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Objective. Economic theory suggests that competition reduces employers' latitude to engage in wage discrimination ( Becker, 1957 ). This study investigates the impact of foreign and domestic competition on wage discrimination. Method. Utilizing the sample of males in U.S. manufacturing industries from the 1990 Public Use Micro Sample (PUMS), industry wage equations are estimated. In a second stage, the impact of domestic and foreign competition on racial wage disparity is assessed. Results. We find little evidence to support our hypothesis. Conclusions. Notwithstanding, the failure of conventional economic theory to satisfactorily explain racial wage disparity reiterates the need to incorporate alternative theories of discrimination into mainstream economic theory.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to research on European prejudice and discrimination. First, we list the distinctive characteristics of a European perspective and provide a short sketch of European immigration and ethnic groups. Europe has become a multicultural community. Nevertheless, public opinion and the continent's politics often do not reflect this empirical fact. Prejudice and discrimination directed at immigrants are a widespread phenomena across Europe. Several cross-European surveys support this conclusion, although theoretically driven surveys on prejudice and discrimination in Europe remain rare. Cross-European research studies classical and modern theories of prejudice and discrimination and attempts to uncover the psychological mechanisms that explain individual readiness to exclude ethnic groups. A brief sketch of recent European research is presented. This issue offers both important cross-national perspectives as well as needed comparisons with the more studied case of racial prejudice and discrimination in the United States.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between assimilation and discriminatory practices encountered by Hispanic-Americans. Theories of intergroup relations have typically assumed that as members of minority ethnic groups assimilate to a dominant group, they perceive and experience lower degrees of discrimination directed against them. In reviewing theories of majority–minority relations, we have called this the “assimilationist” model. This view has been opposed by some scholars who argue that as minority ethnics assimilate and become more knowledgeable of the larger society, they perceive and experience higher levels of discrimination against them and their group. We have termed this the “conflict model” of interethnic relations. Using data from the 2002 National Survey of Latinos, conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center, we test opposing hypotheses based on these two models. Our findings, while exploratory, largely support the assimilationist model, with a few contradictory results. We discuss these findings and their implications for understanding the current situation of Hispanics in the United States.  相似文献   

Sociologists continue to observe the ways race permeates America's social institutions, the institution of sport being no exception. Although researchers have explored customer racial discrimination via examinations of the secondary sports card market, only three studies have explored the phenomenon in the context of basketball, a sporting context with a higher proportion of non-White players than the baseball and football leagues that have been the primary focus to date. We explore the unique way race matters on the hardwood by employing a methodological approach that previously has been used to study card collecting in other contexts. Data were obtained for 215 retired players and their rookie cards. Controlling for other factors, to include career performance, position, and card scarcity, the results reveal no direct effect of race on card values, but there is an interaction effect between race and Hall of Fame status that impacts card prices. The potential source and implications of this interaction are discussed as well as suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

孙毅  王先平 《求是学刊》2006,33(5):76-80
传统的以行为能力为前提,识别能力为核心的民事责任能力理论与民法的诸多制度和理论产生了冲突和矛盾。现代侵权法的发展为我们重新定位民事责任能力的地位创造了条件。民事责任能力属于权利能力的结论既合乎理论,又切合实际。以识别能力为基础的过责能力和作为人格内容的民事责任能力相区别才是探讨自然人的民事责任能力性质的合理方法。  相似文献   

Network analysis is presented as a useful extension of conventional forms of analysis. We introduce and illustrate basic features of network analysis. Reference materials are suggested and data from a network of 80 emergency service organizations are used to illustrate a matrix approach to network analysis. Our discussion shows how network analysis can complement standard modes of analysis to broaden and deepen the application of theories to social work. We conclude that network analysis has great potential in social work research and theory.  相似文献   

In this contribution we show that the dualistic nature of the Italian economy has been, and still is, crucial for the design of short- and long-run macroeconomic policies, concerning unemployment, income growth and public finance.We establish the seriousness of the dualistic process of Italian regional development using several approaches. We then considered the regional nature of the Italian unemployment and show that it has profound implications for short- and long-run policies. In particular, we find that an aggregate price–unemployment relationship must be rejected. Different values of equilibrium unemployment rates for the main macro-regions of Italy are found and short-run policy implications discussed. We then consider how this heterogeneity relates to the design of growth-promoting policies.Lastly, we present evidence in favor of the importance of the missing growth of the Italian southern regions for the evolution of the Italian public finance.  相似文献   

邹强 《唐都学刊》2005,21(4):97-99
"穷而后工"是我国传统文论中的重要命题.从主体视域角度看,这一文学现象形成的原因主要有三从文学本体看,"穷"后之作往往情深意切,恰好暗合了文学审美价值的体现需要作品具有真情实感的要求;从作家主体看,"穷"之潦倒虽磨砺了文人身心,但却成就了文人的文心,激起他们创作的欲望;此外,中国传统文论强调"知人论世"与"真善美"统一的解读方式,这为"穷而后工"现象的形成奠定了深厚的阅读语境.  相似文献   

Group-based power is generally associated with three types of group distinctions: adult-child, gender, and ethnicity. We argue that gender-based power is not comparable to ethnic-based power, in part because the forms and degree of institutional discrimination experienced by men and women of subordinate ethnic groups are not similar to one another, and in part because stereotypes and categorization processes pertaining to gender are not comparable across ethnic groups. Finally, in experiments using college students as participants, we show that whether applicants are placed into occupations that would enhance or attenuate group-based inequality depends jointly on job applicants' ethnicity and gender. Implications for theories of inequality based on gender and ethnicity and the relationship of gendered power to other group-based forms of power are discussed.  相似文献   

Social psychological theories of second-language communication posit a relationship between second-language competence/usage and social identity. Identity and adaptation outcomes of intercultural contact have also been central issues for cross-cultural psychology. The studies described here are at the junction of these two research traditions. Based on a situated-identity approach, they show the mediating and moderating roles of second-language confidence for identity change and adjustment among minority- and majority-group members. Two studies involving Canadian francophone and anglophone university students illustrate the relationship between relative status and identity as well as the mediating role of communication in determining identity and adjustment. The third study, involving participants of East Indian descent, shows that incongruities among aspects of identity are related to the experience of collective discrimination and stress. Furthermore, these relations are moderated by second-language confidence. The conclusion discusses theoretical and practical implications for policy.  相似文献   

关于本位与过程建构:将中国理念植入国际关系理论(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
30年来兴起的的西方国际关系理论三大主流学派——结构现实主义、新自由制度主义和结构建构主义——有一个共同的缺失,这就是忽视对国际体系过程和国际社会中复杂关系的研究。本文针对这一重要缺失,借鉴主流建构主义,将“过程”和“关系”这两个中国文化中的重要理念植入国际关系理论,提出一个过程建构主义的理论模式。论文将过程定义为运动中的关系,论证了过程的自在性、过程动力和过程在国际关系中的作用。过程的核心是关系。如果说西方个体本位的社会性质的核心理念是“理性”,那么中国社会文化的一个根本理念则是“关系”。将这个理念挖掘出来并进行概念化处理,依此确立过程建构主义“关系本位”的基本假定。同时,过程建构主义还认为,国际社会中的关系网络确定国家身份并孕化国际权力。过程建构主义是体系层次的进化理论,将分析重点置于国家之间的互动实践,强调过程的自在性以及对国际规范、国家身份和认同的建构作用。  相似文献   

Evaluation research typically treats standards of violence prevention programs, like other curricula, as unquestioned values of a good society, while identifying youth as the problem to be solved. This article explains how the evaluative gaze can, in contrast, be critically fixed on the interpretations of various stake holders in the violence prevention enterprise, including curriculum authors, teachers, and youth, whose social values are often under-represented. In the context of a year-long literacy-based violence prevention curriculum focusing on racial and ethnic discrimination in 3rd and 5th grade urban classrooms, 5 teachers, their classes, and 36 individual students from these classes expressed contradictory and conforming values, suggesting to us the need to invite negotiation of social values as part of democratic education.  相似文献   

Objectives. Most researchers who use survey data must grapple with the problem of how best to handle missing information. This article illustrates multiple imputation, a technique for estimating missing values in a multivariate setting. Methods. I use multiple imputation to estimate missing income data and update a recent study that examines the influence of parents' standard of living on subjective well‐being. Using data from the 1998 General Social Survey, two ordered probit models are estimated: one using complete cases only, and the other replacing missing income data with multiple imputation estimates. Results. The analysis produces two major findings: (1) parents' standard of living is more important than suggested by the complete cases model, and (2) using multiple imputation can help reduce standard errors. Conclusions. Multiple imputation allows a researcher to use more of the available data, thereby reducing biases that may occur when observations with missing data are simply deleted.  相似文献   

Three different approaches to mixture axioms have been used in expected utility theories. The most general approach uses the decision maker's indifference relation in the mixture axioms. We show how this approach can be used to obtain general axiomatizations for the traditional linear utility form and for a recently developed multilinear utility form.  相似文献   

White–Black relations have historically been the defining form of intergroup relations in the study of prejudice and discrimination. The present article suggests that there are limitations to applying this model to understanding bias toward other groups and proposes that a comprehensive view of the dynamics of the Anglos' bias toward Latinos requires consideration of the distinctive elements of this form of intergroup relations. In four empirical studies, we experimentally document discrimination against Latinos (Study 1), explore the potential dimensions that underlie bias against Latinos (Study 2), and examine the effect of a particular social identity cue, accentedness, on perceptions of acceptance and belongingness of Latinos and members of other groups (Studies 3 and 4). These studies consider general processes of prejudice and identify how particular facets of bias against Latinos can shape their experiences and, taken together, illustrate how understanding bias against Latinos can reciprocally inform contemporary theories of prejudice.  相似文献   

Parents seeking to balance their work lives with family responsibilities often find the challenge made more difficult by outdated images of the ideal worker, the good mother, and the good father. Social and legal constraints on mothers' choices exacerbate the problem. While other countries have implemented national work/family policies, the climate in the United States seems unreceptive to federal government mandates for meaningful changes in employees' work hours, schedules, and paid leave, or for sweeping new child care subsidies. As a viable interim measure, we propose a statute forbidding discrimination based on family responsibilities, which would tap deeply-felt values about the importance of family caregiving, serve as an important symbolic statement, and be useful to courts.  相似文献   

We deal with the approach, initiated by Rubinstein, which assumes that people, when evaluating pairs of lotteries, use similarity relations. We interpret these relations as a way of modelling the imperfect powers of discrimination of the human mind and study the relationship between preferences and similarities. The class of both preferences and similarities that we deal with is larger than that considered by Rubinstein. The extension is made because we do not want to restrict ourselves to lottery spaces. Thus, under the above interpretation of a similarity, we find that some of the axioms imposed by Rubinstein are not justified if we want to consider other fields of choice theory. We show that any preference consistent with a pair of similarities is monotone on a subset of the choice space. We establish the implication upon the similarities of the requirement of making indifferent alternatives with a component which is zero. Furthermore, we show that Rubinstein's general results can also be obtained in this larger class of both preferences and similarity relations.The nontransitiveness of indifference must be recognized and explained on any theory of choice and the only explanation that seems to work is based on the imperfect powers of discrimination of the human mind whereby inequality becomes recognizable only when of sufficient magnitude.  相似文献   

孙永军 《社会工作》2008,(12):24-26
社会工作与思想政治工作既有明显的不同,也有相通之处。西方社会工作在工作关系的性质、工作者角色、价值观念等诸多方面存在着不足,这些不足可以通过借鉴思想政治工作的先进经验加以纠正。发展中国式的社会工作,将有助于世界社会工作理论和方法的创新。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the important contributions the venerable Harriet Tubman made to the field of housing for older persons and other populations at risk. It uses an historical approach to document the importance of early housing and self-help initiatives in the African American community. It embraces Harriet Tubman and other early housers for their good works and acknowledges them as contributors to the rich legacy of community social work practice and its sage principles of empowerment and self-help. The article presents a nexus between the current housing status of older Blacks and the double jeopardy status imposed by historical discrimination.  相似文献   

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