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社会文化变迁对婚姻家庭的影响及趋势   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
婚姻家庭既是人类文化的积淀,是社会文化的载体,也是传递社会文化的重要组成部分。在人类发展的历史长河中,婚姻家庭与社会文化变迁密切相关,社会文化变迁以各种方式影响着婚姻家庭的建立、形成与发展。以社会文化变迁为视角,通过对社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭的建立、形成与发展之间的互动关系的历史考察,从婚姻家庭形式、婚姻家庭制度、婚姻家庭观念、婚姻家庭习俗、婚姻家庭关系等方面探讨人类社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭变化发展之间的内在关系,揭示人类社会不同历史阶段社会文化变迁及其特点对人类社会婚姻家庭建立、形成与发展的影响,探索社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭变化规律,探寻在当代社会文化交汇、冲突、融合加快趋势下,社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭变化的趋势。  相似文献   

对推进江苏省健康老龄化和积极老龄化的思考   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
健康老龄化和积极老龄化是人类面对老龄化挑战提出的一项战略目标和对策,也是人类应对老龄化挑战的必然选择。江苏省经济社会相对发达,人口老龄化问题十分突出,推进健康老龄化和积极老龄化既十分重要与迫切,也已具备较好条件。针对推进健康老龄化和积极老龄化面临的挑战提出对策建议:制定中长期计划,深入开展调查研究;紧抓重点和难点,确保社会保障阶段性目标的实现;未雨绸缪,加强老年专业服务队伍和志愿者队伍建设;多措并举,最大限度地调动和激发老年群体的主观能动性与积极性;提升全民健商意识和健康水平,力保健康人群加入老年人行列。  相似文献   

社会安全阀机制与贫富差距调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国贫富差距较大已是一客观不争的社会事实。社会安全阀机制则起着调适贫富差距的作用,从而缓解了贫富差距所可能导致的利益和社会冲突,维持和促进了社会的稳定与发展。研究立足于贫富差距较大的客观现实,着重对现有社会安全阀机制进行分析,并指出在健全和完善相应社会安全阀机制的基础上消除较大的贫富差距。  相似文献   

根据2006年对吉林省、市(州)及基层人口和计划生育干部进行的调查,对人口和计划生育干部的数量、年龄、学历、政策水平等进行研究。为全面准确地掌握吉林省、市(州)及基层人口和计划生育干部队伍建设的情况,增强全省人口和计划生育系统干部队伍培养的针对性,更好地完成新时期人口和计生工作任务提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

Population research and education in Vietnam have expanded in their functions since the early 1980s. There are currently 5 departments conducting demographic studies: the National Committee for Population and Family Planning within the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, and the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, the Ministry of Labor Fore, the Vietnam Women's Union, and the Youth Union. An overview is provided of each department and its research and educational activities as well as the General Statistics Office (GSO) and the Institute of Sociology. GSO provides statistics on population annually from a variety of sources including the decennial census. The last census was conducted in 1989 and is useful for understanding general demographic trends. Vital rate data are considered too low. The Institute of Sociology uses the sample survey and focus groups to examine social and economic conditions and their effects on norms and values about reproduction. The Institute conducted a knowledge, attitudes, and prevalence (KAP) survey in 1984. Studies have focused on the commune level and the role of government in population regulation. Findings have supported a position that the goal of a 2-child family is not attainable without social and economic change as well as family planning. Migration studies have also been undertaken with the Ministry of Labor. The National Committee for Population and Family Planning is concerned with studies on the biotechnology of contraceptive methods and abortion. A study in 1987 examined health workers attitudes toward and knowledge of a variety of contraceptive methods. In 1988 the Demographic and Health Survey was conducted and data were comparable internationally. Studies have been helpful in designing training programs and in informing decision makers. Forecast data in 1990 were useful in setting targets for the coming decade. The Ministry of Education targets the general public and students. Materials aim to create positive attitudes to family planning and to inform about general population issues. Special groups such as the Women's Union have conducted KAP studies and the Center for Women's Studies has focused on the problems of women in development.  相似文献   

In the Philippines several steps have been taken to meet the challenge of increasing population growth. Commencing with the Republic Act 6365, known as the Population Act (1971) program directives focus on achieving and maintaining population levels most conducive to the national welfare. In 1978 a Special Committee was constituted by the President to review the population program. Pursuant to the Committee's findings certain changes were adopted. The thrust is now towards longterm planning to ensure a more significant and perceptible demographic impact of development programs and policies. Increasing attention is paid to regional development and spatial distribution in the country. The 1978-82 Development Plan states more clearly the interaction between population and development. The National Economic and Development Authority, the central policy and planning agency of the government, takes charge of formulation and coordinating the broader aspects of population policy and integrating population with socioeconomic plans and policies. At present the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) is implementing a project known as the Population/Development Planning and Research (PDPR) project with financial support from the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). This project promotes and facilitates the integration of the population dimension in the planning process. It does this by maintaining linkages and instituting collaborative mechanisms with the different NEDA regional offices and sectoral ministries. It also trains government planners in ways of integrating population concerns into the development plan. PDPR promotes the use of population and development research for planning purposes and policy formation. The Philippine Development Plan, 1978-82, recognized that an improvement in the level of 1 sector reinforces the performance of the other sectors. Since the establishment of the National Population Program 12 years ago, population and family planning have been successfully integrated with various development sectors, notably, labor, health, and education. Through the policies of integration, multiagency participation, and partnership of the public and private sectors, the Commission on Population uses existing development programs of government and private organizations as vehicles for family planning information and services and shares the responsibility of implementing all facets of the population program with various participating agencies in the government and private sector.  相似文献   

肖智  张杰  郑征征 《人口研究》2012,(2):97-105
根据新经济地理学理论构建劳动力流动与第三产业的联立方程,系统分析2006~2009年中国各省市劳动力流动与第三产业发展的影响因素及两者之间的内生性关系。研究发现,流入地的经济收入、第三产业的发展水平和经济开放度是吸引劳动力流入的主要动力;随着农村净收入的提高,城乡收入差距缩小,劳动力的流动性随之降低;资本、劳动力和市场因素会促进第三产业的发展,但过多的政策管制却阻碍了第三产业的发展,而且城市化策略在不同区域的不同发展阶段其效果不同;劳动力流动与第三产业发展是相互作用的,从而引起劳动力在东部的聚集效应和在中西部的分散效应。  相似文献   

论生态移民与长江上游可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态环境保护与建设是中国西部大开发的根本和切入点 ,长江上游是西部地区和中国生态环境建设的重点。本文在对生态移民进行界定的基础上 ,通过对长江上游生态脆弱与环境恶化状况以及该地区在整个长江流域重要地位的分析 ,研究了长江上游生态移民与西部地区生态环境建设等方面的关系 ,提出了在生态移民的过程中应当关注的问题 ,进而阐述了长江上游生态移民在提高长江流域乃至全国可持续发展能力中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

Like other parts of the world, the Asia and Pacific region has experienced mass movements of the population within and across countries. This report presents the issues and problems discussed, and the recommendations given at the Expert Group Meeting on International Migration in Asia and the Pacific, held in 1984 in Manila. The 9 issues discussed include: 1) available data on international migration are often inconsistent, incomplete, and inadequate for a thorough analysis of the migration situation; 2) the conventional economic theory of migration, and the modern view are different, but related; 3) are internal and international migration 2 distinct phenomena, or are they simply opposite ends of a continuum ranging from short-distance moves within a country to long-distance moves across national boundaries?; 4) permanent migration from Asia and the Pacific to the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand has risen sharply over the the past few years; 5) international migration could have considerable effects on the size, composition, growth, and structure of the populations of both sending and receiving countries; 6) temporary labor migration to the Middle East increased rapidly in the recent past; 7) temporary labor migration has benefits and costs to the home country and to the returning workers and their families; 8) refugee movements within and from Asia have had significant repercussions, not only in the lives of the migrants themselves, but also in the national policies and social structures of the asylum countries; and 9) international migration, if properly controlled and organized, could work for the benefit of every country involved.  相似文献   

丁志宏 《人口学刊》2013,35(1):69-77
2005~2010年,我国老年人的主要经济生活来源结构没有发生大的变化,但各类生活来源的比重发生较大变化。老年人的经济生活来源存在明显的性别、年龄、婚姻、城乡、地区差异。在过去5年,我国老年人的独立性增强,一些弱势群体越来越多地得到国家、政府的保障。但是,女性老年人群体、高龄老人群体、丧偶老人群体,尤其未婚的老人,更需要社会关注;老年人主要经济生活来源的城乡差异和镇乡差异、东部和西部地区以及中部和西部地区的差异在扩大。  相似文献   

Questions of bi identities can be invisibilized and overlooked by queer theorizing and LGBT studies. This article explores the ways in which complex performances of bisexuality can simultaneously encompass and deconstructively critique bi identity in a manner that embraces the “and” between bi and queer, offering important insights into how bi is lived, contested, and reaffirmed. Drawing on the BiCon and BiFest events in the UK, we argue that both the materialities (and supposed fixities) of bi erasures and exclusions and the fluidities that trouble the heterosexual/homosexual divides offer key insights into the spatial and temporal fixing and unfixing of identities.  相似文献   

Summarizes the deliberations and recommendations of the (1978) 4th International Population Conference: "Expanding Rural and Urban Community Participation in Population Programs," sponsored by the World Population Society and the Population Center Foundation, and held in the Philippines. The 2 main concerns were finding ways of involving people in rural villages and urban communities in population programs, and fostering the sharing of ideas and experiences for the benefit of program administrators. Topics covered by the conference and reviewed here were organization and action for community participation; relating population and family planning to other services and the relevant personnel; role of women and women's organizations; involvement of youth; distribution of family planning information, techniques, and supplies; and new ideas and approaches. The resolutions of the delegates and other recommendations are also reviewed.  相似文献   

刘洁 《人口学刊》2003,(3):43-47
改革开放以来,由于地区经济发展的差异性、就业制度和户籍制度的改革,原本人口密度较小的中西部地区出现了大量人才和劳动力大军"挥师南下"的现象。这虽然有利于满足经济发达地区对人才和劳动力的需求,有利于提高人民的收入和生活水平,但从长远来讲,不利于落后地区经济的长远发展和国家经济发展的整体战略。为了实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标,就必须解决落后地区的人口问题,坚持区域人口的适度增长和科学有效的管理,促进我国区域人口的合理布局,使各个地区实现人口与经济、社会、资源、环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

生育保险是国家通过社会保险立法的强制手段征集生育保险基金,在妇女劳动者因为妊娠、分娩而不能工作、工资收入暂时中断时,可以从国家和社会获得医疗保健服务和物质帮助,以保障参保母子的基本生活和身心健康,确保社会人口再生产和妇女、儿童权益的一项社会保障制度。生育保险促进了男女的实质平等,保障了劳动力的再生产,维护了社会的和谐和稳定。提高生育保险的立法层次,扩大生育保险的覆盖范围,建立合理的基金筹集机制,加强对生育保险基金的管理,规范生育保险待遇标准是完善生育保险立法的当务之急。  相似文献   

企事业单位在转变经营机制后,人口与计划生育工作的难度还在增大,要求更高,任务也更艰巨,工作的重点是要进一步理顺企事业单位人口与计划生育管理体制,认真解决好非国有企事业单位人口与计划生育工作责任落实问题,并要加强对企事业单位人口与计划生育工作的研究与指导,以推动企事业单位人口与计划生育工作的进一步发展。  相似文献   

The objectives of the 5th meeting of the ASEAN Heads of Population Program, held at Chiang Mai during November 1981, were the following: to discuss and consider the midterm reviews of some of the Phase 1 projects; to discuss and consider the ASEAN population experts' views on the progress made in the rest of the phase 1 projects; to discuss and consider the progress made in the implementation of the phase 2 projects; to discuss and consider the ASEAN population experts' recommendations on the ASEAN population program in the 1980s based on the report of the programming exercise submitted by the consultant in the expert group meeting; and to discuss administrative and other problems faced by the program implementors in the operationalization of the ongoing ASEAN population projects and provide appropriate directions to solve such problems. As a result of the programming exercise, the meeting established the directions for the future ASEAN population program and strongly recommended the continuation, intensification, and expansion of the ASEAN population program. A total of 12 projects comprise the ASEAN population program: 5 projects under phase 1 and 7 under phase 2. Under phase 1, 1 project has been completed, and the 1st parts of 2 other projects are in the process of implementation. Phase 2 projects, which started in September/October 1980, are all in the process of implementation. The following phase 1 projects are summarized: integration of population and rural development policies and programs; modular training for trainers of population and development agencies in ASEAN countries; multi-media support for population programs in the context of rural development in ASEAN countries; and migration in relation to rural development. The following phase 2 projects are also summarized: institutional development and exchange of personnel; women in development in ASEAN countries; and migration in relation to rural development. The following phase 2 projects are also summarized: institutional development and exchange of personnel; women in development; developing and strengthening national population information systems and networks in ASEAN countries; population and development dynamics and the human resource balance; studies on health and family planning in ASEAN countries; development of ASEAN social indicators; and population migratory movement and development.  相似文献   

陕西省贫富差距与社会公平问题刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭永刚  薛新娅  苏雷 《西北人口》2007,28(4):72-75,80
我国贫富差距的加剧已成为社会各界的共识。但是,在对这一问题及其社会影响的严重程度上,则存在着不同见解。本文认为不能过分迷信和依赖统计数据,也不能将基尼系数视为衡量贫富差距及其社会影响的唯一标准。本文提出社会学强调的是社会效益,追求的是社会公平。故此,应运用社会学的精英理论、隧道理论和多元视阈观来思考分析社会贫富差距现象,对这一问题进行综合治理。  相似文献   

陆杰华  朱荟 《人口学刊》2013,35(1):27-35
通过检索与回顾2011年刊发在国内主要人口学刊物上较有代表性的文章以及人口学相关著作或科研文集,从中国人口国情、人口与社会、流动人口、人口老龄化、生育、人口与经济、其他领域等学界关注的领域系统性地评述2011年中国人口学研究的现状与进展。总体来看,2011年学界加强了对中国人口发展总体形势的判断,更多地关注人口与社会管理、人口与公共政策、人口与教育等与社会现实息息相关的领域。此外,对流动人口、人口老龄化、生育、人口与经济等以往人口学传统主题也进行了更为深刻和细致的研究。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the recent evolution of social assistance in the developing world, looking at its complex typological configuration, which has interlinked with, and partly reflects the complex demographic and epidemiological transitions and rapid urbanization and economic convergence that many developing countries have exhibited over the past decades. The paper underscores the principles of the poverty focus of social assistance and presents an overview of existence evidence of first‐ and second‐order effects of social assistance, particularly in the domains of poverty, education, health, and labor markets. Moreover, the paper highlights the knowledge gaps with regard to the longer term and gender‐specific welfare effects of social assistance, and the redistributive effects, and the incentives and distortion mechanisms that transfer programs can generate in the labor and insurance markets.  相似文献   

冯小  陈靖 《南方人口》2012,27(1):34-41
传统婚姻模式与家庭和村庄稳定的具有密切的关系,因而围绕婚姻模式形成了诸多的支持机制。而在打工经济引起青年农民大量流动的背景下,村庄与家庭结构发生了迅速的变迁,农村青年的婚姻支持机制逐渐走向衰落。本文分析了赣南B村的“闪婚”与“闪离”现象,探讨这种婚姻模式在宗族性的村庄是如何可能的。当传统的婚姻支持机制逐渐走向瓦解,农村青年的婚姻得不到支持与整合.在“闪婚”这一新现象之后,随即走向“闪离”,农村青年则在面对自身婚姻时感到了无奈和无力感。  相似文献   

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