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作为交通领域的服务产品,无障碍汽车既是实现残疾人自由出行的重要交通工具,也是残疾人充分保障权益,实现权利自由的重要载体,充分体现了《残疾人权利公约》中的无障碍原则、不歧视原则和社会参与原则,对残疾权益的实现具有重要价值。当前,我国无障碍汽车的发展正处于起步阶段,相关法规标准尚不完善。因此必须加强政策促进,做到以加强国家立法为基础、注重顶层设计为纲要、地方政策激励为核心、社会与个人的政策参与为保障,以此加快推动其市场化发展。  相似文献   

近年,同性恋权利保障问题在世界范围内获得极大关注,而同性婚姻合法化成为多国争议的焦点,所以其婚姻合法化的研究对于同性恋群体具有重要意义.本文从必要性、有效性与立法基础三个方面结合数据进行分析,论述了我国当今同性恋仍处于非刑事化向非病理化的转变初期,其婚姻并不具有合法化的必要与基础.  相似文献   

近些年来,有关儿童权利受侵害的案件日益增多,严重侵犯了儿童的权利,对我国儿童的身体和心理健康发展造成了巨大的危害。本文以分析我国儿童权利保护立法现状,概括总结了我国立法模式中存在的问题,并对我国儿童权利保护的立法发展方向提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

1. 无障碍高质量发展需要法治保障 中国法学会张苏军副会长从健全法治体系、促进无障碍发展的角度强调,要满足高质量发展要求,法治是关键.应当提升立法层级,将《无障碍环境建设法》尽快纳入相关立法程序,进一步推动无障碍法规政策的落地实施.中国老龄协会吴玉韶副会长指出,深度老龄化社会中适老化与无障碍等各项标准建设要形成全社会共识,高质量的无障碍设施与服务在人居环境建设中要成为标准配置,这需要在理念、制度、行动、监督等方面给予全方位保障.最高人民检察院邱景辉检察官认为,当前正在推进的无障碍公益诉讼能有效增强无障碍权益保障.  相似文献   

《残疾人保障法》实施30年来,中国残疾人事业法治体系和权利保障机制不断发展完善,促成了残疾人平等享有全面小康生活,也为世界人权话语丰富了“人类命运共同体”内涵,拓展了基于人权的发展路径。在全面建设社会主义现代化新时期,要进一步完善残疾人权利保障的法治体系,需要坚持融合发展原则,注重社会治理和社群赋能策略,在法律能力、无障碍、教育就业和司法保护等领域进行制度革新。  相似文献   

针对冬残奥会对残疾人事业发展的影响开展评估是一项重要工作.本文在2017年中国残联资助调查研究的基础上开展评估,基于2022年冬残奥会的历史定位和特征构建了影响评估指标体系,即治理性指标(制度环境建设、综合治理成果)、普适性指标(社会残疾观、无障碍环境建设)和领域性指标(残疾人冰雪运动、京津冀协同发展).采用文献分析和问卷调查的方式开展研究.研究发现,5年来我国残疾人事业制度创新迎来新机遇,残疾人事业发展治理成效显著,社会残疾观念更加积极,北京无障碍环境建设取得历史性进展,残疾人冰雪运动迎来发展契机,冬残奥助力京津冀残疾人事业协同发展等,进而提出了4条对策建议.  相似文献   

地方立法的科学化不仅对政治、经济和社会事业的科学发展具有现实性,而且具有未来性和全局性。淄博作为最早享有地方立法权的城市之一,具备很多成功的经验做法,对其他城市地方立法科学化有着重要的指导作用和意义。本课题旨在以淄博市地方立法过程中的成功做法为研究基础,探讨如何使其他城市地方立法更加科学化、有序化,针对地方立法过程中存在的一些问题进行思考和探索,提出更有价值的对策措施,从而提高地方立法整体质量水平。  相似文献   

田卓 《现代妇女》2014,(6):162-162
随着网络的快速发展,网络安全问题越来越突出,为解决网络安全隐患,我国将于今年制定网络安全法。本文旨在从三个方面分析网络安全立法中应当明确的权利的相关内容,包括权利主体、权利内容与权利客体。为制定该法律尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

焦冶 《职业时空》2008,4(8):80-80
1999年《气象法》的颁布实施,把气象事业的发展纳入了法制化、规范化的轨道,标志着我国气象事业进入了依法发展的新的历史阶段,强化了依法发展气象事业和依法管理气象工作。然而,目前我国气象法律、法规不完善,对气象法的理论研究相对滞后。尤其是对气象法的本质缺乏研究,影响了气象行政执法和气象立法工作。因此,对气象法基本理论进行研究,对开展气象法制建设和快速发展国民经济具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

梁海燕 《现代妇女》2014,(10):133-134
在立法式改革背景下,改革意味着改变社会中现存的行为准则或权利制度--或者是改变旧的法规,或者是引入新的法规,地方立法扮演着非常重要的角色。梳理和分析甘肃地方立法的进展、地方特色及其提升问题,对地方管理地方社会事务、引导或推动未来地方改革具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article uses a case study from Ghana to argue that rights-based legal instruments are important but insufficient steps towards securing disability rights in non-western societies. Despite Ghana’s implementation of a Disability Act and ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a grassroots perspective shows that legislation and the model of legal empowerment will not automatically produce equal access to human rights. The paper will present this argument through a case study of an individual who became disabled in 2008 and struggled for four years to secure his rights to healthcare and employment. I also argue that the case has a wider significance for disability rights in Ghana and beyond.  相似文献   

我国城市社区民主治理的困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭祎 《科学发展》2011,(3):72-76
积极推进城市社区民主治理对我国民主政治建设和法治进程具有重要而深远的影响,但宥于我国历史传统和民主法治国情,城市社区民主治理仍存在民主权利与民主需求、民主需求与民主实践、民主实践与民主权利之间不相协调一致的问题,使得社区民主治理陷入“权利-需求-实践”的困境,这严重阻碍着中国城市社区建设及基层民主政治的健康发展。当务之急是结合我国实际,完善民主权利,满足民主需求,深化民主实践,积极探索具有我国特色的城市社区民主治理之路。  相似文献   

This editorial introduces a journal devoted to the issues surrounding women and their rights. As the development debate moves from women's need to their rights and to an understanding of the cultural roots of legal systems and the effects of the mass media in presenting alternative life styles as possibilities, the immense implications of using rights-based language in development emerge. This debate moves women from being the recipients of welfare to a state of empowerment. Women must be afforded individual rights which are linked to community rights. In addition, rights must be granted to women in their public and private domains. The dangers of using a rights-based language to assert women's claims to economic, political, and social equality in economic, political, and social life arise from the reality that the social position of men will usually place men at an advantage with the law. Legal processes which stress dichotomies may fail to improve real social situations. Also, the language of human rights may pit one set of rights (a woman's right to choose abortion) against another (the fetuses' right to live) to women's disadvantage. Areas governed by both customary and civil law pose other difficulties, especially since they require women to understand the law in order to use it. Development efforts which stress rights hope to meet immediate needs and to achieve a strategic end. Nongovernmental organizations can play an important role in asserting and enforcing the freedom of individuals and groups within groups. They can also build capacity at all levels of society and explore linkages between women's economic participation, decision-making within the home, and wider political participation.  相似文献   

The provisions of UK law offer no specific protection to gay men and lesbians suffering discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of sexual orientation. Such discrimination may take many forms and can result in ‘fair’ dismissal in certain circumstances. This article considers the degree of legal protection available under current provisions and investigates possible sources for the development of specific anti‐discrimination legislation. It is concluded that, despite the application of certain aspects of employment law, the level of protection afforded to this group of workers amounts to an equality deficit in comparison to the legal redress available to those discriminated against on other grounds. Although the development of human rights legislation may have some application in this context, the combination of institutionalized discrimination and wider public policy concerns suggest that the introduction of specific legislation aimed at eliminating such discrimination in the United Kingdom is still some way off.  相似文献   

What is the role of company’s legislation in the Chinese transition? In the first paragraphs of the paper it will show the emergence, in a historical perspective, of some enterprise-related legal structures. These structures will be described by emphasizing model-function relations, and connecting them to the features of ‘different societies’ in which they developed. We will consider then, the role of status. The law, a legal structure as well, is used by China to manage its gradual and controlled, yet rapid, transition. By these means, it has been possible, for instance, to move status based distinctions among enterprises inside, at least formally, ‘equality’ based legal structures.  相似文献   

Suchrara writes [1977: 296] that "a child's right to humane treatment must be considered not an option on the part of adults, but an obligation." The use of videotaped interviews as admissible judicial evidence is an important step toward Suchrara's goal; videotaped testimony attempts to balance the emotional, psychological, and developmental needs of the child with the civil liberties afforded to alleged perpetrators. The Texas State Legislature, with the passage of Senate Bill 836, broadened the civil rights of children to include the notion of humane treatment in civil and criminal investigations and proceedings. The Texas law establishes explicit guidelines to enhance the child's dignity in a traumatic and personal experience. Furthermore, the law protects the civil rights of the accused guaranteed by the sixth and fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The successful implementation of the videotape law, however, depends on the skills and expertise of the social worker. The practitioner must possess specialized training in the dynamics of child sexual abuse and an extensive understanding of related law and legal processes. This expertise is built on a foundation of knowledge and skills required for effective interviewing, counseling, and an exhaustive understanding of human behavior theory. Given the complexity and interplay of law, rights, and human behavior, the social worker requires ongoing training in these areas in order that the interests of all concerned parties be protected. The Texas State Legislature provides an opportunity for the social welfare and legal communities to determine jointly how and to what extent the rights of a victim and an alleged perpetrator may be protected. The law is in hand; the success of its implementation now rests with the practitioners.  相似文献   

In this article, I will examine the use of the notion of cosmopolitanism to address the exclusionary nature of citizenship. Citizenship is a contemporary social norm that privileges citizens and discriminates against others, leading to consequent human rights violations experienced by stateless populations. I will use the case study of North Korean stateless women who reside in China and who are victims of human trafficking as an example of stateless people who lack legal guarantees for human rights. By uncovering the way citizenship operates as a social structure that deprives people of their human rights, I will argue for Seyla Benhabib's notion of cosmopolitanism, which pursues a more inclusive notion of belonging and necessitates institutional changes. These include the juridical implementation of improved immigration policy and citizenship law, involving the cooperation of the global society, to recognize the dignity of the stateless and protect their human rights.  相似文献   

Despite having its own internal population displacement due to conflict and civil war, Iraq and the Kurdistan Region continue to accommodate large numbers of refugees from Iran, Palestine, Syria and Turkey. However, Iraq has not ratified the internationally recognized legal framework for the protection of refugees. Currently, the protection offered to asylum seekers in Iraq is regulated by secondary legislation, mostly in the form of administrative circulars. The lack of an applicable law regulating the status of asylum seekers has led to local-level ad hoc policy implementation. Similarly, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has no legal provisions in its domestic legislation to regulate the status of refugees. This study presents: (a) the argument that Iraq must adopt legislation to regulate the entry, exit and stay of migrants, in line with international protection for both asylum seekers and the provision of adequate rights to refugees, and in accordance with international human rights standards; (b) a proposal for provisions for such legislation in Iraq; and (c) a timely impetus to re-energize local strategies aimed at filling these normative legal gaps through domestic agreements rather than regional and/or international ones.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,中国历史文化名城、古城的保护要实现理性回归,并使保护形成一种真正地传承和发展民族、地方文化的观念,深入到政府和百姓的心中,除了要消除模糊的认识和误区外,更要有政策引导和法律保障,有必要从法律层面进行一系列的制度建设,要更多地学习国外经验,发动和启示更广泛的民间公众力量参与,使弘扬和保护成为中国民众的一种文化自觉,在中国创造一个历史文化名城、古城保护的全民化时代。  相似文献   

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