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Fiction meant for light reading or writing that is ostensibly intended for entertainment can also be a vehicle for critical political, cultural and social commentary. Popular genres such as the thriller or romance indeed have the capacity to combine the elements of excitement and assessment of social life. For instance, a romance story that tells of a relationship between a man and a woman can also be read as an allegory of the relationship between citizens and their nations. This essay examines the ways in which David Gian Maillu's thriller novels, Benni Kamba 009 in the Equatorial Assignment and Benni Kamba in Operation DXT have used the canvas of the romantic detective to highlight social, political and cultural tensions in contemporary Kenya/Africa whilst at the same time suggesting possible means of (re)solving these instabilities and restoring order in society.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between sector‐wide approaches (SWAps), sustainable livelihoods approaches (SLAs) and rural poverty reduction. The authors suggest that SLAs provide one means by which SWAps can focus more effectively on poverty reduction, whilst SWAps provide an entry point via which government and donor initiatives can be made supportive of the livelihoods of the poor. The article puts forward guidelines indicating the core issues upon which donors should focus to enhance the poverty impact of sector‐wide approaches.  相似文献   

Poverty is a well‐known short‐term outcome of migration in general and a long‐term outcome of forced migration in a global context. Surprisingly, this outcome appears among refugees in welfare states which provide various asylum and social policies facilitating integration. The article aims to explore the relationship between asylum and social policies and poverty among refugees. The research results are drawn from two studies conducted among refugees, NGOs, national and local administration representatives, and case workers in Poland between 2006 and 2014. The results show that asylum policy contributes to the material and symbolic hardship experienced by refugees, and social policy is ineffective in its prevention. If refugees are settled in regions with high levels of poverty, unemployment and ethnic‐based prejudices, then they experience and continue to live in poverty. In such a context, and due to its weaknesses in addressing discrimination, social policy cannot successfully integrate refugees.  相似文献   

This article provides a review of literature on the relationship between poverty and the institutions of collective action and property rights, as outlined in the conceptual framework of Di Gregorio et al. (2008). Using the elements of the framework as a guide, it offers an overview of how researchers and practitioners identify and evaluate these concepts. The article emphasises the multidimensionality of poverty and the necessity of applying various approaches and tools to conceptualising and measuring it. In addition to highlighting the crucial role that institutions play in poverty reduction, it shows power relations and the political context to be of fundamental importance in poverty‐related studies.  相似文献   

At the time that Julian Steward was formulating the Puerto Rico Project, several other approaches to complex societies were being pursued by American anthropologists. Beginning in the 1920s, funders'—and subsequently, New Deal agencies'—interest in addressing social problems impelled microcosmic community studies in the United States. That approach, essentially functionalist and ahistorical, was extended to village studies in other countries, and Redfield's folk-urban continuum became the dominant theoretical framework for comprehending regions within nations. Concurrently, acculturation theory legitimized anthropological interests beyond “primitives” and offered an alternative, two-way cultural contact model. With the onset of World War II, the culture and personality approach was applied to strategic nations, providing holistic configurational depictions of national character. Steward's effort can be seen as a critique of, and alternative to, these approaches that were prevalent in the late 1940s. Building upon his method of cultural ecology, his orientation toward work, and his notions about sociocultural integration, he devised a different way of studying a total society. Steward's framework was modified and expanded by members of his team, both in the field and in the writing of the jointly authored book. While slow to have a wider impact, the project—both in its successes and its limitations—signaled new departures for the anthropological study of the modern world.  相似文献   


The officially decreed procedure for preventing child abuse does not do so. Three reasons stand out, any one of which would account for this:

Investigations are based on asking the wrong questions. As a result many children are removed unnecessarily, while others do not get the protection they need.

The method of managing cases is seriously flawed. In particular, there is failure to put one person in charge, with full authority to direct the case, and sole responsibility for its outcome. Case conferences, at-risk registers, and some fashionable treatment procedures, are incompatible with a rational solution.

Social workers, without adequate help and support, are required to perform a task for which most are not equipped, and according to instructions that make it impossible. Their training no longer endows them with skill in psychotheraputic casework, and they do not thereafter receive regular supervisory counselling, both of which are indispensable for helping disturbed clients. Moreover, fieldworkers are expected to make decisions that should be the responsibility of the supervisor.  相似文献   

On the basis of matched Income Tax/Census data, the majority of the elderly poor in Belgium appear to be persistently poor. The question arises as to why this might be so. To the extent that individual characteristics such as abilities or tastes persist over time, these may also be the reason that individuals persist in poverty over time. In that case, one expects that once individual characteristics are controlled for, duration dependence in poverty becomes spurious. The alternative possibility is that the poverty experience itself has a causal impact on future poverty. This may be because of work disincentives, lack of investment in human capital and/or loss of motivation during the period of job search. The reasons for dependence in poverty are of interest for developing effective poverty-reducing policies. The estimation of a multiple-spell hazard model of transitions in and out of poverty, that allows for unobserved heterogeneity and a significant initial condition problem, supports the suggestion of true duration dependence in poverty. In Belgium the elderly unemployed are exempted from job search and lack any training or counselling from government agencies, while workers above 50 are given strong financial incentives to leave the labour market as soon as possible through different kinds of early retirement schemes.  相似文献   

Drug use among Latino youth in the United States is a persistent problem which has been examined from a variety of academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and social work. These share significant overlap with mainstream criminological approaches to explaining delinquency and drug use, which have virtually ignored these issues or investigated them exclusively from an ethnocentric perspective. The naturally multidisciplinary topics of Latino youth, culture, and drug use can be readily situated within two popular frameworks (social control and strain), and these can also be enriched with core aspects of Latino culture. Complimentary cultural values enhance these two perspectives and significantly contribute to our criminological understanding of some of the reasons why Latino youth become involved in drug use. After reviewing our current knowledge on this subject, suggestions are made for ways future criminological research can more deeply explore these rich cultural reasons related to why some Latino youth use drugs. This can ultimately help inform more relevant drug use reduction strategies and also decrease the proportion of Latino youth who come into contact with the criminal justice system for drug‐related offenses.  相似文献   

Because of concerns regarding drinking among college students and its harmful consequences, numerous prevention efforts have been targeted to this population. These include individual-level and community-level interventions, as well as other measures (e.g., online approaches). Community-level interventions whose effects have been evaluated in college populations include programs that were developed for the community at large as well as programs aimed specifically at college students, such as A Matter of Degree, the Southwest DUI Enforcement Project, Neighborhoods Engaging With Students, the Study to Prevent Alcohol-Related Consequences, and Safer California Universities. Evaluations of these programs have found evidence of their effectiveness in reducing college drinking and related consequences. The most effective approaches to reducing alcohol consumption among college students likely will blend individual-, group-, campus-, and community-level prevention components.  相似文献   

大众文化热潮中的青年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入二十一世纪,大众文化已成为影响人们工作与生活的最重要文化形式,它以其商品与文化性能吸引青年消费,进而影响青年的生活方式、行为习惯,以及思想观念.青年对大众文化的广泛认同具有以下动因:消费是青年无法回避的现实行为,参与是青年无法抵制的成长需要,传媒是青年无法拒绝的文化诱导等.由于大众文化是有一定的进步时代特性,作为成人社会的边缘性群体,青年对大众文化的消费,在相当程度上有益于其人格的健康发展,也可能引发社会价值观念的革新.  相似文献   

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