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Poetry has always been an important part of my creative life. Having lived in China as a university English teacher for two years, I find myself being surrounded by active, bustling life of all kinds, not just the intellectual life of the classroom. People of all ages and from all over the world cycle to and fro, throw baseballs, play tennis and badminton, practise qigong or do disco dancing. Retired professors, now proud grandparents, collec't their much-loved grandchildren from school. Stalls outside the campus repair shoes and bicycles, sell pancakes, fruit, cut keys, cook skewers of food. There is always movement, noise, something to draw the attention, alert the interest…  相似文献   

I-Inject——投入L-Loyal——忠诚O-Observant——用心V-Valiant——勇敢E-Enjoyment——喜悦Y-Yes——愿意O-Obligation——责任U-Unison——和谐所以,爱就是投入、忠诚、用心、勇敢、喜悦、愿意、责任,还有和谐。I-Inject——投入投入,这个投入有很多概念,有对自己所爱的人投入自己所有的感  相似文献   

The Mirror and I     
The following is the speech presented by Liu Xin, who won First Prize in this year's English-Speaking Union International Public Speaking Competition.  相似文献   

My Grandma and I     
GRANDMA is an old house—an old tree that I grew up with. Although my grandmother is a typical rural woman with bound feet, she has a man's name—Liu Hongqing. Women from her era usually did not have their own names, but she has one and it sounds so good, because her family was rich when she was born. Her father ran a large dyehouse and all her uncles had businesses in Qingdao or Yantai. But Liu Hongqing's lot in life would be different. At the age of 16, the casting of a horoscope dictated that she marry a local blacksmith, Ni Runtai. From that point on, she lived in  相似文献   

猪肉涨了,电话费都要涨。 中国电信宣布,从2007年9月1日起,调整国际IP电话价格,上调幅度最高的是打往19个国家和地区的费用由每分钟4.6元升至每分钟15元,升幅226%。  相似文献   

AT the First Women and Environment Conference of China, I saw Jiang Shaozhen, conference organizer, board director and general manager of the Sino-Japan funded Beijing Kangqiao Environmental Protection Limited Company, affiliated with Qinghua University. At the conference, she was awarded the title of "National Best Woman in Environmental Protection." But when she introduced herself, she tended to say, "I used to be a teacher at Qinghua University." Indeed, Jiang is fond of the teaching  相似文献   

To celebrate Mother's Day, the editors of Society Weekly(published by People's Daily) invited their readers to write and submit "A Sentence for Mother." This activity, which was co-sponsored by the "Program of Happiness," garnered quite an emotional response. Among the contributions we received were several from the 21 students of Class Three, Grade Two of the high school affiliated with the Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology. "Mother, you are a towering tree and I am your shadow. "—ZHANG YE "Mother, you are an umbrella, and we are the children under it. You are the pod, and we are the peas."—XU JING  相似文献   

He became known all over China because of his appearance on the national television competition "Foreigners Singing Chinese Songs."Dressed in traditional Chinese costume and accompanied by his Chinese wife,he Chinese Girl."In this article,Stephen Sayers tells about his marriage and his personal feelings during his five years in China,Stephen and his wife Candy just moved to Macao in July.In arecent letter he asked the editor to give the money for this article to the education-aiding"Hope project" and specified it for Guizhou.  相似文献   

With a population of 114,000, most Kirgiz people reside in the Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture in the southern region of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.The Kirgiz survive by stock raising, and making handicrafts. Sideline industries include raising crops and processing livestock products. Most of the Kirgiz live a nomadic life, moving about in search of green pastures.The Kirgiz are known for their hospitality and courtesy. Any visitor, known to them or not, is always warmly received.Kirgiz men commonly wear a corduroy cap with a round top all year round. Young men wear caps of green, purple or blue, while old men sport black caps.Kirgiz women love to dress in red. Some wears short blouse and long skirt, others wear dresses. They also wear loose-fitting blouses with a tight collar. And their hair is always beautifully decorated, with embroidered strips binding the plaits and round, silver coins at the end of each plait.The main dish of the Kirgiz is horse meat, beef, lamb and dairy products.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(2):7-35

Little is known of how children experience removal from parents and placement into foster care. This paper presents results of a qualitative study of the experiences of 90 inner-city children, ages 8-14 years. Children's narratives portray a progression of traumatizing events ensuing from the placement process. The narrative from a wellhandled placement suggests guidelines for future interventions. Developmental and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

DITAN PARK (Temple of Earth) is near my home, or I live near Ditan Park. Whichever way you look at it, it seems that the park and I are destined to be close to one another. The park has been there for more than 400 years before and my family has been living near the park ever since my grandmother moved to Beijing with my father. Even though my family has moved several times over the past five  相似文献   

LAST September, Chai Ran, my classmate and roommate in Shanxi, and I took a train to Yuanping to visit our second home. Twenty-five years ago, we 31 students from Beijing went to live in the Xiadalin Village in Yuanping, Shanxi Province, where we lived and labored for seven years. In our railway car, Chai told me that Yuanping, to which the Xiadalin Village belonged in the past administration, was celebrating its emergence as a city. Chai had married a villager and had returned to Beijing only two years ago. Her son and daughter, who were both born in the village, had just visited there and had brought her the news. Although I knew that Yuanping had changed a great deal, I was still unable to imagine what it had become, since I had left eighteen years ago. In my memory, it was only a series of streets with a  相似文献   

BORN to a poor farmer's family at Yangxi Village, Yeping Town, Ruijin County (today's Ruijin City) of Jiangxi Province in 1914, I was sent to the Lius to be a child daughter-in-law. The Lius were too poor to support themselves. They had nothing but two sons. Worried about not having enough money to purchase a daughter-in-law in the future, the family accepted me as a child daughter-in-law-to-be. I was told by my elders that when I was three years old, I went with my father-in-law to beg. On the way, I was bitten by a rich family's dog, causing my mother-in-law to burst into tears. My father-in-law died before long, leaving his wife, two sons and I with nothing to live on. With an uncle-in-law as  相似文献   

我在暮春的第一拨网络泡沫里很惊愕地失业了。想来想去,不是我不好,而是新经济长了副朝云暮雨的脸庞  相似文献   

With a deep love for Peking Opera, I came to learn the art in China. I am a foreign amateur performer, Filled with admiration for the charm of Peking Opera.  相似文献   

Both my husband, Gao Hongyi and I work at the Beijing Xiyuan Hotel. He is the head chef of the hotel's Health Maintenance Restaurant and I work in a dining room where I've worked for seven years. At the hotel, we deal with chickens, ducks, fish and pork everyday. Some people think that we have the restaurant dishes on our own dinner table. To the  相似文献   

XIAO Ya was my middle schoolmate. She was gentle and quiet. We called her Ah Fang because she looks like Wang Fang, the leading lady of the film "Heroic Sons and Daughters." Xiao Ya lived in the red building that was constructed in the 1960s near the small wood behind my family's home. Her family lived on the second floor. Below the window was a board which read "Aiguo Grain Shop" (aiguo means love the country). Xiao Ya didn't like to speak. When she did, her face often turned red; but when she sang, she had an easy manner. I could hear her singing from a long distance. I used to take my worn-out accordion to her house. Since I could sing to my own  相似文献   

周巍 《职业》2011,(33):184-184
在单片机中,I/O口是一个集数据输入缓冲、数据输出驱动及锁存等多项功能于一体的I/O电路。MCS-51单片机共有4个8位的I/O口(分别记作P0口、P1口、P2口、P3口),这些I/O口主要用以实现数据的输入和输出,可以灵活方便地进行各种测试和控制。  相似文献   


This article considers the motif of porosity and its opposite, impenetrability, in relation to the home or places where we feel at home. It discusses ambiguities in how the physical boundaries of the home—but also of the perceived human subject—are portrayed in the technology-pervaded world of the dystopian science fiction narrative Total Recall. Tracing the story from the 1966 novel by Philip K. Dick, through the 1990 film to the recent remake (2012), allows for a consideration of the changes in our understanding of how the boundaries between the home and its other are culturally conceived and what happens when the integrity of these boundaries are put into question. Despite their differences, we argue that all three narratives use the built structures of walls and the imagery of the container as a way of portraying the basic conflict of an outer world that tries to take possession of the protagonist’s inner life. Tracing narrative shifts, we suggest, can become a vehicle for understanding the ongoing negotiation of boundaries of the “self,” the human body, the home and even the city, and the implications these cultural negotiations have across the period from 1966 to 2012.  相似文献   

看电视中的辩论节目,常常目瞪口呆:正方咔咔咔咔开讲,话音刚落地,反方咔咔咔咔一通反驳;反方咔咔咔又开讲,话音未落,那边又咔咔咔反驳上了。我想,这些人反应咋这么快呢,他们的脑子是人脑子还是狗脑子?后来一琢磨,应该是这么回事:在对方说话的过程中,这边厢已经在寻找他的破绽,挖掘问题的对立面。这边厢才不管事理对错,只有一个念头一一把丫驳倒。纵使你得理在手,巧舌如簧,滔滔不绝,但言多必失,总会有点漏洞,一旦抓住七寸,这边厢乘虚而进,迅速将漏洞做成溃堤之穴,对方自然一败涂地。而我正相反,跟人对话的时候,我一定是先顺着对方的思路走,并试图去理解。倒不是我多么善解人意,而是我觉得在别人讲  相似文献   

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