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The reluctance to adopt value-based pricing stems from a fundamental problem created by the system: increased revenue uncertainty and variability. The literature suggests that inconsistent carcass characteristics cause revenue variability under grid pricing. The possibility that the grid pricing structure, regardless of cattle quality variations, also causes revenue variability has been recognized but not fully analyzed. This study quantifies the impact of grid variability over time, pen quality differentials, and quality grade price discounts on average revenue per head for a pen of fed cattle. Grid pricing revenue results are compared to average pricing results.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the lease versus purchase alternative by not-for-profit hospitals presents a problem that stems from the interaction between investment and financial decisions. This paper provides an analytical framework that resolves this issue by neutralizing the impact of the lease contract on the hospital's financial structure and debt capacity. The formulation incorporates the special operating characteristics of not-for-profit hospitals: namely, they are not subject to federal income tax, and part of their revenue is generated through cost-based reimbursement.  相似文献   

本文以非抢占式M/M/1排队系统为背景,以企业收益最大化为目标,基于顾客异质性(单位时间等待成本不同)将顾客分为两类,针对顾客的心理期望等待时间对服务提供商最优定价策略的影响进行研究。首先研究优先权顾客心理期望等待时间对企业收益的影响以及相应的优先权定价,然后研究优先权顾客和普通顾客同时存在心理期望等待时间对企业收益的影响和相应的优先权定价。研究表明:仅考虑优先权顾客的心理期望等待时间,企业应通过提高优先权定价来获得最优收益;当优先权顾客和普通顾客同时存在心理期望等待时间时,企业仍然采取提高优先权定价的策略,若普通顾客的价值大(获取服务的基本费用大),企业应对普通顾客提供一定的折扣来消除其心理期望等待时间增加企业收益;如果普通顾客的价值较小,企业应"有意"流失部分普通顾客,吸引更多顾客到优先权队列获取服务来获得更多收益。本文研究对于服务提供商在考虑顾客心理期望等待时间基础上设置最合理的队列机制有一定的指导意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

本文试图全面和深入解析金融机构存差这一重要金融现象。研究发现,目前关于存差的很多认识是似是而非的,我国金融机构存差的产生很大程度上是政府在经济转轨过程中实施金融控制的结果。而铸币税则是政府实施金融控制能够获得的主要收入,正是政府为征收铸币税所导致的基础货币增长成为导致金融机构存差的主要原因。据此本文建立了一个一般性的分析框架,将存差、金融控制和铸币税之间建立起紧密的逻辑联系,分析相互关系与相互影响。研究还发现,存差扩大与我国M2/GDP的快速上升都同金融控制政策有密切关系。这一新的分析框架有助于从更高层面更全面的理解存差现象,及其背后所隐藏的深刻的转轨经济学含义。  相似文献   

Drawing on the strategic leadership and leadership cognition literature, we develop a theoretical framework linking personal characteristics of strategic leaders with their perceptions of organizational decline and retrenchment activities. Our hypotheses are tested using a sample of 110 experienced MBA students in a scenario-based study. The findings of this exploratory study suggest that strategic leaders' perceptions of the severity of a firm's decline play an important role in the recommendation of extensive retrenchment activities in response to decline. However, perceptions of the severity of decline vary substantially across decision makers and are influenced by an individual's locus of strategic control, functional background and maturity. The study's findings that perceptions of decline and planned responses to decline vary substantially and predictably across individuals are discussed in light of existing theory and practice.  相似文献   

A recent survey shows that nearly two-thirds of all hospitals have or are considering a medical director position. Comparative data show that the average bed size of hospitals with a medical director continues to decline as more and more institutions add the position. The reasons for the growth, according to the survey, are the increasing demands of administering a medical staff and responding to regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

通过核心企业的信用水平为中小企业获取贷款提供担保,使得整个供应链有效运行是实施供应链金融的重要意义。本文考虑分销商(核心企业)-零售商(贷款企业)组成的二级供应链,为了降低银行面临的零售商违约风险,在银行监督下,分销商与零售商引入收益共享—双向期权契约。本文计算得到了零售商的违约概率,在此基础上,深入分析了各方期望收益、零售商最优初始订货量与最优期权购买数量、分销商最优收益共享比例、银行下侧风险规避前提下可参考的收益共享比例范围。并构造了数值算例,探讨了期权执行价格、收益共享比例及银行质押率等关键参数对风险控制方面的影响。本文所得结果能够为银行及企业在供应链金融决策方面提供参考。  相似文献   

在合同执行过程中因环境不确定性引发的违约行为,是导致复杂产品系统项目失败的重要原因。论文研究了环境波动(具体到市场价格波动和研制成本波动)对复杂产品系统合约方不合作行为的影响。首先研究了价格下降情况下买卖双方的收益函数、论证了收益函数中各变量与价格下降之间的逻辑关系,构建了复制动态方程、分析了用户不合作行为的演化路径和阈值与价格下降的关系;之后以同样的逻辑研究了价格上升情况下集成商的不合作行为;最后用数值仿真演示了初始条件改变和决策参数的不同取值对演化结果的影响。研究发现:(1)博弈双方收益函数中的各变量在价格下降时均是价格下降程度的函数,在价格上升时均是成本上涨程度的函数;(2)用户行为与价格下降的关系:当价格下降幅度小于用户合作阈值时合作是演化的结果,当价格下降幅度超过用户不合作阈值时不合作是演化的结果,当价格下降幅度界于合作阈值和不合作阈值之间时演化结果取决于对方的行为;(3)集成商行为与成本上升的关系:当成本上升幅度小于集成商合作阈值时合作是演化的结果,当成本上升幅度超过集成商不合作阈值时不合作是演化的结果,当成本上升幅度界于合作阈值和不合作阈值之间时演化结果取决于对方的行为。研究揭示了不合作行为与价格下降及成本上升的突变非线性关系,找出了合作和不合作的阈值。研究是环境不确定情境下合约治理理论在复杂产品系统及相关项目管理领域的深入,研究结果可为管理实践的合约治理提供决策支持,提高复杂产品系统项目的成功率。  相似文献   

Teamsupervision in sterbenden Organisationen   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Team supervision in dying organizations Organizations in profit and in not-for-profit areas are subjected to increasingly rapid change processes. The financial resources run low, and several Organizations are dying. Hence, the competence of supervisors is often requested to deal with such dying processes. Supervisors of teams usually are oriented on the development and progression of an organization. The farewell, the end of projects and of institutions, the failure are still put under a taboo. The author discusses the question, how supervisors can support such processes. A successful detachment may have a model function on a systemic level.  相似文献   

基于TAM的移动内容服务采纳分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
3G时代,提供能被消费者接受的移动内容服务是移动运营商和内容提供商实现利润的重要前提,其关键是明晰影响用户采纳移动内容服务的主要因素和影响途径。本文以技术接受模型为理论基础,在移动商务的环境下对其进行扩展,建立了整合用户创新性、外部影响和感知财务费用的移动内容服务采纳模型,并在此基础上提出了相应的假设,并通过结构方程模型的方法对假设模型进行了验证。实证研究发现,技术接受模型在移动商务环境下依然有效,而且用户自身的创新性、外部的影响和使用成本也影响消费者的采纳意图。  相似文献   

风险规避型供应链的收益共享机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶飞  林强 《管理工程学报》2012,26(1):113-118
探讨了由风险规避型零售商与风险规避型供应商组成的两级供应链协作激励问题.首先研究了Stackelberg主从对策模型下风险规避型零售商与风险规避型供应商的决策行为,并分析了双方的风险规避系数对双方决策行为的影响.然后,研究了垂直一体化模型下风险规避型供应链的决策行为,同样分析了双方风险规避系数对供应链决策行为的影响程度.最后,提出采用收益共享契约机制来协调该供应链.并通过数值实验进一步分析供应商与零售商的风险规避系数对双方的决策行为及收益共享系数的影响程度.  相似文献   

李云鹤  李湛 《管理评论》2012,(7):117-131
通过建立企业生命周期新的划分指标,从企业发展的动态层面研究管理者代理行为与公司过度投资之间关系随企业生命周期的演变,并检验公司治理机制随企业生命周期的治理效果。结果表明,我国上市公司管理者代理行为随企业生命周期动态变化,其对公司过度投资的影响随企业生命周期发展不断减弱。不同公司治理机制的治理效果随企业生命周期也发生变化,其中董事长总经理兼任在成长阶段能够有效抑制公司过度投资,而独立董事在成熟阶段及大股东在衰退阶段均显著没有发挥应有的监督作用。成长阶段中的公司监事会能够对代理行为引致的过度投资起到显著的监督作用,而董事长总经理兼任则显著加剧代理行为引致的过度投资,成长阶段中管理层持股、成熟阶段中独立董事与外部机构持股以及衰退阶段中大股东均显著没有起到应有的治理作用。  相似文献   

针对产业共性技术产学研协同研发问题,本文以单个研究机构(大学、科研院所)和单个企业为研究对象,通过构建微分博弈模型,运用HJB方程分别分析了三种产业共性技术研发博弈情形下研究机构和企业各自的最优研发努力程度、最优研发收益、双方最优研发总收益以及企业对研究机构的研发投入补贴。通过对三种博弈结果的比较分析发现:(1)研发投入补贴作为一种激励策略,可促进研究机构研发努力程度、研究机构与企业各自研发收益以及双方研发总收益的提升;(2)协同合作博弈情形下研究机构与企业各自研发努力程度、各自研发收益和双方研发总收益均优于非合作情形。为协调研究机构与企业的产业共性技术协同研发行为,通过讨论收益分配系数α的取值范围进而分析产业共性技术产学研协同研发的收益协调机制。最后,通过算例分析验证了理论推导的结果。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of certificates and deadlines on student performance. It exploits time lags in reforms of two similar degree programs at a business school, which create quasi-experimental settings. Students’ performance is found to increase if certificates are awarded to them early in their program. Deadlines to pass exams prevent them from submitting blank sheets to fail and resit exams. Both effects are stronger among average students compared to high-ability or low-ability students. These findings show that the policies that govern degree programs can create incentives for students to improve performance. It is important for universities to understand the behavioral implications of such policies when designing degree programs.  相似文献   

本文利用抽样调查数据,从乡镇财政的收入结构(预算内和预算外)、支出结构(预算内和预算外)、上解和补助、财政体制等方面,对税费改革乡镇财力的前后情况进行比较。研究表明,税费改革后,尽管县与乡镇之间的上解和补助都有所增加,但从总体上看,县对乡镇的财政控制高于改革前,乡镇对自身的财政控制能力越来越弱。同时研究还表明,同改革前的2000年相比较,2004年的乡镇财政状况进一步恶化。另外,税费改革对不同省份和地区的影响是不同的,相对于贫困地区,对富裕地区的不利影响更严重。  相似文献   

Increasingly manufacturers and retailers are implementing revenue‐sharing policies to coordinate distribution channels more effectively. This article considers a standard newsvendor problem in a single manufacturer–retailer channel and compares the expected profits that each party receives in a traditional ordering environment with those that can be achieved under a revenue‐sharing policy designed to completely eliminate double marginalization. It is shown that the retailer always benefits from the transition to revenue sharing by capturing a portion of the incremental channel profit generated by the complete elimination of double marginalization. A necessary demand‐distribution‐dependent condition is derived under which the transition to revenue sharing benefits the manufacturer as well. The findings of this research are illustrated in a numerical example for the uniform demand distribution.  相似文献   

We consider assortment optimization problems under the multinomial logit model, where the parameters of the choice model are random. The randomness in the choice model parameters is motivated by the fact that there are multiple customer segments, each with different preferences for the products, and the segment of each customer is unknown to the firm when the customer makes a purchase. This choice model is also called the mixture‐of‐logits model. The goal of the firm is to choose an assortment of products to offer that maximizes the expected revenue per customer, across all customer segments. We establish that the problem is NP complete even when there are just two customer segments. Motivated by this complexity result, we focus on assortments consisting of products with the highest revenues, which we refer to as revenue‐ordered assortments. We identify specially structured cases of the problem where revenue‐ordered assortments are optimal. When the randomness in the choice model parameters does not follow a special structure, we derive tight approximation guarantees for revenue‐ordered assortments. We extend our model to the multi‐period capacity allocation problem, and prove that, when restricted to the revenue‐ordered assortments, the mixture‐of‐logits model possesses the nesting‐by‐fare‐order property. This result implies that revenue‐ordered assortments can be incorporated into existing revenue management systems through nested protection levels. Numerical experiments show that revenue‐ordered assortments perform remarkably well, generally yielding profits that are within a fraction of a percent of the optimal.  相似文献   

To maximize revenue, airline revenue management analysts (RMAs) attempt to protect the right number of seats for late‐booking, high‐revenue‐generating passengers from low‐valued leisure passengers. Simulation results in the past showed that a major airline can generate approximately $500 million per year through efficient RM operations. Accurate passenger demand forecasts are required, because reduced forecast error significantly improves revenue. RMAs often adjust the system forecasts to improve revenue opportunity. Analysis of system forecast performance and analyst adjustment is complex, because one must account for all unseen demands throughout the life of a flight. This article proposes a method to account for unseen demand and evaluate forecast performance (adjusted or unadjusted) through a forecast monitoring system. Initial results from one major airline's origin‐destination market data justify the value of RMA forecasting adjustments.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic model to explore the benefits of incorporating auctions in revenue management. To the best of our knowledge the extant literature on modeling in revenue management has not considered auctions. We consider three models, namely, a traditional fixed price (non‐auction) model, a pure auction model, and a hybrid auction model and evaluate their revenue performance under a variety of conditions. The hybrid approach outperforms the other two in all 24 scenarios and yields an average revenue increase of 16.1% over the next best. A surprise finding is that there is no significant difference between the performance of the fixed price and pure auction approaches. A sensitivity analysis reveals that the relative superiority of the hybrid revenue management strategy is reasonably robust.  相似文献   

基于收益共享契约的供应链质量控制与协调机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了单个供应商和单个零售商构成的供应链中,零售商采用收益共享契约对供应链成员质量控制决策的协调作用。分析了使用收益共享契约、供应商与零售商合作、使用批发价格契约三种情况下供应链成员的博弈均衡,并进一步通过比较讨论了收益共享契约对于供应链成员质量控制的优势和局限。研究表明,当销售量的变化对产品质量改进的敏感程度较高时,收益共享契约的协调效果较好,但对于零售商来说,虽然其利润高于采用批发价格契约,可利润份额却有所下降,这意味着收益共享契约对供应商更有利。  相似文献   

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