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2003年初,国家计生委组团赴津巴布韦和南非,对两国的生殖健康/艾滋病防治工作进行了综合考察。考察团访问了津巴布韦家庭计划理事会,考察了哈拉雷市医院、齐诺伊省级医院,南非约翰内斯堡总医院和玛丽斯特普国际组织在两国开办的基层诊所为公众提供家庭计划服务和生殖保健服务的情况、艾滋病  相似文献   

2005年1~3月,国家人口计生委组织了8组考察队伍分别到江苏、河南、广东、广西、四川、贵州、云南、甘肃、新疆8个省份,针对国家人口计生委/联合国人口基金第五周期艾滋病预防工作与生殖健康工作相结合的内容进行考察,主要目的是了解试点县开展艾滋病预防工作的情况,总结艾滋病预防与生殖健康工作相结合的经验,为今后在全国范围内在人口与计生系统开展艾滋病预防工作提供可借鉴的经验。一、试点地区开展艾滋病预防的主要活动通过对不同试点地区的考察发现,各试点地区均积极地开展了艾滋病预防工作,其主要活动包括:1.整合资源,增强预防艾滋病…  相似文献   

昆山市未婚青年生殖健康同伴教育研究 --基线调查分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究依托我国基层计划生育服务网络,用同伴教育的方法,进一步把生殖保健、避孕节育和性病/艾滋病预防知识传播到未婚青年中去,促进他们的生殖健康.基线调查的研究结果表明,未婚青年的生殖保健知识欠缺,尤其对艾滋病的传播途径有误区.他们的性观念相当开放,婚前性行为已比较普遍,传统性观念正在受到前所未有的挑战和冲击.在未婚青年中有针对性地开展生殖健康教育已是当务之急.  相似文献   

福建漳浦县绥安镇计生协与金浦医院联合开展"关爱妇女生殖健康"普查活动:深入企业免费为女员工进行普查、诊治,建立保健档案;举办防治艾滋病、生殖保健知识图片展览;发放免费药品和避孕药具等。  相似文献   

在开展艾滋病预防活动中,联合国人口基金第五周期项目的模式为将艾滋病预防与日常的生殖健康工作相结合。其主要特点是利用人口和计划生育网络开展宣传和倡导、安全套推广、以社区为基础的关爱等工作,一些有能力的地区开展艾滋病的自愿咨询检测工作、母婴传播阻断工作,有效地参与到了艾滋病预防工作当中,遏止了艾滋病在普通人群中的继续蔓延,同时促进了敏感的艾滋病话题非敏感化。  相似文献   

P02项目为了更好地在中国农村中学开展生殖健康和艾滋病预防知识的专题教育,中国国家教育部委托中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心,于2004年1月上旬对河北、辽宁、山东、湖南、湖北等省的5个项目县进行了以“中国农村中学艾滋病预防知识和青春期知识”为主题的基线KAP调查。  相似文献   

P02项目为了更好地在中国农村中学开展生殖健康和艾滋病预防知识的专题教育,中国国家教育部委托中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心,于2004年1月上旬对河北、辽宁、山东、湖南、湖北等省的5个项目县进行了以"中国农村中学艾滋病预防知识和青春期知识"为主题的基线KAP调查。  相似文献   

为充分发挥人口计生系统网络健全、深入基层和农村,密切联系育龄群众的优势,积极开展全社会参与,多部门合作预防艾滋病,河南省人民政府对省人口和计生部门提出了5项职责:宣传预防艾滋病知识、推广使用安全套、预防艾滋病新型避孕技术研究、阻断艾滋病毒母婴传播及医源性传播、协助卫生防疫部门开展艾滋病、性病及其他传染病的监测工作。在全球基金第三轮中国艾滋病项目支持下,2006年2月项目组对河南省人口计生部门在参与艾滋病防治工作中将计划生育/生殖健康服务体系与艾滋病防治工作相结合模式和经验进行考察和总结。考察期间课题组分别与…  相似文献   

在大家的共同努力下,国际人口与发展论坛圆满完成了各项预定议程。与会代表围绕消除贫困、生殖健康与计划生育、艾滋病防治以及对艾滋病病人的关爱、青少年性与生殖健康、降低孕产妇死亡率和儿童死亡率、妇女赋权与社会性别问题、非政府组织的作用以及官方发展援助与伙伴关系等8个专题,认真回顾总结了开罗国际人发大会《行动纲领》和联合国“千年发展目标”的执行情况,广泛交流了国际社会特别是发展中国家在人口与发展领域取得的成就、经验和面临的挑战,深入探讨了国际社会在南南合作  相似文献   

在开展艾滋病预防活动中,联合国人口基金第五周期项目的模式为将艾滋病预防与日常的生殖健康工作相结合。其主要特点是利用人口和计划生育网络开展宣传和倡导、安全套推广、以社区为基础的关爱等工作,一些有能力的地区开展艾滋病的自愿咨询检测工作、母婴传播阻断工作,有效地参  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(7):1054-1080
Heterosexism contributes to an unsafe campus climate for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) college students. Intergroup dialogue courses about sexual orientation seek to build awareness, cross-group relationships, and commitment to social action to address anti-LGB prejudice and discrimination. Although dialogue courses are growing in popularity, few courses address sexual orientation. To advance knowledge of these dialogues, this qualitative study explores heterosexual students' motivations and expectations, challenges, and learning outcomes related to their participation in intergroup dialogue courses on sexual orientation. Core themes include desire to learn about the LGB community, concerns about offending classmates, anxiety around LGB stigma, conflict with classmates around controversial topics, affirming LGB people, and learning about heterosexism, privilege, and intersectionality of identity. Implications for intergroup dialogue pedagogy and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The present research investigated how personal beliefs about homosexuality influence learning in a college course. We tested students in introductory psychology over material on the science of homosexuality by Simon LeVay (2010). All students reported information about their typical academic habits and the extent to which homosexuality was consistent with their beliefs and values. The results showed that students’ personal beliefs were related to academic behaviors (e.g., reading assignments, skipping class) and retention of the course material. The results also showed that students’ recall of course material six weeks later was predicted by the extent to which they reported studying information that is inconsistent with their beliefs for an exam and then forgetting it. Students who reported the material to be inconsistent with their beliefs engaged in selective forgetting of the material on homosexuality. The results provide evidence that personal beliefs can reduce the retention of belief-inconsistent information in a college course.  相似文献   

A 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design with country of origin (U.S. or Brazil), education (high school or college), and sex (male or female) as independent variables was used to investigate cross-national differences concerning: the number of natural children wanted and expected, the number of adopted children wanted and expected, and concern about overpopulation. Subjects were 67 American and 74 Brazilian high school students, and 64 American and 78 Brazilian college students. Several interesting findings emerged. For one thing, Americans reported thinking more about adopting children and expected to have more adopted children than did Brazilians. Also, concern about overpopulation was more predictive of the number of children wanted and expected in the U.S. than in Brazil. The implications of these and other findings for population planners was discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of college on weight over much of the life cycle. I compare weights for college students with their weights before and after college and with the weights of noncollege peers using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). I also examine the longer-term effects of college measured almost three decades later. I find that college freshmen gain substantially less than the 15 pounds rumored to be typical for freshmen. Using difference models, individual-specific fixed-effects models, and instrumental variables models to control for various sources of potential bias, I find that freshman year college attendance is estimated to cause only about a one-pound increase. Supplemental results show that those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds gain more weight during the freshman college year. Longer term, having a college education consistently decreases weight. These negative effects have faded over the last 20 years, and they diminish as respondents approach middle age. These trends are more prevalent for whites and Hispanics than for blacks.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(6):797-814

Access to inclusive, equitable health care is central to the wellbeing of all college students yet little is known about LGBTQ students’ experiences with university health services. In this article, individual interviews with a convenience sample of 14 LGBTQ students at a large public university were analyzed to explore their perceptions of and experiences with the university’s health center and its services. Our findings demonstrate that the university is not adequately meeting their health care needs. Participants’ narratives offer insights into how to improve campus-based health services for LGBTQ students.  相似文献   

文章从大学生就业供给总量与结构的关系入手,分析了城市化、工业化发展水平对大学生城镇就业规模的影响,高校毕业生就业供给总量增长对专业供给结构的影响,对比分析了城镇就业结构与大学生就业专业供给结构不同的变动方向,得出的结论是,大学生就业供给总量与结构性失衡,是相互联系、相互制约的有机整体,大学生就业矛盾的缓解,有待于经济结构的持续改善和高校内部改革的深化。  相似文献   


Sexual orientation microaggressions are common on college campuses and can contribute to negative outcomes; yet little is known about their relationship with substance use outcomes. Among a convenience sample of cisgender sexual minority college students (n= 574; 57.0% female, 24.9% people of color, 50.7% gay/lesbian; 72.4% public school) from 37 states (67.8% Midwest), this analysis investigates the association between hearing “that’s so gay” and “no homo” on campus and hazardous alcohol use and the frequency of illicit drug use. Using multivariable regression analyses, the commonly heard phrases “that’s so gay” and “no homo” were each found to significantly increase the risk for hazardous drinking and the frequency of drug use among students. Efforts should be made to create more welcoming campus climates for sexual minority students by reducing the use of these microaggressions and, in the meantime, offering supports to mitigate their harmful effects.  相似文献   

大学生自我同一性与心理健康水平关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自我同一性是一个重要的心理学概念,它与一个人的心理健康水平密切相关。通过对大学生的调查与相关分析、差异分析和回归分析发现:(1)大学生自我同一性状态与心理健康水平显著相关,成就型同一性状态的心理健康水平最高,弥散型同一性状态的心理健康水平最低,延缓型和排他型同一性状态的心理健康水平介于二者之间;(2)大学生自我同一性状态对心理健康水平有一定的预测作用,大学生自我同一性状态标志着心理健康水平的提高。通过本研究,可以看到关注大学生自我同一性应成为心理学、教育学的重要课题。  相似文献   

This study explores the college experiences of nine Asian/American gay, lesbian, and bisexual students and, specifically, the impact of concealing or revealing their sexual orientation on their emerging sense of self. By utilizing a Foucauldian, poststructural theoretical perspective, the researcher found that the students navigated multiple discourses, and their decisions about revealing their sexual orientation were based on relationships formed within those discourses. These decisions, in turn, helped many of the students grasp their emerging agency within the dominant discourse. To conclude, the researcher discusses the implications of these findings for higher education as a whole.  相似文献   

Understanding the complexities of a students’ quality of life has become essential in order for universities to plan their spending most efficiently. This study tests a model which was used to judge the satisfaction of college life and evaluates the overall impact of quality of college life (social, academic, and service satisfaction), life satisfaction, and identification. Secondly, the study assesses the impact of a university’s academic program, social life, facilities, and services on the students’ college life quality in this sample in relation to similar studies from Turkey and other countries. The survey included 1,260 students attending a public university in northwestern Turkey. Measurement tools included the quality of college life scale (QCL), Satisfaction with college life scale, identification scale satisfaction with life scale and personal information form. The results show social satisfaction has the strongest positive impact on QCL. This study found that life satisfaction and university identification had a positive impact on a university student’s satisfaction with college life. According to survey results it is also suggested that University administrators can primarily focus on improving the social satisfaction of the students then improve facilities and services, in order to raise academic satisfaction levels.  相似文献   

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