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张靖  王立剑 《西北人口》2011,32(1):31-35,42
现有关于城镇低收入人群社会保障需求与供给的研究文献,是提高现行社会保障制度保障城镇低收入人群能力的必要决策参考。本文在界定城镇低收入人群、社会保障、社会保障需求、社会保障供给的基础上,梳理了国内外关于城镇低收入人群社会保障需求、城镇低收入人群社会保障供给、城镇低收入人群社会保障需求与供给差异的研究文献,研究发现,现有文献大多关注于城镇低收入人群的被动收入,注重制度保障,而对城镇低收入人群社会保障的需求量是多少,以及现有社会保障制度供给是否能满足他们的社会保障需求等问题则较少涉及。  相似文献   

梁汉学 《南方人口》2011,26(4):31-39
社会学概念“社会距离”从博格达斯量表开始,其测量的一直是群体(族、阶层)之间的主观心理距离,反映的是群体间文化差异或群体间相互接受程度。为了回应塔尔达和拉梅尔对社会距离概念客观性的要求,本文借鉴重新定义距离这个概念,反映不同社会阶层客观的社会差别,并利用广州市2000年人口普查数据和2005年1%人口抽样调查数据来测量广州市不同阶层(群体)的社会距离,解释广州市社会阶层(群体)关系的变化,说明社会变迁。  相似文献   

外来人口的有效社会融合问题,已成为先发展地区亟待研究和解决的重要课题。本文运用结构方程模型剖析社会融合的影响因素,结果表明,经济、社会交往、文化适应等要素对外来人口社会融合的影响越来越显著:经济适应依然是社会融合的基础;文化适应是影响社会融合最重要的因素;经济适应和社会交往对社会融合产生间接的影响作用。多层次、分阶段地促进外来人口的社会融合,高度重视文化对社会融合的作用,是解决外来人口社会融合的重要途径。  相似文献   

社会资本与健康研究领域存在核心概念界定不清与理论解释欠缺两大不足。文章在社会网络的视角下对社会资本、社会凝聚和社会支持三个相互杂糅的概念进行辨析区分,并在此基础上以调查数据实证检验了社会资本对身心健康的作用效果与影响机制。结果显示,在控制社会凝聚和社会支持作用的条件下,社会资本依然对自评健康和心理健康存在显著的独立影响,但其对两种健康在影响因素和影响方向上呈现一些差异。其中,网络规模和网络顶端对自评健康和心理健康都具有显著的正向作用,而心理健康同时还受到网络差异的负向影响。从这个角度而言,社会资本对个体身心健康的影响并不必然是积极正向的。  相似文献   

中国养老模式研究综述   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:46  
大力促进社会化养老 ,从家庭养老向社会养老过渡 ,是我国养老模式发展的必然趋势。家庭养老与社会养老的区别在于承担养老责任不同。社会养老具有社会再分配功能 ,从而实现社会范围的公平化。虽然学者们各持其说 ,但养老模式仍不外乎以下几类 :完整的家庭养老、社会养老、自我养老 ,不完整的家庭养老、社会养老、自我养老和居家养老等。而在我国 ,以家庭为主的养老模式还会持续很长时间 ,且最终会被社会养老模式所取代。我国目前的养老工作尚需深入研究  相似文献   

The present study examines factors affecting the quality of social networks of Chinese in the UK, in relation to network size and perceived respect gained from social network. The study further explores the role of social networks in relation to the social norms of helping and helping behaviour. Two hundred and eleven British Chinese participants recruited from Chinese health and community centres across the United Kingdom completed a quantitative questionnaire. The 38-item instrument consisted of four main domains: health and functioning; social functioning; volunteerism; and demographics. Findings revealed an association between social participation and social network size. High levels of trust in family members was found to be negatively associated with social network size, implying that strong family relations is a hindrance to social network size among British Chinese participants. More research is needed to further explore social networks of the British Chinese and the implications that this may have on use of services and social participation.  相似文献   

Social capital covers different characteristics such as social networks, social participation, social support and trust. The aim of this study was to explore which aspects of social capital were predictive of mortality. Criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis were: population based observational cohort studies (follow-up ≥5 years); study sample included the adult population; parts of social capital as the primary exposure variable of interest; reported a mortality outcome; and sample size >1,000 individuals. Twenty studies provided eligible data for the meta-analyses. A random effect model was used to estimate the combined overall hazard rate ratio effects of structural social capital such as social participation and social networks, and cognitive social capital including social support and trust in relation to mortality. The results showed that social participation and social networks were negatively associated with mortality. The impact of social networks attenuated somewhat when controlling for gender and age. While trust also appeared to be negatively associated with mortality, we remain cautious with this conclusion, since only two studies provided eligible data. Perceived social support failed to show a significant impact upon mortality. The findings suggest that people who engage socially and report frequent contacts with friends and family live longer.  相似文献   

Demographers have argued increasingly that social interaction is an important mechanism for understanding fertility behavior. Yet it is still quite uncertain whether social learning or social influence is the dominant mechanism through which social networks affect individuals' contraceptive decisions. In this paper we argue that these mechanisms can be distinguished by analyzing the density of the social network and its interaction with the proportion of contraceptive users among network partners. Our analyses indicate that social learning is most relevant with high market activity; in regions with only modest market activity, however, social influence is the dominant means by which social networks affect women's contraceptive use.  相似文献   

宁夏社会保障体系建设的现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏东海 《西北人口》2010,31(5):103-108,112
社会保障制度是维护社会安定的"稳定器",是调节社会分配、实现社会公平的"调节器"。加快社会保障体系建设,是大力推进以改善民生为重点社会建设的重要举措,更是加快推进经济社会协调发展,构建和谐社会的核心内容。加快完善宁夏社会保障体系建设,对于保障宁夏各族人民基本生活、缩小城乡差距、促进民族平等、民族团结和民族繁荣,实现社会的公平、和谐与可持续发展将有着极为重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

东北地区社会保障适度水平分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文应用社会保障水平理论与适度水平测算模型 ,对东北三省社会保障支出水平的适度性问题进行了系统分析 ,得出基本结论即保障水平偏低且结构不合理。在此基础上 ,从东北社会保障体制中的缺陷出发分析造成保障水平现状的原因 ,并应用社会保障水平供求平衡理论和社会保障水平效率标准 ,提出了完善社会保障水平的建议和措施。  相似文献   

中国传统社会救济与城市贫困人口社会救助理念建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国传统社会救济是现代社会救助不可回避的历史基础 ,其救济思想源于道义性。城市居民社会救助制度是对传统社会救济的根本性改革 ,其基本原则与传统社会救济截然不同 ,即强调社会救助中政府的法定责任、公民的法定权利和对应义务的统一。然而 ,传统社会救济思想以其强大的惯性力量影响着现代社会救助理念建设 ,使其表现出一定的滞后性 ,主要为 :对政府责任和公民权利强调不够 ;对民众社会救助义务宣传不力。理念建设的滞后使部分民众和工作人员对社会救助认识模糊、混乱 ,阻碍了社会救助制度健康发展。  相似文献   

"福利依赖"现象与社会救助制度几乎是如影随形,所以世界上不同国家都不约而同地建立了以"就业福利"为主的社会救助模式,影响救助群体就业意愿的因素十分复杂。鉴于此,笔者以中国16省37县市的社会救助对象抽样调查数据为基础,利用Logit模型对社会救助群体再就业意愿进行分析。研究发现,性别、年龄、享受社会救助前所从事的职业、享受社会救助前年家庭人均收入、年人均社会救助收入和是否享受了社会救助配套项目等个体特征变量对社会救助群体的再就业意愿存在显著性影响。  相似文献   

社会资本是一种实际或潜在的资源的集合,社会资本的三大来源是文化、家庭、国家在其积累中的作用。社会资本来源与社会保障存在密切的内在联系。社会资本来源对于中国社会保障建设的重要启示在于:社会资本被充分利用的过程同时也是促进社会保障不断完善的过程,社会资本来源可以成为中国社会保障建设的发展动力。  相似文献   

中国的经济社会发展需要专业化的社会工作 ,实现中国社会工作的专业化 ,既要注意实现中国社会工作的本土化、转变群众团体职能和提高现有社会工作人员的专业素质 ,又要注意促进社会工作实践与理论的结合以及完善社会工作教育。与专业化相伴随的是中国社会工作的产业化 ,在中国 ,实现社会工作的产业化有着巨大的积极意义和现实可能性  相似文献   

彭国胜 《西北人口》2012,33(3):38-44
对贵州省684名农村成年居民的实证研究结果显示,农村居民在社会问题归因上的社会归因意识较为强烈,在政策优先意识上倾向于经济优先意识,其福利需求意识比较强烈但福利权利意识尚较为淡薄,这表明低水平实践的社会福利在当前欠发达地区的农村社会话语序列中尚未处于重要位置。经济发展水平、社会福利制度背景、文化传统和人口结构特征等不同层次因素对农村居民的社会福利认知均具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

In line with the economic crisis and rapid socio-demographic changes, the interest in ??social?? and ??well-being?? indicators has been revived. Social indicator movements of the 1960s resulted in the establishment of social indicator statistical frameworks; that legacy has remained intact in many national governments and international organisations. With this background, this research examines whether existing social indicator frameworks are valid and effective enough to address increasingly complex social issues. The authors argue that, despite some improvements, current social indicators fail to provide an effective framework and tool for measuring the progress of social welfare and also for developing or reforming social policy to cope with newly emerging social problems. While proposing a new social indicator framework based on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development??s pressure-state-response (PSR) model, the paper argues that the new framework should be more than displaying static numbers but should use dynamic statistics revealing causes and effects and shedding light on social and policy changes.  相似文献   

This essay deals with population growth, varieties in population density, and their impacts on social development from the viewpoint of Socialism. The author's main argument can be summarized as follows: 1) population growth is a kind of social production, and it is more important than the geographical environment in relation to social development. Regarding population growth, varieties in population density, and the geographical environment as conditions of equal importance in social life is debatable. 2) the changes in population development should not be limited to the changes in number alone. As science and technology are developed, the impact of changes of population quality on social development is becoming increasingly important. 3) population growth is not the major force which determines the social outlook and social system, and it directly influences social productivity. One should not think that a large population and rapid growth rate will speed up social productivity, or that a small population and a slow growth rate will slow down the development of social productivity. The author quotes Joseph Stalin to support his argument.  相似文献   

农民工的城市融合问题是中国城市化和工业化进程中必须面对的社会问题,亦是构建和谐社会的关键。已有对农民工城市融合的研究大多从个体层次出发,探讨社会资本因素和人力资本因素对农民工融合的影响。但却忽略了这个群体的制度身份对他们融人城市的限制,且未能从群体的层次将他们的现实处境与融合之间的关系做进一步的探讨。本文以建筑业农民工群体为例,从融合的社会经济维度探讨该群体城市融合的现状与困境,并提出以制度身份为基础的该群体社会地位的边缘化,才是阻碍农民工城市融合的症结所在。  相似文献   

基于上海市流动人口问卷调查资料,采用因子分析和多元回归分析的方法对新生代乡-城流动人口社会融合的结构维度、现状、影响因素进行了实证分析。研究发现:社会融合结构维度包括经济适应、社会接纳、文化与心理融合;社会融合度较高,但融合质量有待提高;社会融合的主要影响因素是个人特征、经济因素以及制度安排,个人特征是基础性因素,经济因素不再是影响社会融合最重要的因素,但与社会融合呈现复杂的线性关系,制度因素特别是参与社会养老保险最为重要。  相似文献   

为保障被征地农民的基本权益,各地正在推广以土地换取社会保障的做法。通过对土地和社会保障的属性分析发现,两者不具有内在的一致性,土地不能换社会保障。被征地农民社会保障方案既不能代替土地补偿与安置补助的功能,也不能被初次分配的方式所替代,需要通过构建社会保障方案帮助被征地农民提高抵御风险的能力,为他们在合理补偿安置的基础上构建社会保障的“安全网”。构建被征地农民社会保障方案的合理路径是将其纳入现行的社会保障体系,通过对S省水电工程移民社会保障安置缺陷的反思,构建了具有实践价值的水电工程移民社会保障方案。  相似文献   

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