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第一部分:Riddles(英语谜语)1、There is a thing that is the first to pity and the last to help. 2、I am the beginning of sorrow, and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me; yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk, yet nev  相似文献   

第一部分:Riddles(英语谜语请你猜)1.If a man carried my burden He would break his back. I am not rich, But leave silver in my track. 2.Until I am measured I am not known, Yet how you miss me When I have flown. 3.I drive men mad For love of me, Easily beaten  相似文献   

第一部分:Riddles(英语谜语)1、My life can be measured in hours,I serve by being devoured.Thin,I am quickFat,I am slowWind is my foe.2、To unravel meYou need a simple key,No key that was madeBy locksmith's hand,But a key that only IW ill understand.3、I am  相似文献   

第一部分:Riddles(英语谜语)1、My tines be long,My tines be shortMy tines end ereMy first report.What am I?2、With thieves I consort,With the vilest,in short,I'm quite at ease in depravity;Yet all divines use me,And savants can't lose me,For I am the center  相似文献   

Kate wants to be a nurse (护士)and1 _______ for sick people. She knows they need her help. When Kate goes to the hospital, she always sees many 2______ there.  相似文献   

一、选择填空: ( ) 1. __ you always eat too much, you may be ill.  相似文献   

Teaching English     
Having spent nearly two years in the P.R.of China,I am usually asked questions about“Howto Speak English”.However,I have been working all this time in a Teachers’College and my mainconcern has been“How to Teach English”.I feel very strongly that teaching a modern language stands apart from the teaching of other aca-demic subjects but my main concern here is to demonstrate the utmost importance of motivation.There are basically three areas which,adequately mastered,make“good teaching”:knowledge,discipline and motivation.If one of these elements were to be taken out,the equation would flounder.  相似文献   

ACT Ⅰ(Enter player in the part of Mother Pai.)MOTHER PAI A poor nun am I,Mother Pai by name.In my earlyyears I put aside the world and entered a convent and I am now head ofthis Ch'ingan Abbey.Here there dwells a young lady,T'an Chi-erh by name,of surpassirg beauty,who,her husband having unfortunately passed away,lives at home a childless widow and comes to this abbey here day in andday out to chat with me.A.nephew I have,named Pai Shih-chung,about  相似文献   

<正> When I decided to give the English writing course, mycolleagues offered me quite a few suggestions: some suggestedthat I should instruct students to Practise practical writings;some advised me to begin with composition appreciation; somestood for lectures on rhetoric; and some wanted me to pick anumber of topics every time and let the students choose theone in which they were most interested to write on. All ofthese suggestions should be considered as the main contents  相似文献   

As an exchange student majoring in English, I am curious about how English is taught to international students here in America. Therefore, I observed an IELP (Intensive English Learning Program) class in Central Connecticut State University where I study.  相似文献   

( ) 181. --Do you know when he-- back tomorrow?--Sorry. I don't. When he --back, I'll tell you.  相似文献   

The Lowest Mark最低分数Student:I don't think I deserve an absolute zero.学生:我认为我不应该得零分。professor:Neither do I,but it is the lowest mark that I am allowed to give.教授:我也这么认为,但这是允许我打的最低分数。  相似文献   

“He is good and bad”这个句子,乍一看,也许有人会理解为:他又好又坏。其实,这种理解是完全错误的。因为句中的good and是个惯用语,用以加强语气,good在这里成了强意词。good and等于very(非常),completely(完全),在美语口语中常用。因此,He is good and bad.(=He is very bad.),应译为:他很坏。再请看下面例句。 1.I am good and tired.(I am very tired.) 我很疲倦了。  相似文献   

用英语谈论天气(到了下午喝咖啡的休息时间,Ben和Yen开始边喝咖啡边聊天。因为Ben以前从没来过中国,于是开始和她聊起了当地的天气问题。)Yen:Have you always lived in California,Ben?Ben:Yes.I've traveled a lot,but I've always livedin or near L.A.Yen:Well,you know that winters in Beijing arepretty cold.Ben:So I've heard.How cold?Yen:It can go down to minus10.Ben:Centigrade,right?If that's Fahrenheit,I'm onthe next plane home!Yen:The office and your apartment will be prettywarm,but you'll need a …  相似文献   

英诗富于吟唱诵读。这种音乐美除来自节奏外,也还来自音韵,即押韵。这一点,同汉诗是有共同之处的。例如The Coming of Spring: I am coming,little maiden,  相似文献   

Kate's Wish Kate:I wish I lived in ancient times.Joan:Why?Kate:There wouldn’t be so much history to learn then.凯特:我真希望我生活在古代。  相似文献   

High-tech industry expanding and circumstance facility’ s fast developing made a big market of high-tech analytical instrument in China. In the field of biology, medicine and life science, as an analytical and separation instrument, HPLC become more and more popular and important. As a tool for analysis and separation, HPLC should be featured with practical, applicable and endurable characteristics. But the users always have mistake understand when purchasing instrument. It made the instr…  相似文献   

本文通过对唐逸的《理性与信仰:西方中世纪哲学思想》一书的评论,提出了中世纪哲学研究的四个关键问题:(1)理性与信仰之间的和谐以及张力,(2)关于上帝存在证明的神学前提,(3)上帝名称“I am who am”是“我存在”或,和“我是”,(4)基督教的希腊化和其后的本土化。  相似文献   

1.在英语中有些“句中有句”的独特现象.常见的有如下几种:(一)作为插入成份的句子,如:I hope,I think,you know, what’s more等.例:(1)That Will be a good beginning,I hope.(2)That dictionary,you know,is meant chiefly for Chinese students.  相似文献   

文章以韩礼德构建的系统功能语法理论为框架,对狄金森的代表作之一:I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died进行语篇分析,从而归纳狄金森诗歌的语篇特点,同时也验证系统功能语法在语篇分析中的可适用性。  相似文献   

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