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Family Group Conferencing (FGC) as a solution-focused strategyin child welfare has now been a mandated practice in AotearoaNew Zealand since 1989. This qualitative study examines theexperiences of Care and Protection Coordinators who have beenconvening FGC since the early years of the legislation. Thestudy explores early perceptions of the legislation, what firstattracted them to the role and what keeps them in the job. Inparticular, the study explores the practice tensions that restwithin family-centred child protection models, and the waysin which FGC practice has developed in response to modern imperatives.  相似文献   

几年来,通过对小组工作这门课程的持续地关注以及教学与研究,笔者对其实践教学环节的设置已日趋成熟,初步形成由单纯的理论教学,到安排适当的实践教学,再到理论教学与实践教学对半开,甚至出现实践教学所占的比重有不断加大地的良好势头。这有助于学生在理解小组工作基本理念的基础上,熟练地掌握小组工作的方法与技巧,即熟练掌握小组工作的操作流程,透过诸如小组活动、小组游戏以及小组习作来了解小组的动力情况,从而提高学生的实务能力。  相似文献   

The complex and changing relationship between theory and practicein social work has received increasing attention in recent years.Parton (2000) has advocated a constructionist approach thatunderlines the similarity between the roles of the researcherand the practitioner. Personal construct theory (Kelly, 1955)is one member of the constructionist family that has particularimplications for social work practice. It evolved as a pragmaticapproach to psychotherapy, advocating a research supervisor/studentmodel of the practitioner/client relationship. In this article,we elaborate its application to social work practice, drawingon contemporary work in the fields of trauma and loss to illustrateits value.  相似文献   

The principle of simultaneity—that citizens should vote as far as possible at the same time—is more significant than is usually appreciated. It is based on a fundamental value of democratic theory, and it has substantial implications for electoral practice. It also invites further normative and empirical research.
The most important value that simultaneity expresses is a form of equality—equal respect. First, if citizens have only information they would have had if they were voting at the same time, the value of each citizen's choice is no greater than that of any other citizen. Second, when citizens go to the polls on the same day, publicly participating in a common experience of civic engagement, they demonstrate their willingness to contribute to the democratic process on equal terms. Taking simultaneity seriously has implications for electoral practices. It would limit the practice of media projections of election results, including the reporting of exit polls, and the calling of elections before all the polls close. It also casts doubt on the increasingly widespread use of early voting—absentee ballots and voting by mail. Early voting weakens the value of the experience of participating in a civic activity. Voting alone may be worse than bowling alone.  相似文献   

Past research on care leavers has, understandably, tended to focus on those who are in their mid‐ to late‐teens or early 20s. This reflects the profound impact of central and local government policy on those young people. It also reflects their prominence in contemporary analyses of most of the indicators of social exclusion among young people in the UK – unemployment, homelessness and lack of educational qualifications among them. However, some issues affecting adults who grew up in care apply across the life course. One such issue is the access that former care adults have to their child care files. Indeed, as we shall see, this issue has particular importance for many older adults (in their 30s and upwards). Policy and practice in this field has changed significantly during the past 20 years and there is a growing awareness of the needs of former care adults in this area. Access to such files can be a significant element in the process of seeking to address identity concerns centring around family and childhood experiences. This paper explores some of these identity concerns and analyses how access to care files both reflects such concerns and attempts to address them.  相似文献   

Genericism and Specialization: The Story since 1970   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the first three years of the British Journal of SocialWork, 1971–74, as a starting point, this paper tracesthe difficulties which have beset the social work professionin establishing a sound coherent basis both for a generic foundationand for subsequent specializations. It examines the factorswhich have contributed to these difficulties, in education,in practice and in relation to external factors, notably political.It concludes that social work has been blown off course butthat there are hopeful indications of a new impetus to restoreand regenerate the essence of good practice.  相似文献   

Summary Following early reports of the feasibility and usefulness oflocating social workers in general practice (Collins, 1965;Forman and Fairbairn, 1968; Cooper, 1971) the number of attachmentsto general practice has increased markedly over the last decade(Gilchrest et al., 1978). Although there have been a numberof accounts of the increased co-operation between health carestaff (Clare and Corney, 1982) there has been a dearth of objectiveevaluations of the advantages these schemes bring to generalpractice patients. This paper describes the design, executionand outcome of a clinical trial of social work carried out ondepressed women in general practice aged 18–45. It focuseson the social workers' activities and the clients view of help:more detailed information is described elsewhere (Corney, 1981).  相似文献   

This article focuses on the important contributions the venerable Harriet Tubman made to the field of housing for older persons and other populations at risk. It uses an historical approach to document the importance of early housing and self-help initiatives in the African American community. It embraces Harriet Tubman and other early housers for their good works and acknowledges them as contributors to the rich legacy of community social work practice and its sage principles of empowerment and self-help. The article presents a nexus between the current housing status of older Blacks and the double jeopardy status imposed by historical discrimination.  相似文献   

The paper considers the representation of probation themes inthe British Journal of Social Work (BJSW) since the early 1990s,and reviews developments in probation policy and practice sincethen, with a focus on the relationship between probation practiceand social work. It argues that emerging research evidence supportsthe view that effective probation practice is likely to be informedby values and skills that are recognizably within the traditionof social work, and concludes that despite pressures to abandonsocial work as a basis for probation practice, it is not obviouswhat the alternative could be.  相似文献   

A decade has passed since family group conferences were initially introduced into the UK by Family Rights Group. Ten years on, this paper examines the extent to which family group conferences have developed and become embedded into current social work practice. Despite the initial interest by social work practitioners and the picture often painted of a growing radical movement, the degree to which family group conferencing has become part of mainstream practice has until now remained fairly anecdotal. A number of difficulties have been identified with implementing the model, including fitting it into an existing system and the challenge it poses to professionals to hand over power. Two surveys, the first undertaken in 1999 and the second in 2001, describe the current use of the model in the UK by Councils with Social Services Responsibilities (Councils). The surveys reveal the areas of practice within which family group conferences are being used, the size and capacity of projects and why some Councils have adopted the model whilst others remain hesitant. It concludes by considering why family group conferences remain on the margins of practice.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the important contributions the venerable Harriet Tubman made to the field of housing for older persons and other populations at risk. It uses an historical approach to document the importance of early housing and self-help initiatives in the African American community. It embraces Harriet Tubman and other early housers for their good works and acknowledges them as contributors to the rich legacy of community social work practice and its sage principles of empowerment and self-help. The article presents a nexus between the current housing status of older Blacks and the double jeopardy status imposed by historical discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper discusses developments in child welfare services in England in recent years and, particularly, the role and contribution of research. It is shown that a more significant and coherent body of child welfare research has been developed, which has linked formally to the policy process. Research programmes in England have highlighted specific problems in three areas: first, moving away from a narrow focus on child protection to an approach that provides broader family support for children in need; second, the absence of policies relating to services for adolescents; and, lastly, problems in the delivery of residential care for young people. A major programme of reform has been introduced by the new Labour government, consistent with research messages. It is concluded that research has had an impact on the development of child welfare services in England, although influencing the structure of services, social work practice and outcomes for young people are highly complex issues.  相似文献   

孙应帅 《创新》2012,6(5):12-15,126
近几年,中央对哲学社会科学的繁荣发展作出了很多重要指示,这为中国哲学社会科学事业的繁荣发展指明了方向。而中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的哲学社会科学,从某种角度理解,其具体涵义可以理解为是中国实践、中国话语、中国立场的哲学社会科学。在新的历史时期,推动创建中国特色、中国风格、中国气派也就是中国实践、中国话语、中国立场的哲学社会科学创新体系和学术话语体系,应当坚持以马克思主义为指导,坚持"二为"方向和"双百"方针,坚持以中央关于繁荣发展哲学社会科学的有关指示精神为指导,为全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献智慧和力量。  相似文献   

钱津 《创新》2008,2(5)
中国已经进入工业化腾飞阶段的第5年了,我们需要在理论上对此有准确的认识。这样,我们才能做到认识与实践相统一,才能比较自觉地应对现实的高增长。在中国工业化腾飞阶段的初期,出现激烈的价格上涨,是市场客观的价格调整要求。我们不要将这种涨价误认为是通货膨胀,不要用通货膨胀预期的恐怖来宣扬腾飞阶段涨价的预期效果。中国的工业化是在新技术革命的导引下逐步走向腾飞。中国的工业化腾飞就是世界经济新的腾飞。中国的工业化腾飞将引领世界进入新的时代。  相似文献   

After two years of fundamental political changes in Poland a lot of enthusiasm has faded. The country is on its way towards a market economy but the process of transformation is proving more difficult than expected. The social sector in particular is being hampered. Budgetary cuts undermine any feeling of security. Society seems to be entirely unprepared to accept changes that lead to a reduction of social packages offered by former regimes. Hopes associated with 5the outcome of health care reform were aroused by the length of time taken to conceptualize the main proposals. The process started as early as 1980 and was supposed steadily to yield easier access and higher technology. When it became clear that this was unrealistic because of general economic crises, the pace of health service reform was slowed down. It was a painful process to abandon illusion. Now it is becoming accepted that the reform is to improve the elementary effectiveness and efficiency of health services. Thanks to this breakthrough it has been possible to make and put into practice two major decisions: the regional integration of health services, and the new law on health care institutions.  相似文献   

This article considers the complex relationships between law, welfare policy and social work practice, in order to address the question of what role legal frameworks might play in achieving welfare policy and professional practice goals. It traces how law has developed as a core component of professional practice, and challenges some of the false expectations placed upon it. It then draws on findings from an international knowledge review of law teaching in social work education to propose a model for understanding how professional practice incorporates legal perspectives, and proposes ways in which legal frameworks can provide positive and constructive vehicles for accountable practice.  相似文献   

Income support for carers has been available in Australia since the early 1980s. In contrast to most other forms of income support, eligibility for Carer Payment has been progressively expanded in recent years, and increasing numbers of carers are claiming the payment as a result. This article examines the history of income support for carers by reviewing changes in eligibility criteria in the social security legislation and considering how those changes were framed. We argue that reforms to carers' income support have developed within competing frames of social justice and social investment, with an increasing emphasis on a social investment discourse, which prioritises paid work over care. Neither of the dominant frames addresses gender equality, and in practice, income support policy has reinforced familial (women's) responsibility for caring. Given the gendered nature of caring in Australia, gender equality issues must be considered in future policy reforms to ensure that the competing pressures on women to care and to engage in paid work do not lead to greater disadvantage and inequality for women and the people for whom they care.  相似文献   

社会工作实践教学探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会工作是实践取向的教育,社会工作的专业品质需要实践性的教学,长沙民政职业技术学院社会工作系,经过7年的探索,从教学理念、课程实践、隐性课程实践、认知实践、综合实习、农村社会工作、教学方法改革等等进行了探索,形成了自己的一些经验和体制保障。  相似文献   


China has developed modern social work over the past 30 years, introducing new theories and models of good practice that have been drawn from diverse parts of globe. It has also made extensive contributions to disaster interventions based on its engagement in numerous calamities that have affected the population in China, including the devastating Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. More recently, its dynamic leaders have supported the development of social work in other Asian countries. I have been privileged to have developed a long-standing relationship with China, its culture and its history for many decades, even before I became a social worker. My social work colleagues have honoured me by strengthening this interest by providing many opportunities to walk alongside them. This article considers my personal reflections on a profession’s development through momentous world events, and China rightly deserves to celebrate its 30 years of growth and development.  相似文献   

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