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We developed a new listening scale pertaining to how one likes to be listened to by others. Specifically, we constructed items by adapting the Listening Style Profile (LSP)-16 and a Constructive Listening subscale taken from the Facilitative Listening Scale and tested the validity of the scale against the Big Five personality traits. A survey (N = 195) suggested that (a) the factor structure of the adapted LSP-16 items yielded the expected four factors, albeit with items not loading on factors as expected in the original LSP-16; (b) the people facet of the LSP-16 is strongly correlated with a scale of constructive listening, r = .70; and (c) both the people facet of the LSP-16 and the constructive-listening behaviors scale are correlated with all of the Big Five personality traits, save for neuroticism. These listening scales showed a moderate correlation with a summary of all of the Big Five scales, known as General Factor of Personality, r = .38. Among the implications is the possibility that the more adjusted a person is, the more the person prefers to be listened to with a people-listening style or by a constructive listener.  相似文献   

Listening is the one language activity which is used most during the day. The empirical basis for this statement has some problems, as some of it dates back a long time or is based on self-report data which may not be accurate as far as the objective proportion of time, in which listening is expected, is concerned. The current study uses classroom observation to collect data on how much listening is required in primary education and in the transition to secondary education. A sample of 48 class periods from grades 1–4 and of 18 class periods from grade 5 was taken to specify listening tasks. Results confirm earlier studies that reported listening is required in about two-thirds of instructional time. As to the source of oral information, it is still true today that the teacher out-talks the students at a considerable rate. Results are discussed with reference to listening education, and it is assumed that much needs to be done to raise awareness for the teaching of listening skills and the arrangement of an appropriate learning environment which provides for a sufficient and challenging variety of listening situations.  相似文献   

This article discusses the need for valid and reliable measures of listening behavior and how the Watson-Barker Listening Test was developed to measure the listening abilities of adults and mature college students. Sections of the article describe the nature and forms of the test, various validation procedures and research studies using the test. The claims of validity are partially supported by the data, and the Watson-Barker Listening Test has gained wide acceptance.  相似文献   

Using anthropological methods and a theoretical perspective derived from the sociology of Erving Goffman, Robert B. Edgerton's The Cloak of Competence: stigma in the lives of the mentally retarded (1967) brought an unusual degree of empathy to attempts to understand the lives of those labeled 'mentally retarded'. Yet the book was conceived prior to the time when mental retardation began to be widely formulated as a social construction rather than a clinical syndrome. This essay analyzes the consequences for Edgerton's understanding of the lives of recently deinstitutionalized people of this uneasy combination of empathy and acceptance of mental retardation as an unalterable condition. Particular attention is paid to the ways in which Edgerton's conceptualization of mental retardation served to deny to members of his sample a voice with which to speak authoritatively about their own situation. Edgerton's revisionist follow-up research, which called into question some aspects of his earlier conceptualization of mental retardation, is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of Mozart's high-frequency-rich music and structured oral directions on third graders' auding and reading comprehension performance. The design was pre-post, with a control group and two experimental treatment groups. Mozart Symphonies Nos. 35, 38, 40, and 41, and four Frank Schaffer listening skills books were used with one experimental group. The second experimental group received the listening instruction without music. The control group worked assorted word searches. The Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test (Forms 1 and 2, Primary C) and the Addison-Wesley Sequential Test of Educational Progress (STEP) III (D) Listening Test (Form X) were used to measure reading comprehension and auding respectively. Instruction was administered by regular classroom teachers to intact classes for 30 minute morning periods, three times per week for eight weeks. Analysis of pretest and posttest scores from 63 students reveal that an organized instructional method using Mozart's music and oral directions significantly increases auding and reading comprehension, with music being the key independent variable.  相似文献   

The role and limitations of scientific theory in listening research is explored. The researcher as person is found to be intricately involved as creative, interpretive author of concepts, hypotheses, arguments and conclusions. Nor can the researcher ignore their own social and cultural life-world origins. Consequently the importance of the social context and culture assumed by the researcher is detailed. Theory is discussed and its general limitations explicated. Overall, research in social sciences, such as listening, is at base social.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the value of the analyst’s awareness of the importance of her voice with its various intonations in the telephone treatment of a patient with early infant/mother attachment patterns of disregulation. The authors describe the significance of a particular kind of pervasive verbal intrusion by the patient’s mother and how through the use of voice pattern, tone, and rhythm in an extended period of telephone therapy, the patient was able to solidify a more secure attachment. Finally, the authors demonstrate how the verbal music in the analyst/patient and the mother/child dyads enhances self and interactive regulation.
Dorienne Sorter (Corresponding author)Email:

Kristin Miscall Brown, LCSW   graduated from PPSC’s training program in psychoanalysis in November 2007. She maintains a private practice in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in New York City. Dorienne Sorter, PhD, LCSW   is co-chair, faculty, and supervisor at IPSS. Dr. Sorter is also a member of the Council of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology. She is the co-author of Forms of Intersubjectivity in Infant Research and Adult Treatment, and faculty member and supervisor at PPSC.  相似文献   

Perhaps no communication skill is identified as regularly as active listening in training programs across a variety of disciplines and activities. Yet little empirical research has examined specific elements of active listening responses in terms of their effectiveness in achieving desired interpersonal outcomes. This study reports an experiment designed to test the influence of a specific element of active listening responses, namely, the message paraphrase. One hundred and eighty undergraduate students participated in peer interviews in which they received either a paraphrased reflection or a simple acknowledgement in response to their expressed opinions regarding comprehensive examinations. The results of data analysis indicated that message paraphrases were associated with the social attractiveness of the listener but were not associated with participants' conversational satisfaction or perceptions of feeling understood by the listener.  相似文献   

Research into language acquisition and oral language use was examined in order to identify key factors that contribute to the successful acquisition of second language (L2) listening ability. The factors were grouped into three major domains: affective, cognitive, and interpersonal. It is claimed that in each domain, proficient L2 listeners have developed strategies, that is, plans of conscious action, in order to address persistent challenges of L2 acquisition. For the affective domain, the strategies concern development of resilience in order to maintain long-term motivation and investment of identity as an active user of the L2. For the cognitive domain, the strategies involve relearning the phonological system of the L2 as an independent system in order to counteract native language influences and using compensation tactics to supplement the influences of semantic organization of one’s native language. For the interpersonal domain, the strategies involve accommodation to communication styles and a task orientation to interaction. Research is reviewed from cognitive psychology, neurolinguistics, pragmatics, bilingualism studies, and language pedagogy, with the aim of identifying particular obstacles faced by L2 listeners and practical approaches used to cope with them.  相似文献   

The NIU (Northern Illinois University) Listening Exam is a 45-item videotaped exam that assesses eight college level listening skills. This essay describes the criteria that the exam was designed to meet, the procedures used for designing and developing the exam, and the results of its pilot use.  相似文献   

Primarily used in corporate and organizational contexts, this study evaluates the psychometric properties of the 30-item Organizational Listening Survey (OLS) as a measure of listening behavior with a sample of undergraduate college students. The first study analyzed 1,475 students' self-reports of their listening behavior on campus, indicating a single-factor model of listening with strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = .96), incorporating aspects of affirming the relational partner as well as confirming the message communicated. The second study involved students' other-reports of their professors' listening behaviors. It demonstrated high interrater agreement using the OLS to evaluate a common professor.  相似文献   

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