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EPR下的逆向物流回收模式选择研究   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:47  
在生产商延伸责任(EPR)的约束下,产品的回收模式较传统的回收模式有了根本性的改变。EPR下的逆向物流回收模式主要有三种:生产商负责回收(MT),生产商联合体负责回收(PT)和第三方负责回收(TPT)。在构建了EPR下逆向物流回收模式的基础上,通过建立数学模型和实例验证对不同回收模式下的最优零售价p*和生产商利润∏*进行了具体的分析研究,为生产企业选择合适的逆向物流回收模式提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

对于“线上销售/回收+线下服务”的闭环供应链模式,研究了制造商在正向和逆向渠道中都与服务商进行收益共享情况下的最优销售/回收定价决策和最优服务水平决策,并比较了制造商领导的Stackelberg博弈、服务商领导的Stackelberg博弈、制造商与服务商Nash均衡博弈三种情形下的最优决策和最优利润。结果表明:最优的新产品销售价格和正向渠道服务水平均与正向渠道收益分成比例呈正相关;最优的废旧产品回收价格与逆向渠道收益分成比例呈负相关,而最优的逆向渠道服务水平与之呈正相关。制造商和服务商的最优利润不仅受正逆向渠道收益分成比例的影响,而且与新产品生产成本的大小有关:当新产品生产成本较小时,处于领导地位的一方获得的最优利润最大,而当新产品生产成本增大到一定程度后,对方处于领导地位时自身获得的最优利润反而最大,而双方均势时各自获得的最优利润均不占优。  相似文献   

不同于发达国家TPT(第三方回收)的逆向供应链模式,我国逆向供应链具有无标度网络特征,其中大多数逆向供应链下游企业是走街串巷的个体商贩及其家庭作坊.本文提出基于成本-收益分析的我国逆向供应链网络演化机制.其中,废品回收站点需要支付固定的生产场所租金和投资购买专业生产设备,该固定成本可以在回收废品数量中均摊.当回收站点选择下游家庭作坊(或流动商贩)的最优数量时,将依据成本-收益分析获得最大化利益.最后,广东清远市电子产品废弃物回收网络的案例,以及NetLogo平台下数值仿真结果,较好地验证了理论分析结果.  相似文献   

消费者对废旧产品环境影响认知是影响废旧产品回收的关键因素之一,而回收宣传可以有效提升消费者该认知。在进行回收宣传时,会产生一定回收宣传费用,该费用如何分摊直接影响上下游回收宣传力度。为分析回收宣传费用对不同回收模式影响,本文基于不同的回收宣传费用承担方式构建4种回收模式。基于这4种回收模式,首先,对比分析不同回收宣传模式对单位废旧产品委托回收价格、单位回收价格、回收量和收益影响,其次,运用收益共享-成本分摊契约实现上下游同时进行回收宣传时协调机制,使上下游收益达到最优。研究主要得到:分散决策时,当回收商与处理商回收宣传成本系数之差小于某一阈值时,由回收商负责回收宣传较好,反之,由处理商负责回收宣传较好;上下游同时进行回收宣传时,单位回收宣传努力程度、废旧产品回收数量和收益大于只有一方进行回收宣传时,也即,当上下游同时回收宣传时,由于回收宣传作用,废旧产品回收比其只有一方进行回收宣传更有效;集中决策时,单位废旧产品回收价格、回收数量和总收益都大于上下游同时进行回收宣传时,通过收益共享-成本分摊契约可以使上下游同时进行回收宣传模式达到整体最优。  相似文献   

再制造条件下逆向物流回收模式的研究   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72       下载免费PDF全文
姚卫新 《管理科学》2004,17(1):76-80
随着环保意识和可持续发展意识的增强,人们开始关注逆向物流的管理,逆向物流的回收模式分为三种,即第三方负责回收、零售商负责回收、生产商负责回收,以再制造为研究对象,对这三种不同的模式进行了分析比较,得出了一些具有初步指导意义的结论.  相似文献   

针对制造商作为核心企业的逆向供应链,面临库存设施容量限制,以及回收量为回收价格和回收努力的随机线性函数关系问题,本文分别讨论了回收量在库存范围之内和超出库存范围两种情况下,由制造商负责租借额外库存时,逆向供应链成员企业的决策行为。得出,制造商需要向第三方仓储系统租借库存和有能力承受回收产品所需的库存容量范围,以及在不同库存范围内逆向供应链成员的最优决策和最优收益。  相似文献   

在废旧产品回收过程中,对其分类可以有效提高废旧产品处理效率。为分析分类回收对废旧产品回收处理的影响,分别基于无分类回收、处理商负责分类回收、回收商负责分类回收和集中决策四种情形构建废旧产品回收的博弈模型。基于四种情形下的最优解,首先,确立处理商和回收商愿意负责分类回收的边界条件;其次,对比分析不同情形下分类回收对废旧产品单位委托回收价格、单位回收价格、回收数量和收益的影响;最后,基于分散决策与集中决策对收益的影响,运用成本分摊-收益共享契约给出分散决策时的协调机制,使分散决策时达到整体最优。研究主要得到:在处理商和回收商愿意进行分类回收的边界内,回收商进行分类回收不仅能够降低处理商的回收成本,还可以同时增加处理商和回收商收益;集中决策时,进行分类回收可以提高回收渠道整体收益;分散决策时,可以通过成本分摊-收益共享契约使分散决策时收益达到集中决策的效果。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论政府引导激励下的电子废弃物回收处理决策模型。结合实践情况把电子废弃物回收处理归纳为四种模式,建立了相应模式下考虑回收补贴激励的决策模型,并讨论了其最优参数。研究表明:四种模式下的电子电器产品最优零售价及市场需求量均相等;当补贴额度不变时,生产商回收理模式下的电子废弃物回收率以及各主体收益与补贴对象无关;若赋予生产商一定的回收责任,则经销商回收和第三方回收模式下的回收率均高于生产商回收模式。数值分析表明,理论上并不存在绝对占优的电子废弃物回收模式,实施生产者责任延伸下的专业处理企业回收模式可达到较高的回收率,建议从制度、对象和过程等角度完善对相关回收主体的引导激励机制。  相似文献   

随着环境问题的日益严峻,传统汽车工业面临巨大压力。虽然新能源汽车的绿色低碳为解决大气、水土污染提供了途径,但动力电池若回收不利也将对生态环境造成负面影响。文章着眼于构建新能源汽车销售及动力电池回收的多级供应链网络,在不同回收模式下对电池生产企业主导的闭环供应链进行契约协调。然后,针对动力电池回收体系不完善的社会问题,为政府找到促使销售和回收平衡的最优条件。研究发现:(1)当回收再制造利润空间满足一定条件,电池生产商倾向选择多回收渠道的模式,并且渠道竞争的加剧,对消费者和上游企业都有利;(2)当电池生产商同时参与正向销售、逆向回收上的收益共享时,"联合"共享契约可以实现供应链的协调、有效提高各企业利润;(3)电池的制造、再制造成本对回收价格和企业利润有很大影响,当技术革新、成本下降时,无论是企业还是消费者都可以获得更多的利润,进一步对单、双渠道回收模式进行选择,找出不同成本范围内的最优回收模式;(4)为了提高废旧电池回收率,政府通过征收环境保护税可以有效促进废旧电池的回收,并且最优税额随电池制造成本的增长而降低,随再制造成本的增长而增加。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的三级逆向物流网络设计模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立初始回收点以方便客户、提高回收速度以及建立集中回收中心以负责产品的收回、分拣并统一运送到相应的生产商或分销商修理地点是一种节约、有效的多层次产品回收模式。本文在即存研究基础之上,加入了考虑初始点回收成本、回收产品中再销售品的收益和可再利用品的收益等变量,提出了能够优化连接客户、集中回收中心和生产商三级逆向物流网络数学模型,最后灵敏度分析表明遗传算法对于求解这类问题是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a synchronized cycles vendor-buyer coordination model where the single vendor is both a producer and recycler/remanufacturer, and there are multiple buyers. This model is an extension of the general single-vendor multi-buyer synchronization model to incorporate reverse logistics, and it includes costs associated with production, remanufacturing, transportation and holding inventory. The reverse logistics in the model is achieved by having the vendor pick up returned products from the buyers and then reprocess them for resale. Similar to the original synchronization model, the synchronization of our model is attained by coordinating the vendor's production cycle with both new products’ delivery cycles for transportation from the vendor to the buyers and used products’ pick-up cycles for transportation from the buyers to the vendor/recycler. A genetic algorithm is used for solving the problem. Numerical results show the benefits from this new synchronized cycles model compared to independent optimization with reverse logistics. Our findings further show that under low levels of returning products, the synchronized cycles coordination model with reverse logistics can reduce total system costs when compared with the independent optimization model without reverse logistics. Examples also show how the model with reverse logistics can perform economically better than the model without reverse logistics.  相似文献   

随着环境资源压力的增大,政府法制要求以及社会环保要求的提升,研究者对逆向物流网络的研究日益关注。本文系统地对近几年的逆向物流网络设计研究进行回顾,讨论并对比研究了网络设计研究问题,研究方法,定量模型,求解算法以及逆向物流网络设计中不确定环境方面的研究。探讨了逆向物流网络研究中的不足,为研究者未来的研究方向提供了参考。  相似文献   

连锁超市配送中心逆向物流量显赫,超常规占用大量库存空间和资金成本鲜为人知。本文在深入分析连锁超市配送中心逆向物流量的分类及成因的基础上,构建了由商业回流、终端回流、维修回流、包装回流和生产回流等五类回流所产生的连锁超市配送中心逆向物流量的计算模型,模型中构建考虑产品指数平滑系数预测的基础上导入了对连锁超市产品回流有放大影响的趋势平滑系数、季节性平滑系数、退货率、损毁率、次品率等多项指标参数,并进一步推导了连锁超市配送中心逆向物流库存成本计算模型;接着,通过算例计算了连锁超市配送中心产品逆向物流及其库存成本,分析了不同参数变化下的逆向物流库存成本值的影响程度,论证了本模型的有效性和实用性。最后给出了连锁超市配送中心逆向物流库存成本降低途径。  相似文献   

In scientific literature two large, partly overlapping areas regarding the environmental and economical attractive removal of waste coexist: reverse logistics and waste management. Both fields study, among other topics, the flows of discarded products leaving the end consumer. This review takes an integrated point of view on reverse logistics and waste management and aims at a better integration. More specifically, it gives a concise but complete overview of the efforts already performed in the area of strategic network design in waste reverse supply chains by means of combinatorial optimization models. Its purpose is to guide interested readers and researchers directly to publications of their interest, and let them identify courses other than the well-worn paths. Among others, we explicitly refer to (1) the importance of environmental, social and performance indicators in multi-objective models, (2) the potential of incorporating the different waste reverse supply chain stakeholders into the network design model, (3) the consideration of future waste reverse supply chain developments like extended producer responsibility schemes and the circular economy and their challenges, and (4) better heuristics to deal with the increasingly complex strategic network design models.  相似文献   

逆向物流系统结构研究的现状及展望   总被引:173,自引:23,他引:173  
随着环保意识的增强,废旧物品的回收再利用越来越受到广泛关注,逆向物流系统的研究也受到学者的重视。本文从研究的问题和方法两个方面较全面地总结了逆向物流系统结构的研究成果,重点讨论了逆向物流系统的结构特征、设计原则及设施的选址定位问题,并指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

We study a special environmental producer responsibility policy for the Chinese electronics industry that is based on awarding a per unit subsidy to qualified returned electronic products and ensuring a minimum producer collection volume while allowing larger collection volumes. Based on a real application from a Chinese electronics company that produces LCD TVs, our paper studies the optimal design of the product’s reverse supply chain when there is flexibility in settling the inspection locations of the returned products and flexibility in the volume of returned products collected. The problem is modeled as a nonlinear mixed-integer program and an efficient outer approximation-based solution approach is proposed. Analytical results and extensive numerical experiments based on this real application are conducted. Observations novel to the reverse logistics literature are related to the testing location decisions (upstream or downstream) and the optimal collection volumes of returned products. Particularly, we show how the government can stimulate the collection amount of returned products by increasing the unit subsidy and we also find that the company’s marginal benefit from improving the subsidy increases in a superlinear fashion. Furthermore, the highest collection volumes may not occur at the highest quality level of returned products for capacitated remanufacturers. The company can also be incentivized to increase the collection of returned products by permitting flexible testing locations. We also observe how the optimal testing locations vary for different levels of unit subsidy and different ratios of qualified and non-qualified returned products. Finally, conclusions and future research directions are provided.  相似文献   

直线型再制造供应链决策结构的效率分析   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
将直线型再制造供应链分为5种不同的决策结构,研究了该供应链在不同决策结构下的收益以及与集成式"超组织"结构相比的效率损失.结果表明:回收物品的潜在期望收益是回收行为的驱动因素;销售商对生产商批发价的决定权越大,该决策结构就越有效,效率损失也越小;收益分享是实现逆供应链成员"双赢"目的的有效策略.  相似文献   

In e-commerce, the success of hybrid online platforms is well documented where the platform not only works as a retailer but also offers online marketplace services to sellers. Logistics service is one of the most expensive operations for e-commerce and plays a critical role in promoting online purchases. In most cases, the platform builds a self-supporting logistics service system to deliver its own products, and the seller outsources the logistics service to third-party logistics service providers (TPLPs). Recently, the e-commerce market has emerged with a new trend of business-to-business logistics service sharing—the platform shares its logistics service system with the seller. In this paper, we first analyze the strategic and economic impacts of logistics service sharing. Our analysis shows that whereas logistics service sharing will lead to a lose-win situation for the platform and the seller when the TPLP's logistics service level and the market potential are low, it will lead to a win-lose situation when the TPLP's logistics service level or the market potential is very high. Furthermore, a win-win situation can be achieved when the TPLP's logistics service level and the market potential are in the middle regions. Then, we examine the equilibrium mode by considering the strategic interactions between the platform and the seller. We find that when the TPLP's logistics service level and the market potential are relatively low, the equilibrium mode is No-Service-Sharing. As the TPLP's logistics service level, the market potential, or both increase, the equilibrium mode will evolve from No-Service-Sharing to Service-Sharing.  相似文献   

The so-called Residual Income Valuation theorem states that the value of a project or a firm can be determined either on the basis of cash flows between the firm and its owners or by using residual incomes, provided that cash flows and residual incomes are derived from a set of accounting data that fulfills certain regularity conditions. Residual income is defined as accounting earnings reduced by a capital charge on book equity capital. In this paper it is shown that this theorem also applies when residual incomes and in particular the discount factors are uncertain. Risk-aversion of principals and agents is taken into account on the basis of properly defined risk-adjusted discount rates. This approach is preferred as it facilitates practical application. Implications are drawn with regards to valuation but also to the design of management remuneration systems. It is shown that the capital charge rate used to determine the performance-related compensation component should be reduced below the risk-adjusted rate, if the fixed component falls below a certain threshold. Absent agency cost or other externalities, the reduction of the capital charge rate is required to avoid underinvestment.  相似文献   

Early formulations of conjoint models focused on part-worth estimation at the individual level. As the methodology's popularity grew so did industry demands for increasingly larger numbers of attributes and levels. In response to these demands, new approaches, based on partial or full data aggregation (such as clusterwise/latent class conjoint and choice-based conjoint), have appeared. This paper suggests that pooled-data models will often be successful in predicting market shares when researchers employ monotonic attributes. In these cases more of a good attribute (or less of a bad attribute) is always more preferred. In the more realistic case, in which some of the attributes may be nonmonotonic, we find that data aggregation does not predict holdout sample preferences as well as individual part-worth models.  相似文献   

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