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这个世界或许原本就是女人的舞台,当第77届奥斯卡的帷幕才刚掀开一角.我们就已经迫不及待地期待着那些漂亮的女明星快点出场,当她们纷纷踩上水晶高跟鞋,戴上名贵璀璨的钻石项链,穿着性感逼人的晚礼服.抹着明艳珠光的唇彩走上通向柯达剧院的红地毯时,充满艳羡的尖叫声几近破天,男明星们也彻底成了陪衬.那一刻.是女人梦想的实现.也是女人梦想的开始,也就在那一刻.谁还能说,这个世界不是因为女人而精彩?这个舞台不是为了女人而存在?  相似文献   

在中国商业史上,"她力量"一直是一个不可忽视、汹涌澎湃的存在。相较于男性企业家的进攻风格,她们擅长防守;相较于男性的"英雄主义",她们更强调团队;相较于男性的跑马圈地,她们更长于精耕细作;相较于男性的直觉决策,她们更稳健思考。在这个危机重重的时代,她们奋勇崛起,她们的故事振奋人心,她们的力量激励我们前进。  相似文献   

她力量:在中国商业史上,"她力量"一直是一个不可忽视、汹涌澎湃的存在。相较于男性企业家的进攻风格,她们擅长防守;相较于男性的"英雄主义",她们更强调团队;相较于男性的跑马圈地,她们更长于精耕细作;相较于男性的直觉决策,她们更稳健思考。在这个危机重重的时代,她们奋勇崛起,她们的故事振奋人心,她们的力量激励我们前进。  相似文献   

一个全职主妇的天地真的是心有多大,舞台就有多大,并不仅仅是两三口人的家政服务那么简单和低端。角色的转变只要不上班、在家照顾孩子收拾家务,那就是全职主妇。我身边有很多想做或正在做全职主妇的人,她们都这样看待这个角色。  相似文献   

在很多人眼里,模特是一个充满神秘气息的职 业。华丽的T形舞台、闪烁不定的镁光灯、各 款前卫新潮的服装……当模特的女孩仿佛都有着魔鬼般的身材、天使般的面容、高傲冷艳的眼神。但如果你走近她们,你会发现她们并非是大家想象中的那样高不可攀,她们有着和普通人一样的喜怒哀乐。刚刚参加完世界超模大赛中国总决赛的长春女孩李牧向我们展示了身为模特不为人知的一面。 “其实模特不像大家想象的那么美好。你们看到的常常是我们比较风光的一面,但在生活中,我们的工作相当的枯燥乏味,甚至也有着自己的辛酸和苦楚。没有演出的时候,我…  相似文献   

每一所房子都有一颗心脏——这是女人和她们的房子带给我的感触。 因为女人用她们的痛苦、快乐、往事、梦想去布置房间。 有的女人那里,房子是男性的,她房子里的一切都带着期待的眼神,房子于她,是一个舞台的场景,她在那个舞台上任性撒娇,述说欲望,风格可以浓墨重彩,可以旖旎烂漫,她在那个场景同幻觉恋爱。  相似文献   

T型台上,闪光灯、霓虹灯,聚焦在她们的身上,高挑的身材、惊艳的浓妆、高傲的表情,一步一步款款走来。此时,她们是一群冷艳逼人的耀眼公主,自信、孤傲、独特的魅力把舞台的张力表现得淋漓尽致。T型台后,演出结束,当灯光在一瞬间暗了下来,卸下浓妆,脱掉华服,她们的生活又恢复了平静,虽然,走在大街上的她们依然是一道引人注目的时尚风景。模特,在灯红酒绿的都市里。别人看到的多是华丽的外表,光环笼罩下的她们,有着不为人知的一面……  相似文献   

她们是一群普通的"的姐",她们希望做好事,琐碎而平常的好事。她们为一位猝死的"的哥"子 女募捐,又为一位烧伤的"的姐"送去捐款。她们希望力所能及地帮助需要帮助的人。她们说:"爱 在我们心中,只有去爱才能被爱。" 她们是北京"出租行业女子爱心车队"的成员们。这个车队的发起,是因为潘秀兰的倡议:帮助 需要帮助的人。  相似文献   

[策划人语]有人说做女人难,做名女人难,其实从某种意义上说做一个女领导更难。毋庸质疑,她们是一群智慧超群豹女人;她们是一群美丽非常的女人;她们是男人、女人共同关注的女人;她们是政坛上独具魅力的一个群体,女书记、女市长、女厅长、女院长、女政委、女……她们站在女性部落的最前沿,在事业与生活中扮演着举足轻重的角色,她们以女性特有的爱心、细心和责任感,既操持"大家"又顾及小家。因为她们特殊的身份,人们对她们的喜怒哀乐充满了好奇。在"三八"节这个特别的日子,让我们撩开笼罩在她们身上的神秘面纱,走近特别的她们,看看她们18岁的花样年华;体会她们结婚时的甜蜜与羞涩;与她们一起感受成功的喜悦,与她们一起分享最快乐的一件事、最快乐的某一天。  相似文献   

正2018年8月30日下午5点,S.H.E在网易云发布了她们出道17周年的纪念新歌,歌名叫《十七》。单曲封面上,这三个女生站在篮球场上,好像回到了17年前的学生时代。而站在舞台上的她们,虽仍是一袭白衣不染尘埃,却已从青涩少女,成长为成熟的女人。朋友圈开始了一场关于17年前这个真正的"第一女团"的怀念。她们刚出道时,我们很多人还在青葱校园,而如今已经踏入社会,各奔东西。17年间,三个女生用歌曲唱出了很多爱情的道理,"爱错了人不要紧,总会有个对的人出现,你所有的爱都不会被辜负。但现在的你,一定要相信真爱。""如果真的等不到属于你的英雄,那请你一定要做自己的英雄。"  相似文献   


Although research has shown that conflicting expectations exist in the marital role for women, little is known about the impact of this conflict on female psychological well-being. This study empirically investigates the relationship between conflicting husband and wife sex role expectations for the female role and depressive symptoms in married women. Based on a community sample of 273 married women, it was found that women who indicate that a conflict in sex role expectations exists in their marriage report more symptoms of depression than married women who do not indicate such a discrepancy in sex role expectations. The effects of this relationship were found to be stronger for housewives than for women who are employed outside the home.  相似文献   

The present analysis addresses whether gender influences support for the core values of individualism, self-reliance and equal opportunity. Both a capitalist economic system and democratic political system emphasize the value of the individual, self-reliance and equal opportunity. It is argued that socialization within these systems promotes individualistic beliefs even among those who are discriminated against. The impact of gender on commitment to core values and the influence of these values among women and men on support for government helping women is explored. The results suggest that men and women equally support individualistic values and that these values are similarly influential on questions of government intervention on women's behalf. Exceptions are found among younger men, who more likely support intervention than older men, and that among women, positive regard for women achieves a significant impact on policy support whereas the same does not hold true among men. It is argued that individualistic commitments among women and men provide the impetus to evaluate policy decisions in terms of the nature of government intervention even though women comprise the targeted beneficiaries of these policies.  相似文献   

This study evaluated characteristics that distinguish women who end a first marriage in midlife from those who remain married. The sample consisted of 459 married and 180 divorced women who had participated in 3 waves of the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH). Discriminant analyses were used to assess differences that occurred between the two groups in financial and psychological well-being in the 10 years between NSFH Waves 2 and 3. The major finding was that midlife divorce appears to have long-term financial consequences for women, especially in regard to wealth accumulation. The findings provide some initial information about the long-term effects of midlife divorce that will be useful to professionals working with women who are considering divorce at this stage of life.  相似文献   

Unintended pregnancies disproportionately occur among teenage women, yet little is known about the determinants of pregnancy desire among this group. The authors use a comprehensive baseline survey and data on pregnancy desires to investigate which unmarried 18‐ to 20‐year‐old women want a pregnancy, want to avoid pregnancy, and report consistent pregnancy desire and disinclination. Variables that positively predict pregnancy desire generally negatively predict desire to avoid pregnancy. Although most young women have no desire and strong disinclination in most weeks, childhood public assistance is a strong predictor of wanting pregnancy and not wanting to avoid it. Comparing nested models suggests that the effects of childhood disadvantage operate through social environments where early pregnancy is less stigmatized. Young women in serious relationships, who are depressed, and who are not pursuing postsecondary education have more desire for pregnancy and less disinclination, but little of childhood disadvantage is mediated by these factors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the reasons why vulnerable women refuse to take part in early interventions. In-depth interviews were conducted with 19 women who refused to take part in an evaluation of an intensive home visiting programme. A number of themes were identified including perceptions about vulnerability, misperceptions about the service, misgivings about the service, and lack of trust. It is concluded that women who refuse to take part in early interventions are a diverse group, and that service providers need to take this diversity into account, if they are to improve uptake of services by vulnerable women. Service providers may also need to consider new ways of providing services.  相似文献   

This article uses qualitative research and narrative analysis to examine the experience of women age 55 and older who are parents caring for adult children with mental illness. Knowledge about the conflicts of older parents with dependent children is underdeveloped. In this study, analysis of women's stories about parenting in later life reveal that the women have two sets of feelings: wanting to be free from the responsibility of caregiving and feeling responsible to continue the support and protection of their adult vulnerable children. The women's conflicts are palpable and are found in the ideational themes of the narratives, as well as the structure of how the narratives are spoken. The discussion highlights the relevance of the theory of ambivalence for clinical practice when working with older women who are caregivers for their adult dependent children.  相似文献   


The joint or combined effects of age level, sex differences, and social factors in fear of crime are systematically investigated using elaboration analysis with 1976 NORC data. Findings reveal that while the elderly are somewhat more likely to report fear of crime when compared with young and middle-aged groups, many more women express apprehension than men at each age level. Fear of being victimized is especially prevalent among those segments of the population that are the most isolated and vulnerable, notably elderly and middle-aged black women, unmarried older women living alone, elderly women in poor health, and women of all ages who had been burglarized.  相似文献   

The majority of research on pornography use within committed relationships has found such use to be associated with negative outcomes. However, given the variability in pornography use among couples, the current study sought to examine moderators in the association between pornography use and relationship satisfaction in a large sample of heterosexual matched-paired couples (N = 6,626). Actor–partner interdependence models (APIMs) revealed that for men who are more anxiously attached, more pornography use is associated with higher relationship satisfaction; whereas for women who are more anxiously attached, more pornography use is associated with lower relationship satisfaction. For men who are more accepting of pornography, more pornography use is associated with more relationship satisfaction; however, for men who are less accepting of pornography, more pornography use is associated with less relationship satisfaction. There was little difference in relationship satisfaction at differing levels of pornography use for women who are high in pornography acceptance. For women who are low in pornography acceptance, pornography use is associated with less relationship satisfaction. Results are discussed and recommendations for practitioners are made through the lens of symbolic interaction theory.  相似文献   

This study examined demographic, psychological, and relationship factors that are associated with the experience of sexual desire in women. The contribution of other aspects of sexual function on sexual desire was also investigated. The participants were 741 partnered heterosexual women (mean age = 45.7 years), who completed the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire online, which evaluated their levels of sexual desire, as well as a range of individual and dyadic variables. For each of the six aspects of sexual desire assessed, the number and frequency of problems in other aspects of women's sexual functioning were the most common predictors. The results demonstrated that sexual desire was lower among older, postmenopausal women and those who had been in their current relationship for a longer period of time. Women who reported that their partner experienced a sexual dysfunction also obtained lower sexual desire scores. These findings demonstrate the strong interrelationship between the different phases of the sexual response cycle for women. Further, they suggest that sexual dysfunction in one partner is likely to be associated with sexual dysfunction in the other partner. The clinical implications of these findings in terms of the treatment for sexual dysfunction among women (and their partners) are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined demographic, psychological, and relationship factors that are associated with the experience of sexual desire in women. The contribution of other aspects of sexual function on sexual desire was also investigated. The participants were 741 partnered heterosexual women (mean age?=?45.7 years), who completed the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire online, which evaluated their levels of sexual desire, as well as a range of individual and dyadic variables. For each of the six aspects of sexual desire assessed, the number and frequency of problems in other aspects of women's sexual functioning were the most common predictors. The results demonstrated that sexual desire was lower among older, postmenopausal women and those who had been in their current relationship for a longer period of time. Women who reported that their partner experienced a sexual dysfunction also obtained lower sexual desire scores. These findings demonstrate the strong interrelationship between the different phases of the sexual response cycle for women. Further, they suggest that sexual dysfunction in one partner is likely to be associated with sexual dysfunction in the other partner. The clinical implications of these findings in terms of the treatment for sexual dysfunction among women (and their partners) are discussed.  相似文献   

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