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Raves are characterized by large numbers of youth dancing for long periods of time and by the use of "club drugs," such as 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "ecstasy"). While a small body of research has explored the use of ecstasy and other club drugs (EOCD) among club rave attendees in the United States, we are aware of no studies that have investigated the relationship between EOCD use and high-risk sexual behaviors among members of this population. We explored the association between EOCD use and high-risk sexual behaviors among a sample of 283 club rave attendees interviewed during the spring and summer of 2005. Data were collected at 13 rave events in two different clubs along the Baltimore-Washington corridor between March 17 and September 3, 2005. Potential respondents were conveniently sampled and approached between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m. as they exited the clubs. Only 12% reported using ecstasy within the two days preceding the interview, findings considerably lower than our earlier studies of club rave attendees. Moreover, no significant relationship was discerned between recent MDMA use and high-risk sexual behavior. These findings suggest that the use of EOCD among rave attendees has diminished and that the allocation of significant resources to combat their proliferation, among this and other populations at risk for EOCD use, may be premature.  相似文献   

The use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "ecstasy") appears to be increasing worldwide, with "rave" attendees being one high-risk population. To date, however, only one study has collected ecstasy use information from rave attendees in the United States. To address this limitation, we collected self-report drug use information from 70 adult "club rave" attendees within the Baltimore-Washington corridor in April and May 2002. Data collection was scheduled between 12 A.M. and 5 A.M. Participation rates were high, with 85 percent of the club rave attendees completing the interview. Eighty-six percent of the respondents reported lifetime ecstasy use, 51 percent reported 30-day use, and 30 percent reported using ecstasy within the two days preceding the interview. While past-year ecstasy users were comparable to non-users with respect to a host of demographic and drug use variables, non-ecstasy users were significantly more likely than past-year users to perceive risks associated with the regular use of alcohol and ecstasy. Not surprisingly, non-ecstasy users were significantly more likely than past-year users to perceive harmful long-term physical and psychological effects associated with ecstasy ingestion. These findings suggest that rave attendees may be an important population for ecstasy-related prevention efforts.  相似文献   


Hispanic men who have sex with men (MSM) are at high risk of HIV infection. This study reports on the club drug use and sexual behaviors of two distinct samples (community and Internet) of Hispanic MSM living in the AIDS epicenter of Miami-Dade County. Both samples reported high rates of unprotected anal sex and high numbers of sex partners; rates of club drug use (cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamines, GHB, amyl nitrites, and Viagra) were also high. Recent use of club drugs was associated with both unprotected receptive and insertive anal sex in the Internet sample, but not in the community sample. Implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Anecdotal reports have suggested that the use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "ecstasy") is a growing problem across the United States, primarily among college students and rave attendees. To assess this contention, the drug-using behaviors of 14,520 college students were examined with data collected through the 1997 College Alcohol Study (CAS). Prevalence estimates of ecstasy use were generated and associations between ecstasy use, demographic characteristics, and alcohol and other drug (AOD) use were explored. Six percent of the sample reported lifetime ecstasy use, 3 percent reported use within the past 12 months, and 1 percent reported use within the past 30 days. Compared to non-users, 12-month ecstasy users were significantly more likely to be white, to be a member of a fraternity/sorority, and to have used all other drugs of abuse during the past 12 months. Implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

While clinical studies have established a link between aggression and ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymeth-amphetamine [MDMA]), no research has attempted to explore how this link manifests itself in behavioral outcomes. In this research we examine the effects of ecstasy on aggressive and violent behavior in a sample of active users. Data were collected from 260 ecstasy users in Atlanta, Georgia. Data analysis included ordered logit regression to examine the likelihood of engaging in aggressive behavior, controlling for key predictors of aggression independent of ecstasy use. Our results indicate that those with a higher prevalence of lifetime ecstasy use exhibit higher levels of aggressive and violent behavior. However, the effect of lifetime ecstasy use differs by levels of low self-control as a measure of propensity for aggression. Those who exhibit low self-control are more affected by ecstasy use than those who do not in terms of aggression. Our findings add an important dimension to our current knowledge about the relationship between aggression and ecstasy.  相似文献   

Drug use in mainstream rave parties has been widely documented in a large number of studies. However, not much is known about drug use in underground raves. The purpose of this study is to find out the polysubstance use patterns at underground raves. Two hundred and fifty-two young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who went to underground raves were interviewed. They were given a questionnaire to collect information on drug use at raves. Ravers used a mean of 4.9 different drugs at the last rave they had been to. Over 75% of them used tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and amphetamine, and over half also used powder ecstasy. Two differentiated use patterns were found: one pattern concentrated more on the use of stimulants and the other on the use of hallucinogens. Underground ravers have a "standard" sociodemographic profile. The use of drugs is much higher than equivalent age group. Higher drug use prevalence than in mainstream rave parties is also observed. Different patterns of use appear which will be necessary to consider in designing preventions and risk reduction strategies,  相似文献   

Anecdotal reports have suggested that the use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "ecstasy") is a prodigious problem across the United States. Unfortunately, no longitudinal evidence exists to support this contention. In the current study, data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), Monitoring the Future (MTF), and National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) are used to explore ecstasy use trends in the United States during the 1990s. While the use of ecstasy has increased over time, its prevalence is significantly less than other drugs of abuse. These findings suggest that anecdotal reports of an ecstasy epidemic is premature and that a less frenzied approach to ecstasy control and education may be warranted.  相似文献   

College students' ecstasy (MDMA) use increased significantly in recent years, yet little is known about these students. In this study, the authors used the Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Studies (CORE) survey to compare 29 college students who had used ecstasy and other illicit drugs with 90 students who had used marijuana and no other illicit drugs. They noted differences in age, frequency of alcohol and marijuana use, average age of onset of marijuana use, frequency of negative consequences associated with substance use, perceptions of peer norms' drug use, perceived peer acceptance of substance use, and risk perception of substance use. When they entered polysubstance use as a covariate, many of these correlates became nonsignificant. The authors suggest that college ecstasy initiators may be a cohort of marijuana users who tend to engage in multiple risk-taking behaviors. This study serves as a preliminary effort to better understand college students who use ecstasy recreationally.  相似文献   

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) symbolized a comprehensive change to the nation's welfare system. Despite several provisions within PRWORA that focus on the use of illegal drugs, few studies have attempted to identify the prevalence of illegal drug use among welfare recipients. Moreover, no scholarly works have compared rates of drug use in welfare-receiving populations to those of non-welfare-receiving populations with an objective measure of drug use. In the current study, urine specimens were collected from 1,572 arrestees interviewed through Houston's Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) Program in 1999. Drug positive rates are compared between welfare-receiving arrestees (n = 116), non-welfare receiving arrestees living below the poverty level (n = 539), and non-welfare receiving arrestees living above the poverty level (n = 917). Welfare-receiving arrestees were more likely to be female, older, less educated, and to test positive for opiates and benzodiazepines than the other subgroups. Implications for welfare reform policy are discussed in light of the current findings.  相似文献   

The effects of a school and home-based drug prevention program on risk factors for subsequent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) use among children were studied. Data on parent and child risk factors for ATOD use were collected from fifty-six low-income parents and their children, ages four to six years, using a pretest-posttest design. The parent-child intervention was conducted over a two-month period. The intervention had no effect on parent or child risk factors. However, the program was favorably received by parents and children. Almost two-thirds of the parents at the experimental school were involved in the program. Almost half of the parents had high depressive symptoms. The high rates of ATOD use and depressive symptoms among these parents are cause for concern.  相似文献   

Despite their presumed high risk for AIDS, there are almost no sexual behavior data available which are sufficient for the development and assessment of intervention programs for male prostitutes. This study was designed to obtain such data. Fifty 14–27‐year‐old male prostitutes in Manhattan were interviewed using structured instruments to assess sexual orientation, sexual behavior, knowledge of AIDS, and substance abuse. The sample was 50% homosexual, 26% bisexual, and 24% heterosexual. High rates of condom use were found for anal intercourse (average 85%). Subjects were safest in sex with male customers, less safe with male partners for pleasure, and least safe with female partners. Differential use of condoms plus other unsafe sexual activities continue to place the male prostitute at risk for HIV infection. AIDS knowledge was high and positively correlated with safety of sex. Drug and alcohol abuse and dependence were frequent, although there was little intravenous drug use. These and other variables were not significantly associated with degree of safety in sex. The methods employed in this study can be used to assess other populations of male prostitutes as well as intervention programs.  相似文献   

Reported rates of recreational drug use among gay and bisexual men are currently rising. Although there has been much empirical research documenting current trends in drug use among gay and bisexual men, little research has empirically contrasted differential rates across urban epicenters, while even less has addressed racial or ethnic variation (between and within cities). This knowledge is essential both for the development of effective culturally-sensitive health education prevention/services and for understanding drug use prevalence among urban epicenters. Using the men's data gathered from large-scale gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) community events in New York and Los Angeles in the fall of 2003 and spring of 2004 (N = 2,335), this study explored racial and ethnic variance in the use of methamphetamine, cocaine, MDMA/ecstasy (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine), ketamine, GHB (gamma-hydroxy-butyrate), marijuana, and nitrate inhalants (poppers) among gay and bisexual men both between and within cities (NYC and LA). Levels of recent drug use were fairly consistent between New York City and Los Angeles; however there was some between and within city racial and ethnic variance. In particular, Asian/Pacific Islander men were among those least likely to report use of some drugs. Findings suggest substance use in the gay community permeates geographic boundaries in addition to some racial and ethnic boundaries such that interventions targeting drug-using gay and bisexual men should appropriately attend to racial and ethnic diversity within communities.  相似文献   

Our aim is to identify predictors of first-time ecstasy use in a prospective study among young people at risk. As part of the multidisciplinary Netherlands XTC Toxicity Study (NeXT), we monitored 188 subjects aged > or = 18 who were ecstasy-naive at baseline but seemed likely to start taking ecstasy in the near future. After an 11- to 26-month follow-up period, 160 respondents remained (85.1%; mean age 21.0 years, 58.1% females): 65 who took ecstasy at least once (ecstasy users) and 95 non-users. At baseline and four times during follow-up, respondents completed self-report questionnaires. Cox regression analysis was used to examine the effects of baseline respondent characteristics on incident ecstasy use. Development of peer group ecstasy use was analyzed by logistic regression. Intention to use ecstasy, low education, and current weekly cannabis use independently increased the hazard rate for first ecstasy use. Although ecstasy use among peers at baseline was not a predictor, the proportion of ecstasy users with ecstasy-using peers increased markedly during the study. Our results suggest that targeted prevention activities should focus in particular on young people who have strong intentions to take ecstasy, especially if they are also regular smokers of cannabis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ecstasy (MDMA) has been added to the spectrum of illicit drugs used by college students. In this study, the authors estimated the prevalence of ecstasy use within a large college student sample and investigated the polydrug-use history of those ecstasy users. They administered an anonymous questionnaire to college students (N = 1,206) in classrooms at a large university in the mid-Atlantic United States. The overall student response rate was 91%. Nine percent of the sample reported lifetime ecstasy use. Because 98% of ecstasy users had used marijuana, the authors compared polydrug use between ecstasy users and individuals who had used marijuana but not ecstasy. Ecstasy users, as compared with these marijuana users, were significantly more likely to have used inhalants (38% vs. 10%), LSD (38% vs. 5%), cocaine (46% vs 2%), and heroin (17% vs 1%) in the past year. Significant polydrug use among college student ecstasy users has important implications for their substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

Ecstasy (MDMA) has been added to the spectrum of illicit drugs used by college students. In this study, the authors estimated the prevalence of ecstasy use within a large college student sample and investigated the polydrug-use history of those ecstasy users. They administered an anonymous questionnaire to college students (N = 1,206) in classrooms at a large university in the mid-Atlantic United States. The overall student response rate was 91%. Nine percent of the sample reported lifetime ecstasy use. Because 98% of ecstasy users had used marijuana, the authors compared polydrug use between ecstasy users and individuals who had used marijuana but not ecstasy. Ecstasy users, as compared with these marijuana users, were significantly more likely to have used inhalants (38% vs. 10%), LSD (38% vs. 5%), cocaine (46% vs 2%), and heroin (17% vs 1%) in the past year. Significant polydrug use among college student ecstasy users has important implications for their substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   


Objective: To determine the prevalence of risk behaviors related to cigarette use, alcohol use, nutrition, physical fitness, and sexual behavior. Participants: Participants were 1,075 students attending an urban community college during the Spring 2012 semester. Methods: Data were collected in randomly selected classes using the American College Health Association National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA II) paper survey and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 for frequencies and chi-square test of independence. Results: The sample population reported poor diet, low rates of physical activity, high rates of overweight/obesity, low rates of condom use for vaginal sex, multiple sexual partners, and unintentional pregnancy. Protective health behaviors included low rates of cigarette smoking and alcohol use, high rates of condoms use for anal sex, and high rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing. Conclusion: Students are at high risk for health problems related to poor diet, lack of exercise, and risky sexual behaviors. Additional research is recommended to determine the most effective intervention strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of passive and active parental consent procedures on the type of adolescents participating in a school-based survey examining substance use. Schools recruited from a random sample of metropolitan schools were assigned to passive or active parental consent condition. Results showed that participation rates in active consent schools were lower than in passive consent schools for junior students (60% vs. 80%) but not senior students. Although consent condition had limited impact on prevalence estimates among older students, among younger students estimates of cannabis use and ecstasy use were higher in the passive consent condition than the active consent condition. Active consent procedures introduce some degree of selection bias into studies of adolescents' substance use and may compromise the external validity of prevalence estimates produced, especially among younger students.  相似文献   

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