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中国老年贫困人口规模研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用最低生活保障数据,采用不同贫困标准,对中国老年贫困人口规模进行测算。采用农村贫困线和"1天1美元"两个标准,测得农村老年贫困人口规模在1 400万人以上;采用城镇最低生活保障标准和"1天2美元"两个标准,测得城镇老年贫困人口规模在300万人左右。这样,中国老年贫困人口总规模近1 800万,老年贫困发生率超过10%。  相似文献   

在综述国内外文献的基础上,首先构建了测算城镇居民最低生活保障标准的改进了的扩展线性支出模型(ELES);然后,利用该模型对陕西省宝鸡市1998—2009年12年间城镇居民最低生活保障标准进行了测算,并结合基本生活需求法和多指标对比分析法分别对测算结果的可信度、合理性进行检验。结果显示,改进的ELES测算的宝鸡市城镇居民最低生活保障标准可信度高,能满足宝鸡市城镇贫困人口的基本生活需要;最后,根据宝鸡市城镇居民最低生活保障水平低的现实,提出了我国实施合理最低生活保障标准的建议。  相似文献   

李艳军 《西北人口》2009,30(6):81-84,90
本文运用扩展线性支出模型(ELES),以宁夏回族自治区为例,分析了西北地区农村最低生活保障标准的确定,提出并测算了三条不同层次的农村最低生活保障线。结果发现,从消费支出角度测算的农村最低生活保障线远远高于目前政府所执行的标准,农村居民的基本消费被严重低估。因此,在西北地区农村最低生活保障标准的确定过程中,要充分考虑农村居民消费的相对性和多样性。特别地,随着经济社会的发展和财政收入的增长,政府要及时提高农村最低生活保障的水平。  相似文献   

我国贫困人口标准再探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
刘纯彬 《人口研究》2006,30(6):15-22
近几年,通过对我国10余个贫困县的考察,笔者认为:农村贫困人口标准过低,仅相当于国际贫困线确定的最低贫困人口标准的1/5,相当其贫困标准的1/10;相当于我国监狱囚犯生活标准的1/4,相当于美国贫困人口标准的1/50。贫困人口难以完成在当时社会一般的、正常状况下劳动力的再生产。农村贫困人口从2亿多减少到2000多万,主要不是扶贫工作所致,而是到城镇打工。依据马克思劳动力价值学说的基本原理,抓紧调整提高农村贫困人口标准,改进扶贫工作机制,对我国的长治久安和建设和谐社会的大局有利。  相似文献   

相对贫困的识别和测算是瞄准贫困人口和制定减贫政策的基础,但常用于识别相对贫困人口的比例收入法和测度相对贫困程度的FGT指数在理论基础、比例设定和贫困性质方面遭到质疑。采用基于社会融入成本理论的弱相对贫困人口识别方法,及与弱相对贫困线相适应的分层可加综合贫困指数,且考虑与现阶段我国绝对贫困线衔接性及国际标准的可比性,使用2012—2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据估计了中国城乡收入(消费)弱相对贫困线,并测算分析了中国城乡收入(消费)弱相对贫困程度及时空演变特征。研究表明,基于弱相对贫困线构造的综合贫困指数兼顾绝对贫困和相对贫困,可以避免传统FGT指数分别测度绝对贫困和相对贫困时动态变化趋势出现分歧的问题,可更为直观地综合评估经济增长和扶贫政策的减贫效应。无论城乡,尽管不平等导致相对贫困始终处于高位水平,但绝对贫困更大的下降幅度使得中国收入(消费)弱相对贫困程度仍呈稳健下降趋势。从社会融入成本角度出发,建议未来考虑住房成本和子女养育成本,分家庭类型进一步细化弱相对贫困标准。本研究有助于进一步分类瞄准弱相对贫困人口,监测弱相对贫困程度演变并综合评估减贫效应。  相似文献   

文章首先分别运用比重法、恩格尔系数法、扩展的线性支出系统法,对武汉市最低工资标准、失业保险金标准及城市居民最低生活保障标准三者之间的合理比例关系进行了研究。在比较这3种测算方法各自利弊的基础上,分别赋予其不同的权重(比重法占0.15、恩格尔系数法占0.15、扩展的线性支出系统法占0.7),得出武汉市社会保障领域3个重要标准之间的合理比例关系。作者根据该比例关系,提出优化3个标准的建议。  相似文献   

俄罗斯人口贫困化与人口危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联解体后,俄罗斯实行激进改革,经济持续6年下滑,人民生活水平急剧下降,已有1/3的人口生活在贫困线以下。经济生活的贫困,加剧了生育观念的变化,拒绝生育或减少生育的趋势增加。俄罗斯已进入世界上生育最低的十个国家的行列。贫困化加剧了人口危机,人口危机又加剧了俄罗斯的发展危机。要真正解决人口危机问题,首先要解决好经济发展问题。  相似文献   

我国城市居民最低生活保障标准实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对我国2004年调整后的城市居民最低生活保障标准与主要经济指标的相关关系进行了研究,认为在调整城市居民最低生活保障标准时应考虑的主要因素是人均消费支出、职工平均工资和最低工资标准。现行城市居民最低生活保障标准仅能满足低保户的生存需要,保障范围过于狭窄;与职工平均工资的比例相对偏低,反映了我国劳动者较大的贫富差距;与最低工资标准差距不大,不利于激励低保户的再就业。基于此,本文提出未来改进我国城市居民最低生活保障标准的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国农村最低生活保障标准研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高伟娜 《西北人口》2005,98(1):15-18
随着经济的发展,国家扶贫力度的加大,中国贫困人口分布呈现出分散分布的格局。新时期扶贫的思路转变为将农村贫困人口纳入最低生活保障制度范畴。东部沿海经济发展较好的城市已逐步在建立农村最低生活保障制度。农村最低生活保障制度的建立为缓解农村贫困提供了美好的蓝图,但有许多问题需要解决。其中,最低生活保障的标准怎么制定是一个关键问题,也是国际社会比较关注的焦点。本文拟就在新世纪提高农村扶贫标准政策下制定农村最低生活保障标准的相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

城市贫困人口问题初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
改革开放以来,中国人口出现了许多转轨过程中不可避免的新问题,城市贫困人口为其中之一。一、城市贫困人口问题应当引起重视城市贫困人口指收入低于所在城镇最低生活保障标准(贫困线)的居民,历来就是构成城镇社区的人口层次之一。随着城市改革的深入,除原有靠救济度日的社会弱者外,失业下岗职工成批出现,贫困农民工有增无减,城市贫困人口已成为社会保障制度建立的难点和社会治安综合治理的焦点问题。云南城镇居民家庭基本情况调查显示,1993年有5%的户数人均国生活费不足100元,10(V的最低收入户人均总收N及生活费为1439元和118…  相似文献   

广西农村贫富差距问题的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献研究的基础上,以农户作为分析单位,设计了广西农户经济状况的调查问卷。根据8个地市、202个农户的实证资料,运用SPSS软件:(1)描述了广西农户经济收入的状况及其构成;(2)计算了恩格尔系数和绝对贫困发生率;(3)揭示了广西农村贫富差距的事实。  相似文献   


In-work poverty is a growing problem in many developed economies. In Hong Kong, there were 200,700 working poor households in 2016, and approximately half of the total poor population in Hong Kong was living in those working poor households. A growing body of literature has examined the problem of the working poor, but most studies have used relative income as a measure of poverty. In this paper, we adopt the material deprivation approach for assessing the poverty situation of in-work poverty households in Hong Kong. We have interviewed 3565 workers in Hong Kong during a survey conduct in 2016. We compare the results of the material deprivation approach with those of the income poverty approach and evaluate the adequacy of the official income poverty line in gauging the situation of in-work poverty. Our findings reinforce existing studies indicating that deprivation offers an important complement to the income poverty line in poverty analysis. Our results show that there is a moderate overlap between workers identified as poor by the deprivation approach and by the income poverty line. And these two groups of workers have very different profiles. The results provide important policy implications for alleviating poverty among the working poor in Hong Kong.


我国农村劳动力就业的路径选择与制度支持   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李华 《人口学刊》2003,(5):53-57
农民阶层是社会地位较低表现为:农民收入明显低于其他阶层的收入;农民充分就业率低农民整体素质相对较差。橄榄型的现代社会阶层结构要求提升农民阶层社会地位。农村人力资本投资是增强农村劳动力就业竞争力,实现农村劳动力持续性就业根本性的路径选择。政府应为增加农村劳动力就业提供在人力资本投资、劳动力市场体系建设、消除对农民的歧视、社会保障制度健全等方面的制度支持。  相似文献   

城市反贫困与贫困群体的能力建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞文  唐艳玲  丁云龙 《西北人口》2011,32(2):13-17,22
我国城市贫困问题日益突出,虽然国家的反贫困斗争取得了较大成就,但贫困人口数量依然不断增加,而且有劳动能力的贫困人口新增为城市贫困的主体。其原因在于目前的反贫困在理念上重视物质、收入等方面的救济,忽视贫困群体的能力建设和精神脱贫,在反贫困主体上缺乏整合,反贫困政策不成熟等。因此,应将贫困人口视作反贫困的主体,鼓励贫困群体在精神上脱贫,激发其就业意愿,增强贫困群体的就业能力,并努力创造就业机会,以此从根本上获得城市反贫困的胜利。  相似文献   

刘林  龚新蜀  李翠锦 《西北人口》2012,33(1):104-108,114
利用2000—2009年新疆30个贫困县的面板数据,着重研究了市场化程度和政府行为对新疆贫困地区农牧民增收的影响。研究发现:市场化程度和财政支出对农牧民增收都具有明显的促进作用;市场化程度和财政支出对南疆贫困地区农牧民的增收作用要大于北疆;总体来看,市场要比政府更有效,政府应为贫困地区农牧民提供更多的权利和公平。在此基础上,提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in the quality of life of poor households in Hong Kong in the late 1990s by analyzing their levels of expenditure, income security and poverty before and after 1997. Though there have been significant increases in the levels of expenditure among CSSA recipients, the expenditure among these poorest households in Hong Kong is still below that of non-CSSA recipients. Increasing poverty in Hong Kong is the result of increasing housing costs borne by these low expenditure households, who have to squeeze their expenditure on food and other items in order to meet the rising cost of housing. De-industrialisation and mass unemployment have given capital and the state unchecked authority to restructure the economy and to deregulate the labour market. Many low-income households have been hit hard as they faced redundancy, unemployment and wage-cuts after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. What jobs have been created are mostly part-time, temporary and contract jobs, and there has thus been an erosion in both job and income security. The quality of life of poor households is devastating not only in the sense that their living standards are low, but also that they are socially excluded from the mainstream of society.  相似文献   

Meeting the Millennium Development Goals will necessarily require a heavy focus on rural areas, where most of the world’s poor are to be found. More specifically, policy will need to raise the productivity of this group, which includes farmers, wage labourers and those suffering from disease and malnutrition. Yet, at present, no index exists which can assess countries on the basis of technological indicators that bear heavily on the productivity of the rural poor. A wide variety of unresolved problems notwithstanding, this paper constitutes the first attempt to construct an index that is designed specifically to assist those who are concerned with rural-specific policies towards meeting the MDGs.  相似文献   

This paper discusses households’ food insecurity among low income, poor urban households in and around the City of Tshwane, South Africa’s capital city. Using systematic random sampling with sampling interval of three, primary data were collected from 900 selected households, though only data from 827 households were analyzed following a rigorous coherence tests. The survey was conducted in Attridgeville, Soshanguve, and Tembisa. In the process, the study employed the use of two-way analyses of variance to explain differences between actual and expected household food security perceptions and those of severe, moderate and mild food insecurity. A favourable (adverse) variance could be interpreted to imply that means for achieving household food security are lower (higher) than predicted or that food security is higher (lower) than expected given the same level of main determinants. The observed variance is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation. ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups experiencing favourable (adverse) variances are equal. The main findings are that variances in the population means of households’ experiences of food insecurity vary by income class of the head of household, engagement in formal or informal income sources and by categories of social grants received. Poorer households that depend largely on cash income for food purchases experience highest food security variances and those receiving state pension. As such, timely receipt of household income under conditions of unimpeded access to social grants will improve urban poor households’ food security. The level of educational attainment has a very strong impact on a household’s food security. Those with “no schooling” have the lowest level of food security. Experiencing high variances in access to child grants, and low incomes, younger female household heads experience the highest degree of variances in food security and should be particularly targeted in an effective food security policy plan. Negative food security variance among these categories of South Africans could be devastating.  相似文献   

中国老年贫困人口特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用中国老龄科研中心于2000年12月组织的“中国城乡老年人口一次性抽样调查”的原始数据,在得到中国老年贫困人口规模估计的基础上,将总体规模按照老年人的人口、社会、经济、健康等多种特征,对老年贫困问题进行描述分析。通过分析发现:在中国的老年人口中,女性贫困人口大大多于男性;高龄老年人的贫困比例高于低龄老人贫困的比例。受教育程度低的老年人,遭受贫困的风险明显高于受教育程度高的老年人;农村老年人贫困的比例高于城市老年人贫困的比例。  相似文献   

This paper clarifies the social and economic effects of employment in the informal sector on the poor in Russia in recent years. The article describes the extent to which the figures for informal sector at large and unofficial employment in particular vary in different estimates and the effect they have on the average labor income of the poor. The major impact of the research consists of the development of a universal method for the estimation of the scales of labor income of the poor in the informal sector. Using the latest available data from Russian Federal State Statistics Service, this indicator is calculated for the poor and than compared with average wages in the formal sector and the subsistence minimum (official poverty line). The study concludes that the informal sector is a factor of social stability in a postsocialist transition economy, which, however, cannot alleviate poverty.  相似文献   

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