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审父是二十世纪中国文学中的一种普遍情结.本文认为先锋小说对父亲进行了非理性的无情审视和怀疑,揭示了父辈丑陋和衰颓的生存景观,具有强烈的弑父色彩.同时,通过"五四"文学中的审父意识进行比较,展示出各自不同的审父文化景观.  相似文献   

非孝与启蒙是五四文学精神的具体表现.非孝催生批判父亲或父辈的“弑父叙事”,启蒙导致审视父亲或父辈人格精神的“审父叙事”.文学的“回归”与特殊的时代背景决定了新时期前期小说向五四文学精神的皈依.“弑父叙事”使父亲成为封建专制主义与宗法文化的象征,因而父亲的能指化事实上构成对孝或孝道的拒斥,导致部分作品的孝文化内涵空缺.“审父叙事”凸显父亲或父辈的保守、愚昧、委琐, “父范”的消解及前喻文化威权的丧失阻遏了新时期小说孝文化内涵的生成.  相似文献   

“种的退化”与莫言早期小说的生命意识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵歌东 《齐鲁学刊》2005,(4):97-100
“种的退化”是莫言早期小说创作中一个原创性的叙事情结,这一情结不仅构成了莫言早期小说创作的生命意识,而且也在整体上奠定了莫言小说创作的生命基调。以“种的退化”为基点,莫言早期小说对民间社会中原始生命力的萎缩和异化表现出某种忧患意识。莫言早期小说中的审父意识和儿童本位观念是对五四新文学启蒙主义精神的继承和发展。  相似文献   

审父与恋母——论巴金文学创作的无意识邓经武巴金文学创作的最大特征是情感化,他写青春,讴歌青春,诅咒批判一切残害青春生命的罪恶与黑暗,写自己经历过且感受最深的生活,使他的作品弥漫着浓郁的情感和爱憎。他多次申说自己不是作家,创作的动因是因为有感情要倾诉。...  相似文献   

契丹建国前,外戚主要是二审密氏,即拔里氏和乙室已氏,而拔里氏又分为大父房和少父房,乙室已氏又分为大翁房和小翁房.可历经二百多年的演变,拔里大父房、少父房和乙室已大翁房、小翁房所属已难以分清,学界对此也争论不休.据研究,敌鲁、忽没里一系应为审密乙室已大翁房,室鲁一系应为审密拨里大父房,阿古只一系应为拔里少父房,欲稳一系是否为小翁房尚需进一步考证.  相似文献   

本刊讯2014年11月8-9日,武汉大学哲学学院、国学院联合举办"中国哲学书写范式反思暨纪念萧萐父先生诞辰九十周年学术研讨会"。来自北京大学、复旦大学、南京大学、黑龙江大学、台湾慈济大学、日本东北大学、《哲学研究》、《社会科学报》及湖北省各高校的学者近50人参会。会议有两大主题,一是怀缅萧萐父先生的学术、道德、文章,二是讨论中国哲学的书写范式和方法视野。本刊讯12月13-14日,由中国社会学  相似文献   

《古代汉语讲授纲要》(中央广播电视大学出版社一九八三年三月版,以下简称“纲要”)第六九页说:“……‘爪牙’,在先秦指武臣,也泛指辅佐君主的人,是一个带有赞美意味的词。《诗经·小雅·祈父》:‘祈父,予王之爪牙’,这首诗是歌颂祈父的,作者选用爪牙这个词来指祈父的地位和作用。” 今按:“爪牙”当是自指而不是指“祈父”,是自褒而不是褒祈父。这句是爪牙之士对职掌兵甲大权的祈父(即司马)的愤慨责问。为了说明问题,我们不妨把《祈父》的有关章句和前人的注疏摘录出来。  相似文献   

郭凡 《南方论刊》2007,(11):94-95
《铸剑》取材于古代有关复仇的神话故事,不可回避的复仇主题除了世俗的子为父复仇之外,还包含深层次生命个体灵魂上的复仇,这种理念上的复仇,具有无可奈何的荒诞感与虚无性,同时也存在于《孤独者》与《野草》中。  相似文献   

高扬 《人文杂志》2022,(8):129-140
宋神宗去世后,面对《论语》“三年无改”孝道说对更化的挑战,司马光主要以“子改父过”孝道说进行反驳,其依据为《周易》中的“干父之蛊”。“以母改子”仅为此说的补充。除政治目的外,“子改父过”亦是司马光的学术主张。将“干父之蛊”解释为“子改父过”非司马独创,在儒家经典内部本就存在“子改父过”与“三年无改”两种孝道说的冲突。经司马光阐发后,“子改父过”说为旧党沿用,成为元祐更化的理论武器。宋哲宗亲政后否认此说,终结元祐之政。随着元祐被美化,“子改父过”说被广泛接受。朱熹在《周易》阐释中采纳了“子改父过”说,并解决了该说与“三年无改”说间的矛盾,为后世沿袭。  相似文献   

新时期以来,伴随着思想解放阀门的开启,"改革"日渐成为全社会的集体意志。受社会改革的牵引力、主体诉求的批判性、艺术表现的自便化等因素的综合规定,此期报告文学逐渐形成报告理念生态化、文本含量增容化、文体效益立体化三大价值取向。这三大价值取向,决定了它的三大转型方式:一是由"审父"到自审的反思方式,二是由聚焦到广角的叙事方式,三是由一元到多维的传受方式。新时期以来报告文学的总体性现代转型,充分体现了感应生活的先锋功能、"后窗"现象的矫正功能和文学格局的建构功能,并由此彰显了多方面的启示意义。  相似文献   

Research has confirmed a motherhood penalty and fatherhood bonus at work. Employers, it appears, regard mothers and fathers differently from one another and differently from non-parents. We have yet to systematically explore whether mothers exhibit fewer pro-work behaviors than fathers and non-parents or whether fathers engage in more of them than mothers and non-parents. This article draws on nationally representative data from full-time employed adults to investigate mother, father, and non-parent differences in work effort, work intensity, job engagement, and four measures of work enhancement from home. Mothers and fathers are similar on five out of seven outcomes tapping pro-work dimensions. When they differ, mothers report greater job engagement and work intensity than fathers. Mothers are no different from non-parents on all outcomes. All findings hold net of individual, job, and family controls. I conclude that reducing workplace gender inequality will require organizational changes that pay explicit attention to workers’ care-giving responsibilities.  相似文献   

Intergenerational transmissions extend across a number of family-related behaviors, including marriage timing, fertility, and divorce. Surprisingly, few studies investigate the link between the fathering men experience and the fathering they ultimately engage in. I use data on the grandfathers and fathers of the 2001 U.S. birth cohort – measured in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (N = 4050) – to test whether men’s perception of the parenting they received influences their subsequent paternal self-assessments and behaviors. I find a nonlinear association between experiencing warm fathering and men’s self-assessed parenting quality and stress. Men with particularly warm fathers are more likely to report being good fathers themselves. Those who report having the harshest fathers also exhibit better paternal self-perceptions and lower stress. Perceptions of paternal warmth show similar associations with men’s fathering engagement. This research sheds light on the significance of family dynamics and how a legacy of fathering may contribute to inequality.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1996 Survey of Income and Program Participation, we examine 4476 school-age children in 2569 families with matched pairs of married fathers and mothers to study children’s academic progress as a function of fathers’ and mothers’ employment circumstances, with a particular focus on involuntary employment separations. We draw on weekly work histories, collected at 4-month intervals, to characterize parental employment circumstances over a two-year period. Results find no significant associations between mothers’ employment experiences and children’s academic progress, even in households where mothers earn more than fathers. In contrast, fathers’ experience of involuntary employment separations is associated with children’s academic progress. On average, fathers’ experience of involuntary employment separations is associated with a higher likelihood of children’s grade repetition and suspension/expulsion from school. However, subgroup analyses reveal this association only in households where mothers earn more than fathers. We conclude that the adverse impacts of fathers’ involuntary employment separations in two-parent families have less to do with income losses than with family dynamics.  相似文献   

父亲即教师是古罗马时期的家庭教育模式,它与父权制下的罗马人对教育的独特理解密切相关。罗马共和中前期,父亲主要以言传身教的方式,培养孩子成为合格的农夫和士兵。共和后期和帝国时期,罗马家庭教育逐渐被希腊式学校教育取代,但是"父亲即教师"的教育理念仍受到皇帝和贵族的推崇,并将之视为帝国稳固的理想根基。  相似文献   

The relationship between intergeneration occupational mobility and income is examined in three independent studies: (1) a sample of older men in Detroit, (2) a sample of working age men residing in one of six medium to large sized cities, and (3) a nationally representative sample of working age men. In all three studies, mobile men have lower incomes than do stable men. However, neither the direction nor the degree of mobility appears to affect income in any of the studies examined. The basic relationship between mobility per se and income does not disappear when controls are introduced for work experience, schooling, occupational origins, and occupational destinations. The observed impact of intergeneration occupational mobility on income is consistent with the view that fathers can use their personal and organizational connections to help their sons secure well-paying positions so long as the sons remain in occupations that are similar in status to those of their fathers.  相似文献   

Paternal incarceration leads to educational disparities among children who are innocent of their fathers’ crimes. The scale and concentration of mass paternal incarceration thus harms millions of innocent American children. Current individuallevel analyses neglect the contribution of macro-level variation in responses of punitive state regimes to this social problem. We hypothesize that state as well as individual level investment in exclusionary paternal incarceration diminishes the educational attainment of children, although state inclusionary investment in welfare and education can offset some – and could potentially offset more - of this harm. Understanding intergenerational educational attainment therefore requires individual- and contextuallevel analyses. We use Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models to analyze the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult Health. Disparities in postsecondary educational outcomes are especially detrimental for children of incarcerated fathers located in state regimes with high levels of paternal incarceration and concentrated disadvantage. This has important implications for intergenerational occupational and status attainment.  相似文献   

Relationship quality for married couples typically declines after the birth of a (first) child, as parenthood brings new identities, stresses, and responsibilities for mothers and fathers. Yet, it is less clear whether nonmarital relationship quality follows a similar trajectory, particularly given the greater selectivity of nonmarital relationships that persist over time. This paper uses data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 3,459) with latent growth curve models to examine relationship quality (measured by mothers' perceived supportiveness about fathers) for married and unmarried couples over nine years after a child's birth. Findings suggest that marriage at birth is protective for relationship supportiveness over time, net of various individual characteristics associated with marriage, compared to all unmarried couples at birth; however, marriage does not differentiate supportiveness compared to the subset of unmarried couples who remain stably together. Also, unmarried couples who get married after the birth have more supportive relationships compared to all unmarried couples who do not marry—though less so when compared to couples who remain stably together.  相似文献   

臧克家:现实主义与中国风格   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕进 《文史哲》2004,(5):69-75
臧克家是中国现实主义新诗的开山人之一。他从两个方面继承和发展了新诗的现实主义传统。其一,他推进了新诗对旧中国农民和农村的吟唱,在他之前,还没有一位诗人能够如此成功地抒写农民和农村。其二,他推进了中国现代叙事诗的建设,他的叙事诗是诗人内心世界与外在世界的交融。臧克家是一位中国韵味十足的诗人。他有意识地向中国古典诗歌汲取养分,予以现代化改造,铸造自己作品的中国风格。他的诗具有含蓄蕴藉的抒情方式,重"藏",诗在诗外,笔有藏锋;他的诗运用素朴精炼的言说方式,精炼,而又大巧若朴;他的诗追求谐和悦耳的音乐方式,"敲声音",是臧克家炼字的标准之一,他寻觅着音节和谐,铿锵动人,增加读者听觉上的美感。在新诗发展史上,像臧克家这样深刻的具有中国风格的现实主义诗人实在很少,值得学术界深入研究。  相似文献   

杜朋  陈礼旺 《阴山学刊》2011,(1):112-116
鉴于特殊非婚生子女的生父母双方或生父一方为限制民事行为能力人,生父因犯强奸罪而被依法惩处,双方对其子女抚养能力极其有限,其切身利益能不到保障。为贯彻以人为本人文主义精神建设和谐社会和弱者倾斜保护原则,保护特殊非婚生子女合法权益,围绕具体问题具体分析有选择适用轻刑这一非常法律救济之可能性和必要性进行探讨是很有意义的,从而使立法者、司法者能够有效地谋求法律价值最大化,在协调各种价值之间的冲突的基础上提出新的解决对策。  相似文献   

革命传统教育资源是党在领导中国革命与建设的伟大实践中创造和积累的丰富历史经验,它生动记载了中国革命的历史进程,再现了革命先辈的光辉足迹,体现了中华民族的伟大精神,是一笔宝贵的财富。运用革命传统教育资源开展党性教育,对广大党员干部加强党性修养、坚定理想信念、保持优良作风具有不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   

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