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Several recent studies have demonstrated the importance of incorporating qualitative differentiation within educational systems in the study of class inequality in student transitions. We extend these endeavors by broadening the definition of differentiation to include participation in the labor market. As increasing proportions of students continue their educational journeys beyond compulsory schooling, they are considering not only whether to stay in school but also whether to simultaneously enter the world of work. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth of 1997 (NLSY97), we show that family background influences not only whether students make specific educational transitions but also whether they combine those educational transitions with work. Student trajectories are also path dependent, with employment during one educational transition being related to specific transition patterns at a later point in time. Considering how students combine school and work reveals another dimension of differentiation which can be exploited by socioeconomically advantaged families to “effectively maintain” inequality in educational outcomes.  相似文献   

就业半径、就业机会、社会关系网络与农村劳动力转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村劳动力转移是解决我国“三农”问题的重要途径,也是我国城镇化推进的必然环节。基于2007-2009年2291份调查问卷②所建立的固定效应Probit模型及实证分析显示:就业半径、就业机会、社会关系网络等代表地理距离和非地理距离的变量对农村劳动力转移均有显著影响,是促进或制约农村劳动力转移的重要因素,其中社会关系网络的作用尤其值得关注。该研究对促进农村劳动力有序、平稳、持续地向城镇转移,以及城镇化道路的推进路径,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A long and extensive line of welfare state research reveals that the state is both a cause and consequence of social stratification. However, the findings of this research have largely been ignored in the literature on social stratification and mobility. Similarly, welfare state scholars largely work without reference to the research on social stratification and mobility. The papers presented in the volume are an important first step towards integrating the literatures these complementary literatures. In this commentary, I push these articles further by revealing linkages between the papers that are not fully developed in papers themselves. In particular, I highlight two ways in which the papers in this issue can be productively linked to raise new questions or provide new insight into old problems. I then discuss the reasons why and productive ways in which these two large and stand-alone literatures can be integrated. I end the commentary with a section describing productive avenues for future research that integrates both literatures.  相似文献   

Although a robust literature has demonstrated a positive relationship between education and socio-economic attainment, the processes through which formal schooling yields enhanced economic and social rewards remain less clear. Employers play a crucial role in explaining the returns to formal schooling yet little is known about how employers, particularly elite employers, use and interpret educational credentials. In this article, I analyze how elite professional service employers use and interpret educational credentials in real-life hiring decisions. I find that educational credentials were the most common criteria employers used to solicit and screen resumes. However, it was not the content of education that elite employers valued but rather its prestige. Contrary to common sociological measures of institutional prestige, employers privileged candidates who possessed a super-elite (e.g., top four) rather than selective university affiliation. They restricted competition to students with elite affiliations and attributed superior abilities to candidates who had been admitted to super-elite institutions, regardless of their actual performance once there. However, a super-elite university affiliation was insufficient on its own. Importing the logic of university admissions, firms performed a strong secondary screen on candidates’ extracurricular accomplishments, favoring high status, resource-intensive activities that resonated with white, upper-middle class culture. I discuss these findings in terms of the changing nature of educational credentialism to suggest that (a) extracurricular activities have become credentials of social and moral character that have monetary conversion value in labor markets and (b) the way employers use and interpret educational credentials contributes to a social closure of elite jobs based on socio-economic status.  相似文献   

The main characteristic of education in the past century has been its expansion: a major stratification research question associated with this is whether the inequalities of educational opportunities among classes have persisted or changed (diminished) over time. The educational transition model (29 and 30), adopted by the majority of scholars in the field, separates the study of allocation, that is class inequality in education, from that of distribution, the amount of schooling and its expansion, using conditional logits. A consequence of the way this distinction has influenced subsequent research has been the emergence of a sharp gap between macro-level research on the expansion of education and stratification studies.  相似文献   

袁霓 《南方人口》2009,24(1):30-34
本文利用中国健康与营养状况调查数据,通过统计描述与计量模型分析了农村女性劳动力迁移的影响因素。结果表明,农村女性劳动力在由农村向城市迁移的过程中明显受到来自家庭和性别因素的制约,在是否获取迁移机会中存在着性别差异,其根源在于女性自身的特点及其家庭、社会地位。  相似文献   

梁柠欣 《南方人口》2009,24(4):19-26
使用广州和兰州的实证数据,在对贫困居民的社会资本测量的基础上,对贫困居民所拥有的各种资本包括社会资本、人力资本和传统体制资本与贫困居民的贫困缓解关系进行探讨。结果表明,个体的社会资本对居民的贫困缓解具有显著意义,但是人力资本、体制资本对个体生活机遇建构无显著意义。文后对市场转型论进行回应,并对城市贫困居民主要资本类型作用的制度环境进行了解释与讨论。  相似文献   

Social quality has been presented as a theory that can explain economic and social progress of the daily lives of a population. The components of social quality include: socio-economic security, social inclusion, social cohesion and social empowerment. The social quality perspective views people as interacting within collective identities that provide the contexts of self-realisation. The paper tests the social quality theory by focusing on the relationship between social inclusion and social cohesion, the notion of social relations, to socio-economic security using the context of the family as a facilitator of self-realisation. Using data from the Israel Social Survey 2003, six indicators of socio-economic security were analysed. There was a small but positive and significant relationship between social inclusion and socio-economic security. We found no relationship between socio-economic security and social cohesion. These findings tend to undermine those aspects of social quality theory which posit close connections between these elements on a conceptual level.
Menachem MonnickendamEmail:

我国劳动者劳动时间变化趋势及原因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁殷 《南方人口》2009,24(3):57-64
我国在改革开放以来,经历了从计划经济向市场经济的过渡,在社会转型期里,作为我国经济重要支撑的劳动力资源也呈现出了一系列新的特征。本文重点探讨了劳动者劳动时间的两个维度:劳动年限与劳动时数的变化趋势,并结合分析我国劳动者教育水平与劳动时间的关系,进而分析我国劳动者劳动时间变化的原因。  相似文献   

肖智  张杰  郑征征 《人口研究》2012,(2):97-105
根据新经济地理学理论构建劳动力流动与第三产业的联立方程,系统分析2006~2009年中国各省市劳动力流动与第三产业发展的影响因素及两者之间的内生性关系。研究发现,流入地的经济收入、第三产业的发展水平和经济开放度是吸引劳动力流入的主要动力;随着农村净收入的提高,城乡收入差距缩小,劳动力的流动性随之降低;资本、劳动力和市场因素会促进第三产业的发展,但过多的政策管制却阻碍了第三产业的发展,而且城市化策略在不同区域的不同发展阶段其效果不同;劳动力流动与第三产业发展是相互作用的,从而引起劳动力在东部的聚集效应和在中西部的分散效应。  相似文献   

孙中伟  雍昕 《南方人口》2010,25(3):35-44,9
本文根据09年7月对珠江三角洲1700多份问卷调查资料,并比较08年调查数据,描述和分析了2009年金融危机背景下外来工劳动权益的基本状况以及金融危机对外来工工作与生活的影响。文章的基本结论是:珠三角外来工的劳动权益状况并没有因为金融危机而恶化,并且还有些微进步或好转,09年的情况与08年相比基本平稳,但是,金融危机对外来工的工作和个人生活影响还是很大的。  相似文献   

魏莉莉  孙抱弘 《西北人口》2009,30(4):48-52,57
本文通过对18名在沪香港人的个案访谈实证研究。探讨了香港人在上海的社会融合情况,主要从经济、生活、心理和文化几方面展开,同时对香港人在上海发展面临的机遇和挑战以及上海存在的优点和不足等进行了分析和思考。研究中。许多香港人表达了对上海生活的满意,但同时认为上海在政府管理体制、工作理念和个人素养等方面与香港存在一定差距.需要上海在未来的建设中加以关注和改进。  相似文献   

本文利用第五次人口普查资料,分析了广东劳动就业的现状、特点与走势,指出广东未来将面临越大越大的就业压力,就业的结构性矛盾日益突出。缓解就业压力的主要出路在于农村剩余劳动的有序转移,劳动力素质的提高,城镇化和民营经济的发展。  相似文献   

谢勇  赵亚普 《南方人口》2009,24(3):49-56
文章使用南京市部分高校的微观调查数据,对人力资本、社会资本与大学生的就业概率、起薪水平和就业部门之间的关系进行了实证研究。发现:人力资本因素与大学生的就业概率、起薪水平之间均存在着非常显著的正相关关系。但是对于大学生能否进人政府机关、事业单位等公共部门就业却没有显著影响;社会资本与大学生的就业概率之间没有显著关系,对于起薪的高低具有一定的积极影响,但对于大学生进入公共部门内就业具有重要作用。  相似文献   

史薇 《南方人口》2014,(5):58-68
社会参与是老年人的基本需求和权利,健康长寿时代养老"时间储蓄"是老年社会参与领域出现的新实践。目前城市老年人对养老"时间储蓄"的知晓度较低,参与意愿仍有提升的空间。随着我国经济社会的发展、人口预期寿命的延长,老年社会保障制度的日臻完善,城市中低年龄老年人参与养老"时间储蓄"的需求和意愿较高,却在一定程度上受到健康、收入、文化技能以及家庭、社区环境的制约。促进养老"时间储蓄"常态化制度化是一项社会系统工程,需要动员政府和全社会的共同力量,营造我为人人、人人为我的社会风尚,加强老年教育和终身学习,引入地区差异的视角,通过完善政策和实施项目的途经,积极发挥老年人在社区和家庭中的作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews changes in homogamy by migration status and educational level in Monterrey, Mexico, through the analysis of marriage patterns for two cohorts of men born in 1905–1934 and 1940–1969. Results show a significant increase in educational homogamy, as well as in homogamy by rural origins. The changes suggest that education has played an increasingly important role in the process of mate selection, although certain particularistic characteristics, such as being a rural immigrant, are still important in marriage formation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for the relationship between homogamy and social stratification.
Patricio SolísEmail:

张超  陈思 《南方人口》2021,36(1):1-16
基于2016年中国劳动力动态调查数据,采用条件logit模型实证考察了决定中国城际劳动力区位选择的区域和个人因素。旨在评估流动劳动力选择目的地时地方品质、就业机会和经济结构的相对权重,以及这些地方因素在不同类型的劳动力中的作用程度。结果表明:(1)地方品质对吸引迁移人口流入有显著的正向促进作用且大于就业机会带来的效应,迁移人口会倾向于流向地方品质更好的城市。(2)通过对比地方品质和工资水平对流动人口流向选择概率的影响可以计算得到流动人口对于地方品质水平提升1个单位的支付意愿约为9.70元。(3)从异质性检验结果来看,个人消费服务、地区基础结构和公共服务对本地吸引人才流入的能力均表现出显著的带动性;年轻一代和室内工作的劳动力群体更加注重环境因素的考量,对城市品质提出了更高的要求。相比于地方品质,高教育水平劳动者受到高工资水平的调节作用更大。来自城镇的劳动者更加重视地方品质建设对自身带来的影响,而来自农村的劳动者更加注重工资报酬所带来的经济效用;流入内陆、淮北地区、特大、超大和高收入阶段的城市吸引劳动力受城市地方品质的影响效果更显著;流入内陆、淮南地区、大中小和中等收入偏上/偏下城市吸引劳动力受工资水平的影响更显著。  相似文献   

This paper conceives national systems of higher education as stratified populations of organizations. This stratification is a structural component of ‘horizontal inequality’ in higher education, and may be exacerbated by current pressures for colleges and universities to compete for resources and status. To explore this structural inequality, we compare the level of stratification in financial resources across four-year institutions in Canada and the United States over a 35-year period (1971–2006). Our analyses provide a first-look at this form of stratification, employing Gini coefficients, Lorenz curves, and boxplots. Our results provide new and compelling evidence of increasing structural stratification, even in Canada's predominantly publicly funded postsecondary system. Findings indicate that the distribution of resources is far more stratified in the American system, and that both systems have become more stratified over time. We conclude by situating structural inequality within more general processes of stratification in education.  相似文献   

熊凤水 《南方人口》2007,22(2):8-14
本文在实证调查所获得的材料和经验基础上,详细分析了在一个具体的时空场域中农民的生男偏好现象,并检视了相关理论解释的适用性.认为压力与从众是村民把生男意愿转变为生男行动的催化剂,并进一步强化了其生男动机和行为,导致性别比偏高.  相似文献   

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