似文献   

In many clinical research applications the time to occurrence of one event of interest, that may be obscured by another??so called competing??event, is investigated. Specific interventions can only have an effect on the endpoint they address or research questions might focus on risk factors for a certain outcome. Different approaches for the analysis of time-to-event data in the presence of competing risks were introduced in the last decades including some new methodologies, which are not yet frequently used in the analysis of competing risks data. Cause-specific hazard regression, subdistribution hazard regression, mixture models, vertical modelling and the analysis of time-to-event data based on pseudo-observations are described in this article and are applied to a dataset of a cohort study intended to establish risk stratification for cardiac death after myocardial infarction. Data analysts are encouraged to use the appropriate methods for their specific research questions by comparing different regression approaches in the competing risks setting regarding assumptions, methodology and interpretation of the results. Notes on application of the mentioned methods using the statistical software R are presented and extensions to the presented standard methods proposed in statistical literature are mentioned.  相似文献   

The classic confidence interval for a residual variance is hypersensitive to minor violations of the normality assumption and its robustness does not improve with increasing sample size. An approximate confidence interval for a residual mean absolute deviation is proposed and shown to be robust to moderate violations of the normality assumption with robustness that improves with increasing sample size.  相似文献   

Bivariate exponential models have often been used for the analysis of competing risks data involving two correlated risk components. Competing risks data consist only of the time to failure and cause of failure. In situations where there is positive probability of simultaneous failure, possibly the most widely used model is the Marshall–Olkin (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 62 (1967) 30) bivariate lifetime model. This distribution is not absolutely continuous as it involves a singularity component. However, the likelihood function based on the competing risks data is then identifiable, and any inference, Bayesian or frequentist, can be carried out in a straightforward manner. For the analysis of absolutely continuous bivariate exponential models, standard approaches often run into difficulty due to the lack of a fully identifiable likelihood (Basu and Ghosh; Commun. Statist. Theory Methods 9 (1980) 1515). To overcome the nonidentifiability, the usual frequentist approach is based on an integrated likelihood. Such an approach is implicit in Wada et al. (Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bull. 46 (1996) 197) who proved some related asymptotic results. We offer in this paper an alternative Bayesian approach. Since systematic prior elicitation is often difficult, the present study focuses on Bayesian analysis with noninformative priors. It turns out that with an appropriate reparameterization, standard noninformative priors such as Jeffreys’ prior and its variants can be applied directly even though the likelihood is not fully identifiable. Two noninformative priors are developed that consist of Laplace's prior for nonidentifiable parameters and Laplace's and Jeffreys's priors for identifiable parameters. The resulting Bayesian procedures possess some frequentist optimality properties as well. Finally, these Bayesian methods are illustrated with analyses of a data set originating out of a lung cancer clinical trial conducted by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a class of tests, using a martingale approach, for testing independence of failure time and cause of failure for competing risks data. Asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistic is derived. The procedure is illustrated with a real-life data. A simulation study is carried out to assess the level and power of the test.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the single-risk duration model with two event types is a limiting case of bivariate dependent competing risks model, where the joint distribution of event times are degenerate. Then a new test is proposed for the null hypothesis of single risk against dependent competing risks model under the proportional hazard model assumption.  相似文献   

In competing risks models, the joint distribution of the event times is not identifiable even when the margins are fully known, which has been referred to as the “identifiability crisis in competing risks analysis” (Crowder, 1991). We model the dependence between the event times by an unknown copula and show that identification is actually possible within many frequently used families of copulas. The result is then extended to the case where one margin is unknown. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 291–303; 2013 © 2013 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In the analysis of competing risks data, cumulative incidence function is a useful summary of the overall crude risk for a failure type of interest. Mixture regression modeling has served as a natural approach to performing covariate analysis based on this quantity. However, existing mixture regression methods with competing risks data either impose parametric assumptions on the conditional risks or require stringent censoring assumptions. In this article, we propose a new semiparametric regression approach for competing risks data under the usual conditional independent censoring mechanism. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators. A simple resampling method is proposed to approximate the distribution of the estimated parameters and that of the predicted cumulative incidence functions. Simulation studies and an analysis of a breast cancer dataset demonstrate that our method performs well with realistic sample sizes and is appropriate for practical use.  相似文献   


Lifetime data with masked failure causes arise in both reliability engineering and epidemiology. The phenomenon of masking occurs when a subject is exposed to multiple risks. A competing risks model with masking probabilities is widely used for the masked failure data. However, in many cases, the model suffers from an identification problem. We show that the identifiability of masking probabilities depends on both the structure of data and the cause-specific hazard functions. Motivated by this result, two existing solutions are reviewed and further improved.  相似文献   

The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation (NPMLE) of the distribution function from the interval censored (IC) data has been extensively studied in the extant literature. The NPMLE was also developed for the subdistribution functions in an IC competing risks model and in an illness-death model under various interval-censoring scenarios. But the important problem of estimation of the cumulative intensities (CIs) in the interval-censored models has not been considered previously. We develop the NPMLE of the CI in a simple alive/dead model and of the CIs in a competing risks model. Assuming that data are generated by a discrete and finite mixed case interval censoring mechanism we provide a discussion and the simulation study of the asymptotic properties of the NPMLEs of the CIs. In particular we show that they are asymptotically unbiased; in contrast the ad hoc estimators presented in extant literature are substantially biased. We illustrate our methods with the data from a prospective cohort study on the longevity of dental veneers.  相似文献   

Many biological and medical studies have as a response of interest the time to occurrence of some event,X, such as the occurrence of cessation of smoking, conception, a particular symptom or disease, remission, relapse, death due to some specific disease, or simply death. Often it is impossible to measureX due to the occurrence of some other competing event, usually termed a competing risk. This competing event may be the withdrawal of the subject from the study (for whatever reason), death from some cause other than the one of interest, or any eventuality that precludes the main event of interest from occurring. Usually the assumption is made that all such censoring times and lifetimes are independent. In this case one uses either the Kaplan-Meier estimator or the Nelson-Aalen estimator to estimate the survival function. However, if the competing risk or censoring times are not independent ofX, then there is no generally acceptable way to estimate the survival function. There has been considerable work devoted to this problem of dependent competing risks scattered throughout the statistical literature in the past several years and this paper presents a survey of such work.  相似文献   

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