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企业风险传导的介质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国企业风险传导的研究还处在早期阶段,本文从风险传导的诸多要素中提炼出企业风险传导常见的五个重要介质,即:管理部门的政策改变导致的风险传导;产业链条上的资金流动带来的风险传导;生产过程中的技术淘汰或创新产生的风险传导;经营中的市场价格涨跌造成的风险传导、跨国投资与贸易的汇率波动形成的风险传导。本文采用理论与实践相结合的办法,总结了企业风险传导的基本特征,希望对我国从整体上防范企业风险大面积传导起到参考与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本文通过苹果公司案例分析了风险资本如何影响并推动一家创业企业的发展与成功。文章认为,在苹果公司通过不断创新改变世界的同时,是风险投资改变了苹果公司的发展轨迹。风险投资通过管理输出与价值增值改造手段重塑了企业,进而实现企业与投资人双赢的局面。  相似文献   

本文结合中国特有的制度背景,从财务总监在企业高管中的地位这一独特视角出发,系统分析与检验了财务总监地位影响企业股价崩盘风险的客观表现与传导路径。本文认为财务总监在高管序列中的排名越靠前则其地位越高。研究结果显示:首先,财务总监地位与股价崩盘风险之间呈现显著负向关系,表明处于较高地位的财务总监能够降低崩盘风险,而随着财务总监个人地位的下降,股价崩盘风险则会增加;其次,截面分组发现财务总监地位的作用仅在民营企业存在;最后,拓展性检验发现财务总监的高地位强化了其薪酬契约有效性,并且财务总监的作用主要通过提高企业投资效率和降低研发投入强度来影响股价崩盘风险。总之,本文验证了上市公司财务总监地位有利于降低股价崩盘风险的研究推论。  相似文献   

文化作为契约环境的重要组成部分深刻影响企业的会计行为.研究聚焦于中华老字号的企业文化,考察了文化规制因素对企业盈余管理行为的影响效应及其机理.研究发现:相比非中华老字号企业,中华老字号企业的应计和真实盈余管理程度更低,表明中华老字号企业存在显著的会计效应.异质性考察发现,在国有企业、强内部控制和高机构持股公司,中华老字号的会计效应表现得更为显著.机理渠道检验发现,中华老字号企业影响盈余管理的机理是重视文化渗透和稳健经营,这表明中华老字号企业具有诚信经营的会计基因.研究以老字号企业文化的独特视角拓展了“文化与财务”的研究范式,对理解驱动微观企业会计行为的非正式制度动因提供了现实启示.  相似文献   

本文主要从投资工具的选择、投资结构的设计、投资契约的安排和投资后的管理与服务等方面,研究风险投资机构对被投资企业的管理,总结出风险投资区别于一般资本的投资管理模式。  相似文献   

本文研究并购交易中的业绩对赌条款对并购后目标公司技术创新和发明者流动的影响,结果发现:相比于未签订对赌条款的目标公司,签订业绩对赌条款的目标公司在被并购后,其创新数量和质量均发生显著的降低,这一效应随着业绩对赌所施加的业绩压力的增加而增加。进一步研究业绩对赌抑制企业创新的作用机制后发现,并购业绩对赌导致目标公司削减研发投入,并致使发明者离职人数增加和新聘人数减少,这些都削弱了企业的创新能力。有别于以往研究普遍强调业绩对赌契约对管理层的激励作用和对业绩的提升作用,本文研究结论有助于进一步认识对赌契约的弊端,从而为并购双方设计更为合理的契约条款提供决策借鉴,也为监管部门通过加强并购市场监管推动企业创新提供有益参考。  相似文献   

在风险投资契约中,委托方和代理方两者追求的目标不一致,不对称信息容易造成风险企业家的逆向选择和道德风险;人力资本是主动性资产,人力资本产出的价值存在不确定性,人力资本可能会因不同原因退出企业;如何设计激励相容的契约安排是解决问题的关键。本文主要从人力资本投入、产出和退出三方面的不确定性来考虑如何设计风险投资契约安排。  相似文献   

风险投资的资本运行及管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司风险投资是指有明确的主营业务的非金融企业(一般是比较大的公司)在其内部和外部所进行的风险投资。这些大公司出资投入并培养主要处于创建期的、对大公司的核心业务产生重大影响的新技术与服务的创新小公司或项目。公司风险投资常常开放其母公司的各种资源,从而增加其投资的附加值。公司风险投资的基本原理是:创新小公司(风险企业)借公司风险投资可以得到投资大公司(母公司)的资源、市场、销售渠道、信息网、品牌魅力及相关行业的知识和联系,以促进自身的快速发展;作为回报,母公司将从小企业的飞速发展中获得技术与财务双重好处。这双…  相似文献   

<正> 风险投资是指将资金投入具有巨大增长潜力,但同时在技术、市场等各方面都存在巨大的失败风险的高新技术产业的一种投资行为。风险投资家以专业知识主动参与经营,使被投资企业能够健全经营、迅速成长。风险投资家在被投资企业成功后,将所持有股票卖出,收回资金及其高额利润,再投资另一新创企业,周而复始进行中长期投资并参与经营。  相似文献   

考虑努力水平和决策风险偏好的供应链期权销量担保模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对销售商和供应商组成的简单两级供应链,在供应链参与企业的风险偏好影响其决策选择,以及在需求随机并受销售商营销努力水平影响的市场环境下,建立了基于销量担保期权的供应链契约模型。提供了一种基于期望损失的期权定价方法,分析了努力水平和决策风险偏好双重因素对参与企业的决策及其供应链协调的影响。研究表明在考虑努力水平和决策风险偏好差异时,单纯的期权销量契约无法实现供应链协调。为此,引入收益共享和努力成本共担策略,对原契约模型加以修正。在修正契约中,当收益共享比例和努力成本共担比例满足一定条件时,修正的期权销量担保契约可以实现供应链协调。最后,提供了一种模型优化分析方法,并通过案例分析说明了研究结论的有效性。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(6):1080-1094
Considerable theoretical and empirical work has identified a relationship between transformational leadership and team performance and creativity. The mechanisms underlying this link, however, are not well understood. To identify the intervening processes inherent in this relationship, we experimentally manipulated the leadership style assigned to 44 teams taking part in a resource-maximization task. Teams were exposed either to a leader using inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, or a control condition. Our findings reveal important differences between leadership styles in communication and team outcomes (objective task performance and creativity). These results suggest that different dimensions of transformational leadership should be emphasized depending on the outcome sought. In addition, our results provide evidence for a sequential mediation model where leadership influences team outcomes through overall team communication and trust in teammates. This study suggests mechanisms by which transformational leaders may impact team outcomes, which has implications for team building and leadership training.  相似文献   

随着社会物质水平的提高,很多人未必真正拥有财富,但经常暴露于金钱的刺激之下,容易形成金钱概念,会产生拥有金钱财富的效果,根据成就动机理论和市场定价模式,启动金钱概念的消费者倾向选择有利于自我发展的消费选项。 以中国高校学生作为研究样本,采用实验方法,设计3个实验,借助SPSS软件对实验数据进行方差分析,探讨金钱概念对消费者自我提升偏好的积极影响,并进一步探讨成就动机的中介作用和购买目标的调节作用。 实验1选择一种有助睡眠的口服溶片作为实验材料,采用提升类型(自我提升vs.非自我提升)×金钱概念的2×1组间实验,结果变量为支付水平,验证金钱概念对消费者自我提升偏好的积极影响。结果表明,相对于非自我提升类型,金钱概念的消费者对自我提升类型的支付水平更高。 实验2选择维他命水饮料作为实验材料,采用单因素组间实验设计(金钱概念组vs.控制组),结果变量为自我提升类型和非自我提升类型的对比选择,验证金钱概念通过成就动机影响自我提升偏好。结果表明,金钱概念诱发成就动机,进而积极影响消费者对自我提升类型的偏好。 实验3选择棋牌游戏作为实验材料,采用金钱概念(有vs.无)×购买目标(他人vs.自己)×提升类型(自我提升vs.非自我提升)的2×2×2组间组内设计,金钱概念和购买目标为组间设计,提升类型为组内设计,结果变量为支付意愿,检验在不同购买目标情况下,金钱概念对消费者自我提升偏好的影响。结果表明,金钱概念对自我提升偏好的影响只局限在购买目标为自己的情况下,在为他人购买时,金钱概念对自我提升偏好的影响不显著。 研究结论有利于丰富金钱概念研究,拓展金钱概念在消费领域的研究内容;有利于营销者掌握金钱概念对消费者购买决策的影响机理,深入了解消费者的购买心理,制定相应的品牌和产品管理措施,提升自我发展相关产品的销售;有利于人们树立正确的金钱观和消费观,管理好金钱财富,理性地对待金钱。  相似文献   

江澜 《中国管理科学》2019,27(9):138-148
营销人员经常面临现有产品销售和新产品销售之间的悖论,需要采用不同的方式来应对两种销售行为之间的冲突。本研究根据内外动机理论,探究不同动机影响下的销售行为,同时揭示国人的传统性对动机与产品销售两者关系的调节作用。本研究开发了中国情境下的双元销售行为量表,具有良好的信度(0.896)。实证结果表明:(1)内在动机与现有产品和新产品的双元销售行为之间呈现显著的正相关关系,外在动机与现有产品和新产品的双元销售行为呈不显著的正向关系。(2)中国传统性对营销人员的产品销售行为的直接影响作用非常显著,但传统性与内外动机的调节作用表现出多样性。(3)传统性与内在动机的交乘项对双元销售行为起不显著的负向调节作用。(4)传统性与外在动机的交乘项对现有产品销售起不显著的正向影响,对新产品销售起不显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

Collaboration with rivals is viewed as a way to achieve superior performance of firms in terms of innovation output. Yet empirical results show that coopetition may either foster, hamper or be neutral to innovation. The motivation of our study resides in firms’ heterogeneity in terms of their innovative capacity, that is innovativeness, in order to better understand the complex relationship between coopetition and innovation. We explore the interdependency between organizational innovativeness and coopetition. Our study has been conducted in the Polish video game industry. The data has been collected through a survey administered to all 506 identified Polish video game developers, with an effective sample of 84 coopetitors. We run correlation and regression analyses in a multidimensional approach to organizational innovativeness and coopetition. Our findings show that coopetition is a popular strategy for video game developers, and is adopted by 68% of firms. Organizational innovativeness and its particular dimensions are positively and significantly related to both direct and indirect coopetition. Based on factor analysis we find its three components to be reliable: openness and encouragement to innovate; strategic innovative focus; and extrinsic monetary motivation. While extrinsic monetary motivation does not play a role in coopetition of video game developers, openness and encouragement to innovate stimulates especially indirect coopetition, while strategic innovative focus affects especially direct coopetition.  相似文献   

魏汉泽  许浩然 《管理科学》2016,29(1):123-136
随着现代企业的发展,职工在企业中扮演的角色越来越重要,职工激励问题对企业的重要性也不言而喻。已有研究主要集中于薪酬和期权等绝对激励,关于职工激励对企业的影响程度的研究则较少。 利用2003年至2013年中国上市公司数据,基于公平理论构建职工薪酬分配比例与企业价值关系的OLS模型,对职工薪酬分配比例对企业价值的影响进行实证检验。 研究结果表明,全样本中职工薪酬分配比例越高,企业价值越低;区分产权性质后,国有企业薪酬分配比例明显高于民营企业,继续提高国有企业薪酬分配比例会降低国有企业价值,民营企业薪酬分配比例仍有提升空间;行业收入较高会弱化提高薪酬分配比例带来的激励作用;劳动密集度会提高薪酬分配比例带来的激励作用;薪酬分配比例显著影响企业价值,产权性质、行业收入差距和劳动密集度影响薪酬分配比例与企业价值的关系。研究结论在用工具变量和外生事件考虑二者的内生性问题后仍然成立。 研究结果丰富了企业价值的影响因素和薪酬契约激励经济后果方面的研究,也为职工薪酬分配比例对企业价值的影响提供了新的经验证据,同时对上市公司制定合理的薪酬激励政策和中国当前提高劳动分配比例的政策具有重要的借鉴意义。建议监管者在制定薪酬管制政策时应根据公司的实际情况(如产权性质和非货币性福利等)对不同的公司进行监管,以促进企业发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between corporate governance (CG), in terms of its internal significance, and the cost of equity capital (CEC), based on a sample of companies listed on the Italian Stock exchange on 31/12/2009. We used Italy as a case study mainly because we expect that the key features of the Italian setting in terms of financial markets and corporate governance will impact on the relationship between CG and CEC. On the basis of a literature review, we identify the attributes of internal CG predicted as having a direct effect on CEC. The selected CG attributes (board independence, board size, existence of the audit and the nomination/remuneration committees and independence of board committees) have been used to construct a comprehensive corporate governance quality index for each firm. The CG score, as indicator of CG quality, is the independent variable of the multiple regression equation that brings together CG score and CEC (dependent variable), after controlling for the variables related to the risk. This paper belongs to the current of research regarding the relationship between CG and CEC, and it contributes to the literature dealing with CG and firm value determinants, by providing additional information concerning the impact of CG on another important determinant of firm value, i.e. CEC, in a context, that of Italy, which has not been extensively explored in previous research. The main contribution of the paper hinges on the setting chosen, in terms of how CG and key financial markets features impact on the relationship between CG and CEC offering new insights not previously addressed by literature. The results provide evidence of a significant association between the CG score and the firm’s equity capitalcost, after controlling for differences in the Fama and French (J Financial Econ 33:3-56, 1993) risk factors.  相似文献   

Training participants' cognitions (training self-efficacy and training instrumentality) can be powerful motivational forces (and impact their motivation to learn and motivation to transfer) and influence important distal outcomes (such as training transfer). Our paper provides a set of ideas linking training cognitions with training outcomes. In addition, we support our propositions with a preliminary empirical test, based on a sample of 254 employees, who provide information on their training perceptions of training and development efforts at their organization. The results indicate that although the ‘can do’ (training self-efficacy) is a primary predictor or motivation to learn, the ‘will do’ aspect (training instrumentality) is the primary predictor for motivation to transfer. In addition, training transfer is predicted primarily by motivation to transfer, and has a strong relationship with training instrumentality. Given the paucity of research on the instrumentality aspect, we discuss theoretical and practical implications, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

影响搜索引擎营销效果的关键因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
此文从消费者的搜索行为入手,对可能产生的搜索结果、屏幕关注度分布和点击行为等展开分析,分析了影响搜索引擎营销效果的主要因素,以及控制和改变这些要素对营销效果的影响.这些要素包括:关键词所反映的搜索动机、信息项出现的位置、前后项关系、以及搜索动机与营销诉求的关联性等.文章采用实证分析方法,模拟用户浏览搜索引擎页面的过程,...  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the relationship between union membership and crime. Using state level data between 1993 and 2006, we find the elasticity of crime with respect to union membership is roughly −0.5. From our results, we predict the decline in union membership has increased crime by 15 per cent since 1993. Furthermore, we find the elasticity between union jobs and crime is larger in absolute value when using an instrumental variable approach to control for the impact unions have on labor market efficiency.  相似文献   

Organizations invest in training initiative with an objective to improve the performance of its employees and ultimately organizational performance. However, training literature highlights the gap between the learning and the transfer of learning at the workplace. Thus, there is a need to have a deeper understanding of those variables which contributes to training transfer/effectiveness. This study is an attempt to understand those organizational factors that can help in improving training effectiveness. Data was collected at three different points of time (before training, immediately at the end of training and after some time of training) to determine the antecedents of motivation to learn and the training effectiveness. Findings of the study reveal that motivation to learn mediates the relationship between the predictor variables – training needs analysis, training information and type of training, and the resultant variable training effectiveness. Also, trainees’ reaction towards training was found to moderate the relationship between trainees’ motivation to learn and training effectiveness. The study reinforces the significance of organizational factors in ensuring motivation to learn and training effectiveness. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

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