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高校专利价值的实现主要依靠于专利交易等市场化途径,因此技术市场成为影响高校专利交易和维持的重要外部环境。研究基于实物期权的理论视角,论证了专利技术市场作为外部环境因素对高校专利维持决策的影响。技术市场所包含的交易、需求及供给信息会影响高校发明人对于未来专利交易可能性的判断,从而影响其对专利期权价值的判断,并最终影响其维持决策。基于市场设计理论及产业组织理论,文章提出技术市场涵盖四个方面的特征,包括专利交易总体活跃度、专利商业化时间、市场不确定性以及供给竞争程度。具体地,专利交易总体活跃度、专利商业化时间、市场不确定性这三项技术市场特征对高校专利维持时间均有着正向的影响,而技术市场的供给竞争程度与高校专利维持时间则存在负向关系。文章构建了包含时间动态性的专利维持生存分析模型,并使用1997—2018年211高校发明专利的微观数据进行实证分析,所得结果证实了以上假设。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展,越来越多的产品进入市场,这些产品给人们的生活带来了舒适与便利,而同时缺陷产品致人损害所带来的问题也与日剧增。在当今全球重视保护消费者权益的大环境中,我国原有的有关产品责任的法律制度存在的弊端和不足也彰显出来。笔者认为,应对我国产品缺陷法律制度加以完善,在产品责任案件中适用举证责任倒置规则,建立惩罚性赔偿制度和产品责任风险制约机制。  相似文献   

本文探索了积极表情符号对在线产品评论感知有用性的影响。研究发现:(1)积极表情符号会提高评论的感知有用性;(2)感知温暖中介了积极表情符号对评论感知有用性的影响;(3)消费者的认知风格、产品类型与评论信息类型均调节了中介路径“表情符号→感知温暖→感知有用性”。在第三点中,研究发现对于视觉型认知风格的消费者中介路径显著,但对于言语型认知风格的消费者不显著;对于实用型产品中介路径显著,但对于享乐型产品不显著;对于客观事实型评论,中介路径在实用型产品的情境中显著,却在享乐型产品的情境中不显著,但对于主观评价型评论中介路径均不显著。这些研究结论对进一步厘清以往表情符号对消费者影响的矛盾结论,丰富表情符号营销、口碑等领域的研究,完善刻板印象内容模型与信息源可信度理论等具有重要的理论意义,而且对于企业与网络平台正确设计与引导消费者在口碑信息中使用表情符号以及企业从口碑信息中获取消费者对产品态度的准确信息具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

图书馆充当信息经纪人有两层涵义,从广义上讲,是图书馆将国家投资的文献资源变成信息商品出售给用户,用户将信息商品转化为物质和精神财富,图书馆即成为国家信息资源与用户之间的中介入。从狭义上讲,图书馆将本馆以及其它信息机构的资源加工成市场需要的产品出售给用户,或者将信息需求者与信息拥有者联系起来,从中获得经济效益,图书馆即成为社会信息资源与用户之间的中介入。图书馆充当信息经纪人,从事信息经纪业,从宏观上讲,有利于推动信息商品化。作为信息经纪人出售信息产品,具有商品交换的性质。从微观上讲,图书馆从事信息…  相似文献   

张昀韬 《经营管理者》2009,(16):354-354
关于商业化对儿童文学的影响,总体来说,批评的声音大于赞扬的声音。在刚刚结束的2009年全国儿童文学理论研讨会上,参会的作家、学者普遍表示了对儿童文学被市场“绑架”的担忧。确实,商业化给儿童文学的创作和出版带来了一些负面影响,儿童文学不再是一片纯净的土壤,创作和出版都出现了浮躁的现象。从原创儿童文学的现状来看,在商业化的背景下出现了一系列的问题:随着校园系列儿童小说的畅销,儿童文学的创作和出版集中于这一题材。这些作品贴近当代儿童的日常校园生活,几乎是他们现实生活中喜怒哀乐的提炼总结。正是因为过于贴近现实生活,这些作品被时代消费,缺乏文学深度、缺乏艺术想象力,难以成为永恒的经典。由于商业化要求的速  相似文献   

专利买断或无保底条款的分成支付不利于兼具研发周期长与市场风险大的绿色产品协同创新。对此,赋予学研方绿色技术/专利以最小出货量保证,并考虑技术/专利从工程验证到商业化量产的风险公平分担,基于实物期权的或有资产理论,构建有无最小出货量保证下的绿色产品协同创新价值评估模型。在此基础上,以绿色产品协同创新联盟整体利益最大化为决策目标,并充分考虑到各主体在绿色产品研发过程中的边际贡献大小,建立基于Shapley值法的绿色产品协同创新项目收益分配决策模型;进一步,通过具体算例与数值模拟,分析专利分成支付程度及绿色产品最小出货量的市场需求阈值,验证所构建绿色产品协同创新收益分配决策模型相比无最小出货量保证、无价值分配动态调整下的有效性及合理性。  相似文献   

信息产业是建立在现代电子技术和信息技术基础上,制造和提供信息产品和信息服务的生产活动总称,它是指一个产业群,包含信息工业、信息服务业、信息开发业;信息工业是指计算机设备制造业、通信和网络设备制造业以及其他信息设备制造业;信息服务业包括信息咨询业、出版业、邮政业、电信服务业;信息开发业包括软件业、数据库业、电子出版业和网上其他信息内容。信息产业与传统产业不同,属于知识、技术密集型产业,对自然资源的依赖性很低,所以信息产业中出现的垄断现象有其特点。本文试从美国信息产业的发展、美国微软垄断案案例来分析信息产业中的垄断特点。  相似文献   

曹勇  赵莉  张阳  罗楚郡 《管理世界》2012,(6):182-183
本文根据对118家高新技术企业363份有效问卷调查数据,从资源观的视角,实证研究企业专利管理与技术创新绩效之间的联动机制,构建了二者间关联模型,并重点分析专利商业化的中介效应。本研究不仅拓展了专利管理与技术创新绩效的理论研究领域,也为我国高新技术企业在开放式创新环境下通过有效的专利管理提升技术创新绩效提供实践指导。  相似文献   

张亮亮  黄诗梦  柴紫谦 《管理学报》2024,(2):278-286+316
以2007~2020年中国沪深A股制造业上市公司为样本,实证研究企业存货投资的粘性行为。研究发现,企业销售收入下降时存货投资减少的幅度小于等量销售收入上升时存货投资增加的幅度,即企业存货投资存在粘性。考虑不同类别存货的差异后发现,产成品的存货投资粘性更强。进一步,管理者对未来需求的乐观预期、稳定的市场需求和较高的缺货成本是存货投资粘性的重要成因。研究还发现,存货投资粘性越强,企业未来销售收入增长越快,市场竞争力越强,分析师销售收入预测也越乐观和准确,这表明存货投资粘性有助于提升企业产品市场的表现,同时能够向资本市场参与者提供有用的信息,具有一定的信息含量。  相似文献   

良好的专利授权有助于激发企业持续创新的动力,实现专利技术的商业化和产业化,而产品质量则是决定企业能否取得市场竞争优势的关键。本文针对由专利持有企业和品牌企业组成的系统,考虑市场需求信息不对称以及品牌企业承担社会责任(Corporate social responsibility, CSR),研究品牌企业产品质量决策和专利授权合同设计问题,进而分析CSR投入对各个企业利润、消费者剩余以及社会福利的影响。研究结果表明:不同市场条件下,专利持有企业会策略性地设计专利授权合同形式,即选择仅包含"一次性固定授权费"或者"一次性固定授权费+版税提成"的专利授权合同;品牌企业CSR投入并不会影响专利授权合同的形式,但会提高一次性固定授权费;CSR投入会促使品牌企业提高产品质量,但并不一定会导致产品销售价格的提高;CSR投入虽然会降低品牌企业利润,但能有效提升专利持有企业利润、消费者剩余和社会福利。  相似文献   

We study dominant design strategies concerning the allocation of technological resources for ink-jet printers. We find that the dominant design for each firm can be quantitatively represented by the number of ink-jet patents in nine categories of a matrix that distinguishes patents according to method of implementation and type of module. Further, we find that annual firm ink-jet revenue from 1990 through 2000 is positively correlated with a balanced dispersion of patents across the nine categories. Results suggest that higher revenues will accrue to firms in integrated industries when resources are balanced among important sub-technologies in the dominant design.  相似文献   

应用强化的Russell效率测度模型与单因素效率测度模型,对依赖密集技术创新投资为发展基础的中国高技术产业技术创新活动的过程绩效进行了测度,从技术创新效率角度探究其"高产出、低效益"不良发展态势的症结及对策。测度结果显示,中国高技术产业技术创新活动的整体相对效率水平不佳,且逐年降低;整体规模收益不理想,处于相对最优生产规模状态的产业不到1/3;多数生产状态相对无效的高技术产业在技术引进经费上投入冗余相对严重,而在新产品销售和专利产出上又存在较大的相对潜在产出不足。针对此症结,完善科技资源的配置方式、加强引进技术的吸收和消化力度、增强自主创新的能力,以提高或保持增加值率,是中国高技术产业从本质上摆脱"高产出、低效益"不良态势值得选择的发展路径。  相似文献   


In this paper, we aim at understanding the role of collaboration experience in supply chains of knowledge (SCoK). The SCoK of a company is its supply chain not related to the flow of physical goods but to the flow of R&D commodities. R&D commodities are for example patents, technologies, research services, studies, and projects, and, in high-tech industries, their development and commercialisation are considered as important as real products. To accomplish our aim in this paper, we fulfil the following research objectives: (1) investigate the relationship between the collaboration experience in SCoK and the propensity of the firm to develop new patents; (2) examine how the structural embeddedness of the firm within its SCoK mediates this relationship. We ground our conceptual model on the supply chain, open innovation and social capital literatures and empirically test our hypotheses on a cross-sectional data-set of 208 biotech companies that have signed 612 SCoK agreements in the years 2006–2010. The key findings of this study are: first, accumulating experience in SCoK collaborations facilitates the development of new patents; second, being central and bridging structural holes within the SCoK are two means by which the experience in SCoK collaborations is translated into new patents.  相似文献   


In this study, we suggest a new perspective on the linkage between alliance portfolio diversity and innovation performance based on a contingency approach. Using a longitudinal data set on alliance portfolios and patents of 182 firms in the U.S. manufacturing industries, we examined that alliance portfolio diversity has a U-shaped relationship with firm-level innovation. Internal value creation capabilities in terms of routine and ability are found to moderate the relationship between alliance portfolio diversity and innovation performance: organizational search routine strengthens the relationship of alliance portfolio diversity and innovation performance while technological capabilities weaken and flip the relationship.


刘凤朝  徐茜 《管理学报》2011,8(12):1851-1858
从系统整体的角度构建了基于科技资源流动的国家创新体系运行概念模型,通过系统模拟与计算实验探讨了科技人力资源、科技财力资源和科技信息资源在高校、科研机构与企业之间不同分配方案下,我国论文与专利产出的可能变动情况,以期为政府相关部门制定科技资源优化配置政策提供参考。  相似文献   

The literature of data envelopment analysis (DEA) encompasses many surveys, yet all either emphasize methodologies or do not make a distinction between methodological and application papers. This study is the first literature survey that focuses on DEA applications, covering DEA papers published in journals indexed by the Web of Science database from 1978 through August 2010. The results show that on the whole around two-thirds (63.6%) of DEA papers embed empirical data, while the remaining one-third are purely-methodological. Purely-methodological articles dominated the first 20 years of DEA development, but the accumulated number of application-embedded papers caught up to purely-methodological papers in 1999. Among the multifaceted applications, the top-five industries addressed are: banking, health care, agriculture and farm, transportation, and education. The applications that have the highest growth momentum recently are energy and environment as well as finance. In addition to the basic statistics, we uncover the development trajectory in each application area through the main path analysis. An observation from these works suggests that the two-step contextual analysis and network DEA are the recent trends across applications and that the two-step contextual analysis is the prevailing approach.  相似文献   

The research domain Industry Studies and Public Policy (IS&PP) seeks to further our understanding of industrial practices and managerial challenges by explicitly considering contextual details in the design and interpretation of research studies. These details can be vital considerations when shaping public policies. This article reviews a sample of IS&PP publications and analyzes the content of 180 selected papers—85 papers published in the Production and Operations Management (POM) journal and 95 papers published in related journals between 1992 and 2014. Our analysis of the sample dataset and examination of exemplar papers provide four findings. First, studies in different industries emphasize different themes of operational decisions. This difference in emphasis reveals potential research opportunities, especially for conducting inter‐industry studies. Second, our analysis reveals a shift in focus over time. Earlier studies contain a mix of benchmarks and inter‐industry comparisons, while later studies tend to be context‐specific, intra‐industry studies. Third, we report on empirics → analytics → empirics cycles that reveal gaps for building novel theories. Finally, we observe that the relationship between POM decisions and public policy is bi‐directional. This highlights the need to jointly examine operational decisions with policy considerations, especially in information goods, healthcare, sustainable operations and high‐tech manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

This is one of the few papers to analyze multiple interface standards in a single industry and it finds that standard setting in such an industry is much more complex than those covered in the existing literature. In the mobile Internet, some of the interface standards initially required so-called integral design while others have been built on top of these “basic” interface standards. The former interface standards enable basic data connections between phones, services, and content while the latter ones connect the mobile phone with content and applications from other industries such as music, video, publishing, broadcasting, and payment. This paper shows that in connecting the mobile phone and other industries, each critical mass of phones, services, and content partly builds from previously created critical masses.  相似文献   

We present a framework to describe and analyze operational risk in financial services from an operations management perspective, focusing in particular on process design, process management, and human behavior aspects. The financial services industry differs from other service industries in ways that affect the nature of the operational risks it is subject to. In recent decades, many books and papers have focused on operational risk in financial services; however, this literature has focused mainly on the conceptual and statistical aspects of operational risk management and not on its operational aspects. Operational risk in financial services has not received much attention from the operations management community. The framework presented here is based on the premise that operational risk in financial services can reap significant benefits from research done in the theory and practice of operations management in manufacturing industries as well as in other services industries. The objective of this study is to propose particular challenges and questions raised in the practice of operational risk management that may stimulate future research in this particular area of operations management.  相似文献   

于立  姜春海 《管理学报》2006,3(5):511-513,528
国家自然科学基金资助项目“自然垄断产业的规制政策研究”,提出了规模经济、范围经济和网络经济三位一体的“自然垄断新论”,可为制定自然垄断产业的规制政策提供更科学的理论依据。在此基础上,项目结合中国铁路、邮政等产业的规制实践分析研究了现实中存在的主要法律与政策问题。  相似文献   

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