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钓鱼琐记华扬钓翁者,钓鱼之人也。自古而今,有以钓营生的,更有以钓消遣的。鄙人则二者兼之,于是钓了初一钓初二,次数多了也就钓上了瘾。一不过,一个平民百姓,哪敢奢望有小车送钓、有大款请钓,只能风来雨去,自掏腰包找乐。由于要掏腰包,也就不能不了解“钓情”,...  相似文献   

戊戌维新运动失败后,清政府发出了对维新运动领袖康有为抄家缉杀的通令,康有为被迫流亡异域,在国外漂泊旅行达16年,经31国,行60万里。在此期间他自喻为画工,要描绘世界各地的奇观绝胜,供同胞游而览之。他在《欧洲十一国游记》的序言中,明确提出欲将各国的山川、国土、宗教、艺术、文物“尽揽掬之而采别掇吸之”。康有为在光绪三十年(1904年)5月去欧洲路过埃及开罗时,本打算上岸观光,但由于英国殖民当局以疫禁而未成行,因此他对  相似文献   

李长林 《阿拉伯世界》2004,(4):52-55,51
近代以来,一批中国学者相继到过埃及并写下访古记,记述了所见的埃及历史文物,并给予高度评价。这些访古记加深与扩大了中国人民对埃及古文明的认识,构成了中埃两国友好往来和文化交流的重要篇章。  相似文献   

近代以来,一批中国学者相继到过埃及并写下访古记,记述了所见的埃及历史文物,并给予高度评价.这些访古记加深与扩大了中国人民对埃及古文明的认识,构成了中埃两国友好往来和文化交流的重要篇章.  相似文献   

两面的魏玛 在去魏玛的路上,大学外办的负责人就说,今天的参观内容有点内在矛盾:上午看魏玛老城——德国的文化遗产;下午看附近的集中营——人类历史上最黑暗的地方。  相似文献   

与二十世纪同行的文坛老人中,人们最为熟知的自然是冰心、夏衍、巴金、萧乾和曹禺。前两位都是九十四岁,被冰心称作“老弟”的巴金也已九十岁高龄,萧乾和曹禺也已进入耄耋之年了。冰心和萧乾早在二十年代就已相认,并被冰心称做“小弟”,称得上是世纪友人。  相似文献   

1980年3月,千塔之城开罗,阵阵春雨过后,万里晴空如洗。大街两旁的花树,高大挺拔,一棵挨着一棵。满树鲜花盛开,红的、蓝的、白的、黄的、紫的,一片连着一片,开得热闹、奔放,交相辉映,把开罗点缀得格外美丽。座落在新开罗区的艾因舍姆斯大学语言学院的校园里,更是春意盎然,万紫千红。礼堂里,时时传出热烈的掌声、  相似文献   

一提到埃及电影,中国观众马上会想起《忠诚》。这部五十年代摄制的黑白影片,虽然叙述的是一个被各种文学作品重复过千万遍的故事,却以真实的感情、动人的形象,赢得  相似文献   

Based on data from the four 2004–2010 waves of the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS), we show that financial risk taking is significantly related to life-history negative events out of an individual’s control. Using observed portfolio decisions to proxy for risk taking, we find correlation with two of such individual-specific events: having been victim of a physical attack and (especially) the loss of a child are associated with lower and less frequent investments in risky assets, with an intensity similar to that of the beginning, in 2008, of a collectively experienced event such as the recent financial crisis. We also find evidence that the correlation of risk taking with a child loss is long-lasting, as opposed to the correlation with a physical attack that disappears after few years. Our analysis is more in favor of a preference-based – rather than a belief-based – explanation of the observed change in risk taking. Overall our findings indicate that the past, especially through the loss of a child, casts a long shadow that extends over individuals’ current decisions also within unrelated domains.  相似文献   

Sapiro  Gisèle 《Theory and Society》2003,32(5-6):633-652
Using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of “fields,” this article proposes a model of analysis of the forms of politicization in the literary field based on the French case. In France, during the first half of the twentieth century, the writer has embodied the figure of the “Intellectual.” The first claim is that the politicization of the French literary field resulted from three factors: the autonomy it gained in the nineteenth century, its lack of professional development, and the competition with the newly emerging professions. These factors, joined to the specific features of the literary activity, account for the writers’ most typical mode of politicization: prophesying. This analysis adapts the Weberian concepts of “charismatic power” and of “prophetism” to the intellectual field, in the way suggested by Pierre Bourdieu’s interpretation of Max Weber’s theory of religion. The second claim is that the forms of politicization of writers depend on the position they occupy in the literary field: the way of being a writer conditions the way one engages in the political sphere. Four figures of committed writers are distinguished: the “notabilities,” the “aesthetes,” the “avant-garde,” and the “writer-journalists.”  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: John MacInnes, The End of Masculinity Lee H. Bowker (ed.), Masculinities and Violence caroline Sweetman (ed.), Men and Masculinity  相似文献   

Research findings based on the retrospective reports of depressed individuals have long been held suspect because of possible negative reporting biases associated with depression. In the present study we assess the stability of retrospective reports of past traumatic events, past depressive episodes, parental depression, and parental substance abuse in a sample of 234 adults whose depression status changed over two assessments conducted one year apart. Depression status was found to affect reporting of number of past depressive episodes and past traumatic events, but not reporting of parental psychopathology. Implications of these findings are discussed for research that relies on the retrospective self-reports of depressed participants.  相似文献   

在埃及,浩瀚的沙漠并非全是不毛之地,而是还有一些面积或大或小的绿洲零星点缀其间.它们是沙漠中的宝地,是沙漠经济生活的中心,给荒漠带来了无限的生机和活力,因此,绿洲被誉为沙漠中的"生命之花"或"沙漠的天堂".  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a characteristic syndrome of modern literature identified as anxiety of influence by literary critics and as mania for originality by art historians. Based on a sociological reformulation of the syndrome as it relates to the structure of acknowledged influence, the paper develops and tests several hypotheses. Data are based on a survey of West German writers and are analyzed by using clustering techniques and correspondence analysis. First, the analysis demonstrates the fragmented and non-hierarchical structure of acknowledged literary influence. Second, the different types of influence (absence distinctiveness, and clusterability) correspond to different professional and literary characteristics of writers. Results highlight one of the contradictions between the cultural code and the professional structure of modern art: at the level of ideology, greatness and genius are equated with the absence of influence and artistic uniqueness. The analysis shows, however, that the denial/absence of acknowledged influence is found among writers who are excluded from the professional networks where reputations are made in the world of literature.  相似文献   

埃及与努比亚在地理上是近邻关系,历史上一直保持着千丝万缕的联系,不过在二者的交往中往往都是埃及处于优势地位。但到公元前8世纪,努比亚人征服了埃及,进而将埃及与努比亚合并成一个国家,建立了埃及史上的第25王朝。从起源上看,这个王朝是正统的努比亚王朝,但在统治方式上却没有“一刀切”,既照顾到了埃及人的习惯,又凸显了努比亚的特色。无论在王权标志、行政、宗教、文化还是对外关系上都是如此,既体现了其统治的灵活性,也实现了两种文明的融合。  相似文献   

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