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案例研究方法的运用模式及其关键指标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏敬勤  李召敏 《管理学报》2011,8(3):340-347
为了解国内案例研究方法的运用情况,以国内31种期刊已发表的案例研究论文为样本,首先从数量上进行了统计分析;其次,按案例所发挥的作用归纳出验证性、探索性和描述性3类运用模式,并从运用过程、研究关键、研究者群体、案例个数和方法论5个基本方面进行了描述和比较;接着,在借鉴相关文献的基础上,针对运用模式总结提炼出13个关键指标,并应用它对国内3种期刊上的案例研究论文做了初步评价;最后,从案例研究方法的发展趋势角度,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

基于“自底向上效应”这一多层次理论研究视角,探讨企业中个体层次ERP消化吸收是否以及如何对组织层次消化吸收程度产生影响,并设计了一个探索性多案例研究,对5家企业进行案例访谈.研究结果表明,企业的组织层次ERP消化吸收确实受到个体层次ERP消化吸收整体水平的影响,而且个体层次消化吸收中的VIP用户的构成情况及熟练用户的所占比例等因素,也会对组织层次ERP消化吸收产生影响.  相似文献   

基于领导力的视角并围绕中国机长刘传健的典型案例,通过收集新闻媒体报道,以及对刘传健本人深度访谈、对管理人员访谈和对专业人员访谈共4类案例研究数据,采用经典扎根理论对转录后近29万字的案例资料进行编码,构建了危机领导力的概念和结构,最终提出了危机领导力六力(FLIGHT)模型,以此探索危机应对与管理的有效模式。研究结果发现,危机领导力包含6个维度:预警力、担当力、信念力、驾驭力、凝聚力和成长力。最后,将该模型同已有的危机管理模型进行了比较和分析,并讨论了研究结果的理论意义以及对危机中组织管理的实践启示。  相似文献   

李高勇  毛基业 《管理世界》2015,(2):133-136,169
案例选择对于案例研究至关重要,然而在实际研究中存在许多误区。根据本届案例论坛的若干主题报告,本文首先重点阐述什么是有趣的案例研究,并通过实例说明有趣的案例一般是反直觉的、能够弥补理论上的缺口或是对现象提出新的启发性解释。之后,本文针对目前国内案例研究现状提出若干改进建议,以及如何做出理论贡献。  相似文献   

本文在本届论坛的两个主题报告基础之上,首先通过分析统计检验的局限性来强调案例研究的意义,之后分别讨论当前国内管理案例研究在"术"与"道"两个层面存在的常见主要问题和改进策略。前者主要涵盖论文规范性以及写作技巧,后者侧重如何做出理论贡献,特别强调了理论贡献的必要性和已有理论的指导作用,并说明案例研究的归纳逻辑和基本过程。本文对于基于大样本的实证研究论文写作也有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

理论贡献是任何学术论文的首要因素,对于案例研究来讲尤其如此。本文在3个论坛主题报告的基础上,从理论在案例研究中的作用、理论贡献的维度、以及如何突出理论贡献等3个方面讨论案例研究的理论贡献,之后再简要综述本届案例论坛的论文情况。  相似文献   

苏敬勤  王娜  高昕  张璐 《管理世界》2021,(9):207-214
案例以其实践性与承载性的属性和优势,现已广泛运用于社会科学等应用性学科。由于学科发展多样性、案例应用场景多元性等,导致案例相关活动长期处于分立状态,无法集中体现案例在知识创造、知识传播、知识应用过程中的现实功效。结合我国案例发展的实际与时代发展需求,本文提出了构建案例学的必要性和可行性,介绍了国内外案例研究、案例教学及案例组织管理的现况与问题,分析了案例学构建的学理与现实基础,集中探讨了构建案例学需要率先解决的4个核心问题,对案例学的未来发展提出了构想和建议。  相似文献   

试论工商管理学科的案例研究方法   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
案例研究是世界工商管理学科发展的重要的研究方法之一。对案例研究的重视可以追溯到哈佛商学院所代表的案例学派和早期的经验学派。目前我国工商管理的研究普遍存在研究方法不规范的问题,研究成果很难被国际学术界承认,规范性研究方法是世界学术交流的共同平台。本论文旨在通过案例研究与案例教学、研究案例与教学案例的区别,在结合笔者从事案例研究与编写教学案例的经验基础上,探讨规范性案例研究的内容与方法,以及相应地案例研究的步骤与评价标准等,以促进我国工商管理学科的案例学派的学术研究与国际接轨,走向规范化。  相似文献   

案例教学作为时传统教学方式的突破,是实践教学的一种重要形式,如果设计得好,可以提高教学效果,增强学生学习兴趣,从而提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力.本文从财务管理教学中案例的设计原则、案例教学的组织实施、结合相关财务理论设计具体财务案例3个方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

构建高不确定环境下中国企业外部取向管理创新模式选择机理的组织创新氛围-企业家精神维度的研究框架,通过质性数据分析方法,辅以ATLAS.ti质性数据分析软件,使用16家企业的数据对两个影响维度的测量指标进行细化和量化,在此基础上采用案例研究小组评分法,基于对组织创新氛围和企业家精神维度指标的测量,选取淘宝的商业模式创新以及绿盛、天翼咨询和正泰电器的营销模式创新的多案例分析对研究框架进行探索性分析.研究结果表明,高不确定环境下外部取向管理创新模式主要包括激进式、元素式、结构式和渐进式4类,外部取向管理创新模式的选择是在组织创新氛围和企业家精神的主导作用下进行的,而当两者均较弱时外部环境成为渐进式外部取向管理创新模式的主要推动因素.  相似文献   

刘意  谢康  邓弘林 《管理世界》2020,(3):164-182
现有研究多聚焦于大数据对产品研发流程与绩效的影响,对基于经验的产品研发转变为数据驱动的产品研发的转型路径、实现机制与转型范式缺乏理论探讨。本文基于组织惯例适应性变革的整合视角,通过对韩都衣舍的纵向案例研究,提出从基于经验的产品研发转变为数据驱动的产品研发的两阶段转型模型,剖析了数据驱动的产品研发转型的组织惯例适应性变革机制,提出了数据驱动的产品研发转型范式理论模型,对"数据驱动"的内涵进行了创新性阐述。本文从转型路径、实现机制与转型范式3个方面构建了数据驱动的产品研发转型理论,研究结论对数字经济时代数据驱动产品创新的企业实践提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

Despite strong market interest in speciality foods, producers find market access and distribution challenging. This exploratory research includes a literature review and five case studies of supply chains relating to shellfish, cheese, meat, potato and miscellaneous speciality foods in the mid-Norway region. The study identifies key supply chain configuration parameters from the extant literature, and these are used to analyse the cases. The study makes three main contributions to the literature: an analytical framework for analysing the supply chain characteristics of speciality foods; important supply chain factors for accessing the conventional food supply chain; and five propositions for improving market access. We argue that the speciality foods supply chain should be configured according to these propositions to ensure responsiveness to customer needs and to strengthen market access.  相似文献   

Build–operate–transfer (BOT) is a well-established solution used in the engineering and construction industries for building different types of infrastructure (e.g. railways, highways, power plants). In recent years, BOT has increasingly been adopted by companies in the service industry as a mode for entering foreign markets. BOT in service offshoring (SO) is characterised by a number of significant peculiarities (e.g. different numbers of involved parties, fee methods, lengths of the concession period), which may call into question the possibility of extending existing findings that relate to infrastructure projects. The aims of this work are as follows: to collect and systematise existing knowledge on engineering and construction BOT projects; to highlight – through an exploratory case study – how these results could be applied to BOT in SO; and to shed light on the factors affecting the choice between different entry modes (including BOT).  相似文献   

近年来,由于企业对ERP系统的投资越来越大,而且ERP对于企业的重要性也越来越被人们所认识到,与ERP有关的课题成为学术界的研究热点。许多研究表明,ERP的实施战略对于ERP实施的最终成败有着显著的影响。然而,已有文献却未曾对ERP实施战略开展过深入研究。本文通过案例研究方法,对"渐进式"这一非常重要的ERP实施战略进行了详细的分析。通过对案例公司的几位高层管理者的深入访谈,本文发现,在企业实施ERP系统的各个阶段,采用渐进式实施战略的动机包括经济压力、消化压力、技术准备、规避失败。此外,本文还归纳了当采用渐进式ERP实施战略时,会促进企业获得ERP实施成功的三个必要条件,分别是与ERP供应商的长期合作伙伴关系、有能力的并且持续的IT推动者、稳定的内部实施团队。基于这些研究发现,本文提出了一系列研究命题及一个关于渐进式ERP实施战略的理论模型。文章的最后还对本研究的理论和实践方面贡献进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This article makes the case for a coordinated and multi-faceted national level response to the HIV/AIDS crisis in South Africa from the field of human resource development (HRD), arguing that national policy debate on this issue must include the development of human resources in HIV/AIDS non-governmental organizations (NGOs). An exploration of potential connections between HIV/AIDS and HRD was conducted with a qualitative case study in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Through this study, four major thematic categories emerged in connection to the work of NGOs involved in the management of HIV/AIDS, government policy, and the emerging theory and practice of national human resource development (NHRD). In addition, findings pointed to the need for HRD research to be conducted in HIV/AIDS related NGOs given their front-line roles in both policy and practice. Initial suggestions for dialogue between NGOs involved with managing HIV/AIDS and the HRD research and practice community are made along with recommendations for stronger linkages between NHRD and HIV/AIDs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Critical Success Factors that affect the performance of organizations involved in Medical Technology supply chains (MTSCs) in Germany. The Medical Technology sector in Germany is considered an innovative, fast-growing and promising industry, being third behind the USA and China as the biggest market in the world, worth 29.9 billion euros in 2017. MTSCs in this country are under pressure from health service funding and cheaper imports, primarily from China. Consequently, supply chain success is of high importance and OEM operational improvements are critical. This exploratory study involved a multiple case study approach where 15 OEMs within German MTSCs were investigated. Following within-case and cross-case analysis, empirical results led to the development of testable propositions, which constitute a foundation for further research investigation. The findings show that there are six, prioritized Critical Success Factors for MTSCs that include sales and operations planning, product development process and quality and compliance. These findings challenge existing assumptions about Critical Success Factors within MTSCs, providing practitioners with strategies showing that re-prioritized CSFs should improve the operational performance of OEMs.  相似文献   

The factors that facilitate organizational learning have traditionally been analysed by organizational learning and, in particular, the learning organization literature. Following a literature review, we have identified fifteen factors. However, these factors have been considered as universal, in other words, applicable to any sector or industry. In this paper we determine the combinations of organizational learning facilitating factors in a specific sectoral context: the Spanish ceramic tile sector, through an exploratory and comparative case study of four companies that illustrate this sector. In addition, we relate the companies' combinations of factors to their strategies (Miles and Snow 1978). The study mainly reveals that: each business strategy category is related to certain factors; the organizations with the most facilitating factors are the most innovative (prospector and analyser); and becoming a prospector implies the distinctive existence of factors 1 and 2, which encompass openness to and capacity for innovative change, a culture that favours the contribution of discerning ideas and maximum attention to the environment.  相似文献   

Schedule nervousness has received significant attention from the academics for almost three decades. However, the majority of published works on schedule nervousness have relied upon experimental results as a basis for making conclusions and there appears to be very little field-based evidence presented in the relevant literature. This paper presents a case study of schedule nervousness based on field observations in a shoe manufacturing company in Indonesia. A model to quantify nervousness is also presented. This study provides an insight that schedule nervousness is an important issue in practice and efforts to quantify nervousness, as well as to understand how it occurred, are necessary in order to reduce nervousness.  相似文献   

以基于行为和态度2个维度界定的多忠诚顾客和单一忠诚顾客为立足点,比较了这2类顾客探索行为之间存在的差异。然后,根据探索行为的动机来源,应用最优刺激水平理论解释了差异存在的真正原因。研究结论表明,多忠诚顾客的探索行为显著高于单一忠诚顾客的探索行为;多忠诚顾客感知品牌(店铺)能力和差异显著小于单一忠诚顾客,且感知品牌(店铺)能力,以及感知品牌(店铺)差异与探索行为存在显著负相关关系,以及2类顾客探索行为存在差异是由于他们感知品牌(店铺)能力的差异所导致的。  相似文献   

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