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GIS技术应用于直饮水公共取水器选址的初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文论述了GIS技术在直饮水公共取水器选址中的应用。着重介绍了直饮水公共取水器的综合因子评价指标体系及选址模型的建立,论述了科学选址的过程。指出了问题的所在及发展趋势。  相似文献   

高铁站选址影响因素包括经济合理性因素、工程可行性因素、交通便利性因素、土地利用和出行者个体因素,后三者是交通可达性的重要指标.该文基于对交通可达性模型的研究,选择空间相互作用模型构建高铁站选址模型,模型反映交通便利性因素、土地利用和出行者个体因素.最后以东莞市为例计算2035年东莞市各交通小区的可达性,给出排名前5交通...  相似文献   

旅游业是吉林省国民经济的战略性支柱产业,长白山拥有吉林省核心旅游资源,其周边地区正形成旅游度假项目建设发展的热潮。通过对长白山国际旅游度假区项目选址综合性阐述,明确以综合性、协调性及安全性为项目选址原则,全面地分析确定选址条件、选定区位条件、用地条件、周边可依托条件、旅游资源条件、发展前景等五大要素,对项目选址方案进行论证比较,最终以定性定量分析综合得分高低确定项目选址。  相似文献   

莫星  千庆兰 《城市观察》2010,(4):154-161
城市仓储型物流企业区位选择是一个复杂问题,是内部因素和外部因素共同作用的结果。为提高选址的科学性与实用性,需要综合考虑地理位置、自然条件、交通、基础设施等多种因素。本文以嘉里大通物流有限公司广州分公司的仓库选址为例,从宏观和微观的不同尺度,以案例分析为主线,在梳理企业发展现状的基础上,通过宏观层面的仓库定位分析和微观层次的仓库选址分析,运用加权评分法,最终确定符合企业和市场需求的最佳仓库区位,旨在为相关仓储企业选址提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

我国高铁车站选址与接驳交通研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截止2018年底,我国已开通高铁2.9万公里,高铁车站超过500座。由于我国东中西部经济社会发展极不平衡,高铁车站选址各具特色,同时也出现一些"舍近求远"的高铁车站选址"怪象",没有从"以人为本"的角度对高铁车站的接驳交通进行系统规划建设,高铁的功能作用没有得到很好发挥,旅客出行的便利性大打折扣。为此,基于我国现行高铁车站城市规划空间特征,本文从宏观和中微观两个层面分析我国高铁车站的选址特征,从战略规划、成本技术、绿色环保三个方面阐述高铁车站选址"怪象"产生的深层次原因,梳理影响高铁车站选址的内外部因素,论证高铁车站合理选址的原则、方法与策略;探讨高铁车站选址与接驳交通体系的关系,提出高铁车站接驳交通一体化理念,总结国内外高铁车站接驳交通一体化建设经验,挖掘我国高铁车站接驳交通系统需解决的主要问题,并以重庆西站为例,提出改善接驳交通一体化的思考与建议。  相似文献   

毕昱  李长华  徐芃 《城市》2011,(10):33-37
中国拥有1.8万多公里的海岸线,海洋文化是我国沿海城市文化的重要组成部分,而我国一直缺少一座展示海洋自然历史和人文历史的国家级博物馆。历经复杂的前期研究论证,中国国家海洋博物馆于2010年正式选址天津滨海新区。笔者尝试分析这一国家级项目的选址过程,总结梳理规划中所考虑的众多因素,论证天津滨海旅游区作为国家海洋博物馆最终选址的主要优势,同时从博物馆规模和功能布局的分析比较中,提炼具体的研究方法,为以后重点项目的选址规划,特别是大型场馆的选址提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

流萤 《现代交际》2007,(3):27-28
1987年,肯德基进军中国,在北京前门开设了中国第一家餐厅。此后,它便像雨后春笋般发展壮大。地点是饭店经营的首要因素,餐饮连锁经营也是如此。肯德基的快速扩展,与其正确选址密不可分。在选址上,肯德基要经过两级审批,一个是地方公司,一个是总部。它在选址上的成功率几乎是百分之百。正确的选址使它的营业额一直保持在较高的水平上,有着强大的竞争力。  相似文献   

侗族传统聚落在有限的资源与技术条件下,运用独特的生态自然观,获得宜人居址。本文以山地隘口、河谷平坝两种不同类型侗族传统聚落为研究对象,通过实测与数值模拟等方法,归纳其适应地域气候的规律及经验。研究表明,山地隘口聚落与河谷平坝聚落选址及空间布局的气候适应性各有特点。山地隘口聚落以山地地形为气候适应前提,通过地势高差调节微气候环境;河谷平坝聚落以“背山面水”选址作为获得良好聚落方位的前提,通过合理布局建筑朝向及街巷空间适应当地气候环境。  相似文献   

田园 《城市》2016,(6):61-65
在参考借鉴理论研究和国际经验的基础上,笔者结合菏泽高铁站选址的实际案例,探讨高速铁路车站选址需要考虑的主要因素及其对城市空间结构的影响,并提出在我国高铁快速建设时期针对各类城市进行站点选址的建议.  相似文献   

赵天唯  韩涪东 《现代交际》2014,(11):115-115
本文把选址过程分为两个基本环节:通过消费者店铺选择过程分析以决策店铺所在地区、商圈;分析商店规模、店堂设施、目标顾客等问题以决策店铺具体位置。在店铺具体位置选址方面分为独立店、店中店两个方面研究,提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

Over the past 2 decades, dozens of studies have explored the relationship between exposure to economics and antisocial behavior. With a few exceptions, these studies find the economists and economics students are more likely to exhibit a range of “debased” moral behavior and attitudes, both in the controlled environment of the laboratory and in the outside world. This article presents a review of these studies. It draws on the various studies to address the question of whether the found differences are due to a selection effect—that is, those with antisocial tendencies tend to study economics—or an indoctrination effect whereby exposure to economic theory causes antisocial behavior. The article suggests there is evidence that both effects play a role in explaining the debased behavior of economists and students of economics.  相似文献   

Particularly from the early 1990s onwards, the UK banking sector has seen dramatic and rapid transformation. The logic of enterprise (Du Gay, 1996) with all its various contradictory connotations—the drive for more entrepreneurial forms of work performance particularly from managers, the valorisation of the market leading to tighter cost control, job loss—captures much of the logic of what has been taking place. Work influenced by the thought of Michel Foucault has helped to shed fresh light on recent changes in the management of the employment relationship. A particular achievement has been to highlight and to call into question, as techniques of power (Townley, 1994), an array of everyday human resource practices—from the selection interview to the performance review—and to demonstrate the part these play in sustaining the rationalities or regimes of truth which have come to underpin the organisation of work. To date, little consideration has been given to the role of recruitment practices in this connection and the aim of the paper is to begin to address this gap. Paraphrasing Foucault, the discussion elaborates an expertise of the sign associated with recruitment, further exploring the possibilities of variants of post‐structuralist thought for the analysis of a particular aspect of HRM.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2006,35(5):868-876
Arguments for a positive link between trade and per-capita income are often met with the counterargument that “there is more to life than income”—the implication being that trade improves income, but degrades “quality of life.” In this paper, we attempt to address this counterargument by examining the impact of trade on countries’ social developments as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI)—a composite measure of education, literacy, and income published by the United Nations Development Programme. Utilizing a generalized method of moments (GMM) procedure in a panel data framework, we find that increases in trade are positively associated with future increases in social welfare.  相似文献   

In the future, the number of families providing care for elderly relatives as well as the costs associated with health care will continue to increase. The caregiving triad—individual, family and government—will need to balance the resources to meet the needs of the elderly. Public policy changes can assist older persons and their families as they address caregiving in the later years.  相似文献   

Many college health center staff are consciously addressing issues of cultural competency; however, the needs of 1 minority group—bisexuals—are often overlooked. In this article, the author briefly discusses bisexuality, provides an overview of health issues related to bisexuals, and lists specific strategies to address the needs of bisexuals within college health.  相似文献   

All matters related to ethnography flow from a decision that originates at the very beginning of the research process—the selection of the basic object of analysis—and yet fieldworkers pay scant attention to this crucial task. As a result, most take as their starting point bounded entities delimited by location or social classification and in so doing restrict the kinds of arguments available to them. This article presents the alternative of relational ethnography. Relational ethnography involves studying fields rather than places, boundaries rather than bounded groups, processes rather than processed people, and cultural conflict rather than group culture. While this approach comes with its own set of challenges, it offers an ethnographic method that works with the relational and processual nature of social reality.  相似文献   

When children learn their native language, they tend to treat objects as if they only have one label—a principle known as mutual exclusivity. However, bilingual children are faced with a different cognitive challenge—they need to learn to associate two labels with one object. In the present study, we compared bilingual and monolingual 24-month-olds’ performance on a challenging and semi-naturalistic forced-choice referent selection task and retention test. Overall, both language groups performed similarly on referent selection but differed on retention. Specifically, while monolingual infants showed some retention, bilingual infants performed at chance and significantly worse than their monolingual peers.  相似文献   


Elder abuse is a global systemic problem in which one or more traumatic or stressful life experiences directly affect older adults, their families, and communities. Despite its devastating impact, the understanding of—and response to—elder abuse has rarely been explored through a trauma-informed lens. Despite the prevalence of traumatic and stressful life experiences, research and practice are just beginning to target the intersection of elder abuse and life course trauma. This article demonstrates how knowledge about the causes, consequences, and responses to elder abuse can be integrated with the principles of trauma-informed care to improve agency and community responses to preventing or intervening with elder abuse and neglect. In order to address the ongoing problems with detection and treatment of elder abuse, we assert that instilling trauma and elder abuse informed care in organizational services and policies forms a synergistic alliance and would address many of these concerns.  相似文献   

This is a study of opera as a performing arts organization. The concept of market is used to explain the selection of repertoire. The box office—an expression of client-centeredness—acts to constrain repertory selections, and affects the content and style of opera production in the United States.  相似文献   

This article considers the implications of Gregory Bateson's theory of learning for social work education. It gives an example of the application of the theory to the introduction of a new subject — introduction to information technology — on two social work courses. It suggests that there is currently an over-emphasis on competencies without the underpinning of a theory of learning which can address the need for changes of values and beliefs.  相似文献   

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