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李芳 《创新》2014,(3):85-87,97
我国湿地资源丰富,在经济快速发展与资源日益短缺的矛盾中,确保湿地的可持续发展是构建和谐社会的重要环节。我国尚未制定统一的全国性湿地保护法律,尽管一些省份颁布实施了湿地保护地方性法规,但对湿地的定义未能形成统一的意见。文章通过探讨我国现有行政法规、地方性法规对于湿地的定义,结合我国湿地保护实际,提出对我国制定明确、统一的湿地法律定义立法的建议。  相似文献   

中国迄今没有国家层面的、以湿地整体为保护对象的专门立法,这既是湿地保护管理面临困境的主要根源,也是导致湿地持续恶化和减少的主要原因之一.改变中国湿地保护立法不足的当务之急是将国家层面的湿地立法提上议程,其前提是先行制定和完善湿地保护的行政法规和地方性法规,具体方式是依据行政法规与地方性法规及其司法经验制定国家层面的湿地专门立法.作为这种改变的必要条件,要有步骤地尽快消解中国湿地立法现状的支撑基础.  相似文献   

刘芷君  陆满  李芳 《创新》2014,(4):87-90
湿地与森林、海洋并称为地球三大生态系统。覆盖地球表面仅6%的湿地,却为地球上20%的已知物种提供了生存环境,因而被喻为"地球之肾"。然而,人口的激增和经济的快速发展,造成了湿地面积的大幅度缩小,湿地功能也严重退化。由于我国在湿地保护立法方面具有滞后性,因此,完善对湿地的刑事保护已成为亟须研究的课题。  相似文献   

北京历史上多湿地,但由于城市不断扩张,发展规模过大,目前水资源严重短缺,地下水位急剧下降,人们终于认识到保护北京水资源和恢复湿地的重要性。北京要特别关注湿地的保护与建设,要进一步加大对湿地的宣传和教育的力度,特别要重视对西北郊湿地的保护和恢复。在保护湿地生态环境建设的同时,还要注意与其密切相关的历史与人文景观的保护,真正做到生态文明与精神文明同步建设。  相似文献   

早在5000多年以前,良渚先民利用西溪湿地,在杭州创造了中国最早的文明和最早的城市。西溪湿地自唐宋直至明清时期不断人工化的过程中,自然生态系统保存比较完整。但20世纪30年代、特别是80年代以来,西溪湿地被大规模侵入,由数百平方公里骤减为约20平方公里。西溪湿地演化发展的历史是中国城市生态资源存在方式的缩影或标本,它告诉我们,中国的城市化未必以极大牺牲生态为代价、城市化应当注意功利节制、城市生态文化是城市赖以生存发展的精魂、城市应当遵循生态演替规律实现再生、城市生态保护必须规划在先和实行依法管理。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地生物多样性保护及其生态补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态补偿是一种以保护资源为目的,使外部成本内部化的环境经济手段,人类的生产开发活动使扎龙自然保护区承受巨大压力,野生动植物栖息地屡遭破坏。生物多样性及生态功能均受到严重威胁。扎龙湿地的生物多样性保护及生态功能的恢复关键又在于保护各方在其中损失的利益能否得到补偿,以及为生态恢复所做的贡献能否得到承认。研究表明,以科学的补偿原则为基础,以明确补偿承担者为前提,以完善的科学补偿机制为手段,以需水补偿为切入点,通过国家财政补偿等一系列补偿为依托,在明确产权等科学管理的支持下,扎龙湿地生物多样性的生态补偿机制定能为其生态功能的恢复提供可能与保证。  相似文献   

朱坚真  孙鹏  张力 《创新》2010,4(5):25-29
近年来,北部湾地区在海洋生物资源开发与保护方面取得了较大成绩,出台了一系列相关法规和政策,海洋生物资源开发与保护的法律体系初步形成;海洋生物科技研究有所进步,成果转化率大大提高;海洋渔业发展迅速,新崛起了一批龙头企业,创造出一系列名牌产品。但在海洋生物资源开发与保护取得成绩的同时,一系列问题也日益凸现,主要包括:海洋生物资源产业结构层次低、海洋生物资源遭到严重破坏和海洋生态环境污染加剧、海洋生物资源开发与保护管理问题突出、法律与法规执行效果欠佳、生态环境保护的认识与行为相悖等。因此,应采取一系列有效措施加以解决。  相似文献   

近些年,我国加大了对文化资源产业的重视,也在文化资源产业的各个方面取得了辉煌的成就。但是,我国文化资源产业化开发在世界上还处于低层次水平,仍有许多不足之处。通过对我国文化资源产业化开发现状的研究,构建了以文化资源为基础,以文化创新为动力,以文化科技为手段,以文化保护为核心,以文化传承为目标的"五位一体"文化资源产业创新开发机制,并根据我国国情提出五点关于文化资源产业化开发创新的对策,希望可以对我国文化资源产业开发、保护和传承方面提供一些新的参考。  相似文献   

随着生物技术的迅猛发展,植物基因资源的价值日益凸现出来,发达国家加紧对基因资源的掠夺和控制,包括我国在内的发展中国家基因资源流失非常严重,农民的利益受到了侵害。然而,尽管国际组织早已明确提出农民权利、植物基因资源惠益分享原则,发达国家与发展中国家对此仍存在着激烈的争论。发达国家和发展中国家围绕农民权利产生了重大分歧,国际上关于农民权利争论的实质是由于植物基因资源开发收益分配的不平衡而产生的利益之争,博弈模型进行理论分析的结论认为,有必要在保护植物基因资源和本国农民权利方面做出政策调整。  相似文献   

提高黑龙江环境保护的忧患意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁学庆  张芳 《学术交流》2003,(3):111-114
黑龙江省黑土流失 ,松花江水位低枯、沙漠化扩大和湿地资源萎缩等现象 ,导致其土地资源面临风险 ,人们必须提高资源环境忧患意识 ,采取有效措施 ,保证地表覆盖的逐步优化和资源环境安全。  相似文献   

加强立法,对保障矿产资源合理开发、有序利用具有重要意义。当前,我国矿产资源法律制度不尽完善,特别是刑事法律比较弱化,对国家行政机关和工作人员违法发放采矿许可证、矿主肆意浪费资源和污染环境、官商勾结和监察失职等行为难究其责,使私开滥采、资源浪费、环境破坏和矿难频发等矿产资源刑事违法犯罪问题突出,严重危及国家财产和人民生命安全,影响经济社会健康发展。因此,从增设罪名、加重刑罚和创新量刑制度等方面完善我国矿产资源刑法保护措施,势在必行。  相似文献   

Congress provides the highest level of federal lands protection when it creates wilderness using the Wilderness Act. There are times, however, when Congress refuses or seems unwilling or unable to take such environmental policy action. In a handful of instances, presidents have strategically used the threat of or actual unilateral monument designation under the Antiquities Act to get Congress to create new wilderness under the Wilderness Act. Under the Antiquities Act presidents may, without stakeholder or congressional input or approval, unilaterally create national monuments covering public lands that fall within the parameters of its provisions, including lands that would be considered wilderness. This strategy may be used by future presidents that wish to encourage Congress to enact environmental policy protecting remaining pristine federal lands with a wilderness designation. This article analyzes three instances where this strategy was successfully used and identifies specific steps taken in each situation that ultimately led to congressional action creating new wilderness.  相似文献   

This article examines the challenges of commercial sexual exploitation of children in India, ranging from the traditional religion-sanctioned commercial sexual exploitation of children, to child trafficking for brothel-based prostitution, to the recent trends in child-sex tourism. It then reviews India's legislation to deal with these problems. Identifying the gaps, the article concludes with recommendations for a child rights-based comprehensive legislation for child protection and the role of the social-work profession to support such legislation.  相似文献   

文物保护单位等范畴是遗址保护立法面对的最基础和最重要的问题,它直接关系到遗址保护立法的区域划分和保护模式选择。目前人们在理解文物保护单位的概念上存在偏差或泛化迹象,典型表现在将文物保护单位视为保护文物的单位或者认为其内涵包括周边环境,这不仅扭曲和消解了文物保护单位的概念,而且引起遗址保护立法中表述的混乱。通过对文物保护单位等基本范畴的对比,结合地方性遗址保护立法的实证分析,认为文物保护单位是指被有权机关核定为重点保护对象的不可移动文物,建议修改《文物保护法》第十条和第十八条。  相似文献   

Many children are repeatedly reported to statutory child protection services, but do not receive the protection they need. Many such children are suffering chronic maltreatment, which is likely to result in cumulative harm. Chronic maltreatment encompasses emotional abuse and chronic neglect. As a result, children can experience a range of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural problems that are more serious than those associated with other abuse types. This paper focuses on the Victorian statutory child protection system, and considers why cumulative harm is not receiving the attention the legislation intends. Under the Victorian legislation cumulative harm must be proven on grounds of emotional abuse and/or neglect. However, it is difficult for child protection practitioners to place before the court the necessary evidence to establish these grounds. The paper concludes that the legal definitions of emotional abuse and neglect should not require evidence of a link between the abusive actions of the parent and the poor outcomes for the child. The evidentiary focus should be on the actions of the parent. Furthermore, legislation should focus on abusive parental behaviours that are likely to result in cumulative harm, which are more concrete and measureable than emotional abuse and neglect, such as intimate partner violence and parental illicit drug use.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Marie Connolly, Department of Social Work, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 1, New Zealand. Summary In 1989, New Zealand introduced child protection legislationthat embraces a model of family decision making. The model,based on traditional indigenous decision-making practices, hasrevolutionized social work with children and families in thechild care and protection area. This paper considers the developmentof the legislation in terms of its antecedent factors and itsvision. It looks particularly at some of the care and protectionprovisions of the legislation, and explores, by use of casestudy, some of the issues of using a family decision-makingprocess as a practice model.  相似文献   

In most Australian states, legislation makes provision for professionals to report their concerns about the future welfare of an unborn child to appropriate authorities. The legislation establishes guidance for the implementation of family supports to minimize future child protection involvement. Given the legislation and the potential benefits, empirical research linking substance misuse during pregnancy and child protection involvement is relatively limited. We review 21 original studies linking substance misuse during pregnancy with child protection outcomes and the potential generalizability of results to the Australian context. The majority of studies reviewed were conducted in the USA and were mostly retrospective. Other differences between studies include sample sizes, comparison groups, study setting, participants’ ethnicity and pattern of drug use. In the postnatal literature, it is well established that child abuse is associated with a complex array of factors including partner, as well as broader family factors and yet, the studies reviewed focus upon maternal substance abuse without including the wider context. Given the available evidence‐based literature, it is difficult to come to definitive conclusions that can assist clinicians involved in frontline decision‐making for early intervention. Well‐designed research, accessible by antenatal health‐care professionals, is needed to adopt an evidence‐based approach to risk assessment in the prenatal context.  相似文献   

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) or Fictitious Illness by Proxy, the fabrication or induction of illness in a child, is a recognized form of child abuse in many countries. As such it is subject to inquiry under child protection legislation. Child protection legislation and practice guidance in Australia, the USA and most European countries requires professionals from a variety of disciplines to work together regarding the recognition, investigation and short and long-term assessment of the case. However, practitioners and managers find cases of MSBP difficult to manage at personal, professional and organizational levels. This paper identifies some of the tensions and dilemmas encountered by professionals when working with suspected cases of MSBP. Consideration is given to the impact that this has on multi-disciplinary practice in terms of working in partnership with other professionals and the family. The paper includes suggestions for promoting effective inter-agency practice to protect children who are the victims of this form of abuse.  相似文献   

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