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Variations in the economic recovery rate across the United States have led to even greater chasms that separate the employed, unemployed, and underemployed (DeSilver, 2017 ). Therefore, understanding and supporting the career development of future generations is critical—especially for those who live outside the context of social privilege. The authors examined the applicability of the integrative contextual model of career development (ICM; Lapan, 2004 ) to a sample of 220 adolescents (129 boys, 91 girls) from a high‐poverty urban area. Results indicated that a canonical variate comprising foundational ICM skills (e.g., career exploration, goal setting) predicted a variate composed of ICM outcomes (e.g., self‐efficacy, vocational identity), thus supporting the usefulness of the ICM framework for this population. The skill of setting viable career goals was an especially strong predictor of outcomes. Implications for career counseling with adolescents living in high‐poverty urban areas and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper will focus on ethical dilemmas that arise in the treatment of adolescents with gender dysphoria. We will begin with a discussion of ethical and legal issues pertinent to the treatment of any adolescent, and then proceed to the gender dysphoric adolescent, since there is a great deal of overlap between the two areas. The authors re-view legal decisions, the existing data on adolescent decision-making, and ethical principles that may help the clinician in resolving some very complex situations. Utilizing case vignettes of three gender dysphoric adolescents, the authors provide a pragmatic illustration of the ethical dilemmas involved in evaluation and treatment of these youth. It is the authors' belief that treatment interventions should be based on respect for the adolescent's autonomy and confidentiality where he or she is deemed competent to make decisions.  相似文献   

Female adolescents who have experienced violence often struggle to maintain a sense of agency and control over their own bodies—bodies that have been objectified through direct physical assault. In order to understand more fully the impact of direct violence on the meaning of the body for female adolescents, the author discusses normative aspects of the meaning of the body and their relationship to the developmental processes of individuation and connectedness as well as subjectivity and objectivity. Case vignettes are used to explore the intersection of violence and the meaning and use of the body for female adolescents. Implications for intervention are proposed.  相似文献   

The Affect Regulation Checklist (ARC) was designed to capture affect dysregulation, suppression, and reflection. Importantly, affect dysregulation has been established as a transdiagnostic mechanism underpinning many forms of psychopathology. We tested the ARC psychometric properties across clinical and community samples and through both parent-report and youth self-report information. Clinical sample: Participants included parents (n = 814; Mage = 43.86) and their child (n = 608; Mage = 13.98). Community sample: Participants included independent samples of parents (n = 578; Mage = 45.12) and youth (n = 809; Mage = 15.67). Exploratory structural equation modeling supported a three-factor structure across samples and informants. Dysregulation was positively associated with all forms of psychopathology. In general, suppression was positively associated with many forms of psychopathology, and reflection was negatively associated with externalizing problems and positively associated with internalizing problems.  相似文献   

Adolescence marks the transition from childhood into adulthood. For pregnant female adolescents, the transition is to motherhood as well as adulthood. They must not only deal with the physical and emotional changes of adolescence but learn how to become mothers. This article provides recommendations for enhancing a parenting skills curriculum for pregnant adolescents based on the research of the primary author with a cohort in an alternative school in Nassau, the Bahamas and follow-up discussions with alumni of the program.  相似文献   

The authors review findings related to mechanisms of resilience in an ongoing longitudinal study of a cohort of 558 focal youth and their families. The ongoing study began when the cohort of adolescents was in 7th grade. Findings demonstrate that resilience to economic adversity for the parents of the focal adolescents was promoted by marital support, effective problem solving skills, and a sense of mastery. For the cohort of youth, resilience to economic hardship was promoted by support from parents, siblings, and adults outside the family. Resilience to the difficult transitions from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to early adulthood was especially fostered by nurturant‐involved parenting and by less angry or hostile parenting.  相似文献   

This study tested the developmental trajectories of career maturity (CM) and parental attachment (PA), the longitudinal influence of both, and gender as a moderator. Findings showed developmental progressions in adolescents’ PA and CM over 4 years. The change in PA was positively related to the developmental change in CM. For gender, there was a statistically significant difference in the initial status of CM and PA but no significant difference in developmental change. This study verified the longitudinal influence of PA on CM and showed that the cross‐sectional effect of predictors on CM needs to be distinguished from the longitudinal effect in future studies.  相似文献   


This article identifies a family-centered practice construct for working with children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. The experiences of these families have shifted considerably over the past 30 years. A legislative and historical context provides the basis for an understanding of present policies and practices that influence current approaches to service delivery. Though family-centered practice is emphasized in various practice settings, there is still a need to integrate this philosophy into social work practice with children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. In order to enhance the ability of the social worker to integrate this construct into practice, a framework for exploring the experiences of children, adolescents and families is provided. This framework provides an overview of factors related to the individual child, the family and siblings for the social worker to consider when working with these families. The social worker's role as collaborator, advocate, team member and family resource is highlighted.  相似文献   


There are two factors that limit our knowledge of the risk factors associated with homelessness among runaway adolescents, namely (1) the samples used are often composed of youth homeless service users and/or youths living on the streets (visible homelessness), whereas most adolescents in fact use “private” resources (hidden homelessness), and (2) failure to use an adequate control group to identify risk factors associated specifically with homelessness. Our study compares the characteristics of two groups of youths under the supervision oftheyouth protection system, according to the presence or absence of periods of homelessness. The results throw light on the factors underlying the shiftfrom “at risk” to “homeless”, showing that youths with experience of homelessness are more likely to have been placed in substitute home environments, have experienced significant relationship difficulties with one of their parents (deterioration ofthe parent/youth relationship and parental abuse) and to have been diagnosed with behavioral disorders. The findings suggest that the decision to place young people under supervision is based more on the dynamic between risk factors rather than on the existence of behavioral problems.  相似文献   

The increased risk for substance use and delinquency among adolescents of color has been partially attributed to increased exposure to daily hassles. Although a certain number of hassles are normative, especially among family and peers, adolescents of color experience more stressors in their neighborhood or directly related to fewer resources than their White counterparts. These hassles may interact across ecological systems to impact behavioral outcomes among adolescents. This may be especially true for young people living in public housing. Based on ecological systems theory, this study tests the relationship between experiences of hassles across multiple ecological levels and problem behaviors in a sample of 315 ethnically diverse early adolescents (Mage = 12; 51% female) living in public housing neighborhoods in two large metropolitan areas in the United States. A positive relationship was found between family hassles and both substance use and delinquency, as well as between school hassles and substance use. When the interactions between family, peer, school, and neighborhood/resource hassles were considered, five statistically significant interactions were found. The study results reinforce the role of contextual factors, such as living in low-income neighborhoods and the complexity of hassles interacting at multiple levels of a young person’s daily ecology, on adolescent outcomes.  相似文献   

This study, which used a community sample of 13–15 year old adolescents (N = 391), sought to establish the extent to which negative parenting styles are linked to increased likelihood of abnormal psychological functioning in young people, and the likelihood of negative parenting by one parent being replicated by the other. Findings suggest that negative parenting styles are significantly correlated with raised scoring on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, and that particular negative parenting styles in one parent are likely to be found in the other. The high percentages of young people reporting parents being often angry, sometimes frightening and lacking in warmth and affection give rise to concern about the facilitation of parenting in the UK. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

农村富余劳动力现状分析及就业途径创新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会主义新农村建设时期,随着农村城市化进程的加速和农业机械现代化水平的不断提高,原有的农村生产模式和生活格局不断被打破,经济繁荣带动了农业生产结构的调整,农村富余劳动力呈不断攀升趋势。近几年来,各级政府部门虽然千方百计创造就业机会,但由于数额不断增加和农民科学技术水平有待提高等原因,农村富余劳动力就业问题仍十分突出。  相似文献   

陈建新 《职业时空》2012,(1):16-17,20
作为培养新型农民主要途径的农村职业教育,具有拓宽新型农民就业渠道、推进农业发展方式转变、加快农村经济健康发展、促进农村精神文明建设的功能。文中从分析当前农村职业教育在服务培养新型农民过程中存在的问题入手,提出了基于培养新型农民的农村职业教育的发展策略。  相似文献   

Rural elders face challenges when accessing assistance from family, neighbors, and paid helpers. This support is essential to allow them to remain community dwelling as they develop physical challenges that limit their ability to care for themselves. This qualitative study followed a group of 16 rural elders with physical limitations for 1 year. In-depth interviews were conducted with them and eight members of their support networks, including five family members, to explore how rural older adults create and maintain support networks that allow them to remain community dwelling despite physical challenges that limit their self-care. The research question is, “How do members of the support network connect with each other to maximize the effectiveness of the network?” Family members coordinated assistance to maximize the abilities and availability of various network members. In addition, family members worked together with other family members, neighbors, and paid helpers to assist the elder. These strategies enhanced the ability of the network to assist the rural elder and also lessened the burden of care by dispersing it among network members.  相似文献   

蔡之兵  周俭初 《城市观察》2013,25(3):164-172
通过回顾国内有关城乡统筹研究的文献,在分析现有AHP方法、聚类分析、主因子分析方法的优点和缺点的基础上,构建了符合全面性、代表性、可比性、科学性等原则的城乡统筹发展水平评价体系并以此测算出中国大陆29省份2000—2011年的城乡统筹发展水平,最终根据测算结果进行分析并提出针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2014,(2):95-104
推进农村集体经济组织产权制度改革是农村改革发展中的一个具有方向性的重大课题,也是在新的历史条件下维护农民集体收益分配权、壮大农村集体经济的重要实现形式。上海市农村集体经济组织产权制度改革工作虽已取得初步成效,但由于缺少国家层面法律法规和相关配套扶持政策的支撑,在一定程度上造成了地方配套扶持政策难以突破,影响了基层参与改革的积极性。建议在国家层面开展对农村集体经济管理方面的立法工作,从法律层面对集体经济组织法人地位的确立、集体经济组织成员身份的界定、集体资产的管理等方面予以明确和规范。  相似文献   

城镇化与农村文化的保护与开发——对湖北省的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔叶 《城市观察》2013,23(1):89-95
城镇化需要发挥文化的影响、凝聚、引领作用,城镇的品质和品位取决于其独有的文化。而农村凝聚着几千年的农耕文明,沉淀了丰富多彩的文化遗产。因此,在城镇化发展中,对农村文化进行保护与开发势在必行,具有重要价值和意义。本文以湖北省为例,对农村文化保护与开发的价值、现状以及存在的问题进行研究,旨在为城镇化过程中如何保护与开发农村文化进行探索。  相似文献   

Risky behaviors contribute to many of the physical and mental health problems of today's adolescents. The present study surveyed more than 2,500 high school and middle school students in a rural county in southwest Georgia in an attempt to identify differences in health risk behaviors, including tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use, violence and gang-related behaviors, and student assessment of high-risk behaviors, based on three demographic characteristics: race, gender, and age. Results show that Caucasian students are more likely to use tobacco and alcohol, whereas African-American students are more likely to engage in violent activities. In addition, older students (aged 15+ years) were more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, and drugs and to participate in violent behaviors, and male students are more likely to use tobacco and drugs and to participate in violent behaviors than female students.  相似文献   

Utilizing an Internet-based survey, 98 administrators, managers, and supervisors in social service settings answered quantitative and qualitative questions about recessionary effects on services and strategies employed to cope with budget shortfalls. Respondents reported making reductions in personnel and programs, with private providers suffering more reductions, and rural counties cutting programs and personnel at higher rates than urban counterparts. Respondents also related concerns about program sustainability, caseload sizes, personnel burnout, impacts to quality, and long-term impacts to clients. Providers utilized a variety of strategies in an attempt to preserve services for vulnerable individuals and their families.  相似文献   

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