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论战后日本政党在外交决策过程中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在日本外交决策过程中 ,由于官僚主导和美国主导等因素的影响 ,政党的作用曾在相当长的时期内存在明显的局限性。冷战结束以来 ,随着国内外政治环境的变化 ,日本的政党特别是执政党在外交决策过程中的作用明显增大 ,形成了“政党主导”和“政官协同”两种决策参与模式 ,但在如何有效规范政官关系方面仍面临许多问题。  相似文献   

寻求新的国际认同是冷战后日本外交面临的重大课题。日本必须回答的基本问题有两个:一是如何调整它既作为西方一员又作为亚洲一员的双重身份;二是如何在地区和世界事务中运用自己的力量。日本外交的这一走向与冷战后亚太地区正在发展的以多边主义为重要特征的制度化建设密切相关。重视多边主义的解决办法正在成为日本外交的重要内容。  相似文献   

冷战结束正在对日本外交产生深刻影响,这种影响将引起一种渐进的、连续的变化过程。就今后一小时期(大钓10~20年)而言,日本外交基本上是战后日本外交的“伴随有限交化的延长”,因此,展望冷战后外交的一个主要途径是深刻理解战后日本外交。本文阐述了战后日本外交的五个基本特征:(1)从成败国出发的外交;(2)日美基轴外交;(3)不断向美国以外的世界拓宽外交地平线;(4)经济外交;(5)日本国内的“1955年体制”下的外交。并在阐述上述特征的基础上,沿着每个特征分析了冷战结束对日本外交的影响。  相似文献   

冷战后日本的国际国内环境和对外战略的基本走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战后日本的国际国内环境和对外战略的基本走向浙江行政学院方柏华冷战结束以来,日本的国内环境和国际环境发生了很大的变化,从而也从根本上对日本对外战略产生了很大影响。本文拟通过对日本自冷战结束以来国内和国际环境发展变化的分析,结合未来一段时期内日本国内国...  相似文献   

日本的大战略:地区主义还是双边主义?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本的大战略:地区主义还是双边主义?暨南大学东南亚研究所曹云华在整个冷战时期,日美联盟一直是日本对外政策的支柱。冷战结束后,全球的战略环境发生了重大变化,以1990~1991年发生的海湾危机为契机,日本国内掀起了一场关于日本未来的外交战略的争论。争论...  相似文献   

冷战结束后,随着国际环境的变化,在日本自身经济实力提升以及国内政治总体保守化的推动下,"正常国家"论逐渐成为日本政坛的主流意识和新的国家战略定位。安倍晋三再次执政后,在外交、安保等领域加速推进"正常国家"化进程,在对俄外交方面,安倍内阁对俄外交战略服务于日本"正常国家"战略。安倍提出的对俄外交"新方法"突破了以往的思路和框架,并在具体的路径选择上展现出灵活性。与此同时,对俄外交"新方法"和日俄关系的发展还受到很多因素的制约。  相似文献   

程蕴 《日本学刊》2020,(2):76-97
战后日本公共外交的运作模式经历了由基本运作模式向改良型运作模式的转变。在基本运作模式中,一国讯息由政府主导下的相关机构及人员发出,经对方国家的信息传播节点后抵达普通公众视野。这种方式在冷战结束后,越来越无法适应新的国际环境。动员更多的非政府行为体参与其中,构建跨国共同体网络,借助商业模式来传播本国的价值理念,以及将象征本国国家形象的组织嵌入对方基层社会之中,已成为冷战之后特别是21世纪以来日本公共外交运作模式进行改良的主要方向。通过在这些方向上的摸索,日本最终形成了“议程设置式公共外交”“商业模式公共外交”“嵌入式公共外交”三种改良型运作模式。虽然这些运作模式尚未完全成熟,且有些模式真正能在多大程度上影响别国政策还有待进一步检验,但其至少在国家形象的塑造上获得了成功,提升了别国民众对日本的好感度。  相似文献   

冷战后日本的政界重组与外交调整中国社会科学院日本研究所金熙德冷战结束后,日本政界正经历着历史性的动荡与重组,这势必对其对外政策产生深远的影响。本文拟从概括战后日本政治的基本特点入手,对这些特点在冷战后的变化及其对日本外交的影响作一分析和展望。一、战后...  相似文献   

所谓联合国外交 ,是指谋求加入联合国的努力或以联合国为舞台 ,积极开展对外交往 ,努力提高本国国际地位 ,实现某种战略目标的行为和手段。历史上 ,日本的联合国外交出现过两次高潮。第一次发生在二十世纪五六十年代。其标志是 195 6年 12月 18日 ,日本经过4年努力 ,终于加入联合国 ,从战败国重返国际社会 ,并于第二年 9月首次发表《外交蓝皮书》,把“以联合国为中心”作为日本外交的三大支柱之一。第二次发生在二十世纪九十年代 ,也就是冷战后。其标志是 1991年在第 46届联合国大会上 ,日本通过事先大量的工作 ,终于以绝对多数票 ,第七次当…  相似文献   

一、日本外交方针及对华政策  冷战后,特别是东亚金融危机后,世界及亚太地区形势发生了新的变化,日本的外交方针和对华政策也作了相应调整。  (一)避免经济环境恶化和加强日本在东北亚安全地位,是当前日本外交的最重要目标。争当政治大国是80年代日本提出的外交目标,现在也并未放弃这一目标。但是由于日本经济的持续衰退,及日本此次在东亚金融危机中的软弱表现,使日本在东亚的政治地位下降了。同时,又发生了朝鲜试射卫星等问题。在这种情况下,避免经济环境恶化和加强日本在东北亚安全地位,成为当前日本外交的最重要目标。…  相似文献   

The contributions included in this issue demonstrate the variety of ways in which participatory and interpretive methods are transforming the field of psychology and clarify the integration of the personal and political commitments of the authors within their research. A number of issues remain to be negotiated, however, before these methods take their full place in the field. This conclusion considers a few of these issues, including an examination of how these approaches demand a fundamental reassessment of validity in psychological research. It also considers the critical issue of the ownership of knowledge, and proposes a reframing of the ethical guidelines for research in the field. Finally, it invites further discussion and debate around the issues raised in this issue.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Elaine Farmer, Centre for Family Policy and Child Welfare, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, Block F, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 ITN, UK. Summary In the debates about finding a new balance between child protectionand family support, there has been silence on the issue of theimpact of gender on child protection work. Using data from oneof the studies in the Department of Health (1995) child protectionresearch programme, this article examines the impact of genderat each stage of the child protection process. It shows thatmothers have tended to be under-represented in relation to offersof service and over-included in respect of agencies' effortsto control them. When social work practice in cases of physicalabuse by men focuses exclusively on mothers, this allows men'sviolence to their female partners to be ignored. This practicehas been sustained in recent years, even though the child protectionsystem itself developed in response to public anxiety aboutchild deaths caused by men.  相似文献   

The size of the urban population in our nation has reached 121.7 million persons and now constitutes 54% of the total population; in 1926, only 26.3 million persons, i.e., 18% of the total population of the USSR, lived in cities.  相似文献   

Recent government policies have been active in addressing socialinclusion and active participation of older people in many aspectsof societal life. Independence and well-being animate thesedevelopments and are evident in the emphasis on person-centredservices within the single assessment process for older people(Department of Health, 2002b). Drawing on a feasibility study of the Single Assessment Processas a ‘case-finding’ approach, this paper presentsfindings drawn from older people’s accounts of this experience.These accounts indicate the potential of the process for identifying‘low-level’ need, whilst raising issues of accessto formal services and resource constraint; also they underlinethe importance of understanding how older people seek ways ofmanaging their own health and well-being, whilst continuingto contribute to the social cohesion of society by providingsupport to their peers and to younger generations. Interdependence, it is suggested, rather than dependence shouldunderlie any approach to assessing older people’s needs,if we are to appreciate and build upon the complexity of olderpeople’s strategies for actively managing their lives.  相似文献   

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a method to improve decision making whose application here is to complex environments. “A.H.P.” involves structuring a decision into a hierarchy, determining relative priorities for the elements in the hierarchy, and combining the numbers into overall weights estimating each decision outcome. The need for decision aids such as AHP, is supported by the literature, which suggests that even experts can contend with only limited amounts of information and tend to arrive at decisions in a simple fashion. AHP allows for using more information to make decisions in more complex ways. This leads to more coherent decisions. In the case presented AHP helped a committee make resource allocation decisions in an urban renewal project in Israel. The example highlights the usefulness of AHP in group settings. Areas of disagreement were easily identified and discussed. This diffused much of the tension typical of these proceedings.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the process of dying as observed in a sample of 30 patients in a cancer ward at a Massachusetts hospital. This process is found to involve changes in self-identity and role-definition; various modes of re-adjustment of the patient to his new role; certain patterns of patient-personnel and patient-family communication and interaction; and typical reactions of patients' children to the situation. The last section of the paper discusses briefly the implications of societal attitudes toward death for medical institutions.  相似文献   

论全球化进程中的多重文化认同   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
韩震 《求是学刊》2005,32(5):21-26
现代性的发展和全球化进程有铲平差异性的逻辑,但是也造成了多样性差异相遇的场域。全球化进程并不是某一个现代文化的普及和代替其他文化的过程,而是所有参与这个进程的文化体的重构性互动过程。在这种互动中,无论是否自己意识到这点,不同的文化体实际上都进行了新的包容性的多重认同重构。在原有文化基因的基础上,不同的文化体不断重新构造和丰富着自己的认同,维护着自己的特性和完整性。然而,正确的多重认同构造应该是有责任的保持开放的合理化过程,使认同的构造过程成为全球化与本土化创造性互动的过程。  相似文献   

郭强 《创新》2007,2(2):98-101
过程哲学为过程理性提供了知识基础。过程哲学的“存在即过程和过程即创新”的思想,构成了过程理性的核心内容。提出过程理性的依据还在于过程思想的现实化、行动理性的结构化、生活本质的过程性以及理论实践的过程性特质。过程理性形成的要素在于过程意识的无意识化、过程行动的细节化以及过程管理的操作化。  相似文献   

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