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Please Excuse Me/My Humble...让您见笑了Rang Nin Jianxiao le This phrase is often used to express one's modesty when he/she gives presents to his/her elders and/or teachers,or when he/she receives advice or comments.Example例句: 1.A:Lao Li,there are many grammar mistakes in your article! B:Yes,I know.Please excuse my poor grammar! A:老李呀!您这文章里语法错误不少啊! B:是,是,让您见笑了,我的语法真的不灵!  相似文献   

It's All Your Fault都怪你Dōu guài nǐIt is a sentence often uttered by many women,who shift their responsibilities and blame men when troubles arise.When this happens,it is wise for the men to keep silent rather than argue with the women.  相似文献   

Who Do You Think You Are?你以为你是谁呀? Nǐyǐwéi nǐshìshuíya? Some people,who consider themselves to be head and shoulders above others,generally put on airs.In fact,however, they are not superior to others.  相似文献   

I've Never Seen a Person Like You没见过你这种人Méi ji(?)n guo nǐzhèzhǒng rén It is impolite to make such a statement,so,to avoid a quarrel,you'd better not use the sentence.If another person says this to you,you'd better pretend not to hear it rather than  相似文献   

It Is Good All Right, But... 好是好 Hao shi hao When hearing this, people usually focus their attention and listen to what follows, for the "hao (good)" in the first part of the sentence only shows politeness, while the latter part is the focal point. Example例句: 1. A: Lao Li, what do you think of Xiao Hong's suggestion? B: It's good all right, but it's not perfect and needs to be fleshed out.  相似文献   

Why Didn't You Say So Earlier/in the First Place?你怎么不早说呀? This sentence is often used when someone complains about another person who gives advice after the fact, at which point it is too late to be useful. In fact, the speaker tries to shift the blame to the other person. Example例句: 1. A: Could you help me get two tickets for Swan Lake? B: Why didn't you say so earlier? I had 10! A:帮我搞两张“天鹅湖”的票好吗? B:你怎么不早说呀!刚才我手里还有10张!  相似文献   

Be Too Far Behind差得太远了Differences always exist, regardless if they are between people or countries. We should find out where we fall short, and try our best to narrow the gap. Example例句: 1. A: Lao Li, you see, college students nowadays know everything, English, computers, driving... B: Yes, we're too far behind. It's only a matter of time before we're laid off. A:老李呀,你看看现在的大学生,又会英  相似文献   

Go Find the People Who Are Responsible该找谁找谁去Gai zhao shui zhao shui qu There are all kinds of people in the world. Some are warmhearted, who are always happy to help others, while some are indifferent and would never bother to take care of others. When others ask them for  相似文献   

Are You Kidding?你不是开玩笑吧? Nǐbúshìkāi wán xiào ba? This sentence can be used in two different situations:Either when one thinks something is too good to be true,or when he/ she can hardly believe bad news. Example例句:1.A:Tomorrow,I'll give you 10,000 yuan to buy clothes. B:Are you kidding me? A:明天我给你一万块钱买衣服!  相似文献   

How Are You Getting on?混得怎么样? Hùn de zěnmeyàng?"混Hùn"literally means to"muddle along"or"drift along."Some people muddle along without any clear purpose in their lives,while others will often say"I'm just managing to get by."Example例句:  相似文献   

Let Me Make It Clear, First of All; Let Me Speak Frankly 丑话说在前头 Liars always say fine words beforehand, while honest people sometimes tell others about the worst possible situation, so that they will be prepared psychologically.  相似文献   

I'm Here, Am I Not?我这不是来了吗?Wo zhe bushi lai le ma? Some people like finding excuses-such as traffic jams or having been busy with something-for arriving late, rather than apologizing. Sometimes, they even blame their critics, by saying "I'm here, am I not," as if they have been wronged by others. Example例句: 1. A: Well, everyone who ought to come has come. Oh, why isn't Lao Li here yet? B: (Lao Li hurries in, panting heavily, and takes a seat) But I'm here already! A:啊,该来的差不多都来了。咦!老李怎么还没来?B:(老李喘着粗气跑进来坐下)我这不是  相似文献   

Don't Be So Conceited还知道姓什么吗? Hái zhīdào xìng shéme ma? Some people are easily excited.When they hear good news, they grin from ear to ear.Sometimes,it is advisable to shake them out of their giddiness. Example例句:  相似文献   

It,5 Probably No Good J又成是不行了日孔卜6ngs喻匕乙x南9 Ie :z\成比e卜巨ng,”whie卜Ijtera}Iy means”80 pereent,”}mplies the ldea of”most Probably”orl!most likely.l‘If one says this,he/ she 15 almost sure that something WIll haPPen. ExamPlefflJ句: 1  相似文献   

Star of the Show; Big Shot大腕儿Dawan'er This word, which originated in opera circles, used to refer to influential people in guilds. In recent years, it has been used in films and television shows, and has become a pet word of common people. Nowadays, the word refers to people who  相似文献   

I Didn't See Anything Good about It没看出好来Méi kàn chūhǎo lai One may use this sentence to comment on something when he/she thinks there's nothing wonderful about it,or when he/ she cannot foresee any favorable development trend in it. Example例句: 1.A:Lao Li,how was the dance performance last night? B:I didn't see anything good about it. A:老李呀,昨儿的舞蹈晚会怎么样? B:哼,没看出好来。2.A:Lao Li,how are my shares doing? B:I haven't spotted a good trend. A:老李呀,我这股票的走势怎么样? B:哎呀,没看出好来。  相似文献   

You Are Here Too! 你也来了! Ni ye lai le! The word "也ye," which literally means "also" or "too," has many uses. However, in spoken Chinese, it implies "should not" or "inopportune," which cannot be found in dictionaries.  相似文献   

“口语化“是如今的大趋势。从本期开始,我们将从当代汉语流行口语入手,做一点活的研究, 以便汉语学习者在掌握语言的同时,学会和中国人打交道。  相似文献   

No Wonder! 怪不得呢! Guai bu de ne! Sometimes, people want to find answers to the questions that puzzle them. If the truth turns out to prove their shrewd observations, they will be pleased. Example例句: 1. A:Hey, Lao Li was arrested for embezzlement! B: No wonder! I was curious where he got  相似文献   

That's Settled! 就这么定了! Jiu zheme ding le! Seldom will people hear this sentence at a meeting, as ordinary participants do not have the right to make such a declaration, and because decision-makers always speak with caution. Therefore,  相似文献   

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