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In this paper, the history of atmospheric science is traced, from the earliest discussions from meteorologists, and the first meetings to describe this new research area. The development of atmospheric science proceeded in three phases with each phase being marked by the attempt to organize resources, and bring into the atmospheric science network, scientists from other fields. I argue here that this construction of a science provides evidence of the social nature of science as well as the importance of organizations to the creation of a science.  相似文献   

Across the world the number of children needing a foster home is increasing; however, the number of individuals willing to foster a child is decreasing. It is therefore critical to gain insight into the barriers preventing people from fostering a child. Using data from a 2009 survey of 756 Australians, combinations of barriers are investigated by conducting a posteriori segmentation analysis within the market of potential foster carers. Four segments are identified and profiled to determined significant differences in terms of psychological and socio‐demographic characteristics. Findings, including the fact that almost one‐third of respondents indicated that they had not considered foster caring before because no one had ever asked them to, have practical implications. Improved marketing strategies tailored to the characteristics of each segment are required to harvest the full potential of individuals willing to foster a child and thus contribute to solving one of the most difficult social challenges facing developed nations.  相似文献   

In the present article the logical structure of applied social sciences will be discussed. Applied sciences don't regard causes and effects but only means and ends. Therefore the logical structure of means-end-argumentations in social sciences will be shown. One can perceive also the important part of normative statements. In summarizing, we can declare that in social sciences there is partly a need to reflect on the postulate of a value-free social science. But it is not our purpose to introduce normative statements as scientific ones. What counts is a liberal attitude towards all realizable norms.  相似文献   

Sheldon S. Wolin in “Hobbes and the Culture of Despotism,” asks a most important question: “is there a political element embedded in the social representation of scientific knowledge, such that to think in certain representational terms is to re-describe certain political postures, depending on the political character of the representations?” (1961). In this paper I examine this observation and outline the sense in which the scientific enterprise influences both Hobbes and Publius and how Hobbes is a stepping stone for Publius in the construction of a commercially grounded, constitutionally based republican system.  相似文献   

Controversy has surrounded the use of DNA typing in forensics especially with respect to providing estimates of the frequency of genetically similar individuals in human populations. To address these concerns the National Academy of Sciences has recently produced a report in which specific recommendations are made to alleviate some of this controversy. The reaction of the forensic community to this report is discussed along with many specific concerns about the interaction of the legal and scientific communities.  相似文献   

研究设计是指对整个研究工作进行规划,制定出探索特定社会现象或事物的具体策略,确定研究的最佳途径,选择恰当的研究方法。研究设计一般包括选择研究课题,确定研究性质、分析单位和分析层次,选择研究方式和手段,选择资料收集方式,制定具体规划等内容。  相似文献   

“科学是一种强有力的工具,怎样用它,究竟给人类带来幸福,还是带来灾难,全取决于人类自己。” ——爱因斯坦 一、问题的提出 科学技术的社会应用给人类带来了巨大的福祉,同时也带来了一系列威胁人类生存……  相似文献   

Public trust in biomedical research depends in large part upon public attitudes toward science, the behavior of institutions involved in conducting and supporting biomedical research, and how mass media report on biomedical research. This paper explores those aspects of public trust, particularly the responsibilities of government as the major source of support for research using public funds.  相似文献   

人学与当代中国社会发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人学是我国现代化建设和社会发展的必然产物和内在要求,是解决当代中国社会发展中许多重大问题的理论前提.人的塑造与人格转型,对人的理解,人的素质,人的能力评价,人性,人的能力与个性,人的发展与代价,人的存在方式、需要、利益与价值,日常社会生活中的核心文化理念等问题的解决,都需要人学以提供理论基础和前瞻性的指导.所以,人学在我国当代社会发展中有着重大的意义.  相似文献   

This article examines what may be the earliest post-classical letter from a European person of colour. From a black Christian to a community of unidentified religious women, it deals with an episode of racial abuse before providing a defence of blackness. This article stresses the rarity of any text dealing with early modern racialism. Moreover, differences between peoples are historiographically ascribed to religious and not so-called ethnic reasons, i.e. Christian/non-Christian rather than black/white, with some authors even asserting that racialism was the product of the subsequent and capitalistic exploitation of slave labour. Challenging both these views, this text indicates that racialism based on colour pre-dates the industrialized slave-trade. The letter is further analysed to see if it is an obviously literary or fictive text and whether it was possible for people of colour in early modern Spain to be formally educated to the extent that they could compose this letter. It is documented that Golden Age Spain was home to many people of colour, often but not always manumitted slaves or their descendants, who easily achieved the required degree of education.  相似文献   

Science is one of the most exciting frontiers of human endeavor and yet is often poorly understood. In this article I argue that improved education of both our children and our adults is key for the future. It is incumbent on all scientists to help educate our citizenry. In addition to the traditional methods we should make better use of television for this purpose. I strongly advocate permeating regular news programs with science news and education.  相似文献   

An examination of four trends in American society and their impact on public libraries, librarians and public access to information. The trends examined include: the rapid increase in the availability of microcomputers; the existence of a telecommunications network; the tendency for more information to appear in machine-readable form; and an increase in the number of individuals familiar with and inclined to utilize machine-readable data files.  相似文献   

This paper provides a recent profile of the gender and race-ethnicity of faculty in top research departments of economics, political science, and sociology. Most faculty are male, although there appear to be critical masses of women in political science and sociology. Blacks and Hispanics are underrepresented among faculty relative to their shares of the population. Within each racial-ethnic group examined, there are more male than female faculty members, with a smaller gender gap for Blacks than for other racial-ethnic groups. In general, the higher the rank, the greater the proportion of males than females, especially for Whites and Asians.  相似文献   

现代科技成果的广泛应用向人们表明:现代科学特别是技术的应用从来都不是价值中立的,对科技成果应用后果和社会风险的反思愈来愈为思想家们所关切。西方思想家们对技术理性的批判实质上是对科技异化、理性异化的批判。面对科学技术潜在的环境、价值等社会风险,需要重铸现代人文精神,为科技发展提供合理的价值取向,在科学研究和技术应用过程中坚持遵循利益原则与人道主义原则的尺度。中国要想避免现代化带来的破坏性影响,就需要把西方文明中的科学与民主精神和中国传统文化中的人文精神整合起来,建立一套适合自己特色的发展模式。  相似文献   

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