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Poster Abstracts     
Objectives. To analyse the relation between results of the Aging Males' Symptoms (AMS) questionnaire for aging males, and of quality of life (QOL) questionnaire SF-12 and cardiovascular risk factors.

Methods. 1,927 men aged 55–85 years were interviewed by 56 general practitioners. During the interview the men were asked to fill in the AMS scale and the QOL questionnaire SF-12.

Results. Of 1,927 men 1,806 men filled correctly the AMS questionnaire. The mean SF-12 mental index was respectively 55.9 in men with a total AMS score indicating no impairment, 50.9 mild, 42.8 moderate, and 32.8 severe impairment. The corresponding values for the physical index were 51.2, 46.7, 40.8 and 32.3.

A history of diabetes was associated with an increased risk of reporting moderate/severe impairment: in relation to the total AMS score the odds ratio, (OR), of moderate/severe impairment in comparison with no impairment was 1.6 (95%CI 1.2–2.1). A history of myocardial infarction and hypertension increased the risk (respectively OR 1.4 (95%CI 1.1–18) and 1.7 (95%CI 1.2–2.4)).

Conclusions. This study shows that higher AMS scores are associated with lower SF-12 indices and suggests that elevated values of the AMS score are associated with cardiovascular risk factors or diseases.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Since the hot summer is here, Women of China will introduce two dishes——one for an appetizer(cold dish) and one for a main course(hot dish). Sautéed Beef Filet with Black Pepper黑椒牛柳Ingredients:Beef filet(200g),1 onion,1 green pepper, black pepper powder,chili oil,oyster sauce,cooking wine,starch,salt,sugar,chicken essence Preparations:  相似文献   

Yu-shiang Shredded Pork(yu xiang rou si)鱼香肉丝Ingredients:Pork(lean meat,200g),black fungus(puffed by water,25g),bamboo shoots(puffed by water,25g),pickled chilies  相似文献   

Editor's Note:Since the hot summer is here,Women of China will introduce two dishes—one for an appetizer(cold dish)and one for a main course(hot dish).  相似文献   

Balsam Pear and Egg苦瓜炒鸡蛋Ingredients:1 balsam pear,2 eggs,1/2 red pepper,salt and sugar. Preparations: 1 Wash the balsam pear,then use a tablespoon to scoop out the pulp.Cut the balsam pear and red pepper into slices (about 1-2 cm long);  相似文献   


With a sample of 155 divorcing parents, this study examined the efficacy of a co-parenting program titled Co-Parenting for Successful Kids (CPSK). A prospective longitudinal cohort study was used to assess parental outcomes at multiple time points (i.e., pre-test, post-test, and three-month follow-up). Using validated scales, we measured parenting stress, parenting self-efficacy, and parental anger over time. The results indicated that the participants experienced reduced parenting stress and parental anger, and increased parenting self-efficacy after completion of the co-parenting program. Co-parenting interventions to help divorcing parents with stress management, and continuously work together collaboratively in raising their children should be encouraged.  相似文献   

在餐饮界,女厨师为数不多,女大厨更可以说是凤毛麟角。女性能否在专业厨房占据一席之地?京城女大厨又是如何一步步从平凡走向卓越的?本刊带你走进女大厨的世界,找到她们走向成功的秘诀。  相似文献   

This analysis applies the principles of path-goal theory to a renowned music recording company, Columbia Records. By and large, path-goal theory posits that leaders can positively inspire the performance, contentment, and motivation of their employees by clarifying the path on how to achieve performance goals, bestowing rewards for achieving these goals, and removing obstacles that are stopping employees from achieving these goals. A major conclusion of this analysis is that, by thoroughly applying the multiple styles and tenets that path-goal theory offers, Columbia Records executives and chairmen have made this music recording company the most successful in history.  相似文献   

The Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting recently added a new session type called the Research-in-Progress (RIP) session. The purpose of adding these sessions was to provide an opportunity for attendees to present research still in formative stages of completion in order to get useful feedback. Presentations ranged from doctoral dissertation proposals to nearly completed research. Early experience from RIP session organizers and discussants is that these sessions were lively and engaging, sparking a great deal of audience participation. Feedback from presenters indicated that they received useful feedback. Based on our initial experience with the RIP sessions, we believe they are a beneficial addition to the meetings.  相似文献   


O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (OPCN), an Indigenous community in northern Manitoba, Canada, was flooded and forced to relocate from ancestral lands to a nearby settlement under such circumstances. Regaining strength from their inherent cultural values grounded in their relationship with the land, OPCN eventually formed a community-based food program called Ithinto Mechisowin (IMP) (‘food from the land’). This article uses OPCN's concept of resource (wechihituwin) and decolonization (pasekonekewin) to present a nuanced understanding of Indigenous food systems in Canada. We argue that the ways in which IMP inspires reconnection with land, thereby improving access to culturally appropriate healthy food, are steps forward in strengthening Indigenous food sovereignty.  相似文献   


This study examined the successes and challenges of refugee entrepreneurs by interviewing 50 refugees, service providers, and technical assistance providers. Qualitative data analyses revealed that successes and challenges occurred both at the individual and family levels as well as at the community and agency levels. The findings underscore the need to acknowledge the importance of the personal characteristics of the individual entrepreneurs, to deal with the competing factors revolved around family commitments, to encourage agencies to provide sufficient literacy and financial training, and to have community collaborations for capacity-building.  相似文献   


In this Project CARE study, intervention plans for 83 cases, with a total of 473 strategies, are analyzed in a qualitative content analysis method. The 473 strategies are designed and implemented by an abuse-trained, multidisciplinary, health and social service agency, home care team. Each strategy is rated by the team for its acceptance/refusal by clients and levels of success. The most accepted and successful strategies for abused older adults are concrete: nursing and other medical care and homemaking assistance, followed by empowerment strategies, such as support groups for abused older adults, information about rights and resources and volunteer buddy/advocates. Less successful strategies for abused persons are referrals to general community activities and programs. For caregiver abusers, the most successful and accepted interventions involve individual supportive counselling to reduce anxiety, stress and depression and education and training. Abuser-oriented strategies are most accepted and successful in the study. Thus, it would seem pertinent for intervenors to focus services and strategies on abusers and not only on abused older adults, in particular offering them supportive individual counselling to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. For abused care receivers, home-based services can offer the necessary support to move out of their abuse situation with the help of volunteers and support group activities.  相似文献   

28年前的一天,北京东城区翠花胡同里突然排起了长队,改革开放后中国的第一家个体饭馆——悦宾饭馆开业了。人们常说"酒香不怕巷子深",28年后的今天,"悦宾"仍然在忙碌地接待着八方食客。慕名而来的食客经常可以看到一位戴眼镜的老太太端坐在店内,招呼着客人。她就是刘桂仙老人,今年76岁。  相似文献   

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