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Utilizing records from the Seattle Police Department, we explored questions of a new “masculinized” female offender and a “chivalrous” criminal justice system. Crime‐specific arrest statistics provided a means to study both questions. Arrest statistics were recoded three separate ways: according to traditional views of the “masculinity” of an offense; legalistic crime categories; and seriousness ratings. These three categories were compared by sex across a four‐year period. Comparisons of final dispositions provided the basis of a final look at the “chivalry” issue. The findings suggest that females are not making great inroads into either traditionally masculine crimes or crime in general, and while there is little in the data to suggest prejudicial treatment based on sex, chivalry is supported by certain arrest and disposition rates.  相似文献   

Using cognitive dissonance theory it was hypothesized that swingers would be more liberal on items which directly relate to sex and sexual deviance. As the issues become less relevant to sex, however, this liberalism was hypothesized to disappear. Swingers and nonswingers completed a questionnaire containing groups of items ranging from directly relevant to totally irrelevant to sex. Results indicated general support for the hypotheses, with the biggest differences between the two groups occurring on the sexual items (premarital sex, birth control, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, sex on TV, and satisfaction with own sex life). Differences also appeared on issues related to marriage and the family (divorce, interracial marriage, and sex) and religion. Three questions relevant to women's roles produced contradictory results. Eleven items concerning political and economic issues revealed four significant differences. Here, swingers were more liberal on the legalization of marijuana but more conservative on capital punishment, welfare, and controlling business. Finally, a breakdown on all the items by sex revealed the females to be more satisfied with their friends and their sex life, and the males to be more in favor of the women staying at home.Address reprint requests to Richard J. Jenks, Indiana University Southeast, Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150.  相似文献   

A comparative study of equity judgements in Lithuania and Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A questionnaire-type experiment was conducted in Lithuania and Norway in order to generate two samples suitable for a comparative examination of equity judgements.The results reveal large differences between the two countries. Norwegian probants had a much higher propensity to decide in accordance with Rawls’ second principle than had Lithuanian probants. Equity judgements are also strongly dependent on the context of choice. The results are interpreted within a framework describing the formation of social preferences. More specifically, differences in observed equity judgements in the two countries are related to differences in history, past experience and future prospects.  相似文献   

Social, academic, emotional functioning and social support of 99 ninth-grade Asian American students were investigated using standardized measures. When compared to 404 ninth-grade Caucasian adolescents who had attended the same school, Asian American students exhibited less delinquent behavior and performed better academically. However, they were significantly more isolated, more depressed and anxious, less apt to be involved in after school activities or seek help for their problems, and internalized their social problems. Also, they had fewer role models and less social support, underscoring the psychosocial and emotional plight of Asian American adolescents and the dire need to establish proactive outreach programs.This work was supported by NIMH grant #MH41569-07.  相似文献   

How female practitioners in Moscow view their profession: A pilot study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This pilot study investigated how female public relations practitioners in Moscow, Russia perceived their profession. The findings suggest that perceptions of public relations as a service-oriented profession are deeply rooted in the patriarchal tradition of the Russian society. In addition, results demonstrated that Moscow female practitioners articulated both advantages and disadvantages of viewing public relations as a service-oriented profession in Russia.  相似文献   

Cette étude vise L'analyse de données sur la délinquance recueillies à Edmonton, Alberta et à Richmond, Californie. La nature et L'ampleur de la délinquance révélée sont évaluées pour les sujets masculins et féminins des deux endroits. A partir d'une théorie qui integre les éléments des théories d'association différentielle et de régulation sociale, les épiphe-nomènes de la délinquance dans les deux villes sont comparés. Les résultats indiquent une similitude dans la nature, L'ampleur et les causes de la délinquance bien que ces aspects ne soient pas identiques dans les deux régions étudiées. The paper analyzes data from delinquency studies carried out in Edmonton, Alberta and in Richmond, California. The nature and extent of self-reported delinquency are examined for males and females in the two studies. Using a theory which represents an integration of differential association and control theories, correlates of delinquency in the two cities are compared. The study concludes that the nature, extent, and causes of delinquency are similar, though not identical, in the two communities studied.  相似文献   

Job insecurity has grown dramatically in Finland, as elsewhere. This study examined the relationships between a specific job stressor, i.e. job insecurity, and occupational, overall and family well-being, by utilizing one-year follow-up data collected among male and female employees in Finland. Occupational well-being was assessed via job exhaustion, overall well-being via somatic symptoms, and family well-being via work spillover into parenthood. The study was carried out by means of questionnaires, which were completed twice, in 1995 and in 1996 by employees in four organizations. This article is based on the data of those respondents (n = 219)j who participated in the study in both years. The results indicated gender differences in the predictive relationships between the job insecurity and well-being indicators. For the women job insecurity perceived in 1995 increased job exhaustion and negative work spillover into parenthood in the subsequent year. For the men, in turn, job insecurity did not have negative effects on well-being over a one-year period. Hence, job insecurity seemed to operate as a long-lasting job stressor for the women only. Job insecurity and well-being were both relatively stable among the sexes during the follow-up period. Implications for supporting work and family in the context of increased job insecurity and other changes in working life in Finland and other industrialized countries are discussed.  相似文献   

The study first examines the media identification logic that the prime evaluating indicator for news media is public trust. Perceptions of trust are not only important from a marketing perspective, but also form a vital component of audiences' aesthetic criticism of news and news sources. Comparing people's attitudes towards media in America and China, this study finds media credibility ratings in China are much higher than those in America. Does this suggest that Chinese media are more credible, or are survey reports of public trust influenced by other factors? This study considers three perspectives for considering differences in reports of public trust – operation dynamics, imaged power, and national identity. We consider to what degree, and under what conditions, could the survey reports of perceived public trust in media be related to media system differences, both among countries and over time. The study also examines the role played by structural dialectics such as profit orientation or propaganda orientation; professionalism orientation or authority orientation; and imagined community or heterogeneity construction. Finally, given the limits of survey methods and wording, the study brings forward an evaluation framework for the availability of transnational comparisons of media credibility, based on five evaluating dimensions of identity mechanism: professionalism identity, antagonism identity, heterogeneity identity, public sphere identity, and the “Other” identity.  相似文献   

South Africa is a country of diverse cultures, languages, beliefs and backgrounds. It is conceivable that these different population groups may have differing perceptions of taxation resulting from their cultural backgrounds or even their political and social histories. These perceptions may, in turn, influence their attitudes towards tax compliance. It is, therefore, argued that in order to change taxpaying behaviour, perceptions must be first be identified, and then influenced in a positive way towards tax compliance.  相似文献   

This paper examines how two countries on opposite sides of the world, Australia and Slovenia, are addressing corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting issues. The authors see reporting as an important communication tool or channel which can ensure greater corporate transparency and enable a better engagement with multiple stakeholders. The paper aims to provide a review and a comparison of the CSR guidelines and reporting standards in both countries by which this communication is guided. In both countries, reporting is largely voluntary and appears to be driven by market pressures. However, differences appear in national culture as a driver with product, management and financial considerations influencing Australian reporting whereas Slovenian reporting is shaped by employee, community and environmental concerns. From Australian and Slovenian perspectives it seems to be important to increase reporting incentives in both countries and to connect and compare them to global reporting requirements.  相似文献   

The medical systems which most of the developing countries have, are ad hoc adoptions inherited from their colonial masters and have met with little success in making health planning as part of their national planning. Very few countries have been able to overcome the resistance of the medical profession and the bureaucratic inertia which is a major obstacle in the transformation of this system to a broad based social service and integrating it with the process of socio-economic development planning. The adoption of this system by developing countries is a typical example of technological misfit. A cheap and labour intensive model for developing countries shall be a proper solution for the development of a health care delivery system for the masses. A solution to this problem is a mix or hybrid of the traditional and modern medicines which very recently have been exploited both in India and China. How far India and China have been successful and what is needed to be done is the subject matter of this paper.  相似文献   


This research aims to achieve a better understanding of factors that influence the assessments and decisions of professionals and students about the possibility to remove a child at risk from her birth family. The study also analyzes the influence of the attitudes of the child’s mother on that decision. It was used a questionnaire based on a case vignette of alleged child maltreatment. Compared with students, professionals were more pro-removal, more in favor of reunification and parents’ participation in the decisions, and had a higher assessment of emotional abuse, and emotional and physical neglect. Mother’s wish did not show to have any impact in the two samples regarding maltreatment, risk assessments, and intervention recommendations.  相似文献   

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