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Fertility after natural disaster: Hurricane Mitch in Nicaragua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This investigation evaluates the effect of Hurricane Mitch on women’s reproductive outcomes throughout Nicaragua. This research aim is achieved by analyzing a unique Nicaraguan Living Standards Measurement Study panel dataset that tracks women’s fertility immediately before and at two time points after Hurricane Mitch, combined with satellite-derived municipality-level precipitation data for the 10-day storm period. Results show higher odds of post-disaster fertility in municipalities receiving higher precipitation levels in the immediate post-Hurricane Mitch period. However, fertility normalizes between disaster and non-disaster areas 4 to 6 years after the storm. These findings suggest that the disruptive effects of a natural disaster such as Hurricane Mitch can have an initial stimulative effect on fertility but that effect is ephemeral.  相似文献   

当今永久性国际人口迁移现状及其特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
永久性国际移民是国际人口迁移的重要组成部分。与其他几类国际人口迁移相比 ,永久性国际移民具有移民的合法性和在移入国居住时间的长久性。从移民分布看 ,北美洲和大洋洲一直是永久性国际移民的主要目的地。 80年代末以后 ,欧洲一些国家也相继变成了大批永久性移民的目的地。从移民特点看 ,90年代初曾是宗教回归和民族回归移民的高潮时期 ;而传统移民国家则以接受家庭团聚移民为主。对于所有移民国家 ,他们均对技术移民和投资移民表示欢迎  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a systematic review of scholarly publications that report empirical findings from studies of environmentally-related international migration. There exists a small, but growing accumulation of empirical studies that consider environmentally-linked migration that spans international borders. These studies provide useful evidence for scholars and policymakers in understanding how environmental factors interact with political, economic and social factors to influence migration behavior and outcomes that are specific to international movements of people, in highlighting promising future research directions, and in raising important considerations for international policymaking. Our review identifies countries of migrant origin and destination that have so far been the subject of empirical research, the environmental factors believed to have influenced these migrations, the interactions of environmental and non-environmental factors as well as the role of context in influencing migration behavior, and the types of methods used by researchers. In reporting our findings, we identify the strengths and challenges associated with the main empirical approaches, highlight significant gaps and future opportunities for empirical work, and contribute to advancing understanding of environmental influences on international migration more generally. Specifically, we propose an exploratory framework to take into account the role of context in shaping environmental migration across borders, including the dynamic and complex interactions between environmental and non-environmental factors at a range of scales.  相似文献   

This essay examines the recent emergence of migration and development as a major area of policy concern. The focus up to now has been almost entirely upon international migration, which accounts for the minority of people who move. A consensus has emerged that migration can be managed so as to promote development, and the essay critically assesses three of the major areas of concern: remittances, skilled migration, and the diaspora. While welcoming the growing acceptance that migration is no longer seen as negative for development, the essay cautions against essentializing migration and placing too great a responsibility upon migrant agency at the expense of the institutional change necessary to bring about development. Internal as well as international migrations will need to be integrated into any development framework, and it is further argued that these migrations are essentially a consequence of development. Planning for migration as an outcome rather than a cause of development is likely to provide a more balanced policy approach.  相似文献   

Using event history analyses, we investigate the impact of rainfall conditions — a crucial environmental factor in the livelihood of Sahelian households— on the risk of the first village departure in Burkina Faso. The distinction of migrations by destination and duration proves critical in studying this relationship. Findings suggest that people from the drier regions are more likely than those from wetter areas to engage in both temporary and permanent migrations to other rural areas. Also, short-term rainfall deficits tend to increase the risk of long-term migration to rural areas and decrease the risk of short-term moves to distant destinations.  相似文献   

Environmental and climatic changes have shaped human mobility for thousands of years and research on the migration-environment connection has proliferated in the past several years. Even so, little work has focused on Latin America or on international movement. Given rural Mexico’s dependency on primary sector activities involving various natural resources, and the existence of well-established transnational migrant networks, we investigate the association between rainfall patterns and U.S.-bound migration from rural locales, a topic of increasing policy relevance. The new economics of labor migration theory provides background, positing that migration represents a household-level risk management strategy. We use data from the year 2000 Mexican census for rural localities and socioeconomic and state-level precipitation data provided by the Mexican National Institute for Statistics and Geography. Multilevel models assess the impact of rainfall change on household-level international out-migration while controlling for relevant sociodemographic and economic factors. A decrease in precipitation is significantly associated with U.S.-bound migration, but only for dry Mexican states. This finding suggests that programs and policies aimed at reducing Mexico-U.S. migration should seek to diminish the climate/weather vulnerability of rural Mexican households, for example by supporting sustainable irrigation systems and subsidizing drought-resistant crops.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the allegation that, when using the Chandrasekar-Deming technique with two independent enumeration systems to record the incidence of vital events and migrations, each individual system misses the same type of event is investigated. If this correlation bias were to occur frequently enough, it could result in a serious underestimation of a given type of event. Using vital events and migrations data derived from a longitudinal survey conducted in Liberia between 1969 and 1973, the estimated number of recorded events is tabulated into homogeneous groups that are demonstrated to affect omission rates. The proportion of missed eyents is computed separately for each enumeration system, and the presence or absence of a significant correlation mathematically determined. The results of this study suggest that no significant correlation could be demonstrated in the type of birth, death or infant death that was commonly missed by each individual enumeration system. This indicates that the omission of a birth, death or infant death was apparently a random occurrence as far as the individual casefinding systems were concerned. The authors conclude that any underestimation of vital events from this type of correlation bias may not be as serious as originally imagined. In contrast to this observation, the omission of particular types of migrations by each enumeration system was apparently not a random occurrence, but was associated with the direction of migration. This implies that selected migration rates in the liberian survey were probably understated and this could happen in other longitudinal surveys, unless specific precautions are taken to avoid it.  相似文献   

Engendering migrant networks: The case of Mexican migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article compares the impact of family migrant and destination-specific networks on international and internal migration. We find that migrant networks are more important for international moves than for internal moves and that female networks are more important than male networks for moves within Mexico. For moves to the United States, male migrant networks are more important for prospective male migrants than for female migrants, and female migrant networks lower the odds of male migration, but significantly increase female migration. We suggest that distinguishing the gender composition and destination content of migrant networks deepens our understanding of how cumulative causation affects patterns of Mexican migration.  相似文献   

In this paper the allegation that, when using the Chandrasekar-Deming technique with two independent enumeration systems to record the incidence of vital events and migrations, each individual system misses the same type of event is investigated. If this correlation bias were to occur frequently enough, it could result in a serious underestimation of a given type of event. Using vital events and migrations data derived from a longitudinal survey conducted in Liberia between 1969 and 1973, the estimated number of recorded events is tabulated into homogeneous groups that are demonstrated to affect omission rates. The proportion of missed eyents is computed separately for each enumeration system, and the presence or absence of a significant correlation mathematically determined. The results of this study suggest that no significant correlation could be demonstrated in the type of birth, death or infant death that was commonly missed by each individual enumeration system. This indicates that the omission of a birth, death or infant death was apparently a random occurrence as far as the individual casefinding systems were concerned. The authors conclude that any underestimation of vital events from this type of correlation bias may not be as serious as originally imagined.

In contrast to this observation, the omission of particular types of migrations by each enumeration system was apparently not a random occurrence, but was associated with the direction of migration. This implies that selected migration rates in the liberian survey were probably understated and this could happen in other longitudinal surveys, unless specific precautions are taken to avoid it.  相似文献   

Trends in international migration are presented in this multiregional analysis. Seven of the world's wealthiest countries have about 33% of the world's migrant population, but under 16% of the total world population. Population growth in these countries is substantially affected by the migrant population. The migration challenge is external and internal. The external challenge is to balance the need for foreign labor and the commitment to human rights for those migrants seeking economic opportunity and political freedom. The internal challenge is to assure the social adjustment of immigrants and their children and to integrate them into society as citizens and future leaders. Why people cross national borders and how migration flows are likely to evolve over the next decades are explained. This report also presents some ways that countries can manage migration or reduce the pressures which force people to migrate. It is recommended that receiving nations control immigration by accelerating global economic growth and reducing wars and human rights violations. This report examines the impact of immigration on international trade, aid, and direct intervention policies. Although migration is one of the most important international economic issues, it is not coordinated by an international group. The European experience indicates that it is not easy to secure international cooperation on issues that affect national sovereignty. It is suggested that countries desiring control of their borders should remember that most people never cross national borders to live or work in another country, that 50% of the world's migrants move among developing countries, and that countries can shift from being emigration to immigration countries. The author suggests that sustained reductions in migration pressure are a better alternative than the "quick fixes" that may invite the very much feared mass and unpredictable movements.  相似文献   


Most studies on international migration examine population movement between a country of origin and a destination. This article aims to show that migrants often change destinations, a less studied pattern of ‘multiple migrations’. This article explores how such migration occurs and analyses the variables accounting for it. Drawing on qualitative fieldwork research amongst Romanian migrants in Portugal, the article concludes that the growth in multiple migrations of Romanian migrants throughout Europe can be explained by a combination of migration policies and social networks, mediated by migrants’ level of education and type of occupation at the destination.  相似文献   

Garip F 《Demography》2008,45(3):591-617
This article investigates how migrant social capital differentially influences individuals 'migration and cumulatively generates divergent outcomes for communities. To combine the fragmented findings in the literature, the article proposes a framework that decomposes migrant social capital into resources (information about or assistance with migration), sources (prior migrants), and recipients (potential migrants). Analysis of multilevel and longitudinal data from 22 rural villages in Thailand shows that the probability of internal migration increases with the available resources, yet the magnitude of increase depends on recipients' characteristics and the strength of their ties to sources. Specifically, individuals become more likely to migrate if migrant social capital resources are greater and more accessible. The diversity of resources by occupation increases the likelihood of migration, while diversity by destination inhibits it. Resources from weakly tied sources, such as village members, have a higher effect on migration than resources from strongly tied sources in the household. Finally, the importance of resources for migration declines with recipients' own migration experience. These findings challenge the mainstream account of migrant social capital as a uniform resource that generates similar migration outcomes for different groups of individuals or in different settings. In Nang Rong villages, depending on the configuration of resources, sources, and recipients, migrant social capital leads to differential migration outcomes for individuals and divergent cumulative migration patterns in communities.  相似文献   

国际人口迁移理论述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张晓青 《人口学刊》2001,24(3):41-45
最近二三十年,由于种种原因,国家间人口迁移日益频繁,众多学者不断提出关于国际人口迁移的各种理论学说,主要涉及迁移的动力机制和后续延伸,具体包括新古典主义经济学派、新家庭经济学派、双重劳动力市场理论、世界体系理论、网络理论、机构理论和“连锁因果关系”观点等。这些理论各有所侧重,综合起来基本上可以解释复杂多样的国际人口迁移现象。不过,不免存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

人口流动家庭化及其影响因素——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于2006年北京市1‰流动人口抽样调查,考察北京市流动人口的家庭模式及其流动家庭化的影响因素。调查结果显示,北京市流动人口的家庭化率已达到60%。流动人口家庭模式是以一对夫妻户和一对夫妻加孩子户为主的核心家庭为主导,以一代户和二代户为主。3/4的已婚流动人口携带了配偶,有孩子的流动人口中有一半携带了孩子,这些孩子中有近20%是在北京出生的。流动人口的平均家庭规模为2人,明显小于全国农村的平均家庭规模(3.4人)。流动人口的个人特征及在京居住地显著影响人口流动家庭化,同时还发现非经济因素成为比经济因素更为重要的人口流动家庭化影响因素。  相似文献   

John Rumford 《Demography》1972,9(3):431-441
A study was made of the factors that affected the casefinding of internal migrations in Liberia using the Chandrasekar—Deming dual enumeration and tabulation methods. The results of this work suggest that the recording and not recording of a migration is not a random occurrence but is associated with a particular enumeration system, origin and destination of the migration, and the migrant’s age, sex, and location of current residence.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that, in a variety of settings, environmental factors influence migration. Yet much of the existing work examines objective indicators of environmental conditions as opposed to the environmental perceptions of potential migrants. This paper examines migration decision-making and individual perceptions of different types of environmental change (sudden vs. gradual environmental events) with a focus on five developing countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, Uganda, Nicaragua, and Peru. The survey data include both migrants and non-migrants, with the results suggesting that individual perceptions of long-term (gradual) environmental events, such as droughts, lower the likelihood of internal migration. However, sudden-onset events, such as floods, increase movement. These findings substantially improve our understanding of perceptions as related to internal migration and also suggest that a more differentiated perspective is needed on environmental migration as a form of adaptation.  相似文献   

日常生活中的家庭结构及其与父母的居住模式是流动和留守儿童各种问题的根源。本文利用2006年的珠三角农民工抽样调查原始数据,从农民工子女流动或留守的两种生存状况出发,探索了决定这两种生存状态的各种因素。结果发现,农民工子女的流动与否在很大程度上受制于自己的年龄、农村社会支持、迁移距离和父(母)在城市生存状态,他们的流动与否不仅是作为农民工父(母)理性选择的结果,还与国家、地方、生产等方面的制度有关。也就是说,与人口迁移中推拉理论的论述一样,农民工子女的流动与否也是由农村社会和城市社会各自的推拉合力作用的结果,也是作为父母的农民工经过利弊权衡后的理性选择结果。  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, overseas labor migration plays a vital role in the development strategy promoted by government agencies, international donor organizations and civil society organizations. Civil society organizations facilitate the migration process, respond to exploitation facing migrants while overseas and assist migrants upon their return to Bangladesh. Organizations in Bangladesh are pursuing a ‘transnational project,’ whereby their activities, missions, and objectives are now focused around transnational work in order to assist migrants. The transnational project is driven by foreign development agencies and the legitimating actions of local migrant organizations. This paper demonstrates the different ways transnationalism has moved from a radical concept to a banal development practice, by critically analyzing contemporary development practices of migrant civil society organizations in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Also addressed are the implications of the transnational project on migrant organizations, development, and migrant political inclusion, arguing that the transnational project creates new power structures and paradoxes within organizations.  相似文献   

Individual level differentials between migrants and nonmigrants are examined to ascertain the likelihood of return migration to a prior residence based on characteristics at the time of departure from place of origin. Analysis focuses on comparisons of Hispanics, blacks and whites, examining the odds of return migration by education, employment status, marital status, home ownership, length of residence, gender, age, and migration interval. The 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) is utilized to identify 13,798 preliminary migrations that may be followed by at least one return migration. Findings indicate a sharp decline in propensity to return migrate as length of absence from origin increases. Regardless of length of time since the preliminary migration, both blacks and Hispanics are more likely to return migrate than are whites. Individuals who resided at place of origin for longer periods before leaving had strikingly higher odds for return migration.  相似文献   

There is limited empirical evidence of how environmental conditions in the Global South may influence long-distance international migration to the Global North. This research note reports findings from seven focus groups held in Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada, with recent migrants from the Horn of Africa and francophone sub-Saharan Africa, where the role of environment in migration decision-making was discussed. Participants stated that those most affected by environmental challenges in their home countries lack the financial wherewithal to migrate to Canada. Participants also suggested that internal rural–urban migration patterns generated by environmental challenges in their home countries underlay socioeconomic factors that contributed to their own migration. In other words, environment is a second- or third-order contributor in a complex chain of interactions in the migrant source country that may lead to long-distance international migration by skilled and educated urbanites. These findings have informed the scope and detail of a larger, ongoing empirical study of environmental influences on immigration to Canada.  相似文献   

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