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含情脉脉的眼神 1999年我的事业处于低潮期,助我成名的"松下形象大使"一职已卸任,和东家天星唱片公司的合作也很不融洽,正在酝酿将长达15年的合约提前解约.但我本着歌手的职业素养,依旧用心参加公司安排的每一次演出活动.  相似文献   

In this special issue on ‘extraction’, we think critically about two urgent and entangled questions, examining the political economy of mining and Indigenous interests in Australia, and the moral economy of Indigenous cultural difference within Cultural Studies and Anthropology. In settler colonial states such as Australia, Indigenous cultural difference is now routinely presented as commensurate with, rather than obstructive of, extractive industry activity. Meanwhile, the renewed interest in ‘radical alterity’ across these disciplines has seen a movement away from regarding authoritative claims about ‘others’ as morally suspect – as only extracting from or mining Indigenous worlds for insights and academic prestige. The ‘ontological turn’, however, leads us to question the empirical status of the ontologies circulating through academic discussions. What happens when Indigenous people disappoint, in their embrace of environmentally destructive industries such as mining, for example? We argue that in cases where ‘they’ are not as different as ‘we’ might hope them to be, scholars should be concerned to foreground the potential role of colonial history and processes of domination in the production and reduction of ontological difference. Second, we call for critical assessment of the political, epistemological, and social effects of both academic and societal evaluations of difference. We conclude by urging for a scholarship that does not pick and choose between agreeable and less agreeable forms of cultural difference.  相似文献   

朋友已成为奢侈品?□罗西3200多年前的一个雪夜,一对名字怪异的书生在一座荒寺里相拥取暖,他们是左伯桃与羊角哀,衣衫单薄,干粮有限,而雪仍在漫天飞舞。这是一个令人绝望的冬夜。这时,左伯桃含着眼泪恳求:“良友,我的学问、品德都不如你,与其两个人抱憾屈死...  相似文献   


Allegations of family violence, child abuse, and alienation often occur in the same contested child custody case. Custody eval-uators often are poorly trained in forensic assessment of allegations of domestic violence and allegations of alienation. The authors of this article suggest language that is designed to differentiate between cases in which the term alienation is appropriate, as in non-abuse cases, and when it is best to use other language such as estrangement sabotaging, and counter productive protective parenting in cases where there is abuse. This article describes a decision tree that is designed to assist evaluators in identifying the causes of multiple allegations of maltreatment and abuse.  相似文献   

Commentators have suggested that a qualitative turn occurred in the social sciences in the last couple of decades of the twentieth century. We examine evidence on publication patterns, finding that the ethnographic turn consisted more of a proliferation of specialty journals than increased publication in mainstream sociology journals. This difference is important because it moves methodological debate inside the community of qualitative scholars, changing the focus from a contrast between qualitative and quantitative methods to questions about the relative merits of different styles of ethnographic work. Thus far, our data suggest, the main effect of the ethnographic turn may have been to institutionalize a set of labels rather than a set of practices.  相似文献   

认识我的人都夸我有个好儿子,聪明、好学、自立、懂事。他们都说我有福气。儿子今年12岁,可他早已“长大成人”了,因为我从来就没把他看成是不懂事的孩子。从他7岁上学开始,我就没说过“你应该怎么做、你必须怎么做……”而是说“你认为应该怎么做?告诉爸爸为什么要那样做?……”我从来不让儿子觉得他在替我做什么,他做的一切都是给自己做的。那是你自己的事记得那是5年前,儿子一年级第一个学期考试考了双百,回家跟我说:“爸爸,我考双百,你给我什么奖励?我们同学的爸爸、妈妈都给考双百的同学买许多好东西。”我告诉儿子:“大彬,爸爸…  相似文献   

既然这个世界给了你生命的权利,它也就会给你一条生活下去的道路  相似文献   

阿甘,是一个有理想的青年.他喜欢创作,立志当个大作家,像佚名一样.佚名,是阿甘崇拜的大作家.阿甘常常在杂志上看见佚名的名字.  相似文献   

他酒量不大,却一杯接一杯地喝,有点反常,一边喝一边和我实话实说。我们从小一起长大,好多不能跟老婆说的事,彼此都能开诚布公。他问我男人与女人之间存在不存在那样一种关系———在友谊之上又置于爱情之下的关系?我感到困惑,这不是40岁的男人应该提的问题。现在...  相似文献   

前朋友的朋友□亦然些年全民经商热里,由于种种因素劝诱,我也毅然加入了———其实不过是身上多了个记载供求信息的小本子而已。那时朋友间一见面,就躲到办公室角落里,各自掏出小本本,探头探脑找对方的小本本上有没有自己所需的水泥螺纹钢之类。想起来那时候真是热闹...  相似文献   


THOMAS McKEOWN, The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, London 1976 (180 pp.)  相似文献   

One of the best-researched anomalies in behavioral sciences is loss aversion, but with strong study variations and no systematic explanations thereof. The aim here was to introduce psychophysiological correlates for loss aversion to improve behavioral predictability. In an endowment experiment, a loss versus gain framing was implemented for a virtue versus a vice product. In addition to the classical price elicitation, an area of indifference and individual price reactions were examined, while emotional arousal as skin conductance levels were continuously measured. Furthermore, various heterogeneity measures for emotions and product experience evaluations were applied directly after the purchasing decision or as a more general personality measure at the end of the study. Results show fundamental regularities of product and frame on the price or the size of indifference. Physiologically measured emotional arousal further supports the dependence of loss aversion. Vice products and a loss frame increase emotional arousal and the consumer purchase price indifference. Reported emotions, aggregated as personality factors, can partially explain the observed heterogeneity in purchase price levels and price indifferences.  相似文献   

在我的青春花季里,曾有过一段冰天雪地的日子,是情同手足的黄姐向我伸出了温暖的援助之手,让我两季的天空洒满阳光。可是,我就像一条苏醒后的响尾蛇一样,出其不意地伤害了善良的黄姐,真实地演绎了一幕“农夫与蛇”的故事。当我走出这段情感的迷谷,怀着深深的愧疚和歉意,跪倒在她的面前时,善良的黄姐缓缓扶起了我……求知路上.黄姐成了我的恩人1976年8月27日,我出生在河南省林州市横水镇一个叫吴家井的小山村里。和大多数的同龄人一样,我也曾有一个幸福的家庭,父亲未登林在村办铁矿上班,精明能干。虽然我们家姐弟四人,人口较…  相似文献   

<正>当你左右为难终于开口借钱却被拒绝的时候,应该怎么看待这件事?周雪吟大学毕业后就和男友结婚了。双方父母掏积蓄,给小两口在上海买了套40平方米的二手房。房子小,户型还不好,两个人住都显小。孩子出生后,公婆来帮周雪吟看孩子,这40平方米小房就更挤了。于是,夫妻俩想着,要不再买一套小房,给公婆住,这样既能避免婆媳矛盾,还能各自都住得舒服。理想很美好,  相似文献   

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