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The experience of being an adult female with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been understudied in social work literature. The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of females with ASD, from their perspective, by examining content from an online autism community Web site. Using a phenomenological approach, data analysis on content obtained from the forum revealed several themes about the women’s experiences concerning the diagnostic process, managing and understanding symptoms, and the impact of ASD on their personal and work relationships. Implications for social work practice, including creating more effective services for females with ASD, are discussed.  相似文献   


There is some disagreement as to whether the Internet has a positive or negative impact on social connection and well-being for older adults. Using an online survey, we assessed self-reported social support, health, and Internet use patterns among users over fifty years of age. In a comparison of highly social Internet users versus low-social users, we found that high-social users spent more time on-line and reported more physical and mental health problems. However, the groups did not differ in amount of or satisfaction with social support they received. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Pathological gambling disorder and problem gambling are addictive disorders with severe consequences for individuals, families, and society. Knowledge about associations between childhood adverse experiences (i.e., physical, sexual, and emotional abuse) and gambling pathology in adulthood is limited. Using data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), associations between adverse childhood experiences and lifetime gambling status were tested. Strong bivariate associations between adverse childhood experiences and gambling status were found, which were attenuated with the inclusion of clinical covariates. Adverse childhood experiences might be related to pathological gambling in adulthood, but this relationship might not be gambling-specific.  相似文献   


Although up to half of all gamblers and at least one-third of all problem gamblers are women in the United States, they are underrepresented and overlooked in research studies, treatment, and in the minds of the American public. This paper describes the results of an online survey of women in recovery from compulsive gambling, including demographics, family history, gambling activities, and consequences, and recovery patterns. The results indicate that the primarily white, middle-class, and professional women who responded (N = 178) experienced a high rate of co-occurring substance abuse and depression, troubled family histories, and an array of serious consequences to their gambling. Recovery was primarily supported through Gamblers Anonymous (GA), although 24% recovered without professional or GA help. Their experiences present a compelling case for professional helpers to become informed about this growing problem.  相似文献   

Internationally adopted (IA) children are at increased risk for health-related, developmental, and behavioral difficulties. This article reviews the literature on various interventions currently used with IA populations; including health-related interventions provided by medical specialists, preparation programs provided by adoption agencies and other social service organizations, treatments for attachment and behavioral disorders, psychoeducational services, programs designed to improve children’s care prior to adoption, and parent-based initiatives. Surprisingly, very little systematic information exists regarding the effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent and remediate these difficulties in IA children. Recommendations for future research activity and for best practice approaches to intervention are discussed.  相似文献   


As more universities and other places of higher learning respond to the changing needs of the community-bound learner, new technologies are being harnessed to shift the delivery of historically “classroom-bound” programs to alternate and more universally accessible formats. This article describes how an online course uses interactive exercises to engage students in mutual exploration of cross and/or interdisciplinary work. The course serves students from various professional schools, including social work, child and youth care, nursing, and education. Through the use of online discussion and case-study role-plays, it facilitates an experiential learning environment that is reflective of the student's own practice in a learning setting.  相似文献   

Thorough examination of the literature revealed no comprehensive reviews detailing the experiences of South Korean–U.S. adoptees as transnationally adopted persons. To address this need, multiple databases, keywords/keyword combinations, and fugitive literature were used. Data from the review were coded, categorized, and analyzed, with five themes emerging: (1) intrusive interactions, (2) boundary management, (3) discrimination and exclusion, (4) difficulties in identity development, and (5) ethnic exploration. These themes seem to fall along a developmental path from childhood through young adulthood. Understanding these experiences may be useful for formulating policy, structuring adoption services and clinical practice, and research design.  相似文献   

Policy and practice relating to openness in adoption have changed substantially in the last 30 years. There is a growing body of empirical research that supports both structural and communicative openness, and there is widespread consensus that communicative openness is desirable within adoptive families. Despite this, there is evidence that some adoptive parents and their adopted children struggle to achieve the level of communicative openness to which they aspire. This paper presents data from a small-scale exploratory study of adoptive family life. It draws on the narrative accounts of adoptive mothers and fathers to explore some of the sensitivities of adoption talk, the communication challenges experienced by adoptive parents, and the ways that adopters manage these challenges. Finally, some suggestions are made for practice.  相似文献   


This article describes the results from a family-based case management demonstration program which served families in North Carolina during the period of 1990 to 1993. The model for the program was based on the family investment initiative strategy developed by the George Washington University Center for Policy Studies. Entitled the Family Investment Initiative, the goal of the program was to assist families receiving AFDC to reach economic self-sufficiency. Results indicate that this family-based case management approach has promise for helping AFDC-dependent families achieve economic self-sufficiency. Implications of the results for social work case management practice with families are discussed.  相似文献   

This study interviewed adolescents conceived using sperm donation to examine their experiences of contacting and meeting ‘same‐donor offspring’ (i.e. donor‐conceived offspring raised in different families who share the same donor), their motivations for this contact, and how they make meaning of these relationships. This in‐depth qualitative study involved semi‐structured interviews with 23 young people aged 12–19 years (mean = 14 years). Interviewees were motivated by curiosity about their biological relations and by wanting to extend their family. Contact with same‐donor offspring was described as being either normal/neutral or as a unique experience that was integrated into their identity. This study highlights the importance of contact between same donor offspring, particularly during adolescence, a developmental stage associated with identity formation. The findings have important policy implications as they suggest that donor‐conceived individuals may benefit from contact with others conceived using the same donor prior to the age of 18 years.  相似文献   

In order to analyse the salience of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and adoptive status for lesbian adoptive parents, this study examined the challenges and strengths described by 20 White lesbian couples (40 women) who were adopting racial/ethnic minority children from within the United States. Data from two time points (pre‐ and post‐adoptive placement) were analysed qualitatively. Results indicated that the majority of women voiced concerns about raising racial/ethnic minority children in a ‘White privileged’ society. Many women reported facing a lack of understanding from others and were aware of multiple layers of stigma. However, having faced discrimination themselves as sexual minorities, many also perceived themselves as possessing unique strengths (e.g., experience coping with stigma). Many women expressed feeling that by drawing on support from their communities as well as their own awareness of and experience with diversity issues, they could prepare their children for the challenges they might face.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the international research literature published since 2005 focusing specifically on sibling relationships in fostering and adoptive families. It presents an overview of the current state of knowledge regarding sibling relationships of fostered and adopted children as well as gaps and limitations. The review concludes that while methodological advances are apparent in this body of work siblinghood is poorly conceptualised and there has been inadequate attention to the perspectives of children. The paper goes on to suggest that one possible source of insight comes from recent work undertaken within social anthropology and sociology and the application of this theoretical and methodological approach to the study of siblinghood in out‐of‐home care is considered.  相似文献   



In this analysis, we (1) described the rate of mental health service utilization for children from domestic foster care adoption, domestic private adoption, and international adoption and (2) analyzed the effect of common risk factors on mental health service utilization.


As part of the 2007 National Survey on Adoptive Parents (NSAP), parents with children 5–17 years old (N = 1722) were asked if their children had received mental health services and how helpful these services were. Parents also provided data on the children's demographics and likelihood of pre-adoption adversity (e.g., abuse).


For boys, mental health services were utilized by 52.4% of domestic foster care adoptees, 41.0% domestic private adoptees, and 40.0% of international adoptees. For girls, the corresponding rates were 36.3%, 24.8%, and 30.9% respectively. Parents reported that the services were very helpful for about half of the children. Logistic regression analyses showed that adoptees from domestic foster care were more likely than international adoptees to have received mental health services, but there was no difference between domestic private adoptees and international adoptees. Older age at placement, older age at assessment, having special health care needs, and being male all increased the odds for having received mental health services.  相似文献   

In South Africa, rates of adoption remain low while the number of fostered children continually rises. Little is known about the public perceptions, beliefs and experiences that inform decisions to either foster or adopt in South Africa. This qualitative research explored these issues among a national sample of childless adults, biological parents, kin and non‐kin fostering parents and prospective and successful adopters. Fostering is driven predominantly by access to subsidies but is also informed by socio‐cultural beliefs. Low adoption rates are influenced by an absence of subsidies, poor access to quality adoptive services and a lack of information about adoption.  相似文献   

People from Chinese backgrounds remain underrepresented in disability service use. This paper explores family experiences of using child disability support services to understand how migration and their cultural expectations about disability and service affect the way they use services. Qualitative semistructured interviews were conducted with 13 family carers in Sydney. They were striving to gain good support for their child from formal services. However, most of them were reluctant to express any dissatisfaction to service providers, which meant that assertively requesting different support was difficult and culturally inappropriate. In response, service providers can design nonconfrontational ways to elicit this vital information and support families to gain experience tackling conflict.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we investigated the mechanisms by which Chinese American parents' experiences of discrimination influenced their adolescents' ethnicity‐related stressors (i.e., cultural misfit, discrimination, attitudes toward education). We focused on whether parents' ethnic‐racial socialization practices and perpetual foreigner stress moderated or mediated this relationship. Participants were 444 Chinese American families. Results indicated no evidence of moderation, but we observed support for mediation. Parental experiences of discrimination were associated with more ethnic‐racial socialization practices and greater parental perpetual foreigner stress. More ethnic‐racial socialization was related to greater cultural misfit in adolescents, whereas more perpetual foreigner stress was related to adolescents' poorer attitudes toward education and more reported discrimination. Relationships between mediators and outcomes were stronger for fathers than for mothers.  相似文献   


The authors conducted an e-mail survey of 772 college students to learn more about their experiences with blackouts. Approximately half (51%) of those who had ever consumed alcohol reported they had experienced a blackout at some point in their lives, and 40% had experienced 1 in the year before the survey. Among those who drank in the 2 weeks before the survey, nearly 1 in 10 (9.4%) had experienced a blackout during that period. Many later learned that, during the blackout, they had vandalized property, driven an automobile, had sexual intercourse, or engaged in other risky behaviors. Experiencing 3 or more blackouts was associated with a variety of other experiences, including heavier drinking, lower grades, an earlier age of drinking onset, and having others express concerns about their drinking. The female students who reported blackouts during the 2 weeks before the survey drank far less than male students did during this time period, supporting the use of gender-specific definitions of risky drinking.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the level of preparation psychologists have in dealing with adoption issues and an assessment of the need for further education in treating triad members. A questionnaire was mailed to 497 psychologists randomly selected from the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology who received doctoral degrees between the years of 1990 and 1996. Two hundred and ten psychologists, all of whom were currently treating clients, participated in the study. Psychologists completed a Likert rating of their sense of preparation to treat triad members. The largest group (51%) rated themselves as Somewhat prepared, with the second largest group (23%) rating themselves as Not very prepared. Ninety percent reported they needed more education in adoption, and 81% reported interest in taking a continuing education course in adoption. Of the 210 participants, only 67 reported taking courses that dealt with adoption as part of their formal education. Of those psychologists who reported taking courses that involved adoption, they averaged only 1.3 courses during their undergraduate education, and 1.5 courses during graduate education, while the remaining 143 psychologists received no education in this area. When one considers the proportion of triad members seen clinically, this study suggests psychologists need more education and background information about the effects of the adoption process.  相似文献   

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