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Withtheestablishmentanddevelopmentofthesocialistmarketeconomy,cashhasbeguntoplayanincreasinglysignificantroleineconomicactivities.Anincreaseincashincomehasbeenamajorfactorcontributingtotheheightenedlivingstandardofpeople.The1997samplingsurveyof3,200householdsinruralHubeiProvinceindicatesthatpercapitanetcashincometotaled1,145yuanin1997,159yuanuporanincreaseof16.1%overthepreviousyear.Followingaresomefeaturesofchangesintheircashincomeandexpenditure.CashincomeincreasesAccordingtothesurvey,percap…  相似文献   

PerCapitaMonthlyIncomeofUrbanandRuralResidentsTheOpinionPollResearchInstituteofthePeople'sUniversityofChinaconductedasampling...  相似文献   

IncomedisparityinurbanChinaiswideningdespiteasteadyincomeincreaseingeneral,accordingtoarecentnationalsurveyconductedbytheStateStatisticalBureau.Thesurveyshowed20%ofthepopulationsurveyedowned42.4%ofthenationalwealth.Lessthan1%ofthecountry'stotalpopulationhadanannualincomeofmorethanRMB200,000(US$25,000).Accordingtothesurvey,thewideningincomegapiscausedbyfourmajorfactors:occupation,education,ageandextra-salaryincome.Withthedeclineoftraditionalindustries,peopleworkinginemergingindustriessuchas…  相似文献   

China has evolved from a country of egalitarianism to one of widening income gaps, according to Ding Hongmei, a researcher with Tsinghua University, one of the top institutes of higher learning in the nation. Prior to 1979, China was a command economy in which everybody was 揺ating from the same rice bowl? an egalitarian way of distribution of income. Reformers led by the late Deng Xiaoping believed that system led to great inefficiencies of the economy because it failed to motivate people …  相似文献   

Trust is a good approach to explain the functioning of markets, institutions or society as a whole. It is a key element in almost every commercial transaction over time and might be one of the main explanations of economic success and development. Trust diminishes the more we perceive others to have economically different living realities. In most of the relevant contributions, scholars have taken a macro perspective on the inequality-trust linkage, with an aggregation of both trust and inequality on a country level. However, patterns of within-country inequality and possibly influential determinants, such as perception and socioeconomic reference, remained undetected. This paper offers the opportunity to look at the interplay between inequality and trust at a more refined level. A measure of (generalized) trust emerges from ESS 5 survey which asks “...generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people?”. With the use of 2009 EU-SILC data, measurements of income inequality are developed for age-specific groups of society in 22 countries. A sizable variation in inequality measures can be noticed. Even in low inequality countries, like Sweden, income imbalances within certain age groups have the potential to undermine social trust.  相似文献   

Withhealthydevelopmentofthenationaleconomyin1997,Chinaiswitnessingacontinuedimprovementofitspeople'slives,especiallyurbanresidents.Theimprovementismirroredinthecontinuouslyincreasingbanksavingdepositsofresidents,wideningrangeofconsumptiongoodsandreasonableconsumptionstructure.However,disparitiesstillexistbetWeenregionsandbetweenpeopleofdifferentincomelevels,andthegapiswidening.IncomegrowsbutslowsdownDatafromasurveyof38,000urbanhouseholdsindicateddisposableincomewas5,160yuanforeachurbanresiden…  相似文献   

Research on happiness casts doubt on the notion that increases in income generally bring greater happiness. This finding can be taken to imply that economic migration might fail to result in increased happiness for the migrants: migration as a means of increasing one’s income might be no more effective in raising happiness than other means of increasing one’s income. This implication is counterintuitive: it suggests that migrants are mistaken in believing that economic migration is a path to improving one’s well-being, at least to the extent that well-being means (or includes) happiness. This paper considers a scenario in which it is less likely that migrants are simply mistaken in this regard. The finding that increased incomes do not lead to greater happiness is an average (non)effect—and migrants might be exceptional in this regard, gaining happiness from increased incomes to a greater extent than most people. The analysis here, using data from the World Values Survey, finds that the association between income and happiness is indeed stronger for immigrants in the USA than for natives—but even for immigrants that association is still relatively weak. The discussion then considers this finding in light of the fact that immigrants also report lower levels of happiness than natives after controlling for other variables.  相似文献   

ASurveyofBeijingers'Income¥//Arecentsurveyfoundthat,contrarytomanypeople'sbelief,mostresidentsinBeijing,capitalofChina,haveam...  相似文献   

IncomeIncreasesinUrbanChinaFromDecember1996toJanuary1997,AsamplingsurveyoftheincomelevelofurbanresidentsinChinawasconductedjo...  相似文献   

The income gap between the highest- and lowest-income groups in Beijing, China’s capital city, grew to 4:1 in 2004, up from 3:1 in 2003, according to a sampling survey of 2,000 urban households conducted by the Beijing Municipal Statistics Bureau. Among the most important factors affecting income levels were education and profession, the survey indicated. The survey suggested that in 2004, the per capita disposable income of Beijing residents was RMB15,638, up 12.6% from 2003. Low-income…  相似文献   

Several recent studies have concluded that residential segregation by income in the United States has increased in the decades since 1970, including a significant increase after 2000. Income segregation measures, however, are biased upward when based on sample data. This is a potential concern because the sampling rate of the American Community Survey (ACS)—from which post-2000 income segregation estimates are constructed—was lower than that of the earlier decennial censuses. Thus, the apparent increase in income segregation post-2000 may simply reflect larger upward bias in the estimates from the ACS, and the estimated trend may therefore be inaccurate. In this study, we first derive formulas describing the approximate sampling bias in two measures of segregation. Next, using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the bias-corrected estimators eliminate virtually all of the bias in segregation estimates in most cases of practical interest, although the correction fails to eliminate bias in some cases when the population is unevenly distributed among geographic units and the average within-unit samples are very small. We then use the bias-corrected estimators to produce unbiased estimates of the trends in income segregation over the last four decades in large U.S. metropolitan areas. Using these corrected estimates, we replicate the central analyses in four prior studies on income segregation. We find that the primary conclusions from these studies remain unchanged, although the true increase in income segregation among families after 2000 was only half as large as that reported in earlier work. Despite this revision, our replications confirm that income segregation has increased sharply in recent decades among families with children and that income inequality is a strong and consistent predictor of income segregation.  相似文献   

In Turkey, the GDP per capita of eastern regions, where the Kurdish population is dense, is significantly lower than that of the rest of the country. The aim of this paper is to provide a quantitative analysis to investigate the contribution of household characteristics and regional disparities on racial/ethnic inequalities in household income, particularly across Turks and Kurds. Based on the results of regression-based decomposition analyses, there exist significant income differences between Turks and Kurds. However, this difference significantly diminishes if the household head is working. It is also observed that the household income increases with education, while decreases with migration and being settled in economically disadvantaged regions. Results also indicate that differential returns to Turks and Kurds on observable characteristics are lower in higher income quintiles  相似文献   

In the first three quarters of 2001, the per capita cash income of rural residents reached RMB1,641, RMB99 more than the same period last year, an increase of 6.4% (actual growth 5.2% considering inflation), according to a sampling survey of 68,000 rural residents in 31provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) conducted by the State Statistical Bureau of China. The increased income stemmed from four aspects:wages (8.8%), farming (6.4%), animal husbandry (8.4%) and family busin…  相似文献   

Region No. of households surveyed Average No. of people per household Average No. of workers per household Per capita income * Per capita disposable income * Per capita spending * National 43,740 3.1 1.7 618.8 615.3 445.8 North China Beijing 1,000 3.0 1.8 1,004.5 1,000.2 708.2 Tianjin 500 3.1 1.6 762.9 760.3 562.9 Hebei 2,160 3.1 1.7 518.6 514.8 362.2 Shanxi 1,570 3.1 1.6 441.0 439.3 352.5 Inner Mongolia 2,300 3.1 1.6 457.4 456.5 353.8 Northeast China Liaoning 3,250 3.1 1.7 …  相似文献   

TheRelationshipbetweenthePercentageoftheElderlyandPerCapitaIncomein1990Presently,countrieswithahigherpercapitaincomehaveenter...  相似文献   

Revisions to the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women (also known as the Women‘s Law) and the Law on the Protection of Minors have been included in the legislative plan of the 10th National People‘s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, which is currently in session.  相似文献   

With per capita GDP exceeding US$1,000 in 2003, Chinese economy is steering into a new phase which will underline the importance of balanced development. International experience indicates that during the period when per capita GDP ranges between US$1,000 and US$3,000, a developing country will witness drastic changes in its social and economic structure for greater prosperity. As the world's largest developing economy, China is surely no exception. Actually, the country has already m…  相似文献   


The child poverty rate has increased noticeably in Finland since the mid-1990s, and there are numerous studies in this area. However, little is known about child poverty in the two native and equal population groups, Finnish speakers and Swedish speakers. Using detailed register-based data that cover the period 1987–2011, we analyze how child poverty depends on parental ethno-linguistic affiliation, and whether there is variation in income poverty across these households over time. The poverty measure is relative and based on equalized taxable household income of households with children. Odds of poverty are estimated with logistic regression models using generalized estimating equations to account for repeated observations at the household level. The analyses are restricted to areas with both Swedish- and Finnish-speaking settlement. Single-parent and two-parent households are analyzed separately. Poverty rates increased in all major types of households during the study period, but variation by ethno-linguistic affiliation was fairly modest. Swedish-speaking single-parent and two-parent households experienced a smaller increase in the poverty rate than Finnish-speaking ones, while patterns observed for exogamous households were less clear. The contribution of control variables on the ethno-linguistic poverty differences was modest. Considering that the ethno-linguistic groups studied are indigenous and equal, the small differences in poverty rates between Finnish speakers and Swedish speakers are evidence of a democratic and well-functioning welfare state, although the increasing overall poverty rates over time require future scrutiny by both policy makers and researchers.


It is widely believed that happiness is strongly correlated with wealth and income, but according to the happiness–income paradox, this is not always true. The paradox predicates that there is a strong positive correlation between income and happiness nationally, but the correlation is essentially absent in international comparisons, or in a long-term longitudinal comparison. This paradox has been widely debated among economists and the controversy has persisted for several decades. In this article, the happiness–income paradox is explained in terms of ecological correlation due to spatial aggregation or data-grouping, change of reference classes, and confounding variables. The controversy is resolved when ecological correlations and third-variable effects are accounted for. At the individual level, happiness and income are correlated positively, but not as strongly as many believe. In international comparisons, happiness and income are, in general, quite strongly correlated as well, contrary to what Easterlin (Nations and households in economic growth: essays in honor of Moses Abramovitz, Academic Press, New York, 1974) claimed and similar to what others have found, but for different reasons. Long-term comparison is also related to ecological correlation, but it is related to the change of reference classes as well.  相似文献   

While it is generally agreed that income inequality affects an individual’s well-being, researchers disagree on whether people living in areas of high income disparity report more or less happiness than those in more equal environments, thereby indicating the need to study how and why income inequality matters to the individual’s well-being. Findings on group-specific reaction patterns to income inequality further fuel this need. Alesina et al. (2004) argue that a preference for inequality and the perception of the possibility of social mobility account for the indistinct relationship between income inequality and subjective well-being. Combining this hypothesis with previous research on social cognition and drawing on social justice theory, this paper aims to demonstrate the mediating nature of perceptions of income inequality. It argues that the perceived legitimacy of distributive outcomes and procedures contributes to how income inequalities affect individuals and their sense of well-being. The empirical analysis is based on data from the International Social Justice Project, developed from face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of the German population. Using structural equation modeling, the paper finds structural biases in the perception of income inequality. The paper concludes that subjective well-being is a product of the individual’s perception and legitimating processes. The results indicate that social cognition is a useful tool for studies of income inequality and subjective well-being.  相似文献   

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