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郭咏琳  周延风 《管理世界》2021,37(4):159-179
本文基于包容性创新理论,从少数民族致贫原因、依托资源类型以及资源约束特征差异的现实情境出发,提出少数民族BoP概念。在此基础上进一步探讨了少数民族BoP是如何与企业互动以识别、突破资源约束而最终实现包容性创新。通过剖析中国W电商企业少数民族非遗手工艺合作项目,本文揭示了少数民族BoP从外部帮扶到内生驱动的包容性创新实现过程。首先,我们发现了基于少数民族情境的手工技艺价值、产品规范化以及自我发展的片面认知约束。随后,我们开发根植于少数民族BoP的包容性创新过程模型,模型共有外部企业指导帮扶、外部企业连接帮扶和内生驱动发展3个阶段,使得少数民族BoP实现从以劳动力作为生产资源的普通生产者,到以非遗技能作为生产资源的企业合作伙伴,再到以非遗技能作为生产资源实现内生驱动的小型生产者的角色跃迁。本文提出的少数民族BoP概念拓展了现有文献中关于BoP的分类界定,为探讨少数民族BoP实现包容性创新方式提供了新思路,基于少数民族身份及外部环境而形成的片面认知约束的识别深化了BoP资源约束的研究,也为中国情境下拓宽少数民族脱贫之路提供了新路径。  相似文献   

随着经济与社会的发展,我国出现了新的贫困现象和贫困群体,老年贫困人口数量大幅度上升、失地农民陷入贫困、大量农民工处于救助的真空地带、单亲家庭及其儿童贫困日益严重;在职贫困凸显。这些新贫困现象及其新贫困群体的出现,使我国目前社会救助制度面临新的挑战,这就在客观上要求社会救助制度不断完善,积极应对新挑战,以适应不断变化的经济与社会要求,为全体社会成员织好最后一道安全网。  相似文献   

万倩雯  卫田  刘杰 《管理世界》2019,35(5):179-196
企业社会创业能够有效解决金字塔底层的贫困问题。基于社会资本理论,本研究探索了在兼顾经济收益与社会价值的前提下,企业社会创业家是如何辨识、交互并最终与BoP个体建立合作关系的。通过深入了解中国某大型企业农村电商项目,本研究解锁了企业社会创业家与当地个体合作者之间合作关系的构建及演化过程。我们首先发现了个体合作者的两种特性(社交优势和专业知识)以及两种动员方式(个人收入和关系价值)。随后,我们开发了根植于BoP的企业社会创业整合模型,重点关注合作关系从建立、发展到最后制度化的变化过程。整个模型共有选择个体合作者、提升个体合作者水平以及制度化合作关系这3个阶段。本研究深化了对BoP能力培养的理解,并在BoP合作关系、基于社会资本理论的企业社会创业以及以社群为中心的BoP战略等相关领域做出了理论贡献。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,新经济迅速崛起,新经济具有与传统经济不同的特点。在这样的背景下,企业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,如何把握机会、应对挑战,成了企业面临的新问题。企业的市场营销战略必须从传统思维中解脱出来,针对新经济背景下企业所处环境、消费者特征和需求的新变化,采取新的思维加以应对,才能在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。本文从新经济背景的特点及其对企业市场营销战略的影响入手,分析新经济背景下企业的市场营销战略。  相似文献   

李志鑫 《经营管理者》2013,(21):326-326
思想政治工作是企业经济工作的生命线,为新时期企业发展提供者有力的精神支持和思想保证。党的十八大后,国有企业的发展面临着新挑战与新要求,如何改革创新思想政治工作,成为企业发展的必经之路。  相似文献   

<正>在经济全球化和竞争激烈的商业环境下,企业为了降低成本、提高效率和专注核心业务,越来越多地选择将人力资源外包给专业的服务提供商。人力资源外包作为一种管理模式,可以帮助企业实现资源优化配置和灵活运作,但同时也带来了一系列的风险和挑战。本文以“企业人力资源外包风险分析及防范策略”为研究方向,探讨企业在进行人力资源外包过程中所面临的风险,并提出相应的防范策略,旨在为相关企业提供警示和参考。  相似文献   

本文聚焦于面向金字塔底层市场(BoP)的破坏性创新,从技术和商业模式两个角度研究了面向BoP市场的破坏性创新的特征、机制。论文在文献探讨的基础上,基于对山寨手机行业的案例研究,运用扎根理论的分析方法总结出面向BoP市场的技术和商业模式创新的具体特征和构念维度,建立了从技术和商业模式相匹配的视角研究破坏性创新的理论框架。论文研究发现,破坏性技术通过商业模式这一联结机制实现对传统技术的破坏,技术和商业模式的协同创新是面向BoP市场的破坏性创新成功的关键。在此基础上,论文进一步分析了破坏性创新在BoP市场发生的条件。本文的研究深化了学术界对破坏性创新以及BoP研究的认识。  相似文献   

在企业生命周期的不同发展阶段,由于企业所处环境不同,面临的风险内涵和强度特征也不尽相同,从而直接影响到企业融资战略的选择。本文首先概述了融资策略的内涵,接着分析企业生命周期不同阶段的风险特征对融资策略的影响,最后结合实际提出了与各阶段相适宜的融资策略选择,为企业选择正确的融资策略提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高科技的快速发展,科技型企业根据其自身发展的优势,在现代经济中占有越来越重要的位置。但是,科技型企业来需要大量资金作为企业运作的根本,而科技型企业本身具有较大的不确定性,使得其面临着融资困难的局面。因此,科技型企业在不同的生命周期阶段中,可根据自身所处的不同环境,选择不同的融资方式,以适应企业的发展。  相似文献   

由于中国社会处于转型阶段,经济体制深刻变革,民营企业与政府的关系表现出加强的趋势。在转型经济中,除了传统的企业家能力之外,政治关系显然有助于提高民营企业与政府的交往能力。通过建立政治关系,可以解决发展过程中面临的土地等瓶颈问题,或者获得政府采购、税收优惠等直接经济利益。这些资源和利益正是转轨时期民营企业迅速发展壮大的强大动力。由于民营企业所处的外部环境和支配的资源禀赋存在很大的差异,因此不同民营企业的政治关系也表现出极大的差异性。本文希望通过民企政治关系的不同手段与模式的探讨,对我国民企发展有所启示。  相似文献   

Recent technological advances have enabled the emergence of novel business models based on digital platforms. Marketplace like Airbnb or Uber offer such digital platforms to connect previously unmatched demand-side and supply-side participants through innovative forms of value creation, delivery and capture. While countless firms claim to offer the next ‘Airbnb for X’ or ‘Uber for Y’, we lack knowledge about the defining business model characteristics of these marketplaces. To close the gap, this paper provides a conceptually and empirically grounded taxonomy of their business models. Applying a mixed methods approach, it first develops an integrative framework of marketplace business models. Guided by the framework, the research systematically analyzes 100 randomly selected marketplaces with content analysis and binary coding. The gathered data is analyzed with cluster analysis techniques to develop a taxonomy for marketplace business models. The clustering process reveals six clearly distinguishable types of marketplace business models and thus shows that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating, delivering, and capturing value with marketplaces and platforms in general. We characterize these distinctive types on basis of the qualitative and quantitative findings. Among others, we find that two of these types are highly aligned with business model characteristics associated with the so-called sharing economy. The findings are discussed against platform, marketplace, and sharing economy literature to contribute to a higher integration of different literature streams that are concerned with similar organizational types and phenomena.  相似文献   

It could be argued that the development of new business models has occurred at such a pace that many of the important considerations accompanying their development have been overlooked. It is interesting to note that due to the shift away from traditional business structures such as vertically integrated, closely controlled organizations, towards virtual organizations, for which coordination is more important, we have not paid sufficient attention to the important issues of planning and control needs for these new structures. This contribution reviews recent discussion on the structure of new business models and identifies some of the attempts at introducing planning and control into these organizations. The article proposes an approach to this problem by considering the components of the new business models, their stakeholders and their objectives and offers a model which forms the basis from which research can commence.  相似文献   

This study was inspired by the diversity of styles found in the way companies represent their business model visually. Through the visual analysis of how 242 business model diagrams collected from websites and annual reports represent transformation of value, this study identifies a typology of four basic patterns of business model visualization. The typology adds to previous visualization research by proposing two new types of transformational diagram formats, namely transactive and cyclical structures. It is further argued that the typology can be used as a framework for researchers to describe, evaluate and compare the underlying logics of value creation in business model conceptualizations, and for practitioners to generate different business model designs by drawing on the benefits of visualization, such as a more holistic understanding of ideas, better buy-in and improved group communication.  相似文献   

Chemicals indisputably contribute greatly to the well-being of modern societies. Apart from such benefits, however, chemicals often pose serious threats to human health and the environment when improperly handled. Therefore, the European Commission has proposed a regulatory framework for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) that requires companies using chemicals to gather pertinent information on the properties of these substances. In this article, we argue that the crucial aspect of this information management may be the honesty and accuracy of the transfer of relevant knowledge from the producer of a chemical to its user. This may be particularly true if the application of potentially hazardous chemicals is not part of the user's core competency. Against this background, we maintain that the traditional sales concept provides no incentives for transferring this knowledge. The reason is that increased user knowledge of a chemical's properties may raise the efficiency of its application. That is, excessive and unnecessary usage will be eliminated. This, in turn, would lower the amount of chemicals sold and in competitive markets directly decrease profits of the producer. Through the introduction of chemical leasing business models, we attempt to present a strategy to overcome the incentive structure of classical sales models, which is counterproductive for the transfer of knowledge. By introducing two models (a Model A that differs least and a Model B that differs most from traditional sales concepts), we demonstrate that chemical leasing business models are capable of accomplishing the goal of Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals: to effectively manage the risk of chemicals by reducing the total quantity of chemicals used, either by a transfer of applicable knowledge from the lessor to the lessee (Model A) or by efficient application of the chemical by the lessor him/herself (Model B).  相似文献   

基于跨案例扎根分析的商业模式结构模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以75个实际企业商业模式成功案例为样本,应用扎根理论的Strauss三阶段编码方法进行跨案例分析,构建商业模式结构模型。以迭代式开放性编码对案例中描述商业模式的变量进行概念化和类属化,依据主轴编码的典范模式将各类属按性质分布于具有因果关系的6个层次,将每个层次的类属性质聚类为具有三级结构的商业模式构件,建立一个包含15个构件和6个层次的二维商业模式结构模型,并以实际企业案例详细说明模型的应用。研究结果表明,构建的模型有效改进了现有商业模式结构研究在构件细化、构件全面性和模型开放性等方面存在的不足,且为解释性模型和形式理论,使模型不仅可以跨情境地应用于商业模式描述、商业模式评估和商业模式创新策略归纳,也为研究更深层次商业模式问题奠定了良好的基础,并对企业创新和改进商业模式提供指导。  相似文献   

Hybrid organizational forms that combine commercial and welfare institutional logics play an increasingly important role in addressing the grand societal challenges we face today. Building on the literatures on hybrid organizations and social business models, we explore the characteristics of social businesses from a business model perspective. This study seeks to better understand the particularities and value drivers of hybrid social purpose in contrast to purely commercial business models. We follow a grounded theory approach and our findings are based on interview data from 17 social business firms. Building on social businesses' identified particularities, we propose four value drivers of social business models: 1) responsible efficiency, 2) impact complementarities, 3) shared values, and 4) integration novelties. We link our findings to the literature, contributing new insights into social businesses models and implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

The banking industry has been the object of DEA analyses by a significant number of researchers and probably is the most heavily studied of all business sectors. Various DEA models have been applied in performance assessing problems, and the banks' complex production processes have further motivated the extension and improvement of DEA techniques. This paper surveys 80 published DEA applications in 24 countries/areas that specifically focus on bank branches. Key issues related to the design of DEA models in these studies are discussed. Much advice is included on how to design future experiments and studies in this domain. A number of areas where further research could be fruitful are suggested.  相似文献   

This study examines how business models affect technological innovation performance through the mediating role of organizational learning. Using hierarchical regression analysis with data from 173 Chinese manufacturing firms embedded in global manufacturing networks, this study shows that both efficiency-centered and novelty-centered business models affect organizational learning. The results also demonstrate that organizational learning fully mediates the relationship between efficiency-centered business models and technological innovation performance and partially mediates the relationship between novelty-centered business models and technological innovation performance. This study provides new insights into the influence of business models on technological innovation performance by showing the indirect influence of business models. This study may help managers better understand the influence of business models on technological innovation performance.  相似文献   

In recent years, the notion of business models has gained momentum in management research. Scholars have discussed several barriers to changing business models in established firms. However, the national institutions of market economies have not yet been discussed as barriers, even though they can constrain the latitude of action of a firm's management. Based on interviews and a longitudinal content analysis, we analyse the extent to which full service carriers in two countries (British Airways in the UK and Deutsche Lufthansa in Germany) have adopted elements of a low cost model over time. Furthermore, we investigate how this process has been influenced by the differences in each national institutional context. We particularly focus on the role of the rights of employee representatives in changes in business models. Our results show that British Airways has moved its business model more in the direction of low cost carriers than Deutsche Lufthansa, although the business model of the former airline still differs significantly from that of a typical low cost carrier. We identify national institutions that potentially strengthen the position of employee representatives as a factor that can influence, and also act as a barrier to, business model change.  相似文献   

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