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Wirksamkeitsforschung im Führungskräfte-Coaching 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Hansjörg Künzli 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2005,12(3):231-243
Research on the outcomes of executive coachingThe author presents a review comparing 22 research papers published in German or English on the outcomes and factors influencing the outcomes of executive coaching. The variety of methods applied, factors leading to success, criteria of success as well as the perspectives that were established makes it difficult to carry out a comparison of these studies especially considering the small number of the studies. Moreover, many of the studies suffer from methodological flaws and miss depth of theoretical background. Overall, a positive picture emerges: Coaching seems to have a considerable effect. Clients report feelings of a burden being taken away from them. They develop a capacity to look at things differently, they improve their skills of reflection, communication and of carrying out executive tasks. Their interventions become more efficient and help their companies to increase their profit. Factors leading to this success seem to be the working relationship, the elaborate formulation of aims, the way of reaching these aims, the qualification, the commitment and the authenticity of the coach as well as the coach’s appropriate use of different techniques. 相似文献
Executive coaching represents a significant tool of human resources development and is applied to strengthen leadership and management skills. Regardless of specific professional issues on and around the job itself, experience reveals that personal issues should also represent an integral constituent of executive coaching. Indeed, managers do not only encounter professional challenges, but are challenged in their whole personality. Hence, executive coaching expands to life coaching. Based on a specific case study regarding work life balance the following article illustrates how life coaching may successfully be applied in a systematic manner and how the aspects function and human being are mutually dependent. 相似文献
Monika Sombetzki 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2008,15(4):433-446
Women in management are faced with special challenges and conflicts in their work situation: Outdated gender stereotypes, barriers to promotion and often less pay than for their male counterparts are persisting phenomena. Using results from a random sample of 21 individual coaching series, the special conditions underlying the professional leadership role of highly qualified women is examined. The coaching objective is to look for individual concepts and strategies beyond traditional stereotypes and develop life paths that are both personally and professionally meaningful. Self-reflection constitutes a focus in Coaching; it is the key to questioning and reassessing thinking and behavioural patterns as well as to developing new behavioural options. The aim is to design career and life paths in such a way that they express the individual’s own values as well as enable women in management to increase their power to act and to command legitimate power in their professional lives. 相似文献
Dr. Julika Zwack Prof. Dr. Jochen Schweitzer 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2009,16(4):399-411
The article describes core dimensions of leadership trainings, such as communication, cooperation, decision making, self-authoritation and self-care from a systemic point of view. It illustrates how a systemic perspective on these issues can help relieving the leader. At the same time existing leeway and responsibility are clarified. 相似文献
Group coaching for managersIn this article the concept “Group coaching for managers” from Siemens Learning Campus is introduced. The reasons, goals, requirements, advantages and limitations of the concept are presented. Furthermore, the themes which managers bring to coaching and the methods which are used to work on solutions and clarification are described. 相似文献
Dr. phil. Sybille Wölfing Kast 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2013,20(2):179-192
In this text, the particularities of the situation of executives in expert organizations are discussed. Then four cases are described, in which (1) the problems that bring leaders from expert organizations into coaching are illustrated, (2) the respective coaching interventions are described and (3) the key concepts that were in the coaching helpful are summarized. Finally, some thoughts what is in executive coaching from expert organizations useful are discussed. 相似文献
Astrid Schreyögg 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2001,8(4):315-331
Conflict coaching with recently appointed managers The author discusses conflict coaching with recently appointed managers. It is a basic premise that newcomers first have to prove as managers in the eyes of their colleagues, otherwise a great variety of complications may emerge. These complications are determined by the way the manager is recruited, by the situation of his predecessor and by the specific organizational task. Accordingly, in coaching processes these different conflict eventualities have to be dealed with in different ways. 相似文献
Dipl.-Psych. Simone E. Kurz 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2013,20(2):205-216
Coaching has become an integral part of systematic management development. This article describes the successful implementation of an individual coaching as an essential element in a leadership development program, that is based on the author’s practical experience. Moreover, the article presents the conceptual framework of the development program, the understanding of coaching and the underlying process. Effective internal marketing, transparency about the coaching process and an emphasis on voluntary compliance are emerging as success factors for the sustainable establishment of the coaching offer. 相似文献
Herbert Csef 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2016,23(2):163-171
For a long time, leadership concepts were dominated by human resource development of successful managers. In recent years, management failure (“derailment”) came into focus of discussions. The causes of derailment are multifactorial involving personality traits, job-related challenges and the work environment. Considering personality traits, the correlation between narcissism and leadership is of late gaining attention. Dual concepts of narcissism have been developed in order to explain narcissists’ predisposition for leading positions, and on the other hand they reveal narcissism as a risk factor for management failure. Both sides of narcissism are relevant for organizational consulting, coaching, and supervision. They provide effective concepts for prevention of derailment. 相似文献
The article analyses effects and changes of executive personnel in social work, who joined coaching trainings. Base of data are 18 Interviews with managers. Coaching training is realized effective for improving personnel management with regard to. 相似文献
Traute Müller 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2008,15(1):26-38
Colleagues’ monitoring – a concept for executive development. The article presents the concept of Colleagues’ monitoring that combines the following formats: coaching, organisational and professional development. The program which is structured in a compact and modular way, has been for years successfully applied by the management consultancy relations. Methodically the following three elements are essential: to work on concrete personal management topics, the structured consultation with colleagues and to become acquainted with the concepts of organisational development, management and consultancy. The program is an on-going learning-process in a fixed group for six meetings during one year on a regular basis. 相似文献
Ethics Education complements business administration only if it teaches strategic competencies that help managers to become better leaders. To this end, this article sketches an ordonomic approach to an economic ethics for competitive markets, to a business ethics for firms (corporate citizens), and to a process ethics for new governance. The core idea of this ordonomic approach is the win-win concept of mutually beneficial value creation. Thus, ordonomics is compatible with the market economy and at the same time supplements the management education in business schools: This approach systematically identifies strategic competencies that enable managers to display the kind of entrepreneurial leadership that is necessary for firms to fulfill their social function of value creation—by making use of moral commitments as a factor of production. 相似文献
Dr. Astrid Schreyögg 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2006,13(2):127-138
The significance of coaching to the identity development of managers The author discusses the difficulties of managers to conceive their professional identity. Regarding the background of modern organization structures in ?our postmodern times“, they are demanded to define their roles again and again by themselves. Traditional concepts of identity, like those formulated by the psychoanalysis, nowadays are obsolete. The approaches of the symbolic interactionism are much more applying to the actual demands of ?identity work“ of managers. Coaching, that integrates procedures of dramatherapy, is thereby capable to support the development of a suitable management identity. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag beschreibt die Einbettung des 360-Grad-Feedbacks in ein Programm der Führungskr?fteentwicklung. 360-Grad-Feedback
ist eine Voraussetzung für die systematische Kompetenzentwicklung der Führungskr?fte eines Unternehmens. Darüber hinaus k?nnen
die Entwicklungs- und Lernm?glichkeiten, die ein individuelles Coaching bietet, durch ein vorheriges 360-Grad-Feedback optimiert
werden. Die bei ThyssenKrupp Services mit dem F?rderprogramm „best-for-best“ gesammelten Erfahrungen zeigen deutlich, dass
die Kombination von einem 360-Grad-Feedback mit gezielten Coaching-Angeboten ein echtes Erfolgsmodell darstellt.
Danièle SchwarzEmail: |
New on the professorial chair. University professors as leadersWhen taking over a professorship, young scientists face a lot of new tasks, especially tasks of leadership for which they usually do not possess any knowledge nor experience. Besides these deficits, it is a lack of prior reflections that thwarts a successful starting on the new job. A qualified coaching could prevent this outcome. For coachs who are asked for counseling in such situations or want to specialize in this field, the article provides background informations and a counseling framework. A special section deals with coaching of female scientists and gender specific aspects of a professorship. 相似文献
Dr. phil. habil. Regina Krczizek Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Wolfgang Kühl Diplom-Sozialpäd. 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2008,15(1):55-68
Coaching for executives in social work – an empirical study on consultancy needs. Executives in social work see themselves under special demands to balance the necessity to cope with public cost cutting requirements on the one hand and the design of organization structures which are to master future challenges on the other. In order to adapt coaching to the consultancy needs in this field, 96 executives working in social facilities in Thuringia were interviewed with a view to their potential consultancy needs, in particular with respect to their management functions and leadership challenges. This investigation showed a high degree of acceptance for coaching and differentiated consultancy needs in the dilemma between economization and quality oriented social work. A preliminary competence profile for coaching personnel is derived thereof. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Klaus G?tz 《Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching》2011,18(3):267-280
In the paper we investigate whether coaching, which is carried out by qualified coaches of the Church, can provide the customers with added value. The survey results are based on interviews with managers of small and medium-sized organizations. It turns out that the interviewed persons have a very strong interest in coaching, which is carried out by representatives of the church. The customers point out, that coaches can talk with a Christian background new perspectives such as ethics, morals and values. It is also clear that coaching should not be intended by religious instruction, but must attach to problems that result from the marketing economic environment of the customers. It is shown in conclusion to note that variables with a possible implementation of coaching as a business area within the study area ??Church and economy??. 相似文献