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Summary Modelling studies are presented which describe the effect of lek mating on the control of a wild population by sterile male release. The mixed leks are assumed to follow a Poisson-binomial distribution and the system includes three parts: territory defense, matings inside a lek and matings outside a lek. The effects of parameters on the hatchability are discussed. Among the parameters, sterile type effect (W s ), female choice (f s ) and mating competitiveness (C m ) are the most important. The application to determining the effects of sterile male release and on the proportion of sterile males required for eradication are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Several models are presented which examine pest population behaviour with the release of female sex pheromones for the attraction and annihilation of males. These models include male polygamy and female monogamy, various mating frequencies, delayed mating of females, immigration of one or all individual types, and differential survivorship of males and females. In all the models there are two steady states, a stable s.s. at the origin and an unstable s.s. in the positive domain for a given value of pheromone release rate. In all the models, control relies on the reduced ability of males to fertilize virgin females following trapping and male annihilation. As such, control is very sensitive to mating frequency, being very difficult when males mate frequently. Control is also very difficult with the immigration of even a moderate number of fertilized females. Control is much easier when mating is delayed, especially if survivorship is low, or with density dependent population regulation.  相似文献   

Summary Lifetime mating success of males in a natural population of the papilionid butterfly,Atrophaneura alcinous, was investigated and causes of the variation were examined. The most successful males mated with 5 females, whereas about 73% of the males failed to mate. Body size of males was not correlated with their eclosion date, longevity and lifetime mating success. There was no trade-off between mating success and longevity, and long-lived males had a disproportionately high mating success. Although number of available females per male per day was not variable among males with different longevities, long-lived males had higher mating efficiency. Time interval between matings by non-virgin males was shorter than that from eclosion to the first mating. High lifetime mating success of long-lived males was strongly related to their mating experience, not to their ageper se.  相似文献   

Summary Spatial relationships of mate acquisition probability for individuals of both sexes of a gregariously-mating coreid bug,Colpula lativentris, were studied in relation to aggregation size. Operational sex ratio was always strongly male biased. Mate acquisition probability of females was rather constant and independent of aggregation size, as predicted by an ideal free distribution. Moreover laboratory experiments showed that both multiple mating and rearing density little affected female fecundity, suggesting ideal free distribution of females in terms of reproductive success. On the other hand, mate acquisition probability of males was higher in larger aggregations, where more receptive females were available. This male discrepancy from an ideal free distribution was similar to the patterns predicted by an ideal free distribution under perceptual constraints (Abrahams, 1986), but not by that under unequal competitive ability.  相似文献   

Summary A male fitness advantage to wing reduction was investigated for the oriental chinch bug,Cavelerius saccharivorus, which is wing dimorphic. Field surveys for the frequency of matings between wing morphs showed that the mating probability was much higher in brachypterous males than in macropterous males in the early breeding season. Brachypterous males copulated with not only brachypterous females but also macropterous females in this season. This led to a considerable rate (30%) of insemination of macropterous females just before emigration even in the early breeding season. A rearing experiment for the pre-reproductive period of females revealed that females mated with brachypterous males copulated and oviposited earlier than females mated with macropterous males. These results indicate that there is a fitness advantage to wing reduction in the males ofC. saccharivorus in terms of the earlier sexual maturation.  相似文献   

Recent findings on the relationship between social interaction and demographic process in the gray-sided voleClethrionomys rufocanus are reviewed with reference to the findings in other microtine rodents. Social behavior was particularly focused on spacing and dispersal, and their effects on population dynamics are discussed. Female territoriality can limit a population abundance as a density-dependent factor, although its regulatory effect is controversial. Female philopatry and male-biased dispersal should bring about the clumped distribution of female relatives and genetically random distribution of males during the breeding season. The sexual difference in dispersal patterns can contribute to the mating behavior of the vole; promiscuous mating and low frequency of incestuous mating. However, effects of social structure, including kinship, on reproduction and survival of individuals still remains to be clarified. Molecular markers may help to solve these issues and provide new field of population ecology in microtine rodents.  相似文献   

The lifetime mating frequency of female butterflies is believed tobe dependent on the reproductive status of the males which they have mated. This report assesses those status usingPieris rapae L. Multiple mating females mated males with a short time interval after the last mating or males with many mating records. Such males, like small ones, produced small spermatophores during copulation, which may have resulted in high mating frequency of those females. The males with short time interval after the last mating or those with many mating records also showed a long mating duration. Alternative interpretations of the adaptive significance of this behavior for males are discussed.  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviors related to habitat utilization were studied in males of the damsefly,Mnais nawai, which has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (nawai) and non-territorial pale-orange-winged males (sahoi), at the upper part of a mountain stream where they partiallycoexist with a related species,Mnais pruinosa, which also has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (esakii) and non-territorial hyaline-winged males (strigata). These two species showed parapatric distribution; the lower part of the stream was occupied byM. nawai, and the upper part byM. pruinosa. In the present study, cross-matings occurred between bothMnais species, although normal intraspecific matings occurred more frequently than cross-matings. Territorial males of both species copulated with conspecific females that entered their territory and guarded the ovipositing females, probably to avoid sperm displacement resulting from subsequent copulations. Severe competition for oviposition sites by territorial males even occurred between the two species. On the other hand, non-territorial males of both species have alternative mating strategies (including several tactics such as sneaking, takeover and interception). The possible benefits from conflict among territorial males of both species is discussed.  相似文献   

Asymmetric mating preferences occur in two closely related species, if females of one species are highly selective against males of the second, while females of the second show less selection against males of the first species. It has been suggested that such asymmetry is an indicator of common ancestry between the two species, but actual observations are contradictory and inconclusive. We developed a scenario of speciation history and asymmetric mating preference, incorporating invasion dynamicsvia frequency-dependent interspecific sexual competition. A newly isolated (derived) species may form at the periphery of the ancestral species’ distribution by invading a new range. Only a few closely related species would be expected in the new area, while many related species are expected to coexist with the ancestral species. In a peripherally derived species, female mating preferences should be relaxed through sexual character release, owing to a lack of sympatric species and a scarcity of intraspecific mating opportunities. Secondary contacts may then happen as: 1. repeated invasions, i.e. subsequent invasion by the ancestral species into the new range or, 2. backward invasions, i.e. derived species incursions into the ancestral range. Repeated invasions could lead to the coexistence of both the derived species and the newly invading ancestor. Backward invasions by the derived species can succeed only when the derived females develop a strict mating discrimination against the ancestral males. We then expect strong character displacement in the derived species. Thus, peripheral isolation and repeated invasions lead to the relaxed female mating preferences in the derived species and backward invasions lead to stronger female mating preferences in the derived species. This agrees withDrosophila data from Hawaii and the continents. Experimental data of theDrosophila arizonaemojavensis species cluster also support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Summary Two types of the citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (M.) occur in some pear orchards in the intermediate latitudal areas in Japan during a certain period of the year (Takafuji andMorimoto, 1983): one is a diapausing type (DP) and the other a non-diapausing type (C). These two types are incompatible: no adult females are produced from the crosses between them (Takafuji andFujimoto, 1985). In the present study, females of each type were doubly crossed, first with a male of the other type, and then with a male of the same type, to examine the effectiveness of the second mating. In the females of the DP type, the second mating with a male of the same type was almost totally ineffective. In contrast, for the females of the C type the effectiveness of the second mating depended on the durations of the first and second matings: the famles produced female offspring only when the duration of the first copulation with a male of the DP type was brief and the second copulation with a male of the C type lasted relatively long. The results suggested that if the two types coexist, the intercrossing between them will favour the C type over the DP type.  相似文献   

Summary The feasibility of the sterile insect release method (SIRM) was tested against natural populations of the Old World screw-worm fly,Chrysomya bezziana in the Musa Valley, Papua New Guinea. Sterile mating frequencies were determined from egg masses laid by native females on wounded, sentinel cattle. The aerial release of sterilised puparia resulted in low frequencies of sterile matings and few trap recaptures of released material. The release of chilled adult flies resulted in higher frequencies of sterile matings and many trap recaptures. The mean density of males released was 230 males per km2 per week over a target area of 361 km2 (48% of the valley). Sterile masses were first detected 2 weeks after the release of chill flies commenced, reaching a weekly peak of 33% after 5 weeks of releases with 15% of egg masses found to be sterile during the final month. The levels of sterile matings achieved in this trial were similar to comparable SIRM studies made in the USA, Mexico and Guatemala to control the New World screw-worm fly,Cochliomyia hominivorax.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variations of lifetime reproductive succes (LRS) of both male and female individuals of a coreid bugColpula lativentris were measured and analyzed using the multiple regression method of Arnold and Wade (1984a, b). The standardized variance of LRS was larger in males than that in females as males often to secure mates for a long period whereas females could easily find mates and oviposit simply dependent on ovarial maturation. LRS was partitioned into 4 consecutive fitness components: (1) reproductive lifespan, (2) copulating efficiency, (3) guarding efficiency (for males) or oviposition efficiency (for females), and (4) number of eggs per clutch. In males copulating efficiency was the largest determining factor of LRS, whereas in females reproductive lifespan was the most important factor. Such tendencies were stable on both a yearly and local basis. Patterns of relative contribution of natural selection (reproductive lifespan and number of eggs per clutch) and sexual selection (copulating efficiency and guarding or oviposition efficiency) to LRS were clearly different between males and females. This sexual difference is, at least to some extent, thought to be brought about by sexual selection among males for mating opportunity, though no physical fight was observed among males. Directional selection on body length was found only in relation to the clutch size of females because large females tended to lay larger clutches. No significant directional selection was found in other fitness components.  相似文献   

Summary The virgin female introduced pine sawfly,Diprion similis (Hartig), produces a powerful sex pheromone capable of attracting males. Pending chemical identification of the substance, a pilot study in male annihilation is under consideration. A mathematical model was developed to assess the feasibility of population suppression using pheromone-baited traps. Departure from preexisting population models resulted chiefly from the arrhenotokous nature of the sawfly. The model predicts alternating sawfly generations which undergo first a large shift in the sex ratio but no population reduction, followed by a large decrease in population size with a moderating sex ratio. Four generations of intensive trapping would theoretically be sufficient to eliminate the sawfly from an isolated area.  相似文献   

The patterns of sex change and spatial distribution in an intertidal holothurian, Polycheira rufescens (Chiridotidae; Echinodermata), were investigated on a stony beach in Amakusa, western Kyushu. Field caging experiments revealed that some individuals of P. rufescens underwent a sequential sex change from male to female via hermaphrodite stages and back to male again within a single reproductive season. The sex ratio of the population gradually changed from male dominance at first to equal proportions of males and females as the reproductive season progressed. Toward the end of the reproductive season, immature or spent individuals increased in proportion. Stone size appeared to be an important factor affecting the occurrence of P. rufescens individuals on a stony beach. Analysis of spatial distribution by means of Morisita's index of dispersion and nearest neighbor distances indicated that (i) males showed a slightly stronger tendency to aggregate than females, while females had a tendency toward uniform distribution; (ii) females tended to attract males, as shown by relatively short female-to-male distances; and (iii) there was a substantial variation in male-to-female distances, such that some males were positioned close to females while others were not. It may be suggested that spatial distribution of P. rufescens individuals during the reproductive period is partly dictated by the differential needs of individuals of different sexual states. Received: January 25, 1999 / Accepted: June 10, 1999  相似文献   

Models are presented to investigate the population dynamic behavior of a pest population with the release of pheromone for mating disruption. Three mechanisms of mating disruption are considered: (i) confusion of males, (ii) competition with female pheromone trails yielding false trail following, (iii) emigration of males prior to mating. In addition, several refinements to confusion are considered. Confusion and emigration of males were found to be very similar both quantitatively and dynamically; also, a combination of both mechanisms was very little more efficient than either one separately. False trail following is difficult to compare with the other two, since competition with wild females is involved and thus the total population size enters the equations. Density dependence of the action of pheromones results in some cases in which mating disruption cannot control the pest population. Similarly, aggregation of the pest population decreases the efficiency of the method unless the pheromone action is density independent. Delayed mating of females makes control easier, and may constitute one mechanism for mating disruption.  相似文献   

Summary The mating system of the winter cherry bug,Acanthocoris sordidus, was analyzed precisely. As a result, it was found that male adults of this species establish a small territory for mating on the stem of host plant which harbors females. These males abandoned their territories soon after the disappearance of monopolized females. Thus it was confirned that the cue for the territorial establishment of males is the presence of females per se on the host plant. Moreover, most aggregations of adults observed on the host plant contained only a single male. This one-male unit in the mating was named a harem. Harem holding males were usually big in body-size and had a high chance of copulations. The defence behaviors of harem holding males, the mating disparity among males, and the oviposition habit of females in relation to the mating system, were observed. The results obtained were discussed in relation to the sexual selection theories.  相似文献   

Abstract This article considers a group of models of Irish county marriage rates. Some of these models account for the major part of the inter-county variation in male and female marriage rates in terms of the influence of a limited number of socio-economic variables. The sex ratio of the unmarried population in the counties plays a key role in all of the models: the female marriage rate tends to be raised, and the male rate lowered, by a high ratio of males to females in the unmarried population. Male rates appear to increase under more favourable economic conditions, as measured by county income per person, while female rates appear to be lowered by increased female participation in the labour force. In addition to these separate influences on male and female rates, a recursive model in which there is a one-way influence from male to female rates, and a simultaneous-equation model, in which male and female rates are fully interdependent, were tested. The performance of the tested recursive model was particularly satisfactory.  相似文献   

吕程 《南方人口》2011,26(6):16-24
通过对现有东西方人口结构与犯罪关系文献的梳理和总结,笔者提出了适合研究性别比偏高亚洲国家的假设框架,以及可婚配男(女)性比例与犯罪率的u型假说。对中国1982—2008年人口年龄一性别结构与犯罪率数据探索性分析显示:反映人口年龄一性别结构的青年男性比例与可婚配男性比例的波动与犯罪率的波动高度一致,未来婚姻市场可婚配男性比例的不断升高将成为影响犯罪的主要人口结构因素。  相似文献   

Summary A methodology is developed to assess the effects of spatial distribution on the efficiency of insect pest control. This methodology is especially applicable to pest control methods whose efficiency of action depends either positively or negatively on pest density It is applied here to the sterile insect technique and pheromone trapping for male annihilation, which both depend negatively on density. This methodology relies on quantifying clumps of various size and then relating this to efficiency of control and predicting the total pest production given the information on clump sizes and efficiency of control for each clump size. It is found that control is about four times as difficult for a population that is highly clumped (k of the negative binomial distribution=0.25) as for a regularly dispersed population.  相似文献   

Summary The mating system of a subsocial spider mite,Schizotetranychus miscanthi Saitō, which is closely related toSchizotetranychus longus Saitō (the long seta form ofSchizotetranychus celarius (Banks) is a synonym of the latter) was studied in comparison with that ofS. longus. Comparisons between nesting patterns of the two related species,S. miscanthi andS. longus revealed a difference in distribution of males among nests. Although more than one male sometimes occurred in the large nests ofS. miscanthi, most nests were occupied only by a single male. On the other hand, many nests ofS. longus included several males. Behavioral experiments revealed that the male and females ofS. miscanthi which cohabited in a nest defended their offspring from phytoseiid predators. Observations and a census of the nesting pattern in a wild population indicate that this is the second example of biparental defense and of a subsocial life-pattern in spider mites. Differences in mating systems were experimentally demonstrated in the two species. Only a single male ofS. miscanthi survived in a nest, as a result of highly aggressive male-male combat, while two males ofS. longus cohabited in a nest. The mating system of the former species is thus considered as harem polygyny, while that of the latter as scramble type polygyny. Furthermore, observations by video recording and scanning electron microscopy showed that the winning male in the male-male combat inS. miscanthi often preyed on the loser, suggesting cannibalism among them.  相似文献   

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