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Debra Worthington 《International Journal of Listening》2013,27(1):46-58
To further our understanding of listening as a cognitive process, a greater understanding of the relationship between listening and other personality and cognitive constructs is needed. To that end, this study explores the relationship between need for cognition and listening style preference. Results indicate that need for cognition is moderately associated with the Content listening style such that participants with higher need for cognition scores exhibit a higher preference for content listening. 相似文献
Steven C. Rhodes 《International Journal of Listening》2013,27(1):32-53
In this investigation, listening was conceptualized as the process of how individuals perceive, process, remember, and understand oral messages (Bostrom, 1990; Rhodes, 1989; Watson and Barker, 1984; Wolvin &; Coakley, 1992). Using the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem, 1976; Bem, 1985) and the Listening Styles Profile (Watson, Barker, &; Weaver, 1995); four predominant listening styles were examined as a function of respondent sex and gender-role self-perception. Consistent with expectations, the data show that gender-role self-perception mediated reported listener styles. Independent of sex, the findings revealed that communal respondents prefer a people-oriented listening style; whereas agentic respondents prefer an action, time, and content-oriented listening style. Significant sex-differences were also evident in listening styles. Females reported a relational, people-oriented style of listening while males reported a more action, content, and time-oriented style of listening. Further, no sex by gender role self-perception interaction was evident. The implications of these findings for future research and application are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change》2013,10(3):196-217
AbstractPersonality trait theories are often used to identify particular personality or behavioural characteristics of potential employees by human resource management departments. However, this can be enhanced by understanding how motivation plays a role in personality, and particularly within the context of knowledge-based personality processes. The paper draws on knowledge management theory called Knowledge Profiling (KP) in which a theoretical construct has been developed representing personality through a set of three traits and their polar values. This model has previously been linked to the trait theory of personality called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This research adopts KP, develops its linkage with MBTI, and elaborates on its connection with motivation. The resulting model, referred to as Knowledge Profiling Motivational (KPM) model, is developed by connecting it with the Work Preference Inventory (WPI), which assesses individual differences in Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivational orientations. Analysis indicates that KPM is an improvement on the KP model in representing personality. Moreover, the research suggests that personality traits are not limited to a bipolar relationship but that there are relationships between traits as well. 相似文献
İzzettin Kök 《International Journal of Listening》2018,32(3):163-179
This study explores the relationship between students’ listening comprehension strategy use and their listening comprehension proficiency with regard to the group, level, and degree of strategy use. Forty-four university students of an English Language teaching department comprised the study population. Three listening comprehension tests were given to participants with two-week intervals to measure their listening comprehension proficiency. To measure the students’ listening comprehension strategy use, a listening comprehension strategy inventory developed by the researcher was used. Data analysis showed a positive correlation between the level of listening comprehension strategy use and listening comprehension proficiency. When different groups of listening comprehension strategy use of learners were taken into account, there was a statistically significant difference between the students’ listening comprehension achievements in favor of the group with high metacognitive strategy use. 相似文献
Pieternel Dijkstra Dick. P. H. Barelds Sieuwke Ronner Arnolda P. Nauta 《Marriage & Family Review》2017,53(3):262-280
To date relatively little is known about the intimate relationships of the intellectually gifted and the way they attach themselves to and handle conflicts with their intimate partner. The present study examined these issues by examining the relationship between attachment styles, conflict styles, and relationship quality in a sample of 196 adult members of the Mensa society. These results were compared with findings from a general community sample (n = 145). Results showed that, overall, Mensa members showed similar levels of relationship quality compared with the control sample but also tended to deal less constructively with conflicts and reported higher levels of fearful attachment. Analyses showed that the relations between relationship quality, conflict styles, and attachment were comparable in the two samples, with the exception of the role of fearful attachment in the relationship. Conflict styles mediated the relations between attachment and relationship quality in both samples. Results are discussed in light of the scarce knowledge on the intimate relationships of the gifted. 相似文献
Maryam Dilmaghani 《Marriage & Family Review》2018,54(5):438-458
The higher religiosity of women is a longstanding feature of the religious landscape in the Western World. With the recent vibrancy of secular movements, the greater religiosity of women is reflected in a gender imbalance within the secular groups. For instance, more than three quarters of American atheists are male. Given the effects of both religiosity and secularity on worldview and lifestyle, this gender imbalance is likely consequential for marital behavior and outcomes. Using the latest cycle of the Canadian General Social Survey focused on family, this paper examines how marital behavior of individuals without any tie with religion or spirituality compares with others. Secular males are found appreciably more likely to experience marital dissolution, whereas their female counterparts are shown no different from others. This result lends support to the theories that posit religiosity as a complementary marital trait, requiring the mating of the like. The analysis also indicates that union formation behavior of secular females manifests a larger shift away from the traditional conceptions of marriage compared with secular males. Various explanations are explored. 相似文献
Daniel Boduszek Gary Adamson Mark Shevlin Philip Hyland Ashling Bourke 《Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment》2013,23(1):14-28
Previous research suggests a direct relationship between criminal friends and criminal thinking style; however, social identity theory proposes that identity mediates the impact of social group members on development of thinking styles. This research project is the first attempt to empirically test the mediating role of criminal social identity in the development of criminal thinking styles within a recidivistic prison sample (N = 312). The structural equation model of criminal thinking style presented and tested in this study supports the central predictions of social identity theory, with findings demonstrating an indirect effect of antisocial friend associations on criminal thinking through in-group affect and in-group ties with criminal in-group members that reflect two of three dimensions of the measure of criminal social identity applied in the current study. Further implications in relation to theory and previous studies are discussed. 相似文献
William A. Villaume 《International Journal of Listening》2013,27(2):102-123
Extending past research, the present study provides an initial examination of the relationship between trait-like personality variables, communicator style, and individual listening preferences. A series of canonical correlations were run to ascertain to what degree certain communication preferences and trait-like personality variables are related to preferences for receiving information. Results indicated a similar pattern of listening styles is found regardless of the variables under question adding validity to the newly formed scoring method for the LSP. Specifically, people-orientation was advocated by a more competent, caring individual who enjoys conversation and is able to juggle affection with accomplishing conversational goals. The combination of high content- and action-orientations in listening is associated with a more masculine personality and greater tendency to engage in active, precise, and impression leaving arguments. High time and action (and to a lesser extent people) orientations correlates with high neuroticism and a high motive for control. Finally, individuals reporting time- and content-orientations also report high psychoticism and prefer a friendlier, more open communication style. 相似文献
目的探讨农村中学生应对方式与父母教养方式的关系.方法以山东省莱西市262名农村中学生为调查对象,采用特质应对方式问卷和父母养育方式评价量表进行问卷调查.结果1.不同性别农村中学生的父母教养方式差异显著.2.不同性别农村中学生的消极应对方式存在显著差异.3.农村中学生的应对方式与父母教养方式存在一定的相关关系.结论父母要实施积极的教养方式,帮助孩子形成成熟有效的应对方式. 相似文献
据统计,人们在语言交际活动中,在听、说、读、写、译五大语言技能中,听力居首位,是一种非常重要的语言技能。听力不仅是获取信息的一种手段,也是汲取语言营养的不可缺少的渠道,听力还有助于促进说、写、读、译能力相应的提高和巩固,因此,听力在英语学习中占有重要地位。校方投入大量资金建立英语听说自主学习系统的语言实验室,在实践中取得了一定的成绩,但管理方面还有提高和改进的空间,本文谈谈听说自主学习系统的管理。 相似文献
Wayne Lanning Ed.D. Kaaren Iverson 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(4):223-225
Abstract This study investigated the relationship between mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and personality characteristics. A sample of women with MVP was compared on the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16 PF) with the norm group. The MVP group was found to be significantly different from the general population on a number of personality characteristics. The most important difference was in both first-and second-order anxiety and indicates the possibility that MVP patients may have more psychological difficulties than the general population. The importance of addressing the anxiety problem in the treatment of MVP is discussed. 相似文献
Lisa Rouff 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(2):127-141
This paper examines the interplay among schizoid personality traits, chronicity of homelessness, and engagement in treatment in a homeless mentally ill population. Both qualitative and quantitative information will be provided about a sample of 125 homeless mentally ill individuals receiving psychiatric treatment in a comprehensive services drop-in clinic. Naturalistic observations and a case vignette suggested that schizoid traits were prevalent and may have been playing a role in treatment engagement and chronicity of homelessness. This hypothesis was tested using quantitative research methods. The results showed that schizoid personality disorder and schizoid personality traits were prevalent in the sample. The presence of schizoid traits was positively correlated with chronicity of homelessness. Further, two schizoid traits (being content without sexual involvement with others, and lacking close friends or confidants) were positively correlated with remaining in treatment at 3 months. Implications of these findings for future research and treatment design will be discussed. 相似文献
We revisit Hakim's influential preference theory to demonstrate how it is both reflective of postfeminism and generative of its values and practices. We differentiate between two interpretations of postfeminism — first a surface‐level ‘successful but obsolete’ version articulated by Hakim and second a multilayered account of postfeminism as a discursive formation connected to a set of discourses around gender, feminism and femininity. Drawing on this latter version we make visible the embeddedness of postfeminism in preference theory, highlighting its connection to the creation of a new postfeminist subjectivity based on an agentic and ‘choosing’ femininity. We show how a consideration of preference theory in terms of the emergence and constitution of ‘the female chooser’ opens up aspects of Hakim's thesis that to date have been overlooked. In addition, our postfeminist reading of preference theory draws out aspects of Hakim's account that she herself understated. Specifically, within a contemporary context where equivalent priority is afforded to wage work and care work, it is Hakim's ‘adaptive’ woman who exemplifies the new postfeminist subject required to perform well simultaneously in both the work and domestic domains. 相似文献
Personality traits and knowledge sharing 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Kurt Matzler Birgit Renzl Julia Müller Stephan Herting Todd A. Mooradian 《Journal of Economic Psychology》2008,29(3):301-313
In this paper, we describe an empirical study that relates three personality traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness) to knowledge sharing. In the existing literature considerable attention has been paid to managerial influences on knowledge sharing, technological support through information and communication systems, or individual characteristics like motivation or the perception of conflict of interest or vulnerability. Instead we concentrate on the role that personal dispositions play in individual’s knowledge sharing behavior. By means of structural equation modeling with PLS, we discover significant correlations between the personality traits and knowledge sharing within teams of an engineering company. Our results clearly contribute to the existing literature, as they offer empirical evidence of the impact of enduring individual characteristics on knowledge sharing. 相似文献
Rick Moore 《Qualitative sociology》2017,40(4):447-465
Humor is widely used as a means of supporting group solidarity, but what determines the direction that this humor takes (i.e. its quality and targets)? I suggest that the answer lies in an interaction between self-concept, perceptions of outgroups and micro group culture. Aspects of self-concept that are central for a group’s identity work, especially how the group imagines outsiders, open possibilities for certain types of humor while closing off others. Then micro-cultural processes, heavily dependent on the exact persons present in a given interaction, influence the humorous forms used. This process explains why groups in roughly similar structural positions often make use of humor to generate solidarity in strikingly different ways, as well as why styles of humor vary, within limits, within groups. I provide illustrations of this process in two religious minority groups with very different humorous styles: atheists in the Bible Belt and evangelical Christians in Chicago. 相似文献
《Social Work in Mental Health》2013,11(4):83-98
Abstract The relationship of the five-factor model of personality to working alliance, symptoms and well-being was examined in a diverse community mental health sample (N = 103). Agreeableness, openness, extraversion and conscientiousness were associated with alliance. Neuroticism was strongly associated with symptoms, and negatively associated with well-being. Extraversion was moderately associated with well-being. Personality is deserving of further study as a potentially important influence on therapy process and outcome. Part of the much-replicated association of alliance with outcome may be accounted for by personality. Implications for social work practice and research are discussed. 相似文献
大学英语听力焦虑情绪是大学生英语学习中存在的较为普遍的现象,本文通过分析大学生英语听力课堂存在的问题,总结了学生在听力过程中焦虑情绪的形成原因,并提出了相应对策,旨在提高学生英语听力水平和提高大学英语教学水平。 相似文献
Most analysis of intrahousehold decisions has been conducted using aggregate revealed preference data where preferences of
individual agents are never observed, only the household consumption outcomes are observed. We examine household behavior
in a bargaining framework by combining stated preference information from individual members of the household with revealed
preference information on the household’s actual choices. The resulting model provides information on the degree to which
the decision is the result of a bargaining process as well as information on the factors affecting bargaining power.
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