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The Shanghai Municipal Education Committee has recently decided to include gender education into the university curriculum, according to sources familiar with this matter. The first four courses introduced are study of gender; female psychology and career development; emotion, love and marriage; and marriage, family and economy. Starting February 2002, these courses will be first introduced in seven universities in the form of lectures and officially included in the credit system of most uni…  相似文献   

In 2005, Shanghai, a mega city with a population of 16million, will map out its first regulation on HIV/AIDSprevention and control to protect the legal rights ofHIV/AIDS carriers.An thorough investigation has been conducted in 2004and a team of local legislative, medical experts,government officials and related members have reviseda draft regulation that will be submitted to theMunicipal People's Congress for review in March 2005.The regulation will highlight the legal rights ofHIV/AI…  相似文献   

A population forecast released by the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission showed that the number of newborns will rise considerably since 2006. By 2009, the number is expected to reach about 145,600, if calculated by household registration. If calculated by permanent residency, the number will rise to 165,600. The first baby boom in Shanghai came in the 1950s. By inertia, the second one came in the 1980s. By the end of 2003, Shanghai had a permanent population of about 17 m…  相似文献   

To promote rational population distribution, Shanghai will be divided into four spheres according to functional regions of population development, and it will develop appropriate goals for population development. The first sphere is within the outer ring,with an area of 630 square kilometers.The inner ring which has high density of population is the evacuation zone and the area between the inner and outer ring is the stable population zone.By 2020,the main  相似文献   

Starting year 2003, primary students in urban areas of Beijing will be exempted from the miscellaneous expenses of RMB80 per semester/per person and those in rural areas RMB40 per semester. Junior high school students will be exempted from the miscellaneous fee of RMB130 per semester in urban areas and RMB80 per semester in rural areas. This was announced at the 35th session of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People抯 Congress convened on July 18, 2002 in Beijing. An official w…  相似文献   

Eradicating poverty and accomplishing common prosperity is a long-pursued goal of the Chinese government, according to a statement made by the government during the Global Conference on Scaling up Poverty Reduction recently in Shanghai. In the statement, the Chinese government set the goal of building a well-off society for all its people during the first two decades of the 21st century. In poverty alleviation, the priority will be given to rural areas. Despite the remarkable achievement…  相似文献   

Pensioners and unemployed people in Beijing willsoon benefit from more reforms in the socialsecurity system.One of the goals is to gradually make pension fundsindependent of current enterprises and be socializedunder the supervision of the Beijing Municipal Laborand Social Security Bureau (BMLSSB). This will alsorelieve state-owned firms of the huge financial burdenof caring for former employees.Another goal will be building up a mature labor marketby 2002, where employers and possible em…  相似文献   

On the basis of MARKAL-MACRO model of"Energy-Economy-Environment"system and Keyfitz model of demography,energy demand in China in the future was calculated.Three scenarios were put forward taking into account of energy efficiency, energy structure and restriction of climate change.CO2 Emissions in China will reach peak value 11.85 Gt in 2042 in reference scenario;10.75 Gt in 2036 in optimized scenario;and 9.47 Gt in 2031 in restriction scenario of climate change. Compare with reference scenario, carbon emissions in restriction scenario of climate change will decline by 2.38 Gt,and peak time will be llyears earlier.With the development of urbanization and industrialization,carbon emissions from electric power, cement,steel will rise gradually then go down;but emissions from traffic will go up continuously because of the increase of vehicle fleet.  相似文献   

According to Shaanxi Daily,Shaanxi Province will implement active employment policy in 2011.It guarantees that new employment in towns will be increased by 330,000,employment transfer of rural Labour will be 6.2 million,registered urban unemployment rate will be controlled within 4.5%. In 2011,Shaanxi will combine industrial upgrading,cultivate and develop strategic emerging industries,boost the development of service industry and gradient shift of processing manufacturing industry,improve  相似文献   

According to Shanghai Government Network, while striving to promote the internationalization of the local talents, Shanghai municipal government has officially unveiled the "Suggestions by Shanghai Municipality About Implementing the Program of Introduing High-level Overseas Talents", with which the local "Thousand Talents Program" was started up. According to the program, the municipality will bring in a batch of high-level and urgently-needed talents from abroad within 5-10 years,  相似文献   

According to People's Daily,in 2015,Shanghai will provide more options of public health services,such as implement ing the family doctor system and establishing the residents' electronic healthcare records. According to the  相似文献   

This research develops specific goals,paths and strategies of urbanization in China upon analyzing the Chinese characteristics and future trends of urbanization.Urbanization will become basic national conditions of China’s future social development,which will have significant impacts on the sources and driving forces of future prosperity and development.However,current challenges in China’s urbanization are that population urbanization lags behind industrialization and land urbanization,and urbanization of the household registered population lags behind urbanization of the resident population.China’s urbanization development will be shifted from a pure speed approach to an approach combining speed with quality during the "Twelfth Five-Year plan" period,and the economic reform will enter into a new stage characterized by promoting in-depth urbanization and urban-rural integration.An urbanization model with Chinese characteristics would be developed by taking urbanization as the leading force in deepening the reform,directing at household registration system reform and employment promotion,enhancing urbanization quality,and promoting equalization of rural and urban public services.  相似文献   

China will witness the advent of three population peakings in the 2100s: working population, total population and aging population, according to the United Nations. The fifth census taken in 2000 showed that of the total population, the working-age group (15-64) took up 70.15%. This will be the first group to peak. By the 2030s, China’s total population will top 1.5 billion and peak at 1.6 billion by 2040s, according to a UN estimate made in 1998. China is also becoming the fastest-growin…  相似文献   

China's male marriage squeeze and its potential consequence have attracted much attention and given rise to debate, but most studies contribute this squeeze to sex structure and neglect the age structure, and some studies use flawed method to study the contribution of age structure in this squeeze. In this paper we develop an indicator of Spousal Sex Ratio (SSR) and apply a decomposition method into age and sex structure. Based on the data from China's 2010 census and projection, we predict that from 2010 to 2020, the age structure will be the dominant factor for China's male marriage squeeze, and from 2020 to 2034, the contribution of sex structure will be increasing, whereas that of age structure will be decreasing. From 2034 to 2045, China's male marriage squeeze will mainly from imbalanced sex structure, and the age structure will contribute little or negatively to China's male marriage squeeze.  相似文献   

Background of the News On January 14, 2013, National Conference on Population and Family Planning Work will be convened in Beijing. The conference will deepen and develop understanding of relevant spirits of the Party’s Eighteenth Congress and arrange implementation of related work. After keeping the low fertility rate for more than 10 years, shall China continue to adhere to the basic national policy of family planning? How shall we improve the quality of life of the newborns and reduce birth defects?  相似文献   

China will double its GDP, on the basis of 2000, in 2020 and achieve industrialization, according to anoted researcher. The nation抯overall power will rank among the top three in the world, meeting the requirements for sustainable development, accordingto a report released by a team of scientists from theChinese Academy of Sciences on sustainable development. Niu Wenyuan, head of the team, said by 2020 theurbanization rate of China will be raised from 36% at present to over 55%, capable of…  相似文献   

The life expectancy at birth for female reached 81.81 in Shanghai in 2003, up from 81.63 in the previous year, according to a new report on the status of women and children in the city in 2003. The report was released jointly by Shanghai Women and Children‘s Committee and the Shanghai Statistics Bureau.  相似文献   

In three or five years, the employment situation in China will aggravate: in addition to current problems of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises and surplus rural laborers, there will be intensive competition for jobs between China抯 urban and rural laborers and between countries, according to Chen Huai, researcher with the State Council Development Research Center, a leading economic think tank. 200 Million Surplus Rural Laborers China抯 development in the next five years will…  相似文献   

Seeking Buddha     
The Wine Buddha The aroma of wine fills the air.Buddha is in the swirl of wine,and will not sink.The perceived submergence is only in our imagination.On a day that is warm and sunny,everything seems as usual! But the sinking is taking place,in our mind. Human beings will sink,be it in water or in air.While sinking,most human beings will long for Buddha’s salvation;however, there are a few,who would sink calmly achieving unexpected enlightenment.It is always believed that at the end of the rope, Buddha will stretch out his hand to rescue our lust soaked hearts. The bitter sea is boundless;if you turn around,the shore is there.But the shore is  相似文献   

According to Xinhuan Net,by the end of 2011,the dependency ratio of the elderly to the working-age population in Shanghai was 36.6,which meant oin average every three people in the working-age population supported one senior resident. As Sshown in "Monitoring and Statistical Survey System of Shanghai’s Elderly Population and Old-Age Undertakings",by 201131 December 312011,the total population withunder Shanghai household registration in Shanghai was 14.1936 million, with 24..5% of whom were elderly population aged 60 or above.In addition,since  相似文献   

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