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The frequency of union dissolutions increased sharply over the past 40 years in Western Europe and North America, resulting in a rapid growth in the number of persons living with a second partner. In studies of the 1980s, primarily conducted within the context of marriage, second partnerships were generally found to be less stable than first unions, but more recent studies provide more conflicting evidence. Taking the example of France, we study whether the relationship between first and second union stability indeed reversed between the 1970s and the 2000s, and how union and individual characteristics contributed to changes over time. The analysis presented here is based on the French Generations and Gender Survey (2005). The article first provides an overview of the differences in marriage, childbearing and breakup behaviours in first and second unions. Second, a piecewise linear model for repeated events is used to compare women’s dissolution risks in first and second unions. The results show that over time, the higher instability of second compared to first unions disappeared. Further, women in second unions adopted unmarried cohabitation as a living arrangement more often across the whole period and were more likely to have stepchildren, which was associated with less stable unions. Taking into account this diversity of family situations, i.e. controlling for family form and children, second unions were more stable than first unions, even during the past. At both union orders, marriage breakup risks tended to stabilise despite a continuing increase in the prevalence of separation, which suggests that cohabitation increasingly acts as a filter for marriage.  相似文献   

An inherent tension exists between the goals ofpronatalism and the actual policies throughwhich law makers have often attempted to raisebirth rates. Proponents of pronatalism oftenprefer to raise births only to specificracial/ethnic or national groups; yet in moderndemocracies, it is unacceptable for socialpolicies to explicitly discriminate on thebasis of race, ethnicity, or national origin. Social benefits, such as family allowances,must be accessible to all citizens. The recentextension of certain previously denied familybenefits to minority populations in France andIsrael illustrates this tension and points to afuture direction in which any pronatalistintent behind family policy will likely bedownplayed in favour of a social welfareimperative.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a system of annual indices of the risks of marriage and remarriage and to use the system to display such marriage risks for Swedish women over the years since 1971. Our indices are produced by applying indirect standardization to register data. The propensity to marry decreased considerably during the 1970s and it has continued to decrease also during the first half of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. The decrease in marriage risks is mostly due to a decreased propensity to marry among never-married women with no children. The decrease is not so strong for never-married women with children and for divorced women. A sharp, but only temporary, deviation from the general pattern of Swedish marriage-risk trends occurred in 1989, when the number of marriages formed increased dramatically in response to the near-abolition of the public widow's pensions for women who were not married at the beginning of 1990.  相似文献   

CompetenceinCommunicationAdaA.Fesler(美国)AsjobsinChinacontinuetodemandstudentswhohaveEnglishProficiency,thefocusonspeakingflue...  相似文献   

ThePresentSituationandTendencyinEnglishTeachinginChinaShuQiquanShuQiquan1.Thepresentsituation1.1AtprimaryandsecondaryschoolsC...  相似文献   

Professor LIN Mu-xi,Being born in Dec.1954 in Shenyang,Liaoning province,China.In Economic School,Liaoning university,acting as Director,Vice Secretary of Communist Party Committee,professor,adviser to Ph.D candidates and co-adviser to post Ph.D.Being awarded the  相似文献   

Pygmalion is one of Shaw′s best-known plays. It has been an enormous success all over the world. Pygmalion is quite distinctive in all Shaw′ plays. Generally speaking, Shaw′s plays don′f pay much attention to plets, but the plot of Pygmalion is very interesting and attractive. Seemingly, the  相似文献   

Gao Kaizheng(pen name:Gao Nan)was born in 1949,Professor,Dean of Literature College of Liaoning University,tutor of a PH.D.candidate.Professor Gao is winner of special government allowance as the Outstanding Contribution Expert by the State Council,National Model Teacher.Outstanding Expert of Shenyang Municipal Government,winner of Shenyang Labor Day Medal.He is the academic foregoer of Theory of Lit  相似文献   

He Guosheng,male,ethnic Han,born on September 3,1956,native of Shenyang,Liaoning province,professor.Now he works as the Party committee secretary and the vice-president of the economics college in Liaoning University.He is the PhD supervisor of Finance Specialty,member of academic leaders,standing director of China Society for Finace and Banking,director of China International Finance Association and the advisory committee member of CPC Shenyang municipal committee and municipal government.  相似文献   

The aim of this essay Is to make some brief suggestions on the beginnings of a theory of agentsand agency In branching spacetlmes.foe thought Is to combine the ideas of agency as developed agalnst the relatively simple background of branching time with the richer notions of Indetermlnlsm asstructured In the theory of branching space-times.My plan Is to say a little about agency In branchingtime and a little about branchlg spacetlmes,and then ask how the two can be brought together.Atthe end there Is an appendix,extracted from Belnap,Perloffand Xu 2001(Facing the future,hence-forth FF),listing In a convenient form all the main ideas about agents and their cholcesln branchingtime.  相似文献   

Professor Jiao Runming,male,of Han nationality,was born in Benxi,Liaoning Province in 1958.He graduated from the History Department of Northeast Normal University in 1983 with a bachelor's degree in history.He studied in Northeast Normal University,Beijin…  相似文献   

Historicallyandsociologically, oursocietiesareman-orientedandman-centered. Women, regardedasaweakergenderinsociety, arediscriminatedinmanyrespects. Gender-differentiatedrolesinsocietyandfamilyarealmoststereotyped. Men'sdominanceo verwomenisatleastinpartconducivetothedisadvan tageofwomeninmanyoccupations, includingopportu nityofemploymentandjobpay. Eveninlinguisticre spect, languageuseisbias-basedandwomensufferlinguisticsexism. Thisaccentuateswomen'sdisadvan tageouspositioninsociety. Lingu…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionEnglish reading has always been considered oneof the most important parts of foreign language learn-ing.However it has been observed that in China manyEFL learners are unable to read efficiently,and fre-quently fail to comprehend texts.What pitfalls,espe-cially non-visual ones exist?Only by attempting toovercome these obstacles in reading comprehension,can Chinese students achieve proficient reading.2.Reading is a decoding process based on in-teractive reading theoryChristine …  相似文献   

We give in this paper some sufficient conditons for cartesian productsG×K_3 to have two edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles,where G is a bridgelesscubic graph.We also prove that G×K_3 has a one-factorization if G has atwo-factor with at most six componet,which answers partially the ques-  相似文献   

It is quite predictable that an English teacher may encounter frequently with the question "How can I learn English well?" The answer might be "Listen more, speak more, read more and write more." It is absolutely correct but it may seem empty and hollow to the person who asks the question.  相似文献   

I.SomecurrentproblemsinEFLwritingAlthoughEnglishwritingskillisassumedindispensableforse-niorsinEnglishmajor,itislackinginasolidfoundationwhichmustbelaidduringthejuniortime.Whencomparedwithsomeotherskills-teachingsuchaslistening,speakingandreading,writingap-proachesalwaysreceiveweakestemphasis,whichissuretocastdoubtonstudents’languageacquisitionallround.Accordingtomyquestionnaire,Ifoundthatmanystudentsconsiderwritingcoursetootheoreticalandunsatisfactoryaswell.Todealwiththeirteachers’assign…  相似文献   

OnDictioninLiteraryTranslation¥ZhouZhijieTranslationcanbesimplydefinedas'thereplacementoftextualmaterialinonelanguagebyequiva...  相似文献   

A myth is a folk story expressing and symbolizing certain fundamentalaspects of human existence Myths are very ancient, but they still survive in-to the present because they often express complex thoughts and emotions.Myth is sometimes spoken of as an attempt, through narration and charact-ers, to present abstract ideas that is, to concretize the abstract, Myths werepreserved in popular traditions, in the sacred ceremonials of priests, in the  相似文献   

In the course of teaching general phonetics and phonological analysis in the psat few years,l have found some phonetic detail which some native speakers as well as non-native speakers were unaware of This subtle detail will be the focus of this presentation. Some of this detail many of you will already be aware of because  相似文献   

朱萍 《北京纪事》2010,(11):50-53
随着科技的发展,生活水平的提高,"养生"成为一种时尚。从"流传的生活经验"到"最新科研成果发布",从"中医养生"到"西医营养",各种养生风行,到底该听谁的?时下,健康管理师正在悄然升起,也成为一种时尚的新兴职业。杨艳春,中国健康管理师培训的创始者之一,北京女医师协会健康管理培训负责人,致力于让"4亿医保人"都能够拥有自己的健康管理师。在欧美发达国家,健康管理的概念非常深入人心。目前,有7700万美国人在大约650个健康管理组织中享受医疗服务,超过9000万的美国人成为健康管理计划的享用者。  相似文献   

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