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作为战略管理与创业管理的交叉领域,创业导向研究日益成为学界关注的热点,而受到"新生弱性"困扰的新创企业往往缺乏必要的资源基础和实力,尤其在中国经济转型背景下,如何通过外部关系网络来增强创业导向成为新企业面临的关键难题。结合社会网络理论与组织学习理论,对网络导向影响创业导向的内在过程进行剖析,发现网络嵌入机制和创业学习机制是影响新企业网络导向与创业导向关系的两种主要机制。运用多层次回归分析的方法实证研究新企业网络导向影响其创业导向的影响机理,结果显示:(1)网络导向与创业导向之间呈倒U型关系;(2)新企业的网络嵌入与创业学习在"网络导向-创业导向"主效应中能起到正向调节作用,不过其中的利用性创业学习调节作用不显著;(3)网络嵌入与创业学习之间存在一定的匹配互补性,其中关系嵌入与利用性学习、结构嵌入与探索性学习具有显著的协同调节效应。本文研究深化了网络与学习双重视角下的创业导向前因理论研究,研究结论有助于新企业把握网络导向影响创业导向的内在规律,从而指导新企业对网络嵌入与创业学习行为进行科学规划。  相似文献   

本文基于网络结构嵌入理论,研究了网络结构不同维度对企业创新行为的影响。利用331份企业有效样本数据进行统计分析,对本文的理论模型进行了检验。实证研究结果表明:关系强度、网络位置和网络密度均对渐进式创新产生显著正向影响,而对突变式创新产生显著负向影响;网络异质性对渐进式创新产生显著负向影响,但对突变式创新产生显著正向影响。  相似文献   

数字经济背景下,大量制造企业“借力”数字服务企业来推进其数字创新进程,本文提出数字创新网络嵌入用以表征这一现象。相比于具有高价值、相对静态、不完全流动和专有化等属性的传统战略资源,数字资源具有更强的可流动性、非专有性及高价值依附属性,因此,基于传统创新网络嵌入的“祝福”及“诅咒”机制来解释数字创新网络嵌入与新产品开发绩效间的关系会陷入理论解释力不足的困境。本文从数字资源的属性出发,基于资源编排理论与动态能力理论,引入大数据能力为中介变量,组织结构柔性为调节变量,构建了数字创新网络嵌入影响新产品开发绩效的过程机制研究框架,以探究数字赋能制造企业新产品开发的理论路径。本文以华南地区559家制造企业为研究对象,对该研究框架进行检验,结果表明:(1)数字创新网络结构、关系嵌入与新产品开发绩效均呈倒U型关系;(2)大数据能力在适度数字创新网络嵌入与新产品开发绩效间的关系中发挥中介作用,但是,在高度数字创新网络嵌入情境下,大数据能力在数字创新网络结构、关系嵌入与新产品开发绩效间的关系中均无显著的中介效应;(3)组织结构柔性正向调节数字创新网络关系嵌入与大数据能力、新产品开发绩效间的关系,且存在有中...  相似文献   

基于服务科学、网络能力理论、关系学习理论,结合已有文献深入剖析服务创新内涵、服务创新绩效。本文构建了包含中介变量的结构方程模型,并通过对华南地区243家企业样本的实证研究,得出以下研究结果:(1)网络能力对服务创新绩效有正向影响关系;(2)网络能力对关系学习存在显著的正向影响;(3)关系学习对服务创新绩效有正向影响;(4)在网络能力对服务创新绩效的影响中,关系学习起部分中介作用。本文研究结论可以为服务业创新活动提供有益的指导和借鉴,进而强化服务业的竞争优势。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争日趋激烈,创新主体的组织形态发生了重要变化,开放式创新生态系统范式顺应而生.由此,本研究基于将生态系统概化为隶属关系的观点,探讨生态网络结构对开放式创新生态系统价值共创的影响机理及其情景因素,并通过收集生物医药行业145家上市公司2010年—2018年构成的1 305个观测值的平衡面板数据,采用社会网络分析和多元回归等方法对其进行实证检验.研究结果表明:1)生态网络结构的两个维度(生态网络密度和生态网络结构洞)均对价值共创具有显著的正向影响;2)稳定性在生态网络结构的两个维度与价值共创关系之间发挥中介作用;3)生态位宽度和生态位重叠度调节生态网络结构的两个维度与价值共创的关系,且调节效应存在差异;4)生态网络惯例在“生态网络结构洞-稳定性-价值共创”中介路径中发挥正向调节作用;但由于过强的网络规范共识会导致合作伙伴之间的路径依赖,其调节“生态网络密度-稳定性-价值共创”中介路径中的边际效应减弱.本研究不仅完善了开放式创新生态系统价值共创的理论框架,也为企业打造更加持续稳定的开放式创新生态系统提供了理论借鉴.  相似文献   

以社会网络理论为基础,从跨层次视角分析组织内外部合作网络之间的作用机制,提出组织内部发明人合作网络中心势和结构洞数量,对其嵌入组织间合作网络中心位置具有直接影响和交互作用,并运用2003~2017年无人驾驶技术领域中,6029条无人驾驶技术专利数据进行实证检验。研究显示:组织内部发明人合作网络中心势,负向影响组织嵌入外部研发合作网络的中心位置;组织内部发明人合作网络结构洞数量,正向影响组织嵌入外部研发合作网络的中心位置;二者交互对组织嵌入组织间合作网络中心位置具有负向作用。  相似文献   

李随成  高攀 《管理评论》2012,(6):114-123
以我国制造企业为研究对象,从供应商网络视角出发,探索了战略采购对制造企业知识获取的影响。构建了包括战略采购、供应商网络嵌入性、制造企业与供应商互动、制造企业知识获取之间关系的概念模型并提出了相应的理论假设。采用结构方程模型进行验证,实证结果表明战略采购对关系嵌入性、结构嵌入性和制造企业与供应商互动均有显著的正向影响,并进而通过它们显著正向影响制造企业知识获取。  相似文献   

创业学习是新创企业成长的重要手段。尽管创业网络蕴含了大量可供新创企业学习的知识资源,然而少有研究对创业网络、创业学习与新创企业成长绩效之间的作用机制进行探索。本文整合社会资本理论与组织学习理论,构建了创业网络、创业学习与新创企业成长绩效关系的理论模型,并通过层次回归模型和结构方程模型对理论假设进行了实证检验。结果表明,探索式学习与利用式学习对成长绩效有正向影响;正式网络与非正式网络对成长绩效有正向影响;创业学习对创业网络与成长绩效之间的关系起中介作用。研究结论对社会资本理论与组织双元理论有重要贡献,对挖掘创业网络的学习价值并实现新创企业双元发展有重要启示。  相似文献   

现有研究通过社会网络分析来解释产学研主体的个体网络现象,但已有经验证据并不稳定甚至相互矛盾。本文试图引入空间计量模型来发现我国企业集群的社会网络结构存在空间模仿现象的证据,并利用新的网络特征——空间集聚结构修正社会网络分析结果后考察网络嵌入对产学研区域协同创新的真实影响。结果表明:(1)关系联结规模和中介中心度有助于提高区域协同创新水平,在部分集群内协同距离对协同创新的影响呈"S"型曲线,在控制空间效应后仅在波纹状集聚结构的环渤海集群存在结构洞与协同创新的负向关联;(2)三大海洋装备集群的集群结构存在明显的空间模仿效应,在连续性知识空间内更多的表现为邻近效应,在间断性知识空间则表现为异质效应,说明我国海工装备产业的产学研协同创新建设已初见成效;(3)集群内空间模仿效应强于集群间,说明海洋工程装备产业存在明显的地方保护主义;(4)整体上企业产权性质对网络结构特征没有显著影响,但具有高新技术资质和年轻企业的协同创新行为更容易受到网络结构的影响,不具有高新技术资质的企业和非年轻企业更容易产生网络模仿现象。  相似文献   

本研究基于探索/利用双元分析框架,将管理创新划分为利用式管理创新和探索式管理创新两个维度,并将知识搜寻和认知评价的理论观点整合到现有管理创新采纳与实施过程理论模型中,构建了一个研究模型,以考察双元管理创新的采纳过程及其实施对企业绩效的影响。本文以我国华南地区468家制造型企业为问卷调查对象,对上述研究模型进行实证检验,结果表明:(1)科学型知识搜寻主要促进探索式管理创新;市场型知识搜寻对利用式和探索式管理创新均有正向影响;供应链型知识搜寻主要促进利用式管理创新;(2)科学型知识搜寻与探索式管理创新间的关系同时受到风险性认知(负向)、匹配性认知(正向)和复杂性认知(负向)的调节效应影响;市场型知识搜寻与利用式管理创新间的关系仅受到复杂性认知的负向调节效应影响;供应链型知识搜寻与利用式管理创新间的关系同时受到风险性认知(负向)、匹配性认知(正向)和复杂性认知(正向)的调节效应影响,但其与探索式管理创新间的关系仅受到匹配性认知的负向调节效应影响;(3)利用式管理创新与企业绩效呈倒U型关系;探索式管理创新与企业绩效呈正U型关系。研究结论对于厘清管理创新的复杂采纳过程及其实施机理有一定的理论贡献,同时对企业顺利开展管理创新具有一定的实践启示意义。  相似文献   

Although international nonmarket strategy research has highlighted the importance of political ties, it is still unclear why some foreign subsidiaries are more politically active than others and what conditions may render political practices beneficial in a host country. We argue that foreign subsidiary political tie intensity—the extent to which senior managers provide time and resources in informally dealing with government officials for nonmarket purposes—will be influenced by political institutions in their parent's home country, especially when the MNE parent attempts to protect foreign subsidiary resources. Additionally, we assert that fit between a parent's home country political institutions and foreign subsidiary political tie intensity will positively affect subsidiary performance. We employ primary data collected from 181 foreign subsidiaries in the Philippines and find support for our hypotheses. This study advances international nonmarket strategy research by highlighting how an MNE's home country political institutions shape subsidiary political networking and strategic performance outcomes in host country environments.  相似文献   

国外公司创业投资中组织间学习研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司创业投资中,组织间学习的研究打开了公司创业投资价值创造机制的"黑箱"。不同类型的学习及社会互动是公司创业投资中组织间学习的关键机制,而知识产权保护、吸收能力、相关度、社会网络和社会资本是公司创业投资中组织间学习的重要影响因素。基于此,对未来的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

While most research in the international business field focuses on the impact of the national institutional environment on multinational enterprises (MNEs), this paper explores the opposite relationship—the role and impact of MNE subsidiaries on the host country institutional environment. I analyze the subsidiaries' agency in the transfer activities of human resource management (HRM) practices by bringing the case of IKEA subsidiaries in Korea and Japan and find that these subsidiaries not only adapted to pressures arising from an institutional distance but also played an important role in influencing the institutional arrangement for employment system of their host countries. With a contextualized agency model, this study finds that institutional and organizational contexts that these subsidiaries are embedded in shaped their agencies and strategic responses and co-evolved with their host institutional environments while transferring HRM practices. These findings have implications for the IB and IHRM field, as they highlight the potential of MNE subsidiaries as agents.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a conceptual model of national competitiveness, focusing on the influence of foreign subsidiaries on the competitiveness of their host countries. Essentially, we view foreign subsidiaries as potential sources of resources important to a nation in developing and maintaining its international competitiveness. We argue that there is a set of subsidiary characteristics that enables a foreign subsidiary to contribute to the national competitiveness of its host country. These characteristics include the strategic role of the subsidiary, the level of technology employed in the subsidiary's processes, the type of training provided by the parent company, and the degree to which the subsidiary is part of an interdependent network of international subunits of the firm. National policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

跨国公司全球学习——新角度审视跨国公司   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
全球经济环境正日益显现出动态、复杂、不确定性特征,顺应这一特征,全球学习能力成为跨国公司赢得竞争优势的关键。全球学习过程主要通过各子公司自主灵活的学习,创造新知识,并迅速有效地在整个跨国公司内部进行传递与整合来实现。本文着重分析了跨国公司海外子公司角色的转变,跨国知识流动的基本模式,以及影响流动的主要因素,进而指出跨国网络结构是支持其全球学习行为的组织选择。本文认为,与传统的跨国公司理论相比,全球学习理论对跨国公司行为的新变化更具解释力,也能够为应对经济全球化的中国企业带来新的启示。  相似文献   

In drawing from transaction cost economics and social network theories, this study examines the influence of corruption as a determinant of foreign subsidiary formal contracting practices with government-sponsored financial institutions. We hypothesize that lower corruption distance (between parent home and host countries) and higher perceived corruption (in host country) are positively related, and mutually reinforcing, when considering a foreign subsidiary's propensity to formally contract with government-sponsored financial institutions. We also suggest that these relationships strengthen with the intensification of political ties to government officials who can offer preferential political services via contractual agreements, changing the nature of market transactions in favour of a foreign subsidiary. We found support for our hypotheses using data from a sample of over 350 subsidiaries located in the Philippines and Thailand.  相似文献   

We investigate the survival rates of the foreign subsidiaries of multinational firms from India to test if affiliation to a business group affects a subsidiary's survival chances. Business group affiliation is an important organizational attribute of firms in emerging economies. Business groups are complex organizations with heterogeneous resources that evolve along with changes in the institutional environment of a firm's home country. We examine how business group affiliation and the development stage of the host country jointly influence the survival chances of foreign subsidiaries. Our results show that business group affiliation does not have an independent influence on a subsidiary's survival rates, but it does have a contingent effect, where the contingency emerges from the development stage of the host country. Our findings thus have implications for the theory of TMNCs, and business group strategy in emerging economies.  相似文献   

This article investigates the degree of conflict between different groups of employees in MNC subsidiaries in relation to different home-host country combinations. More specifically, we compared the degree of conflict of Western subsidiaries in Japan and Japanese subsidiaries in the West. We based our comprehensive investigation on data from 617 US and German subsidiaries in Japan as well as Japanese subsidiaries in the USA and Germany (and, for comparative reasons, US subsidiaries in Germany and German subsidiaries in the US). Possibly rather surprisingly, our results indicate that different degrees of cultural distance between home and host country do not lead to different degrees of conflict in MNC subsidiaries. We suggest that expected conflicts, due to substantial cultural differences, induce employees to actively counteract such problems, leading ultimately to a reduction of real conflicts. Furthermore, while previous literature suggested that in particular Japanese subsidiaries in the West are prone to a high degree of conflicts, our findings suggest that Western subsidiaries in Japan are even more conflict-laden. This should caution Western companies against complacency when operating in Japan.  相似文献   

A subsidiary's ability to identify opportunities in the host country and to subsequently exploit these opportunities could create competitive advantages for the Multinational Corporation. While research on subsidiary entrepreneurship has focused primarily on subsidiary-specific resources and capabilities, as well as environmental factors, the type of opportunities that the subsidiaries may find in the host environment has been underexplored. Drawing on the subsidiary entrepreneurship literature, institutional perspectives, and entrepreneurship research, this paper suggests that subsidiaries embedded in institutional contexts that are different from those of their home country have unique advantages that enable the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. Accordingly, a theoretical framework is proposed, based on contingency perspectives on the different views of entrepreneurial opportunities in relation to business processes in the host country's institutional environment, vis-a-vis uncertainty levels and legitimacy requirements. In addition, appropriate strategic approaches are suggested, through which subsidiaries can exploit these entrepreneurial opportunities.  相似文献   

针对企业网络能力有效测度和实证研究的不足,本文从网络愿景、网络构建、关系管理和关系组合四个维度开发和设计了企业网络能力的测度量表,运用来自中国企业的346个调查数据和结构方程方法实证检验了这些因素通过外部网络结构的中介作用对企业创新绩效的影响机理。研究表明:网络愿景、网络构建、关系管理和关系组合对企业创新绩效具有明显促进作用,而联系强度和网络位置在两者之间起到了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

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