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西方管理思想固的局限,以及现代西方管理模式的危机,使得管理学向东方回归。探索适应21世纪经济和社会发展的企业管理理念和模式,构建东方管理理论体系,具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

二十一世纪是人才的世纪,人才已经对企业的成败发挥着立足轻重的作用,而在当前的知识型社会中,最重要的人才之一便是知识型员工。所谓知识型员工,即具备专业知识理论与实践经验的员工,同时具备学习能力强、创造力强、自主性强等优势。除人才之外的一个竞争优势即管理,管理只有方法适当才能取得成效,而对知识型员工的管理,可借助以"人为为人"观念为核心的东方管理学,来达到企业与员工个人的互利双赢。本文首先概述东方管理学,其次举例知识型员工的优势,而后给出知识型管理学的运用建议。  相似文献   

本文在对东方管理学简单介绍的基础上,运用东方管理学中治身论的理念和思路,分析我国家族企业应该如何对接班人进行培养,为家族企业大家长培养接班人提供有益建议。  相似文献   

东西方管理理论的相互补充与不断融合是必然的趋势。随着中国经济的崛起,中国管理模式、东方管理学将受到越来越多的关注和研究。"第21届世界管理论坛暨东方管理论坛"围绕"开放分享、多元包容——东方管理学新发展"主题开展研讨。大会从东方管理新论、管理实践研究、高新技术与管理、管理学者的责任与使命等方面进行了深入探讨和总结。开展东方管理学的研究与交流,有利于弘扬中国优秀传统管理思想,增强文化自信心;有利于丰富和发展世界管理思想,为发展世界管理学做出新贡献。  相似文献   

东方管理学的创建与发展:渊源、精髓与框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭贺  苏宗伟 《管理学报》2006,3(1):12-18
东方管理学是扎根于中华文化,融合东西方管理精华的当代管理新理论。经30余年的探索,已形成了独具特色的体系结构。在简要概述东方管理学体系形成的3个阶段的基础上,阐述了东方管理理论的渊源,以及“以人为本、以德为先、人为为人”的精髓,并详尽地介绍了东方管理学的体系框架——学、为、治、行、和。  相似文献   

刘文瑞 《管理学报》2007,4(6):703-705
什么是管理学?具体到中国的环境下,"管理"是不是"学"?此问题同科学、知识、学科这3个词汇紧密相关。严格意义上的学科之"学"后缀为-o logy,此意义的管理学,不论中外并未形成,且很可能无法形成;科学意义上的管理学,已经形成或正在形成,在成熟程度上学界判断有差别;知识意义上的管理学,古代就有丰富积淀,学界公认现在已经形成。管理学界的讨论,需要对这种区别进行辨析,才能进一步讨论管理区域性和管理哲学等问题。  相似文献   

元管理学是对管理学的研究对象、研究目标、研究方法、学科性质、体系结构进行自身的系统反思和研究的学科。“元管理学”作为一个即与管理学本身有密切联系又与其相互区别的领域,至少可以从哲学认识论好社会学分析两个方面开展系统的研究。元管理学的研究能揭示管理学的认识论特征、提供检验、批判管理学的认识论规范、促进管理学的自我建设。  相似文献   

刘霞  向良云 《管理科学》2006,19(3):89-96
公共管理学作为一门科际学科,其学科定位以及与管理学的关系一直少有定论.事实上,管理学与公共管理学在共通中存在着差异,在两者的互动过程中彼此借鉴,相互超越.这是一个从传统公共行政的效率主义到新公共行政对公平等社会价值的回归,到新公共管理的管理主义新形式对效率的追求,再到新公共服务对公共服务技术与方式的再造,更到对这些服务的价值取向的重新审视,它们构成一个动态的、连续的螺旋式递进的过程.在公共管理学逐步成为独立的学科范式的进程中,必须重新梳理公共管理学与管理学两者间的历史渊源关系,重新考量其研究对象、研究方法与价值取向,着重塑造自己鲜明的公共价值取向,突出其公共实践的理论先声这一科学致用功能,并在基于一般管理学但又高于一般管理层面的发展战略高度,构建普适于公共运作的管理理论体系和管理技术方法体系.公共管理学的未来发展将始终以管理学为其母学科定位基础,但不再是全盘地吸收.如何在管理学基本理论与方法基础上,结合其他相关学科,创新公共管理学科自身的方法论体系和理论体系,使之能够不断应对公共管理实践需求的全新挑战,并在公共价值取向和公共治理变革中引导现实,将是未来相当长时间内摆在公共管理学科发展定位高度上的重大议题.  相似文献   

<正>"第21届世界管理论坛暨东方管理论坛"于2017年11月24日~25日在上海交通大学召开。本次论坛由世界管理学者联盟(IFSAM)中国委员会、上海管理教育学会主办,上海交通大学东方管理研究中心和上海慧圣咨询公司承办。论坛主题为"多元包容——东方管理学新发展"。自1997年开始,"世界管理论坛暨东方管理论坛"已经先后在复旦大学、上海外国语大学、北京大学、上海交通大学、  相似文献   

管理学理论经过100多年的发展,其适应当前管理工作的基本的概念、理论和知识结构已经建立,理论的普适性问题已经解决;目前在管理学理论上的多重分歧和争论既是管理学理论特有的现象,更是学科自身特点和规律的体现;管理学理论这一特有现象和问题在可以预知的将来不可能解决,这是管理学最有魅力,最有吸引力的地方。  相似文献   

This invited paper discusses theory development in operations management. Many stellar researchers have made excellent contributions to theory development in our field. Operations management is a maturing discipline. Recently, theory driven empirical research has become common in top‐tier journals in our field. Impelled by this trend and due to the path dependency of research, in general, researchers have examined operations phenomena using theories from management and organizational science. How do we extend the frontiers of knowledge in our maturing discipline? How do we develop theories within the field of operations management? In examining some of the seminal ideas that have shaped our field, a common characteristic is that they relied on observational studies and conceptual reasoning. Is it time for us to stress the usefulness of qualitative research methods in our field? Could this lead to an intellectual renewal in our field and extend the frontier of a maturing discipline? This paper explores these questions and advances the notion that qualitative analysis needs to be emphasized more than it has been in recent past. This paper is meant to provoke discussion among empirical researchers in operations management.  相似文献   

管理科学与工程学科“十四五”规划研究的重要内容之一是确定与我国国情相适应,并且能够满足我国“十四五”期间经济社会具体发展目标要求的学科重点前沿领域。本文介绍了管理科学与工程学科“十四五”重点前沿领域研究的思路与具体工作。首先,围绕提高学科基础理论研究水平和服务时代变革下的国家重大需求的学科发展目标,基于专家研讨和问卷调研确定了管理科学与工程学科“十四五”期间重点前沿领域的顶层布局,包括重大驱动要素和战略研究方向两方面。其次,通过问卷征集、同行评议、建议书提交与修改等环节,确定了学科重点前沿领域的具体内容,包括59个管理科学与工程学科内重点前沿领域以及8个学科交叉重点前沿领域。这些重点前沿领域凝聚了广大专家学者的集体智慧,给出了更明确的方向性指引,有助于关键基础领域提前布局以及面向国家重大需求的研究领域快速发展。  相似文献   

A synopsis is given of research projects on probabilistic systems analysis conducted by the Risk Assessment Program of the Electric Power Research Institute. A brief outline of the value of systems analysis both within PRA and as a stand-alone discipline is used to show how the objectives of the research program are related to industry needs. Research projects and their deliverables are discussed in relation to three objectives: (1) to improve the credibility of the methods and results, (2) to provide computer tools and technology transfer, and (3) to develop use of the methods to improve safety and availability in operation. Recent achievements and future plans are briefly described and an up to date list of relevant EPRI publications is provided.  相似文献   

我国管理科学与工程学科的发展是国家全局性科学技术发展战略的重要组成部分,能够在相关重大发展领域提供关键助力,因而需要在宏观层面上探索具有问题导向属性,并且能够充分反映时代特性和国家实际需求的管理科学与工程学科发展战略。鉴于此,以厘清该学科界定与研究意义为基础,结合相关调研结果,探索了我国管理科学与工程学科“十四五”发展战略的保障政策,以期为我国“十四五”规划多个关键战略方向的重大需求提供管理支撑和量化参考,同时助力国家自然科学基金委员会全面深化科学基金改革。  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors associated with holding leadership positions among men and women academic scientists. We develop hypotheses for three determinants of leadership: professional networks, science ability, and gender. We test the resulting model on the likelihood of holding three different types of academic science leadership—research center leadership, university administrative leadership, and discipline leadership. Findings show that while science productivity and reputation are strongly associated with having either a center or discipline leadership position, they are less strongly associated with administrative leadership. Also, larger and more dense collaboration networks predict having a center leadership position, but the opposite is true for holding an administrative leadership position. Women are more likely to be in discipline leadership positions and less likely to be a leader of a research center or have an administrative university leadership position. Finally, having more women in the network reduces the likelihood of holding discipline or center leadership positions. Interpretations of findings and conclusions explore the potential implications for theory, practice and policy.  相似文献   

Since 1980, practitioner interest in the field of quality management (qm) has grown significantly, resulting in academic researchers embracing QM as a legitimate discipline of study. One approach to evaluating the intellectual health of a discipline is an examination of doctoral dissertation research. This work both complements and extends other published reviews of the quality management discipline by analyzing doctoral dissertation research since 1981, categorizing this research, examining shifts in major research themes, evaluating data collection and analysis methodologies, and discussing general trends in this research area. Our findings suggest that the challenges in QM have become more interdisciplinary and integrated, and reveal an encouraging trend toward more rigorous research methodologies and the increased use of theories from other disciplines, leading to a more mature body of research in this field.  相似文献   

Although business administration scholars in German-speaking countries increasingly engage in business ethics research, their business schools have so far not systematically included ethics related contents into their standard curricula. Based on an understanding of business administration as an applied discipline that should not shun the scientific discussion of normative statements, this article argues that our field needs to address ethical questions not only in research but also in teaching. The subsequent analysis addresses aims, contents, and methods of teaching business ethics in higher education. Rather than teaching students ‘moral truths’, the main aim of business ethics education is seen in providing students with a variety of theories, concepts, and tools that are able to support them in ethical decision processes, which they are likely to encounter in their management careers.  相似文献   

周祖城 《管理学报》2007,4(1):1-4,15
在我国,与国外的管理学相应的学科尚未完全确立其学科地位,与国外该学科研究对象清晰、研究队伍强大、研究成果卓著的局面形成了巨大反差。导致这种状况的根本原因在于该学科与管理学科门类、工商管理和管理科学等相关学科的关系模糊,从而导致该学科泛化和空洞化。我国要发展与国外的管理学相应的学科,必须首先赋予该学科应有的学科地位,明确界定该学科的研究对象,同时为该学科的发展创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

Total quality management (TQM) is a revolutionary approach to effective management. The research in TQM has emerged from practical needs of organizations embracing this philosophy, and the literature is mostly conceptual and practitioner-oriented. There is a lack of sound theoretical framework classifying past efforts and guiding future research. To fill the void, a study of the published TQM literature is undertaken. A review, classification, and analysis of the research in TQM spanning the last two decades is presented. A total of 226 TQM-related articles are identified from 44 refereed management journals published from 1970 to 1993. These articles are then classified and analyzed using the following two-dimensional scheme: (1) article orientation (conceptual, case study, empirical, analytical, simulation, and overview) and (2) article focus using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria. The analysis of the literature presents pertinent developments in each of the seven criteria. In addition, it provides future research directions as well as a ready reference of the TQM literature. The suggestions for research should guide future developments in the TQM field and help transform it into a formal discipline.  相似文献   

基于研究领域匹配度的科研项目评审指派方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对科研项目评审中的项目指派问题,提出了一种基于研究领域匹配度的指派方法。首先给出了项目与评审专家研究领域匹配度的度量模型。在此基础上,考虑项目与评审专家研究领域的匹配情况,构建了将项目指派给不同评审专家的决策模型,并给出了模型的求解方法,最后通过算例说明了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

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