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万新  传韬 《女性天地》2005,(8):10-12
2005年的春天,对于中国联通广西分公司的文员、中国登山运动健将罗丽莉来说,真是好事连连,风光无限。在荣获广西区政府授予的“登山女英雄”光荣称号不久,她又获得了第五届“广西十大女杰”提名奖,还与澳门一家影视公司签订了演艺合约,并成为2008年北京奥运圣火采集者备选人之一,将有可能登上珠穆朗玛峰采集圣火……  相似文献   

“珠穆朗玛,我深隋地拥抱你……”2009年5月18日凌晨6时40分,27岁的罗丽莉成功地站在了珠穆朗玛峰之巅。为了这一刻,她努力了5年;这一刻,她像在是梦中。  相似文献   

如今.象征着和平、友谊和希望的奥林匹克圣火已经点燃。以"和谐之旅"为主题的北京奥运会火炬接力也拉开了帷幕,从而奏响北京2008年奥运会精彩的序曲。圣火将在"祥云"火炬的承载下传遍世界各地和整个中国.有史以来.这是奥林匹亚圣火和中国人民最近距离的亲密接触。  相似文献   

2008年5月8日,珠穆朗玛峰,一个叫做吉吉的女子,在这里作为珠峰传递的首棒火炬手举起了庄严而神圣的奥运圣火。一刹那,很多人都落泪了,因为他们知道,此刻的她不是一个人,她举起的,是属于两个人的梦想。另外一个人是仁那,吉吉那去了天堂的丈夫。  相似文献   

西藏嘎玛沟长期与世隔绝,虽然在国内不为人熟知,但在国外驴友界却声名显赫。早在上世纪,美国和英国的探险家就相继对嘎玛沟进行了考察,他们都被这里梦幻般的自然美景所折服,赞誉嘎玛沟为"世界上最美丽的山谷","世界十大景观之在珠峰东坡环线,可以饱览世界第一高峰珠穆朗玛峰、第四高峰洛子峰和第五高峰马卡鲁峰的壮丽景观,享受世间最美的雪山盛宴。嘎玛沟被誉为"世界上最美丽的山  相似文献   

举办奥运会,能够为一个国家提供极其难得的平台,使之可在全世界范围内打造自己的国家品牌。这与一些国家每年数十亿美元的公关推广费用相比,实在是再划算不过的国际公关策略了。今天,这个机会终于轮到中国。2008年8月8日,这是一个让全世界人民都瞩目的日子。在这一刻,世界看见了,中国悠远流长的浪漫特质与无法掩盖的文化光芒;在这一刻,世界看见了,当代中国时尚的现代气息与开阔的世界眼光。这些最为真实的中国元素坚定地印证了:只有是民族的,才会是世界的;只有文化的力量,才能真正地击彻心扉……  相似文献   

南昌是"中国人民军队摇篮";井冈山是"中国革命摇篮";瑞金是"共和国摇篮"。中国革命史上,江西这片红色的土地开创无数个革命之先。81年前,革命的圣火在江西这片红土地上传递。从南昌打响第一枪起,革命之火开始点燃,到井冈山的星火燎原,革命之火开始蔓延,再到中国第一个红色政权诞生瑞金,革命的圣火在此熊熊燃烧。而今,奥运圣火追溯着革命圣火传递的路线,追寻革命先烈的足迹,有了这么一趟特殊的"红色之旅"。  相似文献   

蔚蓝的天空中,漂浮着五色祥云.五色祥云下,舞动着五色经幡.经幡上的五色,蓝色代表蓝天;白色代表白云;红色象征火,表示人间烟火;绿色代表水体;黄色代表土地.这蓝白红绿黄五色谱带及其排列,代表了藏人心目中的自然结构和生命结构,一个藏人认同的真实的世界和立体的宇宙.  相似文献   

李惠聪 《安家》2009,(5X):76-79
<正>2008年5月12日14点28分,那个沉重而又叹息的广场大钟定格在这一刻——四川汶川8级地震,举国同殇。据官方数据,在这场震惊世界的大地震中,已确认69227人遇难, 374643人受伤,失踪17923人。2009年3月31日清晨7时,北川老县城废墟外的封闭铁丝网默默地打开了。"5·12"大地震后第一个传统清明节,长期被封锁的老县城开城迎来了第一批祭  相似文献   

借用香港特首曾荫权的一句话:"打好这份工",这是我自2008年3月加入深圳市东西方社工服务社以来,在工作上最坚持的一句"简简单单"的话. 在金虎辞旧的最后一刻,我很幸运地升任为深圳市首批初级督导,突然觉得,三年来,忙忙碌碌的工作中,总是很少停下来看看,这一段历程代表了什么?  相似文献   

This paper explores the dialectic of place and community identity in Mount Pleasant, a multi–ethnic and multi–class U.S. neighborhood where definitions of place are hotly contested among its residents. In a grant proposal for public toilets, Mount Pleasant writers use linguistic strategies such as presupposition, deixis, and contrast, coupled with discursive themes of filth and geography, to construct a core of the Mount Pleasant community. The writers place themselves and people who share their values in that core, and immigrants at the margins. These strategies serve as a discursive type of spatial purification practice (cf. Sibley 1988) through which the grantwriters set up a moral and spatial order where they and other core community members are deemed to use space ‘appropriately’, and thus inhabit positive moral positions, while immigrant community members’ imputed ‘inappropriate’ use of space is used to construct negative moral positions for them.  相似文献   

This paper examines the wider social impacts of hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games and its 'legacy' ambitions in East London, emphasizing securitization as an inbuilt feature of the urban regeneration project. Drawing on extensive original empirical research, the paper analyses the modalities of Olympic safety and security practices within the Olympic Park itself and their wider impact, while also connecting this research to theorization and debates in urban sociology and criminology. In this complex setting, a raft of formal and informal, often subtle, regulatory mechanisms have emerged, especially as visions of social ordering focused on 'cleansing' and 'purifying' have 'leaked out' from the hyper-securitized 'sterilized' environment of the Olympic Park and become embedded within the Olympic neighbourhood. In such complex circumstances, applying Douglas' (1966) work on purity and danger to the spatial realm provides a key conceptual framework to understand the form and impact of such processes. The imposition of order can be seen to not only perform 'cleansing' functions, but also articulate multiple symbolic, expressive and instrumental roles.  相似文献   

The Olympics is not a space where the global and local are shown in two separate layers. It is where various sociopolitical conflicts of the hosting country bubble and surface from both levels. When the Olympic events were launched in East Asia they developed further in interaction with different cultural, political, and social backgrounds. This study pays attention to the diverse ways in which Olympic values are accepted and practiced. At the same time, it analyzes the perversion and limitations of Olympism ideals as displayed in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. This article focuses on specific changes that occurred in and around Korea along and after the PyeongChang Olympics and how the values of the global and local met without clashing with each other.  相似文献   

The Summer Olympics bring hundreds of thousands of visitors and generate upward of $10 billion in spending for the host city. This large influx of tourism dollars is only part of the overall impact of hosting the Olympic Games. In order to host the visitors and sporting events, cities must make sizable investments in infrastructure such as airports, arenas, and highways. Additionally, the publicity and international exposure of a host city may benefit international trade and capital flows. Proponents argue that this investment will pay off through increased economic growth, but research confirming these claims is lacking. This paper examines whether hosting an Olympiad improves a city's long‐term growth. In order to control for the self‐selection of cities that host Olympic Games, this paper matches Olympic host cities with cities that were finalists for the Olympic Games, but were not selected by the International Olympic Committee. A difference‐in‐difference estimator examines post‐Olympic impacts for host cities between 1950 and 2005. Regression results provide no long‐term impacts of hosting an Olympics on two measures of population, real Gross Domestic Product per capita and trade openness. (JEL O18, R11)  相似文献   

Drawing on a five-year qualitative study on the impacts of the Olympic Games on homeless and marginally housed youth in two host cities (Vancouver 2010 and London 2012), this paper explores the instances of ‘symbolic violence’ perpetuated by the institutional infrastructure associated with the Olympics. Following Pierre Bourdieu’s use of the term, symbolic violence refers to the manner in which the young people turned dominant notions of what the desirable Olympic city looks and feels like into a sense of their own non-belonging and/or inadequacy, experienced bodily and emotionally. Feeling pressured to vie for elusive Olympic jobs and volunteer positions, and to be less visible to the thousands of tourist-spectators for the Games, youth in both cities reported a defiant mix of frustrated indignation and resigned acceptance that they did not ‘fit’ the image of the global Olympic city that organizers were trying to convey. The paper argues that this social harm, difficult to measure yet real nonetheless, is an important though unintended legacy of the Olympic Games for homeless and marginally housed youth living in its shadows. The paper also calls for a more sustained engagement with Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence in youth studies as a discipline.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the performance of a country in the Olympics would affect its national image in the eyes of a Chinese audience. Guided by the theoretical perspectives of agenda setting and cultivation analysis, the project intends to test whether the highly publicized Olympic Games have a globally accepted effect of bolstering national image, as politicians and governments claim they do. Based on data from panel surveys and the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Medal Index, this study found that the overall performance of a country in the Olympic Games was positively correlated with both its current and comparative scores of national image in the minds of Chinese audiences. However, an increase in the number of medals collected during the two Olympics by developing countries did not benefit national image. Agenda setting theorizes that only a few top agendas can successfully draw attention from the public. National image is a very stable perception built by macro and long-term factors. For most countries, their overall performance in the Olympic Games varies within a limited range. As long as a developed country can stay within its tier, its national image is not likely to diminish. Meanwhile, as long as a developing country is unable to enter the “elite club” of Olympic champions, winning a few medals will not lead to a positive change in its national image.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the vision of Japanese society expressed in the idea of a legacy for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games primarily for an internal, domestic audience. This legacy is consistent with the national reconstruction policy adopted after the Great East Japan earthquake of 11 March 2011. The specific issue I focus on here is the centrality of the term “creative reconstruction” to the legacy discourse on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. By interweaving discussions about three places—the Tohoku disaster area, the Tokyo Olympic venue, and Japanese society—this discourse creates an apparently mutual interdependence between the three. Here I assess the idea of this ideological Olympic legacy where these relationships of interdependence are represented as a blueprint for restructuring the system of capital accumulation in Japan. The structure of the article is as follows. First, I provide an overview of creative reconstruction in Japan in comparison with other terms recently used to assess sports mega‐events such as the Olympics. Next, I briefly outline the political transformation of the social integration system from the mid‐1990s, when the phrase creative reconstruction was first used to the present. In the following three sections I discuss the way that each of the key terms in the discourse—Tohoku, Tokyo, and Japan—has been deployed. This article concludes with reflections on the social and political implications of this discourse for Japanese society in the build up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.  相似文献   

科技奥运 惠及百姓(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运会,不仅仅是一次体育盛会,也是国家综合实力的集中展现。奥运赛场,不仅是运动员为"更快、更高、更强"的目标奋力拼搏的竞技场,也是最新科技成果竞妖娆的"比武场"。  相似文献   

Olympic stadia are often regarded as political showcases stemming from a range of influences: the host nation's international politics, the interests of transnational capitalism, site‐specific meanings, and the power of iconic architecture. By examining the 2020 Tokyo Olympic main stadium as a case study, this article analyzes the controversial Zaha Hadid Tokyo stadium design in relation to the Japanese national branding initiative. The article argues that branding should be seen as part of an economic and cultural system that seems to enhance the global value of iconic architects and their buildings. Yet the power of brands can be understood as contingent. Their ambivalent nature entails a tension between exclusiveness and banality; additionally, branded architects may find it difficult to work across the different regimes of global and local politics, and they are of course also constrained by the logic of neoliberal transnational capitalism. By investigating a major global branded architect, Zaha Hadid, the article considers why a new image of Japan could not be adequately created by Hadid's aesthetics and narratives of the Olympic stadium, which could have been regarded as a national cultural legacy. The article then discusses the contested processes of image‐making and narrative creation in relation to the representation of Japan in contemporary Olympic culture. The article concludes with an examination of Kengo Kuma's architecture language in his 2020 Tokyo Olympics stadium design.  相似文献   

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