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本文通过问卷调查,对我国城乡社区服务内容的发展状况、社区服务实施效果以及社区服务存在的主要问题及原因进行调查的基础上,提出了完善我国城乡社区服务的主要对策建议,认为城乡社区服务的基本内容应该规范化,城乡社区服务的基础设施应该标准化,城乡社区服务的资金来源应该多元化,城乡社区服务的管理体制应该合理化,城乡社区服务的评价机制应该科学化。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查,对我国城乡社区服务内容的发展状况、社区服务实施效果以及社区服务存在的主要问题及原因进行调查的基础上,提出了完善我国城乡社区服务的主要对策建议,认为城乡社区服务的基本内容应该规范化,城乡社区服务的基础设施应该标准化,城乡社区服务的资金来源应该多元化,城乡社区服务的管理体制应该合理化,城乡社区服务的评价机制应该科学化。  相似文献   

IntheTangdynasty,thelegaldistinctionbetweenbondservants(nubi)andhiredIaborerswasobvious.TheTangCodeexplicitlystipulatedthat"bondservantsarepeopIeofhumbleoriginandaresimilartodomesticanimalsunderthelaw"and"theyareofthesamecategoryas[other]property."Hiredhands"were"goodpersons"(liangren)"whohirethemselvesouttoworkforotherpeople."However,acarefulstudyofrelevanthistoricalrecordsshowsthatwiththethrivingofthecommodityeconomyintheTangandSongdynastiesandthedevelopmentofrelationshipsoftenancy,thedi…  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济新形势下 ,如何做好思想政治工作 ,把思想政治教育贯穿于改革、发展、稳定之中 ,这是宣传思想战线亟待解决的问题。把握思想政治工作的“六性”和“六点” ,才能找准思想政治工作的切入点 ,使思想政治工作出现应有的生机和活力  相似文献   

刘玉山 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):92-98
魏晋南北朝史研究中的士族、庶族等词汇的区别和划分问题,由于说法或者语境的不同往往产生歧义。针对上述问题进行比较、辨析,可知严格意义上的士族就是指高门士族,其余所谓的"次等"与"低级"士族并不存在,不应视为士族。  相似文献   

高校微信公众平台目前存在着定位模糊、特色不突出、管理不规范、政治意识不强、缺乏影响力等问题,需要强化运营管理过程中的思想政治教育介入。高校微信公众平台思想政治教育的介入要遵循显性教育和隐性教育相结合、优秀传统方法和现代互联网技术相结合以及"微"中求"大"、"微"中求"特"、"微"中求"真"和"微"中求"实"的原则。高校微信公众平台思想政治教育的介入要建立高校微信公众平台运营管理者的"把关"机制、"网络红军"的培育和引导机制、思想政治教育介入的过程管控机制和平台运营的评价考核和效果反馈机制。  相似文献   

This paper compares health systems in the US and the UK in relation to levels and types of finance and provision. The main part of the paper focuses on comparisons between the British National Health Service (NHS) and Kaiser Permanente in California. Although major differences in financing and provision make cross‐national comparisons between the US and the UK difficult, recent work comparing service utilization between the NHS and Kaiser Permanente has highlighted opportunities for learning between the two systems. The paper describes the results of this work, and the way in which the NHS has sought to apply and adapt some of the managed care techniques used in Kaiser Permanente. It concludes by identifying the cultural and other obstacles that have to be addressed in translating practices from one system to another.  相似文献   

Policy-makers in social services in Finland: the municipality and the state   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finland has been a latecomer in its development of social services. Nevertheless, during the 1970s and 1980s, it constructed a wide-ranging system of social services. This is a result of cooperation, but also of inter-administrational struggle between central and local government. The provision of Finnish social services has been the responsibility of self-governing local municipalities, although it is subsidized and controlled by the state. The proportion of state financing has increased remarkably during the last decades, but the municipalities still finance half of their social service expenditure themselves. The economic recession of the 1990s has led to a restructuring of the Finnish model of social services, but local government will evidently remain at the center of decision-making on social service provision.  相似文献   

宋元时代是祖先祭祀方法由坟寺到祠堂变更的重要时代。本文以苏州范氏为中心,从宋代士大夫的社会问题,特别是家族、宗族的侧面论述坟墓、坟寺、祠堂的实态和祖先祭祀。从社会史特别是家族、宗族的方面将坟墓、坟寺和祠堂的问题进行更深入的研究。具体论述苏州范氏的坟墓和坟寺、祠堂的问题、家族宗族的迁居和定居、阶层性、风水、夫妇合葬、坟寺和祠堂的管理、运营等。  相似文献   

郭华 《唐都学刊》2008,24(1):25-28
水资源可以有不同的用途,在水资源不太充足的关中地区势必会造成不同经济部门之间的矛盾,一千多年前的唐朝已经出现了这种情况.讨论唐代关中地区碾硙与农业用水之间矛盾的产生及其解决方法来反映唐代水利管理状况,以期对现代水利制度的完善带来启示.  相似文献   

东亚地区的日本与东盟关系,是东西关系的一个地区缩影,也是南北问题的一个全球典型。在东西关系格局下,日本通过东盟政策,发展壮大了自身实力,巩固了西方阵营,对美国的东亚战略起到“补台”作用;而且,在稳定冷战局势的同时,也加剧了东西两极的对峙和分裂。南北问题作为日本与东盟双方之间的主要问题,表现在国际经济秩序、贸易权利与条件、资本与技术、环境资源、经济差距等多个方面。  相似文献   

从中国乡村的基本单位、乡村的开放度、乡村内部整合度三个方面入手,揭示中国乡村研究不断深化的进程;与此同时,以社区为中心的传统的乡村田野工作从确立之后日益发展壮大,成为影响深远的主要方法范式.然而,当下中国乡村流动性与离散的时代特征,给传统田野工作带来了全新挑战;有鉴于此,以向外流动的多点、向内收缩的多点、水平的多点、垂直的多点为内容的四维一体的乡村多点田野工作,或可成为富有成效的应对方法与路径.  相似文献   

Covid-19 has exposed and deepened global inequalities: rich countries spent aggressively to sustain their economies and secured early vaccine access while most of the developing world continues to endure a growing disease burden. It also underlined the extent of inter-dependence and weaknesses in some of our international institutions and rules, many of which were established in the now discredited era of neo-liberalism. There is a rich, complex, and difficult agenda going forward for international cooperation. This includes aiding developing countries in restructuring their debt obligations, and guaranteeing that multi-national corporations pay their fair share with a robust international tax regime, better trade and intellectual property regimes, and better global regulatory frameworks for competition and social media. The failures of the past rules have led to political opposition to globalization. The only sustainable and inclusive path out of this pandemic is through cooperation and a re-imagining of globalization.  相似文献   

The Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU outlined a broad program aimed at substantially raising the material and cultural living standard of the people through high production growth rates, increased production effectiveness, progress in science and technology, and the accelerated growth of labor productivity. The Congress emphasized that the leading role of the working class as the builder of communism is strengthened in proportion to the growth in its overall cultural level, level of education, and level of political activity. The Congress's Directives on the Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy call for: an expansion in the training of skilled workers at vocational and technical schools, especially in rural areas, so that young people in general will have a specialty before they start work; training at least 9 million skilled workers for all branches of the national economy in vocational-technical schools during the five-year period; raising admissions to vocational and technical schools training skilled workers in the most complex occupations; and simultaneously, offering secondary education to 300,000-400,000 persons by 1975. The Party Congress raised the system of vocational and technical training to a new, higher level.  相似文献   

许正文 《唐都学刊》2001,17(3):19-21
汉唐两代最初设置州、道监察区的目的在于维护中央集权。而到了两朝中期以后,随着地方豪强的土地兼并和监察区在转化为行政区的过程中本身所暴露出来的矛盾,不但未能继续起到维护中央集权的作用,反而削弱了中央集权。问题的实质是因监察区转化为行政区后所辖区域过大,权力过于集中,有足以与中央抗衡的物质与经济、军事基础。  相似文献   

张廷银 《求是学刊》2007,34(5):104-110
民国及民国以前所修的族谱,在人物传记、行状、墓志、家规、诗文序及其他诗文作品中,都会或多或少地涉及中下层读书人阅读、批评、接受古代经典作家及作品的资料.这些资料虽无特别异常的内容,但对于了解普通读书人的文学认识、充实并完善古代文学批评与接受史研究,都具有很重要的作用.这也是进一步了解普通民众文化需求及文化活动过程的重要途径.  相似文献   

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