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现代社会人的全面发展不仅是物质生活水平的提高,而且是思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康寨质的提高.其中特别把健康素质作为一个重要内容提出来.精神文明建设不应忽视人们的心理健康状态和水平. 一、什么是心理健康? 心理健康指的是一种心理状态,这种心理状态对内部环境具有平静感,对外部环境能以社会认可的方式和标准适应.平静感指情绪比较稳定,适应就是懂得按社会规范、公德行事.第三届国际心理卫生大会具体指明心理健康的标志是"身体、智力、情绪十分协调适应环境,人际关系中彼此能谦让、和谐有幸福感在工作和职业中能充分发挥自己的能力,过有效率的生活".如果每个人都能达到这个标准,其精神文明程度是可以被认可的.  相似文献   

目前,我国教师心理健康状况存在一些问题,具体表现在适应不良、人格障碍与人格缺陷、情绪不稳定、自制力差和职业压力等方面.影响教师心理健康的原因,既有教师主观因素,又有社会和职业方面的客观因素.所以,促进教师心理健康是一项系统工程,它需要教师个人、学校、社会的共同努力.  相似文献   

近年来,留守儿童受到学术界广泛关注,早期研究主要侧重于留守儿童的心理健康、自我意识、情绪和社会支持、社会行为、人格等方面的消极因素。然而,有研究结果显示,留守儿童并非一个笼统的整体,留守也并非一定会给儿童带来负面影响。心理弹性理论为研究留守儿童提供了新的视角与依据,目前我国对于留守儿童心理弹性的研究主要集中在探索留守儿童心理弹性的影响因素,包括人口统计学变量、人格特征、社会支持及一般自我效能感等。  相似文献   

根据国家有关法律的规定和联合国《儿童权利公约》,在我国,流浪未成年人是指年龄在18岁以下,脱离家庭和离开监护人流落社会连续超过24小时,失去基本生存和可靠保障而陷入困境的少年和儿童.民政部2006年出台的《流浪未成年人救助保护机构基本规范》中对流浪未成年人救助增加了心理辅导和行为矫治方面的内容,规定救助部门应定期对受助未成年人进行心理健康状况评估,建立心理健康档案;对存在心理和行为问题的受助未成年人,应进行有针对性的心理辅导和行为矫治.  相似文献   

以羞耻情绪理解能力、情绪状态、情绪作用类型为自变量,采用经典囚徒困境改编的合作游戏范式作为因变量合作行为的测查方式,探讨80名小学六年级儿童的羞耻情绪对其合作行为的影响。结果显示:(1)小学儿童的羞耻情绪理解能力对其合作行为有显著影响,高羞耻情绪理解能力的小学儿童表现出更多的合作行为;(2)情绪状态与情绪作用类型对小学儿童合作行为的影响有明显的交互作用,羞耻情绪状态下的小学儿童的合作行为受情绪作用类型的影响比控制情绪状态下的小学儿童明显。  相似文献   

张谊 《职业》2016,(9):116-118
技校学生的就业稳定关系到学校和学生的可持续发展,学生的情绪、人际关系、环境适应、自我认知等心理状况影响着学生就业后的行为。学生的心理健康素质是影响就业稳定性的重要因素之一。因此,学生的心理健康教育工作成为了技校德育工作的重要内容之一。本文通过探讨“校+企+家”三方合力心理健康教育模式,提出学校、企业、家庭共同合作对学生开展心理健康教育工作,搭建心理健康教育平台,使三方优势互补,形成合力,以提高学生的心理素质,增强学生的社会适应性和职业竞争力,从而提高技校学生的就业稳定性。  相似文献   

请关注"特殊人群"--"优秀学生心理综合症"探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、优秀学生的心理健康问题不容忽视 一提起心理健康问题,人们往往想到的是那些情绪稳定性较差、不善于(或者害怕)与人交往、学习成绩不佳、生活自理能力不强的学生,而一些学习成绩优异、遵纪守法,甚至交际能力颇强还担任学生干部,总之是众人眼里的优秀大学生,却很少有人会注意到他们的心理健康状况.我们发现,现实中相当一部分优秀学生正面临着不可忽视的心理健康问题.  相似文献   

易地扶贫搬迁儿童的社会融入及教育问题,将会影响其身心健康发展及社会的和谐稳定.调查发现,影响易地扶贫搬迁儿童社会融入的因素主要表现在教育融入上的层次错位、生活融入上的方式改变、交往融入上的对象差异、文化融入上的多元共生四个方面.从时空社会学视角观测,时间和空间的改变皆会对儿童的心理和行为产生影响.因此,要加强家校社合育机制建设,促进服务成效的提升;增强搬迁儿童的社区适应教育,共同促进社会融入;重视搬迁儿童的学校教育,加快适应新生活;关注搬迁儿童的家庭教育,给予儿童更多的关爱引导.  相似文献   

运用自编问卷以393名残疾儿童少年家长为研究对象,调查和分析了残疾儿童少年社区融入的特点。结果发现,社区居民对残疾儿童少年的接纳态度与残疾类型和年龄高相关,残疾儿童少年参与社区生活的领域有限且便利性程度低,社区交往对象集中于家庭成员且主动性弱,社区康复以医疗康复为主且服务内容单一,社区教育侧重于体育、艺术和教辅培训且通达性低。基于此,本研究提出转变残疾理解模式,提升社区居民对残疾儿童少年的接纳度;改造(进)无障碍环境,提升残疾儿童少年社区参与的便利性;扩展社会关系网络,激发残疾儿童少年社区参与的主动性;健全社区康复体系,满足残疾儿童少年的社区康复需求;完善社区教育资源,保障残疾儿童少年的社区参与通达性等推动残疾儿童少年社区融入的建议。  相似文献   

情绪对青少年攻击行为的影响及教育干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪对青少年攻击行为的发生起着极为重要的作用,已有的研究发现情绪对攻击行为的影响主要表现在三个方面移情水平低的青少年会表现出更多的攻击行为;高水平的愤怒情绪与高频次的身体攻击显著相关;情绪调节能力越差,个体越具有攻击的危险.对青少年情绪的积极引导,能够有效减少攻击行为的发生,具体措施可包括以下5点1.开设心理健康课程;2.情绪宣泄;3.角色扮演;4.丰富课余生活;5.进行合作学习.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore disabled children and young people’s perspectives about their quality of life, in terms of physical, mental and social well-being. Ninety-one disabled children, recruited through voluntary organisations in Scotland, completed KIDSCREEN-27, a validated measure of health-related quality of life for children. Findings were compared with those from a European study of predominantly non-disabled children. The children gave largely positive reports about school, family relationships and their physical health. However, one in three reported often feeling ‘sad’ and many were excluded from social activities with their peers. Expectations of achieving academic qualifications, and moving into further or higher education, were generally low. The children’s perceived quality of life was lower than their European counterparts, less so in relation to school but particularly for friendships and peer support. The findings are discussed in the light of the social relational understanding of disability. Policy and practice implications are identified.  相似文献   

Every child deserves a fair chance in life. However, migrant children are at higher risk of developing mental health problems. The problem of migrant children who have left their hukou registration place for 6 months or longer with their parents from rural areas to cities in China has become a unique social issue in the social transformation of China. However, even up to this day, little is known about life satisfaction of migrant children in small and medium-sized cities. To investigate the current situation of migrant children’s life satisfaction, several scales including Chinese Adolescent Students’ Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Social Economic Status Scale, Social Support Rating Scale and big five inventory were used to obtain data on 142 migrant children and 165 local primary school students. Results showed that migrant children’s life satisfaction was significantly lower when compared to local non-migrant students. The study also highlighted that subjective and objective support, utilization of support, conscientiousness and parent’s educational level were predictive factors of life satisfaction. Migrant children’ life satisfaction was not optimistic and social support was significantly influencing factors of migrant children’s life satisfaction, so they need a support system of government, school, community, family to help them through difficulties.  相似文献   

This special section on children’s health and well-being is an outgrowth of the 2010 International Sociological Association’s (ISA) World Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden. Within the Congress, the Research Committee 53, Sociology of Childhood, organized a panel focused on the health and well-being of children. Together, this collection makes two distinct contributions: first in terms of considering children’s health disparities as an area of concern within sociology, and second by considering children’s health as a factor that shapes other areas of children’s well-being. In addition, these papers offer novel empirical research on children’s health and varied methodological and theoretical orientations. Each paper also makes contributions to social policy, first in the area of infant health affecting later educational outcomes, second in the area of family structure and children’s health, and additionally in understanding type 2 diabetes for children at the individual and structural levels. Finally, these studies highlight the interplay—between the individuals’ health on the one hand and structure and culture on the other—as children’s life chances are shaped.  相似文献   

Mental health disorders are prevalent among children, yet many do not receive treatment. Parents and caregivers play a vital role in recognizing mental health disorders in children and accessing treatment. But a substantial number of parents lack essential knowledge of children’s mental health disorders, including risk factors, symptom recognition, and treatment options. Little focus has been given to parents in the children’s mental health literacy literature. The purpose of this article is to begin filling that gap by using a survey to describe the perceptions of child and family mental health providers’ perceptions regarding the amount, accuracy, and origin of mental health literacy in the parents of the children they treat. The impact of those perceptions on the work of providers is also explored. Eighty-seven mental health providers completed a survey to assess their perceptions of parent mental health literacy in the area of children’s mental health. Providers perceived parent mental health literacy as low, inaccurate, and inconsistent. In addition, providers indicated that parents rely on informal sources of support, such as friends and family for information about children’s mental health. Implications for social work researchers, practitioners, and the children and families they serve are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic research conducted in north‐west Cambodia in 2000–2001, this paper examines why disabled people experience systematic marginalisation in the labour market. Although there are no official data on the relationship between disability and employment status in Cambodia, this research suggests that disabled people are more likely than their able‐bodied counterparts to be unemployed, in low status occupations, earn less or be out of the labour market altogether. Consequently, disabled people are more likely to live in poverty, experience social isolation and poor mental health. I argue that disabled people’s social status effectively shapes their work patterns through (mis)conceptions that associate ‘disability’ with ‘inability’ to work and to be employable. This paper illustrates how geographical processes fix disabled people in their socio‐spatial place, which together with ideological and structural inequalities distinguish and entrench their poverty from that of other social groups.  相似文献   

This article explores turning points and transitions emerging in the life course of children with disabilities and their parents. Through in‐depth interviews with parents we found that a change appears in disabled children’s social participation and belonging, at approximately eight years of age for children with learning difficulties and at approximately ten years of age for children with mobility difficulties. Most of the parents experienced a ‘turning point’ that directed them into either marginal or inclusive positions in adulthood. The ‘transition’ emerges at a time described as a stable period of life for families in general and illustrates parents’ experiences of the importance of both ‘doing’ and ‘being’ in parenthood and childhood. Parents’ experiences are strongly interwoven with the child’s life and access or lack of access to services and relational responses.  相似文献   

Children placed in the state’s custody due to neglect, abuse or maltreatment are one of America’s most vulnerable populations. Seventy-five percent of child victims of maltreatment are under the age of 12. Not only is their suffering a problem, these children are also at increased risk for delinquent behavior later in life. While research has documented the potential long-term consequences of child abuse and neglect, the mental health needs of young children involved in the foster care and juvenile justice systems have been largely overlooked. This study examined the social, emotional and behavioral difficulties of 670 children, age 3–11, who were involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Children in this study were living in residential treatment facilities, group homes, foster care homes or were receiving intensive home-based services. To assess the children’s mental health needs caregivers completed the parent form of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 38:581–586, 1997). The findings indicated a high prevalence of mental health problems, with 81 % of the children in the sample having a total difficulties score in the borderline or abnormal range and 90 % of the children having borderline or abnormal scores on at least one of the subscales (conduct, emotional, peer or attention problems). When characteristics such as gender, race and age were considered significant differences were found among boys and girls, Caucasian and minority children, and age groups. The findings highlight the importance of mental health assessment and interventions that are gender and culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate.  相似文献   

While the recovery concept strongly resonates in clinical mental health care today, it first arose in service user-led contexts. A major risk of this professionalization shift is that recovery primarily becomes defined by treatment providers. This study aims to keep the debate on recovery alive through a collaborative exploration of Pete’s recovery process by means of a bricolage approach. This resulted in an idiographic portrait of Pete’s experiences of recovery and treatment, clustered around four themes: life rebuilding, identity, continuity of care and the role of drugs. His experiences illustrate a number of contradictions in the operationalization of the recovery ethos in today’s mental health care; whilst recovery appears as a hopeful vision of empowerment, it also risks being reduced to a tokenistic model that fails to address the social realities of people in recovery and in which the assumption that mental illness is chronic is still latently present.  相似文献   

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