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Medicare and Medicaid are major sources of long-term care payments and thus will bear much of the burden from the growth in long-term care service use. The large future demand for long-term care services is of great concern among policymakers due to its expense and the use of public program dollars. It is argued that the individual purchase of long-term care insurance can help alleviate the increasing financial pressure on public programs responsible for the majority of longterm care financing. However, consumers have shown little interest in insuring against the high costs of long-term care. This analysis examines the effect of several factors on the decision to purchase a long-term care insurance policy: knowledge and attitudes of long-term care insurance and the long-term care financing system, the perceived risk for longterm care, financial planning behavior, and the availability of long-term care insurance. The interim results indicate the factor most likely to affect the decision to purchase long-term care insurance is access to employer-sponsored long-term care insurance. This suggests tht the availability of affordable and high quality coverage is more important than demand-side factors such as awareness of long-term care insurance and a perceived greater risk for long-term care.  相似文献   

Individuals with disabilities often have limitations that require care from others to increase functioning and facilitate activities of daily living. Despite these care‐receiving needs, evidence suggests people with disabilities are also care givers. This study uses the 2008–2015 American Time Use Survey to examine the association between the presence of sensory, mental or cognitive, physical, or multiple limitations and the likelihood and intensity of time spent in primary child care, secondary child care, adult care, care of nonhouseholders, and support care (housework). Net of socioeconomic characteristics, the authors do not observe consistent differences in predicted child care time by disability status, although men with disabilities spend less time in care to adults and nonhouseholders. The largest difference in predicted care time by disability status occurs in support care. Overall, the results challenge the traditional focus on people with disabilities as only beneficiaries of care to document their role as benefactors.  相似文献   

The health care delivery system is evolving rapidly. There have been changes in the way health care is financed, the types of treatments available, the sites of care, and the physician patient relationship. These changes have resulted primarily from reactions to health care cost inflation. Health care reform is likely to accelerate some of these changes. The threat/promise of health care reform has already accelerated the consolidation of the health care services market. Health care reform is likely to reduce the number of insurers, increase the number of Americans in managed health care plans, increase the number of physicians in group practice, change provider income, and in general make the health care delivery system more concentrated and vertically integrated.  相似文献   

The theorisation of informal care markets from the perspective of global care chains focuses on the feminisation and racialisation of the field. Some recent research does, however, also discuss male migrant care workers, while national male care workers in informal care markets remain overlooked. The entrance of men into such an extremely feminised and racialised field as care work in private homes represents a challenge to masculinity. If the vulnerable and subordinate position of migrant men in European labour markets provides an explanation for their gender-untraditional choice of work, this, however, does not explain what drives national men into the informal care market, nor how they negotiate their masculinity. Drawing on individual interviews, the article explores how national male care workers in child and elder care in Slovenia employ a strategy of professionalisation and a vision of care entrepreneurship in order to distance themselves from the feminised and racialised norms and practices of care work. How their inclusion in informal care markets might reinforce gendered and radicalised hierarchies in care work is also analysed. Nevertheless, the interview data also indicate that the informal care market represents an arena for doing alternative masculinities that transgress the stereotypical, racialised construction of men in care work.  相似文献   

As the continuum of long-term care has expanded, public funding has not accompanied new care options. I detail access, provider profits and resources, and care quality in two types of residential care that fall in the center of the continuum, assisted living and board and care. These two options provide examples of how limited public funding leads to vertical axes, which represent access to services, the resources providers draw on to give care, and the quality of long-term care services, at each service point on the long-term care continuum.  相似文献   

Health care services provided to older adults today are not as effective as they should be. The quality of care for late-life mental disorders often falls short of desired standards. The growth of the elderly population makes it imperative for the health care system to address late-life mental disorders more effectively. Intervention strategies based in primary care settings show the most promise, but effectiveness will depend on solving the geriatric psychiatry workforce crisis. Collaborative care is one promising model for improving geriatric mental health care delivery in primary care. Diffusion of collaborative care into the health care system and integrating geriatric psychiatry into other models such as geriatric medical homes will require redesign of the organization and financing of primary care and psychiatry to overcome current barriers. Public policy should reflect the essential role of psychiatry in geriatrics and promote the integration of geriatric psychiatry with primary care.  相似文献   

We use data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to examine the hours of home care received by the elderly. The existing empirical literature has mostly examined informal home care from children and formal home care. We identify two additional informal home care providers, namely, relatives (other than children) and friends (including neighbors) who provide about 30 % of the hours of informal home care. Our main new empirical finding is that single elderly persons who can rely less on children—and in particular daughters—for their home care receive not only more formal care but also more care from friends and neighbors. These findings suggest that policymakers need to take into account not only home care provision from children but also home care provision from friends and neighbors to obtain accurate projections concerning the increasing costs of formal care programs due to an aging population.  相似文献   

Managed care represents a response to the wider institutional demand for technical rationality and efficiency, and it may be in conflict with professionally generated logics of mental health care which emphasize the delivery of quality care, as well as providing services to all who need care. The organizational and policy conundrum is to balance conflicting institutional demands for efficiency (cost savings) and effectiveness (access and quality). This paper examines managed care in one public sector mental health care system that has attempted to incorporate the principles of managed care into a community based system of care and to overcome the potential contradictions between demands for efficiency and professional logics of care. Both qualitative and quantitative data are used to examine changes in organizational structure and service offerings; providers' experience of managed care, and the effect of managed care on working conditions and work experiences, and changes in the goals of the organization as measured by the specification of client outcomes. I find that, while increased performance accountability and outcome assessment (in keeping with demands for efficiency) have the potential to improve mental health care services, in fact, providers report that the primary effect of managed care has been an emphasis on cost containment, and there has been a corresponding de-emphasis on the provision of community based services for clients with long term care needs. However, there is potential for professional logics to be maintained by larger institutional forces demanding quality care.  相似文献   

Routine child care by grandparents was examined for 1,229 children who were participants in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care. Four groups were identified: extended full‐time care, extended part‐time care, sporadic care, and no routine care during the first three years. The odds of sporadic child care by grandparents were higher when mothers were relatively young and worked nonstandard hours. The odds of extended full‐time grandparent care versus extended part‐time grandparent care were higher for mothers of color and mothers with more extensive full‐time employment. All types of grandparent care were more likely when a grandparent lived in the household. These findings suggest that grandparent care is heterogeneous and may occur in response to different family circumstances.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, an increasing number of green care farms are providing day care to community-dwelling elderly people with dementia. Currently, it is unknown whether activities, activity participation, and facility use of elderly people with dementia at green care farms differ from those at regular day care facilities. The authors performed group and individual observations at 11 green care farms and 12 regular day care facilities. Activities of elderly people at green care farms were more frequent, occurred outdoors more often, were of a higher physical intensity, and more often were aimed at individuals than activities at regular day care facilities. Therefore, the green care farms’ environment may be more beneficial for elderly people with dementia than the regular day care facility environment.  相似文献   

The article is the result of qualitative research of informal care markets in Slovenia in the field of childcare, elder care, and cleaning. The author assesses Slovenia's position in the “global care chain” and finds that “local care chains” prevail in the field of childcare and elder care, while a co-occurrence of female gender, “other” ethnicity, and poverty is typical in the field of household cleaning. The main emphasis of the article is on the analysis of hierarchization of the informal market of care work according to following two criteria: social reputation of individual type of care work and citizenship status of care workers.  相似文献   

This review focuses on scholarship that illuminates the ties between gendered care and persistent gender inequality. After an overview of work on gender and care across the disciplines, it examines sociologies of care and suggests how sociology might further enrich research and theory in this area. I explore the areas of work–family intersection, state care policy, and the organization of paid care work. I argue that the sociology of caregiving needs to better understand institutional effects on care and the interactions that transmit and resist them, organizational influences on paid care work, and how care policies relate to gender equality.  相似文献   

解决农村贫困重度残疾人照护问题,既是党和政府的明确要求,也是残疾人和家属的热切期盼.湖南省农村贫困重度残疾人托养照护专项实践的主要启示:一是照护服务能有效改善农村重度残疾人生活质量和巩固脱贫攻坚成果;二是规划部署和经费配置是解决照顾问题的关键所在;三是"家庭自付+村社支持+政府补贴"的付费方式在实践中具有可行性和可持续性;四是农村地区需要优先发展保障急需的基本生活照护和寄宿照护服务,需要根据残疾人生活自理能力和家庭照护能力精准提供适合的照护服务.建议将"优先重点解决城乡低收入重度残疾人照护问题"纳入"十四五"规划及政府实事工程任务,加快建立以家庭照护为基础、社会化照护为支持、集中照护为补充的重度残疾人照护服务体系,完善以生活自理能力和家庭照护能力为核心指标的优先保障对象精准识别机制,通过"两补提标"、建立家庭照护和集中照护机构统一认定制度、评价制度和支持机制,完善残疾人帮扶机制.  相似文献   

This study examines the number of placement moves experienced over an eight-year period by 5,557 children in one state who first entered out-of-home care between birth and age six. This group comprised 28% of all young children who entered care during this period. Nearly 30% of children in kinship care and 52% of children in nonrelative care experienced placement instability (defined as three or more moves after the first year in care). Children in kinship care, regardless of age, had fewer placement moves than those in nonkinship care. A multivariate analysis found that children who had more than one placement move during their first year of care were more likely to experience placement instability in long-term out-of-home care than if they did not move or were moved only once during their first year in care.  相似文献   

Group care is a frequent placement for adolescents placed in out of home care when their birth parents' care is deemed unsafe. In the present study, we assessed whether foster parents show greater commitment to children than group care providers. Given that group care represents a number of living arrangements, we considered both shift care (where staff work shifts and do not live with the children) and cottage care (where staff live for extended periods of time with the children in a group living context). Commitment was assessed using the This Is My Child Interview (adapted for adolescents). Thirty-one foster parents, 18 shift workers, and 28 cottage care providers were interviewed. As predicted, foster parents showed higher levels of commitment than both shift care workers and cottage care providers, and the associations held when children's externalizing behaviors and the number of children the caregivers had cared for were controlled. The results suggest that foster care promotes greater commitment among caregivers than other out of home placements, and add to other findings that favor foster care as the out of home placement of choice for adolescents.  相似文献   


As the continuum of long-term care has expanded, public funding has not accompanied new care options. I detail access, provider profits and resources, and care quality in two types of residential care that fall in the center of the continuum, assisted living and board and care. These two options provide examples of how limited public funding leads to vertical axes, which represent access to services, the resources providers draw on to give care, and the quality of long-term care services, at each service point on the long-term care continuum.  相似文献   

This article critically explores assumptions underpinning Swedish elder care policies that the introduction of market practices in publicly funded eldercare services advances women's entrepreneurship. We argue that gendered privileges and disadvantages are being recreated on tax‐funded home care markets; furthermore, gendered inequalities intersect with ethnicity and profession in the management of small‐scale care companies' dealings with authorities governing home care services and standards for home care work. However, we find that the salience of categories depends on the context in which they emerge. While gender and profession are dominant in management, gender and ethnicity influence interactions with authorities. Only in standards for home care work do all categories simultaneously shape the business approaches of care entrepreneurs. Our analysis, based on data on size and growth of home care companies and interviews with small‐scale care entrepreneurs, suggests that regulations and practices privilege big companies and care entrepreneurs who echo the white, masculine gendering of entrepreneurship as ‘doing business' and disadvantage small‐scale entrepreneurs focusing on leading care work to produce quality care.  相似文献   

Challenges with an ageing population are increasingly becoming a reality in the Western world. Since cognitive impairment increases with age, we can expect an increasing number of older people in need of care. The aim of this article is to describe, analyse and compare different focuses on care of older people with dementia, using examples from France, Portugal and Sweden. The questions are principally focused on the participants’ view about their tasks, the organisation of work, the professional role and cooperation with other professions. Everyday care was studied through observations and participant observations and the staff's opinion was explored by means of interviews. Twenty-two care settings for older people were included. The findings showed that France provided mainly ‘health care’, Sweden ‘social care’ and Portugal an integrated ‘health care and social care’. In a comparative perspective the Portuguese general care of older people, which focuses on integration of health care, social care and social work, also seems to provide care for older people suffering from dementia which best corresponds to the previously developed group living model.  相似文献   

Young people leaving local authority care are frequently discussed in terms of being socially excluded and having ‘poor life outcomes’. In terms of educational achievement, employment and involvement in the criminal justice system, those with an experience of the care system fare the worst. Within the context of these poor outcomes, the Government Green Paper ‘Care Matters’ has emerged. However, the Green Paper’s outcomes framework for looked after children’s well‐being risks simplifying the complex nature of children’s experiences and needs. It is children’s experiences of care, both before entering the care system and whilst growing up within the care system that shapes their well‐being and their life outcomes. The basis of improving children’s outcomes should include listening to and understanding what children need from the care system. This knowledge helps to develop an understanding of how failings within the care system are experienced by children in care and how these experiences are subsequently translated into negative outcomes for young care leavers. Drawing upon qualitative, empirical data, this study aims to explore young care leavers’ experiences of care. Through this, the extent to which feelings of care shape self esteem and a sense of self will be explored. Finally, this study will outline themes of trust and stability in the provision of care services and how these can shape positive outcomes for care leavers.  相似文献   

Family reunification without subsequent reentry is the primary permanency goal for children placed in foster care. While a number of placement-level factors have been examined for their effect on subsequent reentry to care, no study to date has considered foster care licensing. The current study uses statewide administrative data to construct a cohort of foster care youth who entered care between 2009 and 2012 and were reunified by the start of 2013 (N = 7752) to investigate the association between types of foster care and the probability of reentry to foster care up to two years following reunification. We focus specifically on the licensing status of foster homes, and employ propensity score analysis to address selection bias in placement type. A propensity-weighted cox proportional hazard model revealed that youth placed in licensed relative care (LRC) homes and licensed non-relative care (LNC) homes were more likely to reenter foster care than those youth placed in unlicensed relative care (URC) homes during their first spell of foster care.  相似文献   

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