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中国社会保障制度的多重分割及对人口流动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从中国人口流动的特征、主要驱动因素及受阻的制度性因素入手,分析了在中国经济转型与社会变迁过程之中,现行社会保障制度的多重分割.即城乡分割、区域分割、社会人群分割构成了中国社会人口流动的桎梏。然后建议在社会再分配层面上,打破城乡分割、区域分割和社会人群分割,加快建立基本保障全国统筹的、广覆盖、低水平、多层次的社会保障制度,以促进人口流动,促进各区域经济的发展与平衡.缩小城乡差距、区域差距、社会人群贫富差距。  相似文献   

社会性别、人口流动与艾滋病风险   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文使用两个独立调查取得的数据,检测了不同性别的流动人口流动后性行为的改变及导致女性流动人口感染艾滋病的个人和社会因素。结果显示,流动和性别不平等的相互作用导致女性流动人口高度集中于增加其临时或商业性行为暴露的工作行业。女性而非男性流动人口在流动后经历了临时或商业性行为的显著增长。个人认知和社会影响因素对女性流动人口感染艾滋病风险的构成具有重要的相关关系,其中行为能力是与安全性行为最接近的显著因子,而工作场所的支持则可以增强女性流动人口在性关系中的权利。本文提出了一个研究重点的变化,即不仅要研究艾滋病病毒在流动人口中的传播,更要看到其中的社会性别差异。对社会性别的关注其实是和构成艾滋病风险的因素相应的,它同时伴随着以产生结构性干预为目标的研究。  相似文献   

李俊 《兰州学刊》2011,(10):56-62
文章首先考察了我国改革开放以来的人口流动,指出我国人口流动既符合一般规律,又有国情带来的特殊性,进而从人口的职业构成、地域分布和素质三个方面说明了人口流动促进了我国农村人口的现代化。农民在流动中培养了个人现代性,而这必然会推动农村现代化,导致农村社会结构变迁,主要体现在农村家庭、农村经济、乡土文化三个方面。  相似文献   

人口流动与当代中国农村社会分化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大量的中国农村人口向城市流动,未能实现流动人口的城市化,相反,却导致了以阶层分化为基础的中国特色的农村社会分化。农村人口向城市流动是全面建设小康社会及最终实现现代化的必然要求,但是中国的国情决定了不能走西方式的城市化道路,在扫清农村人口向城市流动的障碍的同时,可选择中国特色的城镇化,即农村的城镇化与城市的城市化两条腿走的道路。人口流动是解读中国城市化与农村社会分化的对立统一关系的钥匙。  相似文献   

童潇 《贵州社会科学》2012,(10):114-118
城乡人口间的快速流动已对我国农村、城市以及流动人口本身展现重要社会影响,新农村建设人力资源匮乏,城市内部大量社会问题出现,流动人口自身所受到的社会排斥都可从中找到原因.建构有关城乡人口流动的新型管理体制非常必要:一是改组国家计生委为国家人口管理总局,以统一管理全国人口问题;二是培育全国统一的劳动力市场;三是要注重人力资源投资,特别要瞄准流动人口二代,通过代际政策逐渐消弭流动人口与城市原生人口间差异;四是应注重从城乡社会保障对接、开放城市户口转为农村户口(非转农)、农村宅基地产权确立变更等政策调整方面入手做好相关配套改革工作.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立60年来,伴随着急剧的社会变迁,我国的人口流动也发生了顺应时代要求的历史性嬗变,并反过来深刻地影响着社会变迁的进程.反思60年来人口流动的嬗变历程,我们发现人口流动与社会变迁的相关性是人口流动的根本原因,同时人口流动与社会变迁的良性互动是实现社会发展不可抗拒的历史规律.因此,在新的时代背景下,必须对我国的人口流动制度和机制进行创新,使其能顺应时代要求,促进社会良性变迁、实现社会和谐发展以及加快整个社会的现代化进程.  相似文献   

明清会馆是本土社会在自然演进过程中出现的一种民间同乡组织.社会结构的变迁为其提供了赖以存在的社会基础,主要体现在三个方面:一、 在多重因素推动下不断强化的地域乡情观念,为会馆创设提供了情感动力、 认同基础和维系纽带;二、 科举盛行和商业经济发展带来大规模的社会流动,为会馆创建和服务提供了主体即流寓人口;三、 政府的认可,确保会馆作为民间组织能够合法地生存和发展.三方面的综合作用是明清会馆大规模长期存续的深层根源.  相似文献   

当前农村婚姻流动的特点及其社会影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚姻流动是指社会人口因通婚而在社会阶层和社会空间中移动的现象。婚姻流动是社会流动的形式之一,在我国农村,婚姻流动还是一种主要的人口流动方式,其影响远远超过了移民等其它人口流动方式。农民以通婚为途径迁居他乡形成了农村中持续不断的人口流动,这种流动客观上对农村各地社区间的成年人口性比例起着自发的调节作用;主观上则反  相似文献   

新中国成立以后,中国的农村经历了土地改革、合作化运动、大跃进、人民公社化运动、三年自然灾害、四清、文革、家庭联产承包责任制等一系列的变动,每一次重要政治变动都给农村社会带来了剧烈的影响,也由此波及到乡村社会的人口流动。纵观改革开放以前中国农村社会的人口流动,其表现形式在震动社会和静态社会中是不同的。应该说,这种表现形式与国家和社会的强弱关系有着紧密的联系。  相似文献   

改革开放30多年的社会变迁,构成了认识和理解当前中国青年现象与青年问题的重要背景。这种社会变迁主要在四个方面对青年一代产生重大影响:第一,社会经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转型;第二,社会流动增加和社会分化加剧;第三,社会价值观念的现代化与多元化;第四,人口生育政策带来的人口结构变迁。从社会变迁视角出发,现阶段中国青年问题与青年研究的重点领域将主要集中在社会变迁与青年教育、青年就业、青年婚姻与家庭、青年亚文化、青年群体、青年社会问题等方面之间的关系以及社会变迁对这些方面的影响上。  相似文献   

Much research attention has been devoted to understanding the relationship between education and riskier sex-related behaviors and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. While in the early 1990s researchers found that increases in education were associated with a higher incidence of HIV/AIDS, this relationship appears to have reversed and better educated people, especially women, appear less likely to engage in riskier sex-related behaviors and have a lower incidence rate of HIV/AIDS. Our study begins to unravel the mechanisms that could explain why women’s educational attainment is associated with safer sex-related behaviors in sub-Saharan Africa. Using data from the 2003 Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey, we examine the potential mediating effects of HIV/AIDS knowledge, family planning discussions, gender empowerment, and husband’s education for explaining the relationship between education and age of first sex, casual sex, multiple sex partners, and condom use. We find that gender empowerment partially explains the relationship between education and age of first sex, and HIV/AIDS knowledge, husband’s education, and family planning discussions partially explain the relationship between education and condom use. We argue that gender inequality and lack of knowledge are likely to play a greater role in explaining the relationship between woman’s education and sex-related behaviors in sub-Saharan Africa than they do in more industrialized nations, where social capital explanations may have more explanatory power.  相似文献   

本文是一个人类学个案研究,它以女性性服务者的经历为切入点,在分析女性性服务者人群的文化特点的同时,通过解读“高危人群”、“艾滋病”与“安全套”的文化意义,从微观层面考察她们作为艾滋病预防的主体,怎样建构关于艾滋病的知识,怎样看待自己的“高危人群”身份,怎样在具体的环境中选择符合自己利益的行为方式。本文认为,艾滋病防治干预工作必须充分考虑到性服务者的这种主体性,让她们积极投入到改变自身处境的行动中去,才能使干预工作进一步取得成效。  相似文献   

We extend research on the effects of religious ecologies by examining the role of religious ecologies in intergenerational socioeconomic mobility. We do so first by providing a theoretical framework addressing the diverse cultural influences of religious traditions and their impact on intergenerational mobility. We argue that certain otherworldly orientations among conservative Protestants suppress mechanisms of upward mobility, and that there are meaningful distinctions between sub-groups of conservative Protestants (evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals). An analysis of county-level data from the recently released Equality of Opportunity Project and the Churches and Church Membership Survey is used to empirically examine the relationship between religious ecologies and intergenerational mobility. Findings suggest distinct effects of different religious groups on intergenerational mobility. These results demonstrate the importance of accounting for the ecological impact of religion on social mobility in the United States and challenge the conceptualization of conservative Protestants as a monolithic group.  相似文献   

社会阶层流动途径的趋势与效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王仲 《学术探索》2008,(2):139-144
我国目前存在着社会阶层的划分,中间阶层有待扩大,下层亟需缩小,阶层之间进行流动受到很多制度方面的限制,但仍然存在着几个主要的流动途径,不同的流动途径机会不同,效果也自然有所不同,从人口经济学的意义上来看,加强人力资本的投资和促进流动人口的健康有序发展是十分重要的。  相似文献   

湘军时代是近代湖南发生剧烈变动的一个极为重要的历史时期,社会流动是最能体现这一时代变动的社会现象之一。从流向上来看,这一时期的社会流动主要有五大趋向,平民通过科举考试上向流动为绅士,农民向军队流动为下层士兵,儒生从军由军功入仕,平民由"捐纳"上升至绅士或进入官场,等等。返归故里的湘军或在地方坐拥实权,或下向流动为帮会成员。这些与其他地区特别是沿海地区比较起来,体现出了鲜明的地域特色。  相似文献   

Sociologists have long been interested in the impact of social, economic, and political changes on societal openness. Among other questions, they have asked whether the transition from a preindustrial agrarian society to an industrial socialist state creates more opportunity and equality. Using recent developments in loglinear modeling, this paper tests competing theories about temporal change in social mobility in Hungary in the past half-century. While occupational persistence declined significantly between older cohorts of men and women, the decline slowed or halted in recent cohorts. This suggests that a process of restratification occurred after the socialist revolution. Gender differences in mobility are also prominent. On the one hand, women are less likely than men to enter their fathers' occupational class. On the other hand, women's occupational destinations are more strongly determined by occupational origins. Furthermore, there are significant gender differences in occupational opportunities.  相似文献   

自艾滋病在我国流行开来,社会科学研究工作者直面这一现实社会问题,深入田野运用专业知识开展不同形式的田野调查研究。本文拟对社会组织参与防治艾滋病、艾滋病感染者的主体性、适应性以及社会支持系统、艾滋病高危群体亚文化等三个方面的新近田野调查研究成果进行回顾,以期达到梳理这些调查研究成果,并讨论后续艾滋病田野调查研究的可能方向。  相似文献   

从重建中后期到 19世纪 90年代初是美国南部现代化进程中的一个重要时期 ,困难与机遇并存。以波旁派为核心的南部民主党人持守自由放任主义的传统思想 ,采取削弱政府作用、控制劳工自由流动等政策 ,人为地阻碍了南部的社会发展 ,拉大了与美国其他地区的差距。  相似文献   

This study revisits and extends a classic question in sociology and tests three competing hypotheses about the effects of intragenerational social class mobility on distress and psychological well-being at midlife. Prior research on this topic investigated the effects of intergenerational mobility, but did not look at how mobility during adulthood (intragenerational mobility) affects psychological distress and well-being. Previous literature is also limited by methodological problems that make it difficult to estimate the separate effects of prior social class, current social class, and social mobility. This study overcomes this methodological problem using a novel approach that breaks the linear dependence between prior class, current class, and intragenerational mobility. After accounting for prior and current class, I find that social mobility is not associated with psychological distress and self-acceptance. Instead, mobile individuals come to resemble their nonmobile counterparts in their current class on the outcomes of study.  相似文献   

In social mobility research, the diagonal reference model (DRM) is argued to best isolate the effect of social mobility from origin and destination status effects. In demographic research, standard analyses of the duration until an event occurs rely heavily on the appropriate use of covariates that change over time. We apply these best-practice methods to the study of social mobility and demographic outcomes in Sweden using register data that covers the years 1996–2012. The mortality analysis includes 1,024,142 women and 747,532 men and the fertility analysis includes 191,142 women and 164,368 men. We identify the challenges inherent in this combination and present strategies with an application to how social mobility is related to both fertility and mortality. Our application is successful at incorporating all requirements related to these methods. Our findings suggest, however, that certain data characteristics, such as a relatively high share of missing data, can be problematic. We also find that controlling for origin and destination status generally provides acceptable estimates of the mobility association in the specific case of Sweden and the relationship between social mobility and both fertility and mortality.  相似文献   

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